Pray for the Iranians, Afghans and South Americans who we are spending a lot of time with this year. Pray also for the many Africans who we are discipling either to equip them to evangelize or they are discovering Jesus for the very first time. Pray specifically for the period of transition where most of these students realize the cost of the decision they have to make. Pray that they will be bold enough to make it and pray that we as a church will be there as a strong support system.
Diaspora in Toronto, Canada
* Pray for peace and reconciliation among our Somali Christian brothers and sisters here, and for healing of the wounds of addiction and mental illness among them.
* For increased openness among our Muslim friends in our neighboring apartments, and for the time spent there in tutoring and teaching ESL to bear Gospel fruit.
* For some people committed to long term ministry to Somalis to come alongside us as we anticipate retirement.
Diaspora in Calif, USA
* Pray for salvation of 2 Buddhist families, a Sikh family and several Hindu students who have all heard the gospel in the last 6 months in various ways.
* Pray for the International Student club at CSULB to be able to start meeting again in person. California has reinstated many restrictions this month, hindering all clubs from meeting.
Diaspora in Detroit
* Praise God for the Welcome House getting going to welcome new refugee families. Pray for Brother D. as he runs this. Pray for boldness for the volunteer team as they visit. May the good news flow from them! Pray for the additional 7 volunteers we need to settle 2 Afghan families this month.
* Pray for local Arab Muslims as they come in contact with our partner church Hope Arabic Church. May racial lines fall, and the gospel be lifted up!
* As many Afghans come, the majority are still in hotels. Please pray for housing, and for a Christ-like love that will go beyond tribal lines
* Yemeni Arabs live in an isolated area guarded spiritually by the local mosques. May God make a way for the gospel to break through regularly.
Diaspora in Washington
* Afghan: Build your church God, among our Afghan brothers and sisters. Help us to listen and help connect our new friends well with your word in their language. Praise you God for the hands and hearts that have labored to translate it!
* Sudanese: We pray for growth in the number of Sudanese students we serve and an open dialogue about your truth God.
* Moroccan: We pray for the persecuted church and for those separated from loved ones because of that persecution.
* Uyghur: We pray for your protection for those who believe, and we pray for those here that they may be able to hear your word God in their heart language.
Diaspora in Minnesota
* Our UPG are Somalis. They need to have their eyes opened to the truth of the gospel. They need to be released from the fear they hold themselves in. Ask God to stretch out HIs hand and deliver them.
* We need to find innovative ways to encourage the local church to reach out among the Somalis.
Diaspora in France
* Praise for a recent reconnection with an island friend in Marseille. Pray for ‘salty’ conversations with B and others on the phone. Pray that their eyes would be open, and their hearts softened to the Gospel Truth. Pray that there will not be language barriers to understand the freedom of the Gospel versus Islam.
Diaspora in UK
* Refugees in the Croydon area are a mixture of UPG’s including people from Sudan, the Horn, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Meeting the needs of large numbers of recent arrivals needing food and clothing has led to less opportunities for relationship building. Please pray that the Christians involved in this work will find the right balance as they seek to meet peoples’ physical and Spiritual needs.
Diaspora in Portland
* M.W. is spending time with a woman from Egypt who also recently became a mom, pray that relationship would grow, and she would continue to be curious about our faith.
* S.W. is having a lot of great conversations with a Persian man who now has a Bible in his language. Pray these conversations continue and that he will see that Jesus is the only way.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
* All students of the Chinese Teaching Course passed the exam. They have the passion to serve among the Diaspora ministries although they come from different churches and companies.
* Due to social distancing measures starting from Jan 5, all the tutorial classes and Chinese classes are canceled. There will be three Chinese classes starting from Feb 7 and run by zoom. Pray that the participants can understand through zoom learning.
* I started devotional sharing with African Muslims and hope that they are willing to listen to God’s words. Please pray for “F” who refused to receive the message. Pray God to open her heart for Jesus.
* Pray for me to have wisdom to prepare the gospel and Muslim Background Believers materials for African Muslims.
Diaspora in Europe
* Praise the Lord with us for a successful Winter Retreat with International students in Nantes. We had many wonderful conversations, worship, and time in the Word with the students.
* Praise the Lord for committed students who are coming to weekly international student meetings in La Rochelle. R. & N. are encouraged by the faithful commitment many students display in regular attendance, especially one student from Algeria, who is always the first to arrive.
