Please pray we would be bold as we share God’s Word to the International Students we meet with each week. Pray that their hearts would be soften and that seeds be planted deeply and to take root. We are seeking for those students that the Lord has been speaking to already as well.
Diaspora in USA
Many churches will be starting ESL classes again this month. Pray that there will be people from African UPGs who attend. Please pray that our Lord leads us to people whose hearts are receptive to the Gospel News, people who are hungry for the truth, people to whom the Lord has been speaking.
Diaspora in USA
Praise for the camping trip in August with international students. Logistically everything went fairly smoothly and we were kept physically safe from the daily bear encounters but more importantly the name of Jesus was proclaimed. Pray for eternal fruit. Pray people will ponder the spiritual conversations.
Diaspora in Wisconsin
We are planning for the family picnic on September 22. Pray that our Somali friends would find time to attend and that our volunteers would be able to build good relationships leading to sharing the truth.
We are also hoping to get the youth who went on vision trip to the UK in July to have a time of connecting with the Somali youth and discuss faith. Pray that this will happen.
Diaspora in Portland
Pray that Gospel truth which has been planted in the minds and hearts of our Muslim neighbors would grow deep roots.
Two of our students are returning to their home countries. Please pray that God will continue to work in their hearts, bringing to mind what they have learned about Him and even bring other Christians into their lives.
As we prepare for a new school year please pray for a good group of volunteers that have a heart to share God’s love.
Diaspora in UK
Praise God for ongoing fruit from DREAM Teams. Reports are coming that more people whom we befriended are choosing Jesus. Please pray for ongoing follow up from our 4 DREAM Teams. Pray especially for the new believers to be grounded in the Word and to receive discipleship through our partners.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
Please pray for al Massira video series happening again. Pray for good attendance and lively discussion! Also pray for my Bible discussion with a Muslim friend turned agnostic. And pray for good follow-up with our Algerian friends.
Diaspora in Canada
Thank you for your prayers for this summer’s four MAC Camps. We had nearly 50 mostly African kids in each! Our day camp for 5-10 year old North Africans, had 25 campers…and a parents’ BBQ!
Finally, Camp Rhino in the last week of August had 12 mostly Syrian kids. Our counselors were in awe at the trauma some of their campers have lived through. Four kids had lost their fathers in the war, 2 saw it happen. One little girl from Damascus went for a canoe ride with JB and sighed under her breath, “Am I dreaming? This is the best day of my life!”
Now for the follow up!! Please pray for the seeds of the gospel to take root.
Diaspora in Florida
Pray for Muslim ladies to come to JM’s sewing and cooking group “Sara’s Daughters”. A good group of ladies were coming but in the last 3 weeks, no one has showed up. Pray for wisdom and insight.
Diaspora in Portland
Please pray for our last farm trip coming up this Saturday that deep relationships will be formed and spiritual interest will be generated.
Please pray for wisdom as MC has been invited to go to Cairo with an Egyptian friend. This would be an amazing opportunity to be salt and light in his life. He is asking really good questions.
Diaspora in Minnesota
Pray for our son’s friend Abbas who seems to be searching and enjoys being with our family. He was offered a soccer scholarship from a Christian college but his mother will not consider it. Pray that God would work in his life and draw him to Himself.
Pray that God will lead me to a new Somali friend who is searching for Him.
Diaspora in Europe
The Alma de Africa football team has asked J. to be their goalkeeper for the upcoming season. This is the largest concentration of Africans found in Jerez, Spain and J has already had numerous Jesus conversations with several of the players. The team is also becoming quite well known throughout the country for their stand against racism. This is definitely a very public place where J. can let the light of Christ shine before the African diaspora. Ask the Lord to open many of the players’ hearts!
Diaspora in UK
Two Muslim men who S. has gotten to know at a local refugee centre have recently been talking to S. a lot about their faith. S. has been able to share the Gospel with them as he responds to what they are saying. Recently they gave S. the details of a couple of Muslim websites to look at over August when the Refugee centre is closed for summer break with a view for them talking more when the Centre re-opens in September. Please give thanks for their willingness to listen to S. responses and pray that through their discussions they may come to an understanding of who Jesus really is.
Diaspora in Detroit
Pray for the members of our church team to be bold in sharing the story of Noah this month with their families. Ask the Lord to open conversations about salvation.
