Diaspora in UK

Attendance at all activities in this final trimester tends to decrease and all the more so with Ramadan. Please pray that women and students who are spiritually open will come to the various activities.
The Mother/Toddler English class has recently moved locations. Please pray that the ladies will come to this new location that is a bit further away.
Praise that an international university student will be baptized this month

Diaspora in Brazil

Praise God for the Passo Fundo team of 10 from 8 churches. Pray for God ordained conversations with the Diaspora in Brazil. Pray for open and receptive hearts to hear the Gospel message and to break down barriers that keep Diaspora people from choosing the Truth.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for the upcoming trips to J and M’s farm this summer. We have lots of Muslim friends who are excited to come. Please pray for a good team of volunteers to help out and build intentional relationships with those who come.

Diaspora in USA

Praise for the many opportunities M and I have had recently to share the gospel with several International Students. Pray the seeds will grow and produce much fruit. Several of our students will be graduating in May and returning to their home countries.

Diaspora in Detroit

Please pray for opportunities during Ramadan to share about the Kingdom of God.
Pray for the preparation and recruitment for teams for the summer and beyond.
On June 1, we will train our teams to better equip them to share the Gospel. Pray for proper preparation and good response from teams.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for an Egyptian girl we have been working with named M. Her mom came to Christ but they had been separated ever since M was 4 years old due to an abusive father. She has also been baptized but doesn’t seem to really know Christ yet and is dealing with a lot of psychological effects from past trauma. She is currently homeless and we are looking for a Christian family who is willing to take her in and provide daily structure, accountability, discipleship and life mentoring through her issues.

Diaspora in Florida

We have visits to mosques planned with several groups during Ramadan. Pray for good connections and witness.
Pray for FM, an elderly Muslim man, that we had a significant conversation with about who Jesus is.

Diaspora in USA

Pray for the unreached Somali communities across the USA. There are an estimated 60,000 Somali people living in the Seattle – Tacoma, WA area. This is the second largest community in the US. There is a small group who are focused on outreach to the Somali people. Pray for continued conversations about partnership to reach the Somali’s of Seattle.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray for Muslim leaders to be willing to meet with us and for us to be able to speak spiritual truths into their lives.

Diaspora in Portland

Another like-minded refugee ministry in Portland asked if I would story at their Easter celebration on Good Friday. So I again did the story of the “Thief on the Cross.” A group of maybe 60 refugees from Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Jordan, Afghanistan, etc. listened in complete silence as I storied from Luke 23. Surprisingly, in the discussion time after, they did not seem to push back on the truth of Jesus’ crucifixion, but interacted well. I had several Luke/Acts Arabic-English booklets, and they all disappeared. A Palestinian man told me he would read the whole thing! The director of the ESL program said they would follow up the story with discussion in their classes the next week.
So we were thankful for the opportunities to sow the seed of God’s Word in cooperation with others who are modeling God’s love and truth to our immigrant friends! – RH

Diaspora in Canada

• Pray for our Thursday evening barber shop and men’s club visits – warmly received most of the time, hotly occasionally. Pray for open hearts and souls.
• Please pray specifically for I who is a Som. Christian spiraling ever deeper into addictions, that God would grab him and deliver him.
• Pray for N who was close to confessing Jesus, but has since backed away. Pray for her to come to really know Jesus.
• Pray again for F family whose Som M dad wants to take his kids to Africa against their will. Their mother who died was a Christian, and the kids do not want to go back.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

• We were told that there is a new MBB in our little town. Praise the Lord with us for this. Pray he would grow strong in the Lord and be a courageous witness.

• Recently on a trip to France, I had the privilege to meet up with a Som. MBB who came to know the Lord there. I was able to get him into a local fellowship and gave him a Bible. His excitement for God’s Word and fellowship with other believers was so refreshing. Pray for this brother that his papers would come through and as he learns French he would settle as a strong witness for the Lord.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Pray for Y, an Algerian gentleman who has been meeting with various team members and who is open to learning about following Jesus. May God grant him faith!

