* We praise Jesus that 2 men are still spiritually hungry and we pray that their hunger would become devotion to the Lord Jesus and they would desire to study God’s word regularly. Matthew 4:4
* We praise Jesus for connections within His family and pray that these connections lead to seekers and followers among UPGs beginning to worship and be discipled. Acts 2:42
* We rejoice in the Lord and ask for more spiritual conversations among people who have never heard of Jesus and a deeper love for Jesus and his word among the family of God. Nehemiah 1:10
Diaspora in UK
A number of the refugees who I have been getting to know over the last few months are being relocated elsewhere in the country. Please pray that their transitions go well, particularly for one man who has been attending an Arabic speaking church in London. Pray that he will find a welcoming church when he arrives in a town two hours away from London.
Diaspora in Portland
* Pray for our Kurdish friend who received a Bible recently, that he and his family will continue to be open and that we can get to connect with them more.
* Some of our diaspora neighbor friends just moved across town, but are wanting to connect with us more, pray this relationship would grow and they would be open.
* Pray for A, a Believer of Muslim Background. He is in a tumultuous time and needs Jesus to be his true anchor.
Diaspora in Canada
Please pray for a small crew of Somali young men, all of whom have family in other countries who they are providing for and trying to protect. We invited 5 of them over on Good Friday, we did an Easter Story scavenger hunt, as well as a few other activities. Pray that they would be receptive and that the Story of Christ’s death and resurrection as well as the hope that we have in Him would touch them.
Diaspora in UK
* What looked to be a closed door last month, God has re-opened! He has provided 2 new Christian volunteers for the Homework Club in the Somali area of the city! At the request of the Community Centre director, we hope to restart this month! This is truly an amazing turn of events in response to our prayers last month. Please pray the logistics of this restart, for more volunteers, and especially for open hearts among the Somali community.
* Ask God to stir hearts during the devotional and discussion in our next online sewing time (Monday April 12th).
Diaspora in California
Easter weekend we had a picnic with International Students from California State University. Pray for 9 students who heard about Jesus’ death and resurrection. Pray for many to become followers of Jesus.
Diaspora in France
* Praise God that our French classes have been going well! I help with the beginner class, and I’m a language partner with a lady from the Horn. She came to my house for the first time last week, and I’m excited to continue developing this friendship and language help. Pray for the Lord to open her heart.
* My North African friend is eager to connect with a church friend of mine here, as their kids are about the same age. Please pray that God would forge deep friendships between the three of us, and that the kids would connect well.
* Please pray for my study via text with “Rose.” She’s convinced that the Son of Man is a prophet yet to come. Please pray that God would give me clarity to explain the truth, and that He would open her eyes to see Jesus for who He is.
* Pray for the French government as they debate in the Senate the new proposed law and its amendments regarding religious activity. The debates will be March 30-April 8.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
* S had a high fever and pain which might require admission to the hospital but she needed to go register at the Immigration Department first. She delayed and ended up with a serious infection, and stayed in the hospital for 11 days. Please pray for her recovery.
* J has been in Hong Kong for 11 years as an asylum seeker. Her status doesn’t allow her to work. She has been frustrated during Covid-19. Pray for J to find her true purpose in Jesus.
* Pray for the Lord to give wisdom and patience to four tutors helping African Migrant kids do homework. Pray the tutors will become friends and share the Gospel with them.
Diaspora in Portland
Our Easter outreach is Sunday 4-8 pm. Please pray that nothing will prevent those invited from coming and that as they hear the Easter story God will give them the faith to believe it and a desire for a personal relationship Him.
Diaspora in Florida
We have a picnic with Muslims on Saturday. Pray Muslim families will come to this event and the Lord would speak to them.
We have a meeting with local pastors on how to reach Muslims during Ramadan on April 8. Pray they will be inspired and envisioned and inspire their people in turn.
Pray for opportunities to visit in the homes of our Muslim friends during Ramadan as the mosques will be mostly closed.
Diaspora in Toronto, Canada
*The devil is working over- time to discourage our brothers and sisters from our favorite people group (Somalis). We’re experiencing a lot of division, alienation, family issues, grief, depression, addictions, and disunity. Please pray for a major revival and that our disunity may become true Christian community, eager for discipleship, growth, Christian maturity and real fellowship.
* Please pray also for deeper connection with our open or seeking Somali friends, even in the midst of our ongoing lockdown.
Diaspora in Florida
* Our bi-weekly meetings with our Imam friend, AB., has been put on hold for undetermined amount of time. Pray we can reconnect soon.
