A Husband Under Great Stress

Our neighbor & Muslim Background Believer came out publicly as a Christian at the beginning of this year. Her husband’s family & neighbors have done all they can to get him to leave her. He has stuck it out, but he can’t live with the shame of the vicious rumors spread about her character. He is on the verge of divorcing her. We counselled with them for almost 3 hours last night – sharing God’s Word about marriage. He seemed to be willing to keep trying to stick it out for the love of her & their kids, but wouldn’t give a clear answer. Please pray for God to preserve & protect their marriage & family. Pray for the salvation of all their family for Jesus’ Name’s sake and their great joy!

Caring for A Grieving Family

We have just lost a Rendille pastor, who was a sign language Bible translator. He was so loved and respected in the community and many are mourning the loss. The biggest prayer request is for his wife and his 3 small boys. The Rendille want to come alongside of this family, support them, and love them but they aren’t sure how to best go about doing it. We are praying God uses this experience to open our eyes to how to care for people in grief, and that God would draw more people to Himself.

Diaspora in Florida

It’s the celebration we’ve been waiting and praying for: the first wedding between Kutchi believers. DM left Nov 3 for India to join this time of joy. This is the new generation of believers coming up. Then, after the wedding, DM will teach our group of 60 field workers in a 2-day training.
These 2 events are reminders of the awesome things God has done among the Kutchi. When D&J investigated the land of Kutchi for the first time in December of 1998 there were no full-time workers, no house churches, no radio gospel programs, and no Scripture in the Kutchi language. Now there are all of these and much more! Praise God with us.


Pray for Carlo, a Laarim young man that is helping Ard every Monday with leading a bible study group. He is growing in faith and in leadership. Pray that God will continue working in Carlo and that he will have the desire to start a new bible study group in one of the Laarim homes.

Lead Mike

Praise God that Mike is a strong long-standing O believer. Pray that God will lead him clearly for every step of decisions regarding becoming a Bible translator, and that he would be able to keep his family, fellowship and witness in the village with our team if he becomes a translator. His wife needs prayer to give whole hearted allegiance to Jesus. Pray that she would grow in her faith, knowledge and relationship with Jesus. Pray that she would put God first rather than continuing to try to please her Muslim family.

Man of peace

Please pray for a prominent religious leader in one area who for many years has been a “man of peace” and encouraged many to hear God’s word although he has not yet become a believer. Recently he again was excited to study God’s word and agreed with what he read. He was hungry to study more and more. He himself pinpointed the barrier within himself which is stopping him come to Christ. May God break down all barriers! May this man meet God, who is worth everything, and worth losing everything for.

Diaspora in Australia and New Zealand

There are many Africans from unreached people groups who have settled in Australia and New Zealand. Praise God for the opportunities to proclaim Him in these diaspora mission fields, and for the individual Christians and churches who continue to serve among them. Ask God to raise up more who are dedicated to sharing the gospel and discipling Africa’s unreached in Australia and New Zealand.

Portable Bible School

Just recently a team of South Sudanese from Juba have gone to Upper Boma (South Sudan) with a portable Bible school intending to help the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) church members to better understand the Bible. They plan to stay for about two months. Pray for this time of schooling that everyone stays healthy and protected (physically and spiritually). Pray that the training will have a great impact on the students and on the entire Suri community in this region.

Handa outreach results

132 people responded to the Gospel during the Handa outreach last week! Thank you for praying. Let’s pray that every single one becomes grounded in the Word and walks in a manner worthy of the Lord. The Magomeni team was taken by surprise and very encouraged by the response. Let’s pray for good follow up and more shepherds!

Youth following Christ

Pray for Jacob as he disciples 10 youth boys that have come to Christ. Those boys are making courageous decisions to break with the Laarim culture and follow Christ, but it is also very hard to keep walking on God’s path when your family and neighbours want you to walk on the sinful path.

Built up and established

Pray for the new believers and groups to be built up and established in their faith and bold witnesses for Christ.


There are challenges to meeting for Word studies. One lady can’t come to meetings because she fears her house will be broken into. We need to organize meetings in her house but she is afraid of the neighbors as well. Please pray for her and her neighbors.
Another one who used to come has recently moved to town and doesn’t even have a phone. Pray we can get connected with her again.

To study or to marry?

The education process and access to information has had a huge influence on the Mwani youth and their families. Premature marriage has become illegal. Some families are encouraging their boys and girls to study and to not leave school to get married. Please pray for wise strategies and deep conversations among them. The Mwani youth need desperately to learn to dream about the future and we know that is possible through Jesus Christ and the abundant life He brings.