Also pray for our ESL classes to come together at our church, which start in September
Continue lifting up Tammy that the truth she has heard for so long and again last week, will work in her heart and mind. Ask the Spirit to woo her to Himself, flooding her heart with the love she has seen in workers and answered prayer in her life. Lift up her daughter who still has eating problems, but doing well in school academically.
Diaspora in Portland
Continue to pray for Mr. N., an Iraqi professor returning to teach in his homeland after a doctorate here in Portland. I gave him a Bible a few days ago, and he immediately began to read it there in Starbucks. We talked about how the Bible was arranged, and he intends to start with Genesis and Exodus and then go to Matthew. He was so open; I understand his wife is also. But… they leave in a few days. Some of us will have one or two chances to briefly see him again before his family leaves. Pray that Mr. N. will grow in understanding God’s Word, and be set free to follow Jesus, along with his whole family!
Kids Camps
Pray for the kids camps starting this week in Canada and running through the month. Kids originally from North Africa, other parts of Africa, and around the world are coming to camp and will hear the gospel! Pray for open hearts, for more kids to enroll, and for safety at camp.
Diaspora in USA
Pray for the right mix of international students and Americans to go on our annual camping trip to Mammoth Lakes in August. Please pray that the Lord will be preparing and softening hearts to be receptive to the Gospel News. Pray that those who know the Good News would be ready to share the right words and speak boldly as well. We could also use another driver or two.
Diaspora in Portland
Praise we had an amazing trip to the farm beneath the snow capped mountain of Trout Lake, WA. We had over 50 people from Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Turkey and Syria. There were many new people and some that were returning friends of ours. Please pray for deepening relationships with all those who came.
Please pray for us as we embark on our summer programs at P. House that God will grant favor with all those who are coming.
Please pray for the leadership change at the mosque in our community. Please pray that the new imam will be a man of peace.
Diaspora in Florida
DM has been asked to spend time with S., a sheik friend, while S’s children & wife are away this month. Pray for opportunities to share the Injil.
JM has sewing and cooking classes that meet at Hobby Lobby and in people’s homes. But we greatly need a place of our own for this work. Pray for a property and finances. Pray for the ladies who come to class to be open to the gospel.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
Please pray for a former Muslim ESL student who is starting to read the Bible with JF. Pray the Lord will speak and he will have ears to hear.
Pray for K to develop a significant relationship with the family of a young girl she will tutor for the summer.
Diaspora in USA
Please pray the US Breakthrough prayer with us: For the glory of God and the salvation of our Muslim friends, Lord raise up 10 new team members, 20 new long-term church partnerships, and 30 new Bible study groups.
Diaspora in Brazil
Pray for the Portuguese class in Tabejara, Brazil that started with 17 students from Senegal. This was an answer to prayer because we were hoping for at least 5 or 6 students and we thought holding the class in a church building would be off-putting. However God has been good to us and He hears our prayers. Pray these Senegalese students would be open to hear and respond to the gospel!
Pray for the DR workers in Brazil and opportunities to mobilize churches to reach Diaspora.
Diaspora in Detroit
Please pray our team would be sowing regularly, boldly and broadly. AH has challenged the church based teams to share a Discovery Bible Study style story each month. Please pray that we would find out whose hearts God is stirring through this exposure to the Word.
Please pray for our summer Kids Camp happening July 16th-19th and our BBQ happening on July 21st. May many seeds be sown using Any 3, and those newly exposed to the ministry would desire to regularly visit with a new immigrant friend.
Diaspora in France
Praise for 8 children who came to the last kids club. Next one will be July 15 (last one until the fall)…pray that the kids will come even though school is finished and they have no contact with the center during the summer.
Pray for diligence and God-ordained connections with previous contacts as well as new ones during the summer months.
Diaspora in UK
Following Ramadan, the ladies have returned once again to the Sewing group, Mums and Toddlers as well as the Ladies English classes.
We thank God for the privilege of witnessing the baptism of an international student this past month.
Prayer requests:
God would prepare hearts to receive the Gospel that will be presented during the end of term parties (International Student ministry, Sewing Group and Ladies English classes).
Diaspora in Portland
P. House summer classes are going well. Please pray for more students and volunteers to attend during our last two weeks of class and for meaningful spiritual conversations.
Our team has fervently prayed and tried to help a demon-possessed African gal who is immersed in a folk Islamic community here. Pray that our team will pray, speak, and act in such a way that this gal and her people will long for complete deliverance from King Jesus.