* D’s close friend, Imam Sh., also has not been available to meet in the last several weeks. Pray we can reconnect soon.
Diaspora in Portland
Please pray for a couple of children. One is a grade school Iraqi boy with a dad who is avidly reading God’s Word! Another is our “assistant” for the Ethiopian Bible Class last year, a middle school gal with a heart for God.
Pray for a friend, Abl, to come to Christ with his whole family.
We would love to see Abl’s grade school son have a chance to go to a local Christian school. (Most immigrants have no idea how the public schools wish to shape their children’s values and worldview!)
We are also checking out possibilities for Lw to attend a Christian school.
Pray for continued conversations and deep connections with a Muslim family who moved across town.
We gave a Bible to a friend/student recently, he is reading it and SW is trying to talk to him more one-on-one.
Diaspora in Washington
* We praise Jesus that 2 of the 3 men are studying God’s Word from the Bible. Father, make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. John 17:17
* We praise Jesus for a brother from Africa who is leading a Bible study for our Arabic speaking friends. Lord, thank you for sending workers to your field. Matthew 9:38
* We praise Jesus for many friends joining in with women’s evening conversation class and Saturday morning mommy-and-me time. Lord, keep us declaring your glory and your marvelous works among our friends. Psalm 96:3
Diaspora in Portland
My precious neighbor and friend moved with her family back to Libya this week. Pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of her, her husband and children and that the seeds planted will grow and that God will bring other followers of Jesus into their lives.
Diaspora in Rochester, MI
* Pray for Mr. A. He and I have been having some great gospel conversations. Pray that Jesus will draw him in.
* Pray that I can connect with more volunteers from churches. We want to have more people connect with refugees.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
Pray for the Arabic church in South Jersey to grow strong in faith and witness.
Pray for hospitality ministry and weekly meetings with Algerian and Moroccan Berber friends. Pray for seeds of the Gospel to take root in fertile soil.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
* S’s friend B died last month and she is seeking for the meaning of life. I visited S and talked about death and the future. Pray for the relationship to continue to develop and the Spirit to open her heart to commit her life to JC.
* Last week, two churches explored whether they will engage with diaspora ministry among African M. Pray for more churches to serve among unreached people in this area.
* Pray for my two Pakistani friends: H has arrhythmia and has to wait for the examination and operation, but recently her problem has gotten serious. Please pray for God’s guidance and healing. S’s husband got a mental illness after coming back from hajj a few years ago. He always beats his wife and refuses to see the doctor. Please pray for God’s protection on this family.
Diaspora in France
* Praise God, we’ve been able to restart French classes and homework help. We currently have 15-20 students from 6 countries in the French classes, and we’ve matched many of them with language partners in our church. Pray for the Lord to open our students’ hearts to Truth.
* There’s news of potential new restrictions on March 6. Many of us are already struggling with the 6pm curfew. Please pray for patience and renewed creativity and focus.
* The French government has started the process to institute a law geared towards fighting radical Islam, which will affect Evangelical churches as well, with implications for missionary work in France. A government leader also highlighted the Evangelical church as a serious threat, although that statement was later withdrawn. Please pray for wisdom for both government leadership, and that the Evangelical church would grow in faith and love regardless of what happens.
Diaspora in Portland
* Please continue to pray for our friend Mr. A. He is doing much better spiritually and emotionally. His wife has agreed to give him a second chance and is willing to come to the U.S. and see how things work out. He is applying for a visa and will be returning to Algeria to help her fill out the paperwork and come to the U.S. Please pray that God will open her heart to Jesus as she is not a believer.
* Please pray that S. and M. from Somalia will come to know the Lord. They are part of our Discovery bible Study.
* Pray for health and strength and wisdom for our team as we reach out to the diaspora community.
International students
Canada is now the world’s third-leading destination for international students, with a staggering 642,000 foreign students. We thank the Lord for student outreach on many campuses, but the vast majority of young people from African and Muslim countries have never been invited into Christian homes and never heard the Gospel. Please pray for us as we look to God to expand our outreach to this wide-open field. Ask the Lord to open many hearts among these students to hear and respond to the Gospel.
Diaspora in USA
* Praise God for a few new students who have connected with the university International Student Club in California this month. Pray we would be able to meet up in person soon and introduce them to Jesus. Pray for boldness to proclaim the Gospel and that there would be receptive hearts.
