Diaspora in USA

Pray for Mo, one of the ESL students in Noel, MO. Pray that our opportunities to visit will continue and that we can share about Jesus. He drove 50 miles to/from to visit with us and desires to do it again! May we be a sweet aroma and proclaimers of the Gospel news.
Pray for people to join the DR US Unit to strengthen and expand our work across the US.
Pray for God to raise up people to work among Somalis in Twin Cities, MN. There are great opportunities to partner with others.

Diaspora in UK

Praise for spiritual seeds sown through conversations at Friday night International Student Globe Café.
Pray for open hearts to hear and accept Message of Christmas story presentations at each ministry activity (Sewing, English classes, international students). Pray for the blessing of tender hearts to hear and accept the Gospel message.
Pray for provision of Christian volunteers with secondary school immigrant area homework clubs.
Pray for spiritual harvest from the seeds sown.

Diaspora in France

Pray that the truth of Christmas presented clearly at the kids club Christmas party on the 11th and the team outreach the 14th would be received and believed.
Praise for renewed contact with some of my island friends; pray for clear opportunities to share again the hope of Christmas and the Spirit to open hearts to Himself.

Diaspora in Europe

Pray for Pedro’s short-term outreach trips into Morocco. He and David are there now. They just reported that one person in a new region received Christ today.
Pray for the finances needed for two building projects here in Jerez. This week papers are being signed to purchase a building in the town center that would become a center for all of the refugee ministries through Tharsis Betel. Ask the Lord to bless this ministry.

Pray also for the new people of peace identified in Strasbourg, Antwerp, Turnhout and Marseille to begin Discovery Bible Studies.


Diaspora in USA

Pray for the International student ministry at CSUN to connect with more international students and for gospel conversations.
Please pray also for all the other international students from all over the Diaspora Region who have heard the gospel the past few months, that they would yearn to know Jesus as their Savior.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for the December 1, 8, 15, 22 “Storying” of God’s Story of coming to earth at Salem’s International Prayer Gathering. For these 4 weeks, RH teams up with a young man from Sudan (Arabic), and a gal from Rwanda (Swahili) to share God’s gift of Jesus for the “nations”.
Pray for those who come to the Salem prayer gathering who do not have a personal faith in Jesus the Messiah. Pray that we will share clearly and that those who hear will find life.

Diaspora in Europe

Could you pray for follow- up with 9 teenagers here in Malta who have made a decision to follow Jesus! and for their baptisms? Also please pray for the right people to do the renovation on our ministry center we will be using here in Malta. We want to have a place where diaspora peoples can feel welcomed.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel during Christmas. Pray for clarity and a deeper understanding of the story of Jesus, His death & His ressurection to defeat death. Many only know tidbits of information, but not the story of who Jesus really is and why He came down to earth. Pray for many to want to hear the whole story!

Diaspora in USA

The Lord has connected me with two ladies who would like to facilitate a trauma healing group in Noel, MO. Please pray for the collaboration and preparation for this group and that that our Father will bring together exactly those who need to find hope and healing through His Son.
I have begun to meet and get to know some of the members of the African community and other diaspora communities through the ESL program in town. I would love to have some ladies come to the apartment. Would you pray that they would be interested in meeting and talking outside of class and that our schedules will allow for this to happen.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

The visit of the team from NW Ohio went very well and they were a blessing to our team here. They were able to share the good news on an individual basis with our neighbors. Pray for those seeds to find good soil and sprout!
Praise the Lord for the ESL classes and tutoring that continue to provide opportunities to share the good news. May many believe in the One who was sent!

Diaspora in Canada

Please pray for open hearts for our Muslim friends and loving bold gentleness in our connections with them. Please pray for wisdom to know how and if to navigate through partnerships with the city and Somalis.

Diaspora in Detroit

Tomorrow, December 7, we have invited around 25 Arab families to join us, and many volunteers from area churches are working hard to prepare for a really great afternoon. Please pray that the invited families will be able to come and hear the Good News of Christmas and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship with believers. Details are still coming together for the various kids programs for this event and many volunteers are still needed to accommodate all the children we are expecting. Please pray that the Lord will provide and that He will meet with us and reveal Himself to these families.

Diaspora in Canada

Praise: We had a great first Al Massira study with R&F, an Algerian couple that
moved to Montreal a year ago. He gave his life to Christ in Algeria but she has been too afraid
(of family and relatives) to look into Christianity. She really enjoyed the introductory study last
night. Their son (S.) goes to our monthly gym afternoons.
Praise: God is blessing on our ESL and kids programs- adults are mingling with Christians and God is bringing up good gospel opportunities. Muslim parents are willingly sending their kids to learn English AND the Bible.
Pray for wisdom as we plan our Christmas event for our ESL students and for deepening
relationships with the kids and their families at our kids sports drop-in.