Radio ministry

Pray that the Lord will use the radio programme to make His word heard by thousands if not millions of Tuareg people spread across West and North Africa.
Pray for provision of funds for more airtime and a trip to Niger in December.
Pray for continued access to airtime on national radio.
Pray for continued good response to the Radio programmes.
Pray for good choice of programmes to produce For broadcasting.

Lost and Found

A young man who had professed Christ has been missing. He was planning to be baptized a couple of months ago. He went missing the day he was to be baptized. Two of us ran into him 2 days ago and he said that his uncle is sick in Dar and he had to go suddenly to see him. Pray that he remains strong in his faith and that nothing would hinder him from following Jesus whole heartedly. Pray that he will want to be discipled.

Open our eyes

Praise God for the eyeglasses which have been donated and for the training of how to test eyesight. 700 bibles were also donated.. ask that with their new, improved vision, people would be eager to read these words and have the eyes of their hearts opened. Lift up the plan to start holding a weekly eye clinic, a place where the gospel will also be able to be shared amongst those who wouldn’t otherwise want to attend a gathering.

Training Accepted!

Greetings from Arusha. We are so thankful to God that we had a wonderful time together training 32 trainees from Sandawe, Datooga, Nyaturu, Masai and Iraqw unreached people groups. We thank God for his provision. We were able to teach ‘The Gospels and Introduction to the Bible’. We thank God that Nassa Theological College has confirmed they will accept our training, now every training will be credited from NTC. Please pray for more and more pastors, evangelists, and lay leaders to be trained and that each unreached people group will soon have a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered church.

needing repentance

Pray for A, who claimed to be a believer but now we see only by mouth and not in heart.
He desires to cause fear among the believers, saying he will oppose anything to do with salvation. He discourages those who desire to follow in belief… claiming he will kill any new converts.
Pray against evil thoughts in his heart.
Pray that he will know that threat and intimidation is not the way of Jesus and will repent.

Outreach this week!

Let’s give thanks and pray for a multi-church outreach happening in the village of Handa this week. A city church several hours away is partnering with some of the local churches in Usandawe to do an outreach in this village where there has been a witness for several years through the monthly medical outreach. There was some momentum some years ago to send an evangelist to this village but there was not one available to go at that time. There are a handful of Believers in Handa but there is not a “church” to speak of. Please pray that more will come to Christ in this village and that the Believers will begin to meet regularly. Pray also that God would bring or raise up a shepherd for this area.

Waiting and Asking

There is a village in our district that we have been able to do some outreach in over the past several months, though not as much as we would like due to distance and time restraints. The ideal would be to place a team there in the future, and the village is waiting and even asking for us to come! God has already been at work in this village, it would seem, given their open reception to us. Please pray with us that God would provide for a team to be able to come and live in this village. May His Gospel go out and draw many people to saving faith in Jesus! Please Lord! We know You love these people, so please open to us a door for Your Word there!

Three Wells

Please pray that funds will come in for three very needed wells for the Gabbra.
And that many will come to Christ though the current crisis of drought and famine!

New Life

Give thanks that 3 women recently made new commitments of faith in Jesus! He is good, He is working! Lift up the translation check of Exod. taking place in late Oct. Ask that technology would cooperate and much would be accomplished, for His glory.

May She Come to the One Who Removes Fear

Pray for Susan, a Hindu young woman, who struggles with anxiety and depression. As a child there were “workers” (Christian missionaries) who lived near her, and she used to attend Bible Clubs. Last year her mother was brutally killed in their own home, while Susan was tied up and saw it all. Not surprisingly, her depression and anxiety worsened after that. The last couple of months the Lord has brought Susan into our path several times. Last week we were able to pray for her in the name of Jesus, and she asked for a Bible. A couple of days ago I took the Bible to her and we got to read some of it together. Pray that the Lord would touch Susan’s heart, that she would see the emptiness of Hinduism (especially during the Diwali festival of this weekend), and come to the One who takes away our fears and brings us peace.

Mid-week group

Please pray for a mid week group we are praying and planning will start in one village. We hope it will be the first time various secret believers and seekers will be meeting together to pray and study God’s word. Pray that God will establish this group, despite many potential challenges.

Key Couple

Pray for Jake and Sadie, a strong believing O couple – they’re soon finishing AIC missionary college training and they are seeking for the best and the most effective ways to do out reach among their people. Pray that the Holy Spirit would anoint them with his wisdom and guidance and that they would be real catalysts for other O who would become disciples of Jesus. Jake recently lost a sister in childbirth, pray for God‘s comfort and sustaining – and that this too would be used miraculously by God to draw many to himself from their all Muslim extended family.

A Well-Respected Couple

For many months we have been praying and hoping for a well-respected couple who would join our Bible studies and be willing to open up their home to others who are searching for the Truth too. Recently, one couple we have known for years agreed to host a study in their home but they have not been consistent or committed to it. We know that they are people of peace and that God is working in their hearts. Please pray that He would ignite a passion in them to move forward in providing a safe place for many to come to study with them. And most of all, pray that He would bring them to saving faith as they do it.