Please continue to pray for our ESL ministry and that there would be clear chances for our students to hear and respond to the gospel.

Diaspora in Minnesota

Pray that our Somali friends would have questions, that they would question Islam and become curious about Christianity.
Pray for our son, H, who’s building strong friendships with several Somali boys at school. H has brought them home for meals. One friend has been asking questions about H’s faith, prayer, and messages in his Christian music. Pray that God will draw him to Himself.
Pray for L&G’s relationship with A’s family, who have suffered severe trials and a tragic death in the family. They have been able to walk with them through the crisis- offering God’s love and Word, support, and practical help.

Diaspora in Canada

Please pray for the ESL Easter lessons to clearly communicate Jesus today through Wednesday. Two are being held in a public school settings with a Somali audience and another one is being held in a church, mainly an agnostic Chinese audience.
Pray also for SF meeting with I., his aunt, and the public housing management. Unfortunately I. received an eviction notice this week. Please pray that God will get his attention, and that he will be delivered from his addiction and become the ambassador of Jesus he claims he wants to be.
Lastly please pray for connections with the local mosque. A local church is exploring a connection with them via dialogue and SF is approaching the mosque leadership this week when he goes to visit Friday for the afternoon prayer time. Pray for an open door to share our Good Friday Good News with the leadership there.

Diaspora in Portland

• Please pray for meaningful spiritual conversations with diaspora neighbors and students at P House.
• With Easter this month pray for opportunities to share why this is our most important celebration of the year.

Diaspora in USA

Praise: The International Student dinner on March 22 went well with a simple presentation of the gospel as we told about St Patrick. Also a good time learning Celtic folk dances! Pray for seeds to continue to germinate.
April 5 – 7 We took several International Students to Yosemite. Please pray for the good spiritual conversations to be remembered. There was lots of time to openly share our faith with these young people.

Diaspora in Detroit

As we get settled in Detroit, we want to start meeting other families. Pray for open doors and open hearts in meeting families among the diaspora community. Ask Jesus to use us to glorify His name. Also pray I can find a job working along side our cousins (Muslims). Pray the Lord will go before us and prepare many hearts to hear the gospel.

Diaspora in Portland

This Sunday evening, RH will story the thief on the cross for the international prayer gathering in Salem. Pray for the Lord to strongly work through him and speak to all who are gathered.
Pray for wisdom how to observe Resurrection Day with our Ms friends. Ask Jesus to draw many to meet together and hear the glorious story!

Diaspora in UK

LS is involved in a weekly home work club for children from migrant families, which meets every Thursday. Pray for openness in these families today to hear the gospel message. There is an urgent need for at least one more person in the local area to join the team to make it viable in the long term.
We would appreciate prayers for the presentations on Easter in the next 2 weeks at all 4 international groups among whom we serve here in Cardiff.

Diaspora in France

Pray for a vacation kid’s club today at the center where I’ve been involved with homework club. Pray for many children (islanders, other M country children) to come with hearts ready to hear truth.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Please pray for the continuation of a biblical video series with the K. family. Through chaos and sometimes inconsistency, please ask that the Lord’s words would be getting through, and also for more chances to continue to influence mutual friends who have also come!
Please also pray for opportunities to start a bible study with an Algerian seeker. Praise God for his openness. Please continue to lift up our work with ESL, and ask that it would lead to fruitful chances to share the gospel message.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for the Diaspora relationships in R & E’s apartment compound and for reconnecting with friends at the language center after a long absence. Please pray that these relationships will become deeper with spiritual conversations. That every opportunity to proclaim the Gospel would be taken advantage of and that the Lord would grant faith to these dear ones.

Diaspora in France

Pray for open hearts and wisdom in directing conversations  to share the truth from a different perspective and that islanders and North Africans would clearly understand.
Pray for opportunities to share clearly when going “fishing”, that these interactions would be times of speaking spiritual truths and proclamation of the Gospel.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray for Orlando churches who have received training in Muslim outreach so that they will be intentional about using the training.
Pray for the women’s sewing class and opportunities to visit women’s homes. Pray that the women would be receptive to spiritual conversations.