Diaspora in Canada
Pray for the scores of children and family who have responded to the Gospel and have believed in the past two years. Pray they will grow deep roots, abide in Jesus, and bear much fruit!
MAC is poised to host more overnight Bible camps and day camps this summer than ever before. We have reserved camp facilities for 6 camps for African and Muslim kids. In addition we plan to have fun days for North African kids on Saturdays right through July and August. But of course all of this depends on progress bringing Covid-19 under control. As all of us in AIM pray that the Lord would re-open ministry doors, please ask God to guide our camp fundraising and preparations. Pray the Lord would make a way for many children to hear the Gospel!
Diaspora in Malta
I’m thankful that we at the church are using some of the tools we were taught on the short-term virtual mission trip. The three circles are an easy way for the teenagers to also give word and shape to their faith in Jesus. Pray for many opportunities to share with immigrants and may God grant faith to many.
During the last few weeks, I’ve woken up in the middle of the night. I just felt fear rush over me, but it’s not fears that I have; its fears that people I have worked with. Pray for God’s protection over local believers.
Diaspora in Missouri
* The medical question and answer sessions had been planned to start in January have been delayed due to logistical and timing issues as well as sickness. Please pray that we will be able to begin this month. Pray for good participation and opportunities for fruitful discussion beyond the sessions.
* We have a large number of new believers in Noel who have recently been baptized. We are planning to facilitate a Discovery Bible Study with the ladies who are able to communicate in English. Pray for these women to grow strong in their faith and share what they learn with others.
Diaspora in South Carolina
* We are still following up on our Indian neighbors and one from Liberia. With covid that is a struggle but we are praying for further opportunities. Please also pray for us to connect with a church leader who is willing to help us with a survey of this local area.
* We did have an encouraging Zoom meeting with over 30 Canadian pastors who are focusing on the largest unreached people group in Canada, the Sikhs. God is working among this group and we are encouraged to hear of stories of what He is doing.
Diaspora in Minnesota
* Pray for my friend Mr. A. We have been discussing Genesis and he is seeking truth. Pray that he will believe that Jesus is truth.
* Pray for Mr. M. He is a Somali believer and is actively trying to bring others into the fold. Pray that I can support him well.
Diaspora in Kentucky
*Praise God for opportunities to engage Somalis locally and globally. Please pray that the lost would the saved, believers built up, and healthy churches established.
* Praise God for reminders of His love and faithfulness. Asking for contacts whose hearts have been stirred up to seek the Truth.
Diaspora in Canada
* Please pray for the Somali believers in Toronto. We have a large incidence of mental and emotional distress among the local believers, as well as inter and intra family struggles.
* Please pray for a daughter of one of the families who has reverted to Islam.
* Please pray for us to regain contact with other believers who’ve cut off contact with us.
* Pray for a seeker friend who needs fellowship.
* Please pray for a desire for real Christian community and for us to be agents of that community here.
* Please pray for SF continued healing and for making phone contact with Somali contacts during the lockdown. Please pray that the number of local COVid cases and the hard lockdown here will be lifted soon.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
* With the help of a church, we were provided 20 bags of clothes to deliver to African Refugees amidst the cold weather. Praise the Lord.
* Schools are supposed to provide Zoom lessons for the students amidst Covid-19. However, it’s difficult for the African students, especially Chinese language and mathematics subjects. One student is being helped by a volunteer. Pray for their relationships to grow.
* SW hopes to have 10 volunteers to join with the same heart for reaching Muslim people and each with 10 prayer partners as well. Pray for God’s guidance.
* We started to visit two African Muslim families and each of them has four children. N’s family was quite open but not F’s family. Pray for their open hearts.
* Pray for the first meeting of our core group on Feb 18 that we can set up our goals and find creative ways to connect with African Muslim people.
Diaspora in Florida
* Ke & Da are meeting with Imam A and some mosque members every other Friday to discuss our beliefs. Last Friday A agreed to read the book of Matthew to see what it says about Isa. Ke & Da agreed to read the first 4 chapters of the Quran. Pray for God to speak to A and bring him home to Him.
* Praise God for a picnic ladies tea party JM had with her Sarah’s Daughters group and some Muslim friends in January. Pray as we try to raise funds to renovate a house to hold Sarah’s Daughters events in.
Diaspora in Portland
* Please pray for a snow day outreach planned for this Saturday, February 6, that we would have deep spiritual conversations with the ones that we invite to join us from the diaspora. Please pray for safety as well for everyone who comes.
