This past week, a few of us visited an Indian Muslim family. The mother is still grieving the husband who passed away on the day of Eid this year. One of the daughter in laws just recently received radiation for a cancerous growth in her back which caused paralysis in her legs. That’s the reason why we visited them, to see and pray for her. The other daughter suffers from breast cancer and is on treatment at the moment. This family has suffered much and the mother is not coping well. I tried to share Jesus with her. Please pray for this family that they will find the truth and the truth will set them free. We pray that God will bring healing to this family and we ask for miracles to take place so that they will see God’s power and glory.
Pray against the schemes of the enemy to bring division and strife among 2 families of believers. God knows the details. Pray for them to choose the way of Jesus- forgiveness and grace for those who’ve offended us, as we’ve also been forgiven and given grace even when we didn’t deserve it.
To Read During Boring Hours
Last week we had an unexpected encounter with a fisherman who took us on a hunt for a specific shell we were looking for. During the adventure, we got to share with him that Jesus loved fishermen and hung out with them often. We told him there are a number of stories in the Bible where Jesus spent time on the water with His disciples. Our fisherman excitedly told us he would like to have a Bible to read during his “boring hours” on the fishing boat. We assured him we would bring him one and before we parted he reminded us, “Please bring me your book!” Since then we have not been able to find him again. Please pray for this man and the many other Swahili men who make their living on the ocean. Pray that Jesus would draw these men to Himself and make them fishers of men.
Rapid Multiplication
Between 4 churches in our Rendille town, there are close to 150 people that desire to be baptized in December! Right now, pastors are hosting classes on baptism. Please pray for the pastors as this is so exciting, and yet challenging too. Some of the youth are signing up to be baptized for the certification at the end of the baptism class. Apparently, Kenyan schools look kindly upon students who have this certification. We pray that even those who only signed up for the certificate go to the classes and hear the TRUTH proclaimed and make their own proclamation to follow Jesus.
One new sister invited a friend to come hear the gospel. He believed last Tuesday and both were baptized Saturday (and an Arab believer too)! Pray for courage to be a witness and for unity among the believers. The Berbers love the Berber songs from Algeria…the Arabs love the songs from Egypt… May they encourage each other and sing together!
The S family
Pray for the S. family. The bibi (grandmother) in this family has professed Christ and the mama and granddaughter are open to hearing more about Jesus. There has been little fruit in the life of the bibi since her confession. Pray for God to grab ahold of the hearts of this family! Pray that the Gospel would be made clear and that they would count the cost of following Jesus and see that He is worth it. The village members have also been bothering bibi saying she only wants to go to church to ask for money. Pray for her protection during persecution. Pray for increased wisdom for our team as we continue to disciple.
Wants to follow Jesus!
Pray for a young man named Ochen who said he wants to follow Jesus yesterday! Pray that Jesus will show Himself to this young man who often has bad dreams. Pray for his friend Joseph who also heard the message but didn’t respond. Pray for both Ochen and Joseph who were challenged to share the message of good news that they heard with 5 others each.
prayer for O
Pray for our clinic workers who are involved in regular Bible study – pray that they will respond to God‘s word – “Yes Lord, as you promised that your Word will not return empty and void, but will accomplish all that You have planned and purposed for it. Thank you for the ways you are going to work this out in O-land.”
Amazing news.
One Bara village has decided that they are tired of witchcraft and of witchdoctors taking their money, so they burned all their witchcraft charms! They have asked the churches and pastors to come tell them about the Good News. Fernando will join those going from the church and will show the Jesus film. Please pray that the Spirit will move in hearts of the villagers and that a real transformation will take place in this village.
20 pages at a time
One young woman has been sharing with her classmate and she asked for a Bible. When she brought an Arabic one to her, she was afraid and asked that instead this friend send 20 pages a day! May she read and understand. May each believer have courage to speak of Christ!!
