Pray for unity

Please pray in faith for a church planting movement to happen among the Karimojong, that they’d be reached even in the next year! Pray for unity between missionaries, local and expat, as well as between them and the local church. Pray for a unified strategy and plan and wisdom about how to use resources and time for the intentional spread of the gospel. Pray that Christ will make sure His people are trained and ready to make disciples who make disciples.

Looking to start a church

M and E. have started working with three Mwani believers with the purpose of planting a Mwani church together. They already have a few strategies. Please pray that the Lord would guide them in all of the process and that the Mwani would come to know Jesus as their Savior.

Hope for Marriages

Pray for the H couple whose marriage is very strained, to the point of discussing separation. Praise God for the good relationship they have with workers who are like parents to them. Ask that the counsel and truth they have heard will encourage them to keeping working together and to seek reconciliation with the Father, for the sake of their child as well. May He intervene and transform this family!

Preaching across language barriers

Pray for Doris and Stanis. These two men each pastor a small church in two different areas. They are passionate about Jesus. Both are from a different tribe which means they still use a lot of ‘strange’ words while talking with people. Doris received the story set accompanied with recordings. This way he can practise the Bible stories in the Tanala language. Still, he and Stanis have a hard time understanding the need to use local dialects since the Bible is already available in the official (old) Malagasy language. They still assume that all Malagasy people understand the official language, but this isn’t the case for those in the villages who are unable to read and have spent their whole lives just hearing and speaking one specific dialect. Both men have been trained as pastors and as such have been taught that reading the Bible in the official (old) language is required.


Please pray for a young Karimojong woman, a believer, who has stumbled. Please pray for God’s continued conviction, grace, and comfort to help her get back up. Pray for a renewed intimacy between her and the Lord and abundant mercy to help her as she faces life changing consequences. May Christ be glorified through all.

Evolving Culture

Globalization is changing the environment of some of the Mwani families, especially those located in a city area. The way they dress, their mindsets, the way they interact with each other, the values of marriage and dating etc, are all affected. Please pray for wisdom as the missionaries relate to them in an appropriate way and seek to introduce Godly values and lifestyle.

Lord, make a way

Pray for C& F trying to reach out to the village of Napep, about a 4 hour walk from where they live. They are planning to visit Lino, one of the very few Didinga believers, who lives there, and to share Bible stories with other people in that community. Their first attempt to go had to be cancelled due to heavy rains. Pray the Lord will go before them and make a way for His Word to be made known to the people of Napep. Pray for many open hearts to receive Him.


Syncretism is a big problem among the Christians. Because of this they are still afraid of the spirits, which causes the unbelievers to doubt the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I have access to the kings and elders in the villages (among whom are several important witch-doctors). They listen to me and are surprised by the boldness of the Gospel. Pray that this fearless preaching will have an effect on the other Christians. Pray that they will repent from their syncretistic life style, experience freedom from fear in Christ, and share their testimony with others.

The Way of Righteousness.

Please pray for Khamada who is in England recording ‘The Way of Righteousness’ in Tamajeq (Touareg). This is a wonderful set of radio broadcasts (and also a book) aimed at sharing the Gospel to Muslims. May God use this recording to speak to many Tuareg!

Powerful Name!

During their whole lives, a husband and wife followed and worshiped Ayana (evil spirits). Once he understood that everything they had was being stolen by Satan, and convinced by the Holy Spirit of the Truth, he repented and accepted Jesus as his Savior. His wife, though, hadn’t yet surrendered to Jesus and was being tormented by evil spirits. Her husband asked for prayers and we went for several weeks visiting and praying in their house asking that in the name of Jesus she would be set free. Now, at last, this lady has been rescued from darkness and delivered to eternal life! Before, she wouldn’t leave her bed, but today, for the second time, she came to fellowship and worshiped Jesus with others!
Jesus has overcome!!! There’s none like YOU, Lord!

Listening to the Word and Deciding

Please pray for a number of Swahili young men and an old man in our village who are listening to the audio Swahili Bible and/or reading the Swahili Bible they asked for, along with study guide material which teaches Muslims what it means to follow Christ. They are seeking Jesus and counting the cost of the cross. Pray the Holy Spirit would draw them to Himself and give them the courage to give their lives to Jesus.