* Pray for the ongoing great collaboration in the Paris Ensemble that K.K. coordinates. Pray for wisdom as the leadership team organizes an impactful year of collaborative activities such as prayer mobilization, training and disciple-making until all of Paris has a viable and fruit- bearing witness.
Diaspora in Minnesota
• Many of our Somali connections have been fairly silent lately. Pray that we might reestablish those
connections or discern the cause.
• Praise God for a good connection with an Iraqi family. Pray that this might develop and become a good friendship.
Diaspora in Atlanta
* Please pray for clarity about which African UPGs we should reach out to in the Atlanta area. Pray also for local churches to participate, and also even US office staff. Pray for introductions to Africans in the area. Pray for many to come to faith in Christ and be discipled.
* Pray for enduring connections and friendships as a group of us visit a nearby mosque Feb 3 or 4.
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers and answer them, as we ask for the tools, seed and workers to be provided for this corner of our Father’s field. (John 15)
Diaspora in Washington
We praise Jesus! for a healthy in-person semester of over 100 English students this past fall. We pray that God would continue to bless us with continued health for the anticipated 150+ English students in-person in 3 locations this spring. Pray that our students will receive life from God’s Word. Psalm 119:25
• We praise Jesus! for wonderful Christmas celebrations, one of which led to a student asking for and
receiving a Bible. It appears this student has a sister who is a follower of Jesus. Please pray with us for the several scattered believers and seekers from these near-culture people groups and how God may use them as living stones. 1 Peter 2:5
• Please keep praying for “Anthony.” During December we explored “who is God?” in the book of Luke.
Praise Jesus! He even asked for another Bible in his language to share with someone. 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Diaspora in UK
Thankful for high attendance and receptivity in our sewing group as we discussed the meaning of Christmas just prior to stricter Covid restrictions being reinstated.
Thankful that God has provided opportunity in midst of a pandemic to deepen relationships with the
ladies in our classes. Through these difficulties, there has been a new spiritual openness.
Diaspora in Canada
• Please pray for my Somali friend; his mental health, protection for him against the devil’s wiles, and against clan and family pressure to revert. Please pray that he will speak and live out the truth of his hope in Christ with boldness, gentleness, and respect.
• Praise for good time of fellowship, encouragement and the Word with Christian friends and J, our “bicycle building buddy from this summer”, who is still running from Jesus.
• Pray for my friend I who calls me frequently, alternating between plans to evangelize his homeland
and to imprison me for sending out CIA contracts on his life. His relatives plan to take him back to the
homeland soon. Please pray that Jesus will heal his psychoses and that he will remember the
commitment he once made to Jesus and live accordingly.
Diaspora in Australia
Tanya in Melbourne recently contacted the AIM Australia office:
“I’m getting to know my neighbour, who is from South Sudan. She’s a new Christian and she speaks Lopit (and some English). Do you know how I can receive a Bible in the Lopit language? Tanya had tried unsuccessfully to find the Lopit scriptures.
We inquired of Marlene from NZ working among the Lopit, and overnight received and passed on a written draft and audio copy of Genesis and Exodus from Marlene and her SIL colleagues.
A day later we heard from Tanya again: “Last night, I gave my neighbour, “J”, the Lopit book of Genesis and we listened to the first few stories that we’ve done in DBS. J was ecstatic to hear the Bible in Lopit!”
• Please pray for Tanya and “J” as they study the scriptures together.
• Pray the Lopit people in Australia and South Sudan to have a hunger for God’s word.
• Pray for the SIL team and Lopit committee currently working on the New Testament. Marlene said she hopes to have trial versions to pass on within the year.
Diaspora in France
January will be the beginning of another semester. Pray for the Lord to send us new students that He is seeking.
• COVID cases are rising. We do not know how strict the measures will get. Pray for the Lord to give us creativity and adapt to the context around us.
• Pray also for a few students with whom we have started building really good friendships. Pray that they will be open to hearing the Lord’s voice
Pray for churches to develop hearts and programs to reach out to Afghani refugees. As these traumatized people come, pray they will be welcomed by Christians and the Lord would soften their hearts towards to the truth and power of the gospel to save.
Diaspora in Canada
An old friend from the Horn of Africa surprised us by showing up at our door after a seven-year absence. After some catching up, the conversation turned to the parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matt 18:21-35). Our friend heard the Gospel. Pray for her response.
Diaspora in Missouri
Pray for our friend, MH, who is from Somalia and is a truck driver. He travels long distances across the USA for his job. Pray he will hear the Gospel and meet vibrant Christians in his travels. Pray that our conversations will include Jesus and the Gospel.