Diaspora in UK

Leicester is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the UK and recently it became the first
city in the UK other than London where the ethnic minority population is thought to have
passed the 50 % threshold. Among the ethnic mix in the city are large groups from North Africa
and the Horn. Our organization has been approached by a church situated on the edge of an
Estate where around 3,000 Somali people are living, asking for assistance as they seek to reach out to their neighbors. Please pray that God will raise up workers for this ripe Harvest field. Ask God to go before and prepare many open hearts.

Diaspora in Canada

Pray that God would call many students from our ESL classes, that they would have a deepening interest in Jesus and Christianity. Please pray that many would sign up for a discovery Bible Study early in the new year.

Diaspora in Portland

Praise the Lord for a safe trip and return from Egypt for MC. He was able to help and connect
on a deeper level with an Egyptian Muslim family that they have been reaching out to in
Portland. Please pray that God opens up the hearts of our dear Egyptian friends to the truth of
the Gospel.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for our teams in Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. Pray God will lead seeking Africans to them and that they will be willing to join a discovery Bible study.

Diaspora in France

Praise for a recent reconnection with some island friends whom I hasn’t talked with for
some time. Pray for wisdom and open hearts to hear truth as I visit again.
Praise…we have four new sisters and one brother in the islands and are encouraged to hear of
God’s work in hearts. Pray for God to break down the walls in the hearts and minds that
prevent islanders here to consider and embrace the Truth.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Pray that someone in the church community would offer to help a student nurse from the
Diaspora community who needs help with her English conversation. Ask God to open her heart to Him.
Nov. 17 a team from NW Ohio will come to our town to do prayer walking, tea shop ministry, etc to
engage with the diaspora community. Pray for those who are coming to have hearts filled with
the Spirit and pray for the diaspora community as they meet people from this team to have open hearts to listen to their witness.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Pray for our international Thanksgiving Dinner on November 12th. We will share the Gospel to a
crowd of 200 ESL students and families. Pray for ears that hear and hearts to believe!
We are sharing the love of Christ with Algerian and Sudanese friends as we visit folks in their homes. Pray for God to draw these friends to Himself. And pray for an Algerian woman who wants to compare the Word with the Quran with CF.

Diaspora in Florida

It’s the celebration we’ve been waiting and praying for: the first wedding between Kutchi believers. DM left Nov 3 for India to join this time of joy. This is the new generation of believers coming up. Then, after the wedding, DM will teach our group of 60 field workers in a 2-day training.
These 2 events are reminders of the awesome things God has done among the Kutchi. When D&J investigated the land of Kutchi for the first time in December of 1998 there were no full-time workers, no house churches, no radio gospel programs, and no Scripture in the Kutchi language. Now there are all of these and much more! Praise God with us.

Diaspora in Australia and New Zealand

There are many Africans from unreached people groups who have settled in Australia and New Zealand. Praise God for the opportunities to proclaim Him in these diaspora mission fields, and for the individual Christians and churches who continue to serve among them. Ask God to raise up more who are dedicated to sharing the gospel and discipling Africa’s unreached in Australia and New Zealand.

Diaspora in Portland

We asked prayer that God would turn opposition into opportunities. Our team recently has had more opportunities than we can keep up with! Ex.— As JC’s health concerns became known, several Muslim women opened up to say they too are facing cancer or surgery—“Would you please pray?” One N. African lady asked our team ladies to take her to the hospital for thyroid surgery, stirring up a reaction by her religious community—“Why do you want Christians to take you?” But she even insisted on a Christian hospital chaplain to join JC to pray for her.

Diaspora in France

Praise for a well-attended kids club on Wed, with some island children included. Pray for the continued work of the Spirit as they hear truth from the Word. The next club will be the last Wed of October. Pray many children will come.
Continue praying for fruitful conversations with ladies on the streets as well as island friends. Pray for a desire to study the Word and seek after our Father.