Pray for peace. At this moment the Laarim have some tribal issues with the neighbouring tribe. These issues are taking lives on both sides. Pray for the Laarim that they will make wise decisions and that hatred will not be the leading force in making decisions. Pray that God will come in their fear and will guide them in making decisions that work toward peace.

Pray for healing

My arrival in a Neem town for one month has brought very many mentally ill and epileptic patients to see me. Many have suffered for years or even decades. Some suffer because their parents didn’t take them for medical treatment when seriously sick as young children. Pray that I can help these people in their suffering and that doing so opens many opportunities in the community to speak of our hope in Jesus. Pray that I will find people with open hearts and minds to believe. Pray that I can set up a base here and that other workers will join me.

Fellow workers

The leadership in the Malagasy church are meeting together for a few days with AIM workers. Pray for them as they are trained on reaching the unreached of this island nation. Pray for unity of vision and heart and an encouraging time of fellowship. Pray the church here will send out many workers to the harvest field!

DBS growing

We started a DBS in a woman’s house so that her teenage children can also grow in the Word. The woman is doing well at ‘fishing’ for more. Every Saturday night we get a chance to study with her family, those she is discipling, and our family! She has challenges- mostly from sicknesses and demonic attacks. Please pray for her and for her safety now that many people are meeting in her house.

Assessment and planning

Please pray for A and the Catalyst team to be able to finish assessing the new groups of believers. Please also pray that we would be able to make a good plan with the C team for using the Jesus Film to engage new areas.


Please pray for a man named Gabriel. The mother of his children is a Kjong woman who has become a believer, and Gabriel has recently expressed intrigue in how different she is. Pray that Christ draws Gabriel to Himself!

Group growing!

Every Friday evening Maria, who became a believer last year, has a Bible study group near our old compound. There are men, women, youth and children gathering, about 100 total. They love to sing, and Maria loves to share about the Bible story, and they pray together for about three hours. People love it, we are told. A former witchdoctor came to faith through this group, and was recently baptized by Angelo and Maria.

Pray for unity

Please pray in faith for a church planting movement to happen among the Karimojong, that they’d be reached even in the next year! Pray for unity between missionaries, local and expat, as well as between them and the local church. Pray for a unified strategy and plan and wisdom about how to use resources and time for the intentional spread of the gospel. Pray that Christ will make sure His people are trained and ready to make disciples who make disciples.

Looking to start a church

M and E. have started working with three Mwani believers with the purpose of planting a Mwani church together. They already have a few strategies. Please pray that the Lord would guide them in all of the process and that the Mwani would come to know Jesus as their Savior.

Hope for Marriages

Pray for the H couple whose marriage is very strained, to the point of discussing separation. Praise God for the good relationship they have with workers who are like parents to them. Ask that the counsel and truth they have heard will encourage them to keeping working together and to seek reconciliation with the Father, for the sake of their child as well. May He intervene and transform this family!

Preaching across language barriers

Pray for Doris and Stanis. These two men each pastor a small church in two different areas. They are passionate about Jesus. Both are from a different tribe which means they still use a lot of ‘strange’ words while talking with people. Doris received the story set accompanied with recordings. This way he can practise the Bible stories in the Tanala language. Still, he and Stanis have a hard time understanding the need to use local dialects since the Bible is already available in the official (old) Malagasy language. They still assume that all Malagasy people understand the official language, but this isn’t the case for those in the villages who are unable to read and have spent their whole lives just hearing and speaking one specific dialect. Both men have been trained as pastors and as such have been taught that reading the Bible in the official (old) language is required.


Please pray for a young Karimojong woman, a believer, who has stumbled. Please pray for God’s continued conviction, grace, and comfort to help her get back up. Pray for a renewed intimacy between her and the Lord and abundant mercy to help her as she faces life changing consequences. May Christ be glorified through all.

Evolving Culture

Globalization is changing the environment of some of the Mwani families, especially those located in a city area. The way they dress, their mindsets, the way they interact with each other, the values of marriage and dating etc, are all affected. Please pray for wisdom as the missionaries relate to them in an appropriate way and seek to introduce Godly values and lifestyle.

Lord, make a way

Pray for C& F trying to reach out to the village of Napep, about a 4 hour walk from where they live. They are planning to visit Lino, one of the very few Didinga believers, who lives there, and to share Bible stories with other people in that community. Their first attempt to go had to be cancelled due to heavy rains. Pray the Lord will go before them and make a way for His Word to be made known to the people of Napep. Pray for many open hearts to receive Him.