Diaspora People
Diaspora people are immigrants and refugees who live in our communities. Some diaspora people come from countries and people groups who haven’t had access to the Gospel, such as Muslims. Many have experienced loss of their home culture and family and are disoriented in their new environment. Diaspora people are looking for community and support to survive in a new culture. Pray that they will meet communities of Christians and local churches who welcome them.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
Pray for Muslims who are attending Chinese language classes in Hong Kong taught by Christian teachers. Pray that their hearts would turn to Jesus through their contact with Chinese believers. Pray for more Muslims to join the Chinese classes.
Diaspora in Canada
“I” is a friend from Somalia who calls frequently. He made a commitment to follow Jesus in the past. But he struggles with mental health issues. His relatives plan to take “I” back to Somalia soon. Pray that Jesus will heal “I”‘s mind and heart and that he will remember his commitment to follow Jesus.
Diaspora in Canada
My friend ‘Ivan’ has been reading his Bible lately and is much more reasonable in conversation. Please pray that God will use what he reads to lead him to real commitment to Jesus as
Saviour AND Lord.
Praise for some good gospel conversations in the barber shop lately, and for fruitful ESL conversations
with Muslim women in our classes.
Praise for an unexpected opportunity to share the Gospel with a friend of ours we hadn’t seen for many years. Pray for further gospel interactions with this person and adult children who are very challenging.
Pray for ‘Lili’ who has a tough life with many heartaches. Please pray for her son to find work
in spite of many strikes against him. Pray for wisdom how to be a blessing to her. Pray also
for the opportunity to share our hope with her in a way she can understand.
Diaspora in Canada
Pray for open hearts for gospel conversations with my driving instruction students as we spend 2 hrs a week together.
Pray for the newcomer students I’m mentoring in a small group at Freedom International School.
Pray for our Somali friends A and S who have been struggling with families back in Africa who struggle
medically and financially. Pray that we would use this as an opportunity to share the gospel with these
young men.
Diaspora in Florida
Pray for opportunities to share with our Muslim friends where our inner peace comes from amid all the hardships of loss and grief, on so many different levels, we are going through.
Diaspora in Missouri
We’re thankful to have the opportunity to connect with our Somali friend in Noel recently. He’s a truck
driver now and more difficult to see. Pray for how we continue to build our relationship with
him. Pray, too, that through his many travels he will meet other Christian men who walk with the Lord and will share the Gospel with Mo.
Diaspora in Minnesota
Continue to pray for momentum in the Somali ESL class. Pray that the class will grow and produce great relationships.
Continue to pray for Mr. A. This month he told me that he is no longer a Muslim but that he wants to be a Christian. I responded with, “What does being a Christian mean to you?” His answer did not fully reflect the truth of the Gospel. I have shared the gospel with Mr. A on numerous occasions. I shared it again on that day and yet our time was limited.
Pray for the multiple teams who will be welcoming Afghan’s into our community this month. Pray for the Afghans to see Christ in their actions.
Diaspora in Spain
Pray for the new home churches at Puerto Real (with trafficked women), Puerto de Santa María and Sanlucar.
Pray for R & H in Zagora (Berber ministry) and the new people reached at Ar-Rachidia. I
need to travel soon to oversee the ministry. (More than 1000 people reached with the medical team, mainly the interpreters interested in Jesus.)
Pray for wisdom during 2022 to start affinity events with the 2,000 people reached in Cadiz during covid.
Pray for my health (after my bad experience on my last trip to Sahara desert – one guy tried to kill me) sometimes I am filled with anxiety.
Diaspora in UK
Thank God for the increased attendance by women to the activities and for the spiritual interest especially in the sewing group where we share God’s word each week.
Ask God to show us how best to present the meaning of Christmas in each ministry setting (sewing,
Friends, Homework club, international families & students) and for receptive hearts among those who
Diaspora in France
• For New Year’s this year, we are organizing a camp where we will have international students, (believers and unbelievers) and families over a period of four days. Pray for the Lord to guide us and give us wisdom as we prepare for this camp. Pray that living in a Christian community for a couple of days will open their eyes and many will come to/ back to the Lord.
• Christmas is a huge part of French culture. This gives us an opportunity to share the Gospel. We are using this opportunity over the next couple of weeks to explain the real meaning of Christmas. We will be having conversations around Bible texts on the birth of Jesus and other themes. Pray for there to be at least one person in the next couple of weeks with whom we can start Bible studies that are more profound.