So Many Came
We recently asked for prayer for some upcoming outreaches in the villages. Praise the Lord that many locals came! The truth was preached and heard by hundreds. Over 300 came the first day! May those seeds of truth take root and may God use His Gospel to draw many who heard to saving faith in Christ! The teams were also able to give out reading glasses in those village communities. As the locals receive help from these reading glasses in the physical sense to gain better sight, may the Lord also bless each one with spiritual sight to see Jesus as Savior!
Beaten for Listening
It has been confirmed that kids have been beaten by the Madrasa teachers if word gets back to them that the children are coming to our house to play or hear the chronological Bible stories I have been sharing with them this year … My heart is broken for them. I am praying all the seeds for the Gospel that have been sown in their hearts will be protected and will bear fruit in God’s full time. Pray for the salvation of their hearts, minds, bodies & souls!
Follow up on Faiza and Abdil
Faiza and Abdil came yesterday and listened carefully to the good news of Jesus. We agreed to meet again tomorrow for further discussion. Thanks for your prayers. Let’s keep praying they understand fully, put their faith truly in Jesus, and surrender to Him as Lord of their lives.
Now the Unreached Have Become Missionaries!
Praise the Lord for the recent Handa outreach where Sandawe churches partnered with a church in Dar to reach neighboring Nyaturu people with the gospel in Mkolahanje. They are also taking steps to place a full time lay leader there for follow up and discipleship.
Diaspora in Canada
Praise: We had a great first Al Massira study with R&F, an Algerian couple that
moved to Montreal a year ago. He gave his life to Christ in Algeria but she has been too afraid
(of family and relatives) to look into Christianity. She really enjoyed the introductory study last
night. Their son (S.) goes to our monthly gym afternoons.
Praise: God is blessing on our ESL and kids programs- adults are mingling with Christians and God is bringing up good gospel opportunities. Muslim parents are willingly sending their kids to learn English AND the Bible.
Pray for wisdom as we plan our Christmas event for our ESL students and for deepening
relationships with the kids and their families at our kids sports drop-in.
Bring them into the Kingdom of light!
Please pray for two people, Faiza Yusuf and Abdil Jabaru. A Tanzanian evangelist plans to visit them today and share the gospel with them. Pray for the Lord to save them.
Diaspora in UK
Leicester is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the UK and recently it became the first
city in the UK other than London where the ethnic minority population is thought to have
passed the 50 % threshold. Among the ethnic mix in the city are large groups from North Africa
and the Horn. Our organization has been approached by a church situated on the edge of an
Estate where around 3,000 Somali people are living, asking for assistance as they seek to reach out to their neighbors. Please pray that God will raise up workers for this ripe Harvest field. Ask God to go before and prepare many open hearts.
Saved from death. May he be saved from eternal death.
A young Muslim man tried to commit suicide this morning. His life has been in turmoil for a long time. His sister and brother in law are Christians and are trying to support him. Please pray that Christ’s peace will come into his life through the influence of his sister.
Diaspora in Canada
Pray that God would call many students from our ESL classes, that they would have a deepening interest in Jesus and Christianity. Please pray that many would sign up for a discovery Bible Study early in the new year.
Struggling to Remain Strong
The believers among the Digo are still struggling to remain strong. Pray for strength among the believers who are remaining in villages that missionaries used to live in. They have asked for more missionaries to come alongside them but right now pray that they will rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them and encourage them.
Despite Persecution
Praise the Lord, in a village where our church does outreach, the gathering of 11 new believers continues despite persecution. They have now begun to collect materials to start building a simple structure to meet under to protect the growing group from the sun & rain! Pray for the growth, perseverance, and protection of the new believers.
Diaspora in Portland
Praise the Lord for a safe trip and return from Egypt for MC. He was able to help and connect
on a deeper level with an Egyptian Muslim family that they have been reaching out to in
Portland. Please pray that God opens up the hearts of our dear Egyptian friends to the truth of
the Gospel.