Diapora in Florida

Pray for strengthened relationships with our Muslim families. Pray for trust and deep spiritual conversations.
Pray for the women’s sewing club, Sara’s Daughters, to attract more Muslim women consistently.
Pray for a place and its funding where Orlando Muslims can go to meet for Sara’s Daughters and for other activities; that it will be a welcoming place and a place of refuge.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray that God will open up the hearts and eyes of our Muslim students to hear, taste and see the Lord is good.
Please pray for JC as she interacts with a Saudi lady who has come back to Portland to have her baby. She is due anytime and is relying on JC for all her needs. Ask the Lord to open her eyes to the goodness of God.
Please pray for MC to be a witness to his Egyptian friend as he goes to help him out in Cairo during the month of October. Please pray for his safety with the recent riots. Ask God to reveal His goodness to this man and his family.

Diaspora in Canada

Continue to pray for follow up with kids from their summer camps. Please pray that the spiritual conversations would come to mind and that the Lord would continue to be working in their hearts. Pray that the parents would also be touched and find refuge in Him.

Diaspora in Brazil

Continue praying for our team in Passo Fundo as they have had many opportunities to get involved with the Senegal community. Pray for more people to join them in reaching out to this Muslim community with the Gospel.

Diaspora in USA

Please pray we would be bold as we share God’s Word to the International Students we meet with each week. Pray that their hearts would be soften and that seeds be planted deeply and to take root. We are seeking for those students that the Lord has been speaking to already as well.

Diaspora in USA

Many churches will be starting ESL classes again this month.  Pray that there will be people from African UPGs who attend. Please pray that our Lord leads us to people whose hearts are receptive to the Gospel News, people who are hungry for the truth, people to whom the Lord has been speaking.

Diaspora in USA

Praise for the camping trip in August with international students. Logistically everything went fairly smoothly and we were kept physically safe from the daily bear encounters but more importantly the name of Jesus was proclaimed. Pray for eternal fruit. Pray people will ponder the spiritual conversations.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

We are planning for the family picnic on September 22. Pray that our Somali friends would find time to attend and that our volunteers would be able to build good relationships leading to sharing the truth.
We are also hoping to get the youth who went on vision trip to the UK in July to have a time of connecting with the Somali youth and discuss faith. Pray that this will happen.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray that Gospel truth which has been planted in the minds and hearts of our Muslim neighbors would grow deep roots.
Two of our students are returning to their home countries. Please pray that God will continue to work in their hearts, bringing to mind what they have learned about Him and even bring other Christians into their lives.
As we prepare for a new school year please pray for a good group of volunteers that have a heart to share God’s love.

Diaspora in UK

Praise God for ongoing fruit from DREAM Teams. Reports are coming that more people whom we befriended are choosing Jesus. Please pray for ongoing follow up from our 4 DREAM Teams. Pray especially for the new believers to be grounded in the Word and to receive discipleship through our partners.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Please pray for al Massira video series happening again. Pray for good attendance and lively discussion! Also pray for my Bible discussion with a Muslim friend turned agnostic. And pray for good follow-up with our Algerian friends.

Diaspora in Canada

Thank you for your prayers for this summer’s four MAC Camps. We had nearly 50 mostly African kids in each! Our day camp for 5-10 year old North Africans, had 25 campers…and a parents’ BBQ!
Finally, Camp Rhino in the last week of August had 12 mostly Syrian kids. Our counselors were in awe at the trauma some of their campers have lived through. Four kids had lost their fathers in the war, 2 saw it happen. One little girl from Damascus went for a canoe ride with JB and sighed under her breath, “Am I dreaming? This is the best day of my life!”
Now for the follow up!! Please pray for the seeds of the gospel to take root.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray for Muslim ladies to come to JM’s sewing and cooking group “Sara’s Daughters”. A good group of ladies were coming but in the last 3 weeks, no one has showed up. Pray for wisdom and insight.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for our last farm trip coming up this Saturday that deep relationships will be formed and spiritual interest will be generated.
Please pray for wisdom as MC has been invited to go to Cairo with an Egyptian friend. This would be an amazing opportunity to be salt and light in his life. He is asking really good questions.

Diaspora in Minnesota

Pray for our son’s friend Abbas who seems to be searching and enjoys being with our family. He was offered a soccer scholarship from a Christian college but his mother will not consider it. Pray that God would work in his life and draw him to Himself.
Pray that God will lead me to a new Somali friend who is searching for Him.

Diaspora in Europe

The Alma de Africa football team has asked J. to be their goalkeeper for the upcoming season. This is the largest concentration of Africans found in Jerez, Spain and J has already had numerous Jesus conversations with several of the players. The team is also becoming quite well known throughout the country for their stand against racism. This is definitely a very public place where J. can let the light of Christ shine before the African diaspora. Ask the Lord to open many of the players’ hearts!