Diaspora in Washington
We praise Jesus that “Nancy’s” family continues to worship with the church and an adult daughter is
studying God’s Word with a co-laborer. Please keep praying for the other seekers and
believers from this country to seek the Lord in community together.
We praise Jesus for wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations with our students. Pray that the Thanksgiving lessons taught, prayer, hymn singing and folk dancing are cherished among our friends and continue ongoing spiritual conversations among co-laborers and students.
Pray that God will save “Anthony” soon. He is the son of a believer. We have had many late night conversations with him exploring who God is. Pray that God gives faith to believe.
God is so merciful in mobilizing His church to help with the incoming refugees to our city, there are so
many and many lack any support whatsoever. Pray that God will enable His messengers in the pulpit to speak boldly about how God is sending a wandering flock here that need the Good Shepherd.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
A North African Muslim teenager who was lost was found-he had gotten into a terrible accident and all his organs were damaged. He has now improved, however he isn’t able to walk again. He was discharged from the ICU and is back home. It will be a hard time for this family especially for his mum to take care of him. Pray for his mum and our continual sharing of the gospel with her.
Our adult Chinese class will have 3 new students and the old students will continue. Thank God He has brought West African Muslims to our class and pray to them to know Jesus and accept Him.
Some African Muslim men do not allow us to visit their wives and children. Pray God opens the doors for us.
Pray for a church willing to learn more about cross-cultural ministry and have a one day course with
outreach on Dec 11.
Diaspora in Canada
Pray for us as we go out each week to do open-air evangelism on the streets of Toronto. Some people ignore us and some ridicule, but each week the Lord gives us the chance to share with someone—often a newcomer to this country—the news that Immanuel has come to give life and hope. In this Christmas Season pray that many would have open and receptive hearts.
• Pray for J&L in Nova Scotia who will invite African university students to their home over
the Holidays. Ask God to use them to point African students to the One who left His Father and Home to bring them relief and peace.
• Over the next three weeks our MAC Team in Montreal and Toronto will be inviting their English classes to special Christmas parties. We know that this will be the first time that Algerian, Tunisian, Moroccan and other immigrant students will hear who Messiah Jesus really is and why He came to planet earth. Pray for great attendance, unforgettably fun times, and very receptive hearts!
• In Ottawa, the Somali parents of two of our MAC Campers have asked J&J for help.
All the stresses of trying to make Canada home, fending off family attacks as they explore Christianity,
overcoming polio, and raising active kids have driven a terrible wedge in their marriage. They have asked J&J for marriage counselling and help. Over these coming weeks pray J&J can help this couple come to the Truth—”so that they will have sincere love for each other and love one another deeply, from the heart” (1 Peter 1:22)
Diaspora in Calif, USA
Praise God for 38 International Students who came to the Thanksgiving dinner. Pray for our team to
follow up well with those who want to know more about God. There are several activities planned for
December. Pray for hearts to be soft as they hear the Christmas story.
Diaspora in Portland
Praise God that the Portland Team had a wonderful Thanksgiving potluck/outreach with many dear
friends from all over the world at Pamoja. Please pray for ongoing fruitful relationships.
Please pray for JC as she is currently in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia visiting a bunch of her students. She
has had many significant conversations and opportunities to share important truths and be a light. Please pray for her to have wisdom and discernment. Please also pray for her health. She will be returning home Dec. 9th.
Diaspora in Detroit
Here in Detroit we are partnering with Hope Arabic Church on Saturday 12/4 for a Christmas event. Please pray for soften hearts to be receptive to the Gospel News. Pray that for those who hear the Nativity story will have ears to hear and come to understand that Jesus is Lord.
Diaspora in France
We have around 10 international students that have been consistently coming to all our events. We have been able to share the whole Gospel with them. Pray for God to keep opening their hearts and pray that they will respond positively to the Gospel.
Pray for H., a student who has now come to church a couple of times and the Lord is really seeking her. Pray that her eyes will be opened.
Pray for Z who gave her life to Jesus. She will be going back home. Pray that she will have boldness and that nothing will separate her from the love of Christ
Diaspora in Canada
Pray for all the ESL students we are involved with. Pray for wisdom and anointing as I share the Gospel with students, some of whom are Muslim.
Prayer of protection for us as we go out to open-air preach in Toronto. Pray for hearts to be
convicted. Prayer for wisdom as we interact with Muslims and others from various world religions on the street.