My Kurdish friend, Mr. “A”, was eager for extra English tutoring, so we settled on going through Easy English Matthew. Then his wife also wanted to be a part. We had great discussions! They suddenly returned to Kurdistan to be with a sick parent until the end of August. Pray that their interest in God’s Word won’t fade away!
Diaspora in Wisconsin
Pray for our soccer tournament outreach and family picnic both on July 6. Pray that we will intentionally make friendships that will lead into sharing the hope we have in Christ. Ask the Lord to open many hearts.
Diaspora in Europe
Please pray for the DREAM Teams in Jerez and Belgium as they complete on the 5th July and the Catania and Malta teams through the 12th. Pray for the many refugees, migrants and locals who have heard the Gospel. Pray for the new young Saharawi believer “Sarah” who accepted Jesus on the 23rd. Pray for follow up and discipleship
Diaspora in Canada
Praise for warm welcomes and enthusiastic discussions between local pastors and our Somali Cousins at a couple of local men’s hangouts.
Praise also for continued good relationships with tutoring and ESL students. Pray for open hearts and people of peace to be found in our community.
Please pray for some fellow torch bearers and light spreaders to join us.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
The DR team in Philadelphia is trying to develop relationships with several Algerians. One couple was contacted through the ESL program. They have expressed interest in spending time in the Word. Pray that they will commit to a meeting. There are two Algerian believers who are attending church and involved in Bible study. Pray that they would stay committed, grow in faith and engage with other Algerians who are not Christian. Pray for opportunities to meet and study the Bible with Y, a seeker.
Diaspora in UK
Pray for new possibilities for teams in France (Paris and La Rochelle)
Pray for new believers in Jerez to grow and be discipled.
Pray for the Refugees trained in Kingdom Business with Tharsis Betel through Elevate to be able to put into practice what they’ve learned.
Diaspora in Portland
Pray for “Mr. A”—a Middle Eastern student in my ESL class. We have gardened, practiced English, gone for dental care, drunk tea together, and talked of Jesus. He is disillusioned with his birth religion, and seems open to talk of alternatives.
Diaspora in Wisconsin
Thank the Lord for continued sharing of the truth with our neighbors here.
We continue praying that more workers would respond to join the work in showing His love to our neighbors.
Pray for one of the workers who seems to have developed a trust friendship with A. Pray that A’s heart of stone would be softened to the Truth.
Diaspora in UK
Please pray for my relationship with two local African families, both are Muslim. Various unavoidable circumstances have meant that we have been out of contact with each other recently. Please pray that friendships can be rekindled and start to grow again.
Diaspora in Minnesota
You can please pray that God would lead me to a new Somali friend who is searching for TRUTH, as I look for another family to work with this fall, in addition to A. and her family. Pray for someone with a soft heart to be willing to hear the Truth and would let the Truth replace the deceptive bondage she is in.
Diaspora in Canada
Praise for many opportunities during Ramadan to engage our friends in their homes here.
Prayer –” Lord, please send many volunteers who are committed to ongoing relationships with local Muslim people, who have requested help with English, citizenship studies, and homework.” Opportunities abound, volunteers are needed.
Please pray for Somali Christians as they face loneliness, depression and a lot of pressure to revert to Islam by their Muslim relatives. Some also wrestle with addictions, and other temptations. Pray that their witness would be evident and strong in word and in deed, and that they wouldn’t give up.
Pray also for our Somali friend Naomi (pseudonym) to grab hold of Jesus’ death and resurrection in her life, and not to be afraid to stand up for Jesus.
Diaspora in Portland
As the school year comes to a close and we head right in to summer activities, please pray for meaningful spiritual conversations with diaspora neighbors and students at PH.
On May 31st we had an all night prayer meeting during the night of power of Ramadan. Please pray that God will work in a mighty way in the hearts of individuals in this community.
Diaspora in France
Pray for lasting work of the truths of the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector that I will be sharing with Tammy, a former neighbor, and other islanders in the next couple of weeks.
Diaspora in Detroit
Pray for upcoming outreach events. Our team will be involved in several outreach events this summer including a kid’s camp and a picnic. Pray for good attendance and soften hearts that would be receptive to the Gospel. (June 9 English Club; July 15-19 Kids Camp; July 21 picnic)
Please pray for boldness for us and our church teammates Eph 6:18b-20
Pray that the training was received well by our church member and Bible studies would begin soon.