* Please pray for wisdom and safety as we begin to have in person classes again next week. Please pray that God will provide the volunteers that we still need.
* Please pray that our team will be marked by a 1 Peter, “fervent love for one another” that draws the surrounding diaspora to Himself.
* Please pray for our Discovery Bible Study that the two Somalis would continue to come…. that God would open up their hearts and they would believe.
* Please pray for Mr. A from Algeria that he would grow in his faith and that his wife would be able to join us soon from Algeria. It was exciting to see him lead our Discovery Bible Study on Sunday.
Diaspora in France
* Praise for the opportunities to visit some Muslims in person last month. Hearts are so covered with lies. Pray for their blindness to be pierced with the light of Jesus by the power of the Spirit.
* Pray for wisdom and opportunities to share in this mask and distancing world, especially as it seems eminent that another confinement will be put in place in the near future.
* Pray for the leadership of this country especially in these next two week as decisions will be made that could greatly effect organizations and churches. Pray for believers who will be pleading for positive responses.
* Pray that the big outreach (kids club) in a needy area of the city will be able to take place in April, as the two previous dates had to be cancelled because of Covid. (This is early, but we have been preparing and praying for months!)
Diaspora in Washington
* We continue to praise Jesus! for providing many spiritual conversations among unreached people in this area and we ask him for more!! Hebrews 4:12
* We praise Jesus! that 3 men have indicated they would like to study God’s Word from the Bible with JR. Please pray God provides more opportunities to study and that all of these men would see their need for Jesus. Acts 16:30
* Please pray with us for the new women’s evening conversation class we’ll be launching this week. We hope to encourage conversation between students in different classes and foster deeper relationships with our students & volunteers. Colossians 4:6
* We praise Jesus! for his mercies that are brand new each morning and how he is pouring himself out among our friends by providing jobs, physical healing, and increased English language. Please pray with us that our friends would return thanks to Jesus and receive his salvation. Luke 17:15
New opportunities
With international travel restrictions in and out of Australia and New Zealand likely to continue for some time, ask God to raise up more Aussie and Kiwi citizens and residents to make disciples among Africa’s UPGs who are living in Australia and New Zealand.
Diaspora in Minnesota
* Praise God that we are finding creative ways to connect with some refugee friends even amidst COVID and the cold weather. We have been able to go snowboarding and ice skating.
* Pray for these relationships to continue to develop. Pray that they understand the gospel message as Jesus is normally a significant part of our discussions.
Diaspora in South Carolina
* On a recent prayer walk we were praying for a Indian family and as we passed by their house a man came out of the garage and we were able to have a long chat with him(JD) and his father(BL). There are 4 generations living in the house. We mentioned we were followers of Jesus and found out they are Hindu and attend (pre covid) a nearby Hindu Temple. We expressed interest in getting to know them better. Pray for additional opportunities.
* Then just yesterday in another part of our walk we met another Indian (we think he is Hindu) who has been here for over 15 years. Pray as we plan time to meet up with these families.
* We did give our Liberian neighbor a children’s Nativity Christmas story book to read to her three young children. Pray for them.
Diaspora in Malta
*Thankful for being able to serve here in Malta during a global pandemic and still see God moving in me and in the people around me.
* Praise to start using the 3 circles tool at our youth group so the teens can have an easy way of sharing Jesus with their friends. Pray for boldness and the Lord’s leading to open hearts.
* Praise to have been able to tell the story of Jesus’ birth to my Muslim friends. Pray the Lord will grant them faith to believe it.
Diaspora in Kentucky
* Praise God for avenues both locally and globally to connect with and minister to S people.
* Praise God for our home church and other churches in Kentucky who are reaching out.
* Pray for opportunities to reconnect with S friends after a busy holiday season.
* Pray that those reaching out to S people would be prayerful, bold, and patient.
* Pray for a healthy S church, for sound doctrine, godliness, unity, and leadership.
Diaspora in Canada
* Praise that our seeker friend N is safe and happy in the believer’s home where she is now staying.
* Please pray for students, both young and old, and their families affected by our latest lockdown. We have a province wide lockdown going on right now, and many students in our area will not be back in school except online for the next month. Please pray for us to continue to have an effective witness in those families via ZOOM, or telephone.
* We’re still allowed outside meetings – please pray that our fireside chats about Jesus will continue and grow.
* Pray for Christians from our favorite people group struggling with mental, emotional and spiritual issues right now.
* Pray for renewed contacts with two young men who were on fire for Jesus and then dropped off the map.