Captured by the Love of the King
Last week just before our study time with our one baptized believer, a 16-year-old neighbor showed up at my house. She was just home from boarding school and came to greet me. When I explained to her what we were about to do, she begged to stay. I went to get permission from her mom who was sitting outside with two other neighbors. The three women discussed it and decided it would be okay. Please pray for this normally reserved girl who was highly engaged and excited during our study! Pray she would come back this week and that her heart would be captured by the love of the King.
Diaspora in Brazil
Pray for our teams in Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. Pray God will lead seeking Africans to them and that they will be willing to join a discovery Bible study.
Diaspora in France
Praise for a recent reconnection with some island friends whom I hasn’t talked with for
some time. Pray for wisdom and open hearts to hear truth as I visit again.
Praise…we have four new sisters and one brother in the islands and are encouraged to hear of
God’s work in hearts. Pray for God to break down the walls in the hearts and minds that
prevent islanders here to consider and embrace the Truth.
sowing seeds
One valuable skill that the recent short-term team brought was experience in “Farming God’s Way”. They shared their insights and the “secret” to abundant crops. This coastal region is beset with poor soil and even poorer farming methods. Pray that the new skills and methods would take root among the people and that their hearts would prove to be good soil for the gospel to take root in.
Peace in CAR
Pray for peace in CAR. Many are suffering from the ongoing violence. We hope to establish a team at Obo whose main focus would be on reaching the Mbororo who are taking refuge there. Some of them have also suffered from attacks by the militant Muslims who have invaded their home areas. The local population is suspicious of the Mbororo as some of their people group have also been accused of being involved in terrorist attacks. In order for a team to be established there, we need peace in the area. At present the eastern border of CAR is occupied by militants and no one can enter or leave the country from there. Pray for the Lord’s intervention so that the Gospel can be proclaimed to the Mbororo.
Open doors and Strongholds
Please pray for the team to know the right time to reach a village named Makiria about 10 miles from Nagishot to encourage the only believer there named Lino and to train him for outreach there. Several attempts to do this have been thwarted.
2. Please pray for the Nagishot fellowship leader, Lokulang, who is travelling between Nagishot & Chukudum every week where his wife Nadodo has been sick for several months & hasn’t seen much improvement. Pray for her healing.
3. Please pray for more team members for Nagishot, a couple or two singles.
4. Pray against the stronghold that alcohol has over the people in these hills.
Light of Life
Please pray for our S. Asian friends to come to Jesus, that they may no longer walk in darkness, but have the light of eternal life. Pray for them to feel how great is the darkness, both within and without, and that they will long to see. Pray they will ask questions of their Christian friends that reveal this longing.
Persecuted brother
Pray for B, a young man who has been a believer for around a year now. B has been bold in sharing his faith and though this has brought him persecution, it has also led to a community of over 50 believers beginning to gather to study the word together. The Lord has used B to pray for and bring healing to several other people, including his uncle who had previously persecuted him (the uncle now also claims faith in Jesus). Last week B’s father declared his intent to kill him. He nearly did.
B was able to escape from being held captive and tortured, and is now in a secret safe location.
Please pray for physical and mental healing for B. Pray for a safe place and sympathetic doctors where he can get some medical care. Pray for continued protection as B’s father thinks that he is now dead and will likely seek to finish the job if he hears that B is still alive. Pray for the young community of believers that has been studying with B – their own faith and convictions will no doubt be challenged after hearing the news of what B has recently endured.
Increasingly Dissatisfied
Please pray that God would cause our Nyamwezi friends to be increasingly dissatisfied with their current faith and search for the truth in Jesus Christ.