Seeds planted to grow

More than 70 villages have already watched the Jesus film! Could you pray that the Holy Spirit will remind people about the movie and enlighten their hearts, making the seeds planted through this simple but powerful presentation of the Gospel grow and be fruitful?

Translation trials

I just got off the phone with one of the translators for the Rangi New Testament. They are in the final checks and are experiencing some trials. This particular translator hasn’t been sleeping at night which makes it difficult to focus on the mentally heavy task of translation. He also often feels pain in his stomach when he goes to the office. Please pray for relief from these troubles and strength to finish the translation well.

Pray for Solomon

Please pray for Solomon, a young Karimojong high schooler who is rapidly growing in Christ and hungry for more. He is about to graduate. Pray that Jesus will provide someone to disciple and walk with him. Pray for spiritual protection. Pray that he learns how to fish for and disciple others. Pray Scripture over him.

Luke recording

Praise God for a great week with 2 Alagwa speakers recording the first lot of passages from the translation of Luke in Alagwaisa. Pray for these portions of God’s word as they are listened to and studied over the next few weeks. May there be much fruit!

Light shown in the darkness

Anjiry is the worst region of Bara lands. It is far away, full of cattle thieves and witchdoctors. The Jesus film was broadcast there by a Lutheran team of pastors. Could you please pray for this dark land- that the light of the Gospel that has been shown upon them would be seen and believed.

Diaspora in Portland

We asked prayer that God would turn opposition into opportunities. Our team recently has had more opportunities than we can keep up with! Ex.— As JC’s health concerns became known, several Muslim women opened up to say they too are facing cancer or surgery—“Would you please pray?” One N. African lady asked our team ladies to take her to the hospital for thyroid surgery, stirring up a reaction by her religious community—“Why do you want Christians to take you?” But she even insisted on a Christian hospital chaplain to join JC to pray for her.

Settling and sharing

People in Pemba have been welcoming to the new team. The team have had opportunities in their relationships to share the Gospel. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the team in this process and reveal Himself to the Mwani as their Saviour. Lift up new teammates as they arrive and settle.

Diaspora in France

Praise for a well-attended kids club on Wed, with some island children included. Pray for the continued work of the Spirit as they hear truth from the Word. The next club will be the last Wed of October. Pray many children will come.
Continue praying for fruitful conversations with ladies on the streets as well as island friends. Pray for a desire to study the Word and seek after our Father.

Peace talks

Remember how revenge is part of this culture? Revenge killings are on the rise, and planned peace meetings with the neighboring tribe, scheduled for this month, might not happen. Pray for God’s intervention. JESUS is the only one who can change hard and revengeful hearts to soft and forgiving hearts (as He has done for some)!

Diapora in Florida

Pray for strengthened relationships with our Muslim families. Pray for trust and deep spiritual conversations.
Pray for the women’s sewing club, Sara’s Daughters, to attract more Muslim women consistently.
Pray for a place and its funding where Orlando Muslims can go to meet for Sara’s Daughters and for other activities; that it will be a welcoming place and a place of refuge.

He Is the Savior

Please pray for a S. Asian family who have heard the gospel numerous times but still resist accepting Jesus by faith. Pray that they will realize their deep lostness and that He is truly a living and powerful Savior, the only way to God.

Spiritual obstacles

Ancestor worship and witchcraft is an ever present concept in the lives of the Tanala people. It brings poverty and fear. However, they dare not leave this way of life, in fear of the witchdoctors and the ancestor spirits. It is a heavy obstacle when it comes to preaching the Gospel. Many say that they would like to follow Jesus but the spiritual powers are pressing hard on them. Please join us in this cosmic battle field. Pray that the people will embrace the Gospel and they will fully adhere to it.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray that God will open up the hearts and eyes of our Muslim students to hear, taste and see the Lord is good.
Please pray for JC as she interacts with a Saudi lady who has come back to Portland to have her baby. She is due anytime and is relying on JC for all her needs. Ask the Lord to open her eyes to the goodness of God.
Please pray for MC to be a witness to his Egyptian friend as he goes to help him out in Cairo during the month of October. Please pray for his safety with the recent riots. Ask God to reveal His goodness to this man and his family.