Diaspora in Detroit

Tomorrow March 23rd we are hosting a tea for Moms. Pray we can clearly share love and proclaim the good news. Pray these Moms would receive our love and the love of the Savior!

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Please pray as we consider a cultural exchange “homestay” involving cousin families in our area and a church in the suburbs, planned loosely for July. Pray for TH as he meets with M, initially for cultural exchange and discussion, but hopefully also for spiritual discussions. Pray also for their family to find good ways to connect with a Moroccan family.

Two team members are starting new jobs in the next several weeks. Praise God for this, and please ask for them to both find chances to share with non-believers through their jobs.

Diaspora in France

Praise for new contact made on the street with K, a Moroccan lady who invited me and my colleague for a meal and further visits. During the visits some written portions of the word have been given and discussed, but the conversation tends to be more with her husband, since she doesn’t read well in Arabic or know French well. Pray for wisdom and clarity of communication in further connections.

Diaspora in Canada

Please pray for a Christian family trying to keep the Muslim father of their grandchildren, several of whom are disabled, from taking the kids back to a Somali region of Kenya. There will be very poor care available for them in Kenya. None of the five kids wish to accompany him. Please pray for wisdom regarding legal proceedings.

Diaspora in Minnesota

Praise for a new family that began tutoring this week and had a good connection with their Somali family. May the Lord do His work in this family! Please continue to pray for the rest of the tutors to be a light among the darkness and to have opportunities to boldly proclaim the gospel with clarity. Ask the Lord to go before them and open many hearts to hear and believe the Gospel.

Diaspora in USA

Let’s pray this week for the unreached Somali communities across the USA and beyond. There have been people working and persevering for years among them. Let’s pray boldly and expectantly for a movement of God’s Spirit among them. Pray that our Diaspora workers and their partners will be strengthened and renewed for the task. Pray for new Diaspora members and partnerships to work among the Somalis.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Pray that a family picnic, which took place on Sunday March 3, would have lasting effects. Pray for church partners and Somali families that attended. Pray that bridges of trust and relationship would continue to be built.

Islanders in Europe

Pray for the distribution of both French and local language calendars. Ask that islanders would read them and that they would lead to fruitful conversations, discussions, and searching!

Diaspora in Wisconsin

We would appreciate prayers for the February 24th indoor family get-together we are planning with the various WELL volunteers’ families with their Som. contacts’ families. We had one like this as a picnic in the park last September which brought together about 100 people, about half of each groups. We are praying that our contacts come and we can enjoy a pleasant time together, and that deeper friendships and good conversations would come from it. We long to see our friends know Jesus.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Pray for the Somali community in Barron, WI. Ask the Lord to open the hearts of many and bring seekers of truth to our WELL ministry center. May many find Christ!

Diaspora in USA

It has been such a joy to spend time with precious West African ladies each week in Memphis. Please pray that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of these ladies and their families, drawing them to Himself.

Diaspora in Portland

We praise God for amazing Christmas get- togethers with friends from Libya, Iraq, Saudi, and Iran. Please pray for God to work in their hearts as we continue to engage these dear people with the Good News. May they be recalling the conversations and asking deeper questions that will draw them to our Lord.

Diaspora in Detroit

We hosted 2 Christmas events, one for Arabic refugees and another for Swahili refugees. Pray for these efforts to foster a sense of family and community between the refugees and our church volunteers to bear much fruit. Pray for interest in other events.

Diaspora in Florida

• Praise for the December Christmas party organized by an Muslim friend. We were able to clearly share the Good News. Pray that the seeds planted would bear fruit.
• Pray for a proposed get together with 10 East African Muslims and others from our community. Pray for unity and clarity for this get together.

Diaspora in Portland

• Praise God for great times of talking about our faith with a Saudi neighbor and his daughter. Our granddaughter got to share the Gospel and her testimony with the 28 year old daughter. Pray for the Saudi family as they moved after Christmas. Pray they will keep searching and reading the Scriptures.