Communal Reading of the Scriptures
Pray for a group of over 20 adults and children who will meet together for a retreat and will read aloud 46 chapters of the Bible (Luke and John) in the next five days. Pray that they will find the Word sweet and exciting to hear. Pray for extraordinary understanding of the Scriptures and that the Spirit will speak individually to them through the Word. Pray for much joy and expressions of love and affection to one another. Pray that the kids as well as the adults will be blessed. Pray for safety and health and protection from the evil one. Pray that the Lord will use this gathering to unleash the power of the Spirit for effective bold evangelism and multiplication of Somali believers and churches.
An ongoing problem in the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) communities is alcohol. Just recently Barduni visited the Suri community in Koi (Ethiopia). He was very sad to see how many of his people suffered from alcohol addiction. He spoke with the chief administrator of Koi about the issue. There is a lot of idleness and hopelessness in the Suri communities. During the last few years the modern world has pressed into their traditional world. Unfortunately the Suri have not benefit much from it yet. Rather it has shaken their foundation. Barduni is convinced that unless his people put their trust in Jesus Christ, his people group will not master the future. Therefore pray that the people will get a new foundation and new hope in Jesus Christ. We long to see a church started in Koi. May God give a breakthrough in this place which is in bondage to Satan- the highest and widely feared spiritual Chief (magician) of the Suri lives on one of the hills near Koi.
Training Desired
Please pray for an evangelist and his wife to receive perseverance and patience to do the work of the Lord among the Rangi. Praise the Lord for a young girl who received Christ, Veronica. She wants to train as a nursery school teacher. Pray also for the evangelist’s wife to receive more training, and also a girl who wants to be able to go to high school named Bijahilina. Pray for the Lord to supply all these students need and allow them to study for his glory, as they long to do. Pray for the gospel to spread among the Rangi people and for a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered church to be growing among them.
Prayer For Unity In Sandawe Churches, and Gospel Outreach
Please pray for the unity of the Spirit and bond of peace among the
leadership of the churches of Kwa Mtoro. Ask the Lord to galvanize the
believers in the Motto church, that they would hunger and thirst for
righteousness and would sanctify Christ as Lord in their hearts. Pray
for the Lord to make connections between the Motto church and Mangasta
village. Pray that the Motto believers would burn with a joy and a
boldness to share the gospel with their neighbors, always being ready to
give an answer for the hope they have in Jesus.
May God go before
Pray that the power of God will change the hearts of people who are hard like a stone.
Pray for strength as we visit different homes. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of people before we meet with them.
Pray God’s direction for the best location for 3 new workers who also want to reach the Fulani.
Local church partnership
Please pray for the local church, that Jesus would strengthen and encourage his body. May there be unity in reaching out to the community with the love of Christ.
Update on Sally-Praise!
Good news! Sally is still alive and well!
The day before yesterday 32 people came to listen to Sally’s story, watch the Jesus film in its entirety, and also experienced Jesus’s love and power as Sally prayed over a 20 year old lady who was possessed by demons. Praise the Lord the lady is free from bondage and 10 women told Sally they will follow Jesus!
So yesterday ended up not being the day of Sally’s execution but the day God chose to bring 10 more people into His Kingdom!
Unstoppable, mighty to save, healer of the sick and possessed is the God we serve!
Update on Sally- Pray!
We have prayed for Sally, an outspoken believer being watched by the religious authorities. She has been threatened with death. Today, November 14 is the execution date for Sally, but there continues to be silence from the religious men. Rejoice that it seems God has seen fit to stop this wicked scheme.
Last Sunday, Sally was called and invited to speak to a group of ladies during their usual teaching hour. She was allowed to speak openly about her faith and all that God has done! Not one lady became angry or chased her out! This week a couple of the ladies from the group sought her out for more information. They are truly seeking the Way!
Church planting
Pray for the multiplication of churches. The materials for a shelter of one church are on the ground and waiting for a fundi to complete the construction. Pray for Joseph as he oversees the work there. Also for Joseph’s support.
Pray for Daniel who has finished his training in Lodwar, seeking the Lord’s direction for the future.