Diaspora in Canada

Continue to pray for follow up with kids from their summer camps. Please pray that the spiritual conversations would come to mind and that the Lord would continue to be working in their hearts. Pray that the parents would also be touched and find refuge in Him.

Spirit come

Pray for the little church in Nagishot with so few adults & so many children to grow in maturity & to learn to love the Word.
Ask the Lord to send His Holy Spirit to hover over the Didinga hills, as He hovered over the earth during creation, to form a desire in people’s hearts for truth & to draw them to Jesus (John 6:44).

Completely On Her Own Initiative

Praise God for two “secret” believers in one village, both of whom have recently called their friends to join them in studying God word. One did this completely on her own initiative. May they all continue to hear God’s truth together and apply it to their lives.

Connecting in the classroom

Pray for the new English classes starting this month. Pray for those teaching , that they would show love and friendship to the students and for sweet and long lasting relationships to be born as result. Pray that the connections would grow, so that Light can be shared in an appropriate and relevant way.

Coastal Peoples Coming to Christ

Praise God over 20 people are now attending the weekly Sunday services lead by local believers from our church in the outreach village where 11 people gave their lives to Jesus a few weeks ago. Praise God the new believers are persevering in their faith and gathering together despite persecution! Continue to pray for wisdom and discernment for our church as they disciple these young believers. Pray this would continue to multiply, with local believers spreading the gospel and discipling the Swahili all along the coast!

Diaspora in Brazil

Continue praying for our team in Passo Fundo as they have had many opportunities to get involved with the Senegal community. Pray for more people to join them in reaching out to this Muslim community with the Gospel.

Hard Times

Please pray for a Rendille pastor who is a sign language Bible translator. He has been sick for a long time now, and not seeming to improve. Please lift up his family, and the church as this is a very hard time for the community. Also, there seems to be a mumps outbreak at the Christian school. Almost an entire primary class has it. Please pray for healing and protection over those not infected.


There is strong spiritual warfare and opposition happening on the coast where we’re seeking to expand the work. Our Opposer has his grip on that place and those people. Asking that the strongman be bound and for the Almighty One to have His way.

All Follow Together

Please join an Alagwa believer who is praying for her husband and children to know Jesus too. They all listen to God’s word on audio players and some are really drawn by the beauty of God’s word. May the family all follow God together.

Diaspora in USA

Please pray we would be bold as we share God’s Word to the International Students we meet with each week. Pray that their hearts would be soften and that seeds be planted deeply and to take root. We are seeking for those students that the Lord has been speaking to already as well.

From the mouth of babes

Almost 300 children have come to our Bara children program. Many of them are Bara. Pray that Jesus will convert these children and use them to witness in their villages and families about the great love of Jesus.

Bible stories for women

Recordings of Bible stories for women have recently been completed. Pray for those that receive the stories to be transformed by the Gospel.


Pray for a local brother who has been meeting with other locals and telling them about Jesus. He was discovered sharing and was kicked out of his village, and told he may not return. Praise God that this has not stopped his faith, but fueled it and now this group is continuing to study together in a different village. Pray for help and grace for this group.

Great Commission

This week the Lutherans are having a conference in Betroka about Mathew 28:18-20; could you pray that the Great Commission mandate of Christ will get deep into the heart of believers and they will really engage in evangelism to the Bara?

Hard hearted

“They’re so hard hearted!” This is the observation from our recent 5 – week volunteer. “They listen well, but then they just don’t come. We need to pray that they remember what they hear, and that family groups would come to Jesus together!!” Please pray with us from Ezek 36:26, ‘May God give the O new hearts, and put a new spirit in them; Oh Lord, remove from them their hearts of stone and give them hearts of flesh (which are soft and responsive)!’

New family members!

There is a new brother and sister in our family in H2H! We’re giving thanks for them and asking God to make them a blessing to the Y community and to draw many more to Himself. Please pray with us.