Pray for Mo, one of the ESL students in Noel, MO. Pray that our opportunities to visit will continue and that we can share about Jesus. He drove 50 miles to/from to visit with us and desires to do it again! May we be a sweet aroma and proclaimers of the Gospel news.
Pray for people to join the DR US Unit to strengthen and expand our work across the US.
Pray for God to raise up people to work among Somalis in Twin Cities, MN. There are great opportunities to partner with others.
Diaspora in UK
Praise for spiritual seeds sown through conversations at Friday night International Student Globe Café.
Pray for open hearts to hear and accept Message of Christmas story presentations at each ministry activity (Sewing, English classes, international students). Pray for the blessing of tender hearts to hear and accept the Gospel message.
Pray for provision of Christian volunteers with secondary school immigrant area homework clubs.
Pray for spiritual harvest from the seeds sown.
Pray for healing
An O believing family had a miscarriage this week. Pray for God’s healing physically and emotionally, and that spiritually they will grow in their faith and relationship with God as He holds them close in this hard time. Pray for the O communities around them who have such deep needs for healing from Jesus: “Oh Lord, stretch out your hand to heal where there is need among the O, physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually to come to know Jesus as their Savior, Healer and Deliverer!”
Diaspora in France
Pray that the truth of Christmas presented clearly at the kids club Christmas party on the 11th and the team outreach the 14th would be received and believed.
Praise for renewed contact with some of my island friends; pray for clear opportunities to share again the hope of Christmas and the Spirit to open hearts to Himself.
Jesus the Savior
Please pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal to the Ndengereko at Christmas time that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the World, sent to liberate the captives and give sight to the blind.
Diaspora in Europe
Pray for Pedro’s short-term outreach trips into Morocco. He and David are there now. They just reported that one person in a new region received Christ today.
Pray for the finances needed for two building projects here in Jerez. This week papers are being signed to purchase a building in the town center that would become a center for all of the refugee ministries through Tharsis Betel. Ask the Lord to bless this ministry.
Pray also for the new people of peace identified in Strasbourg, Antwerp, Turnhout and Marseille to begin Discovery Bible Studies.
Assessment today and tomorrow!
Please be praying for “A” as he goes with Sadi from the Catalyst team to assess two more discipleship groups today and tomorrow. We want to see and better understand what the Lord is doing among the M! We have assessed 4 groups so far and have 5 more to go. Over the last two months we have had to postpone the assessment many times due to unusual frequent rain.
Please also pray for wisdom as we seek to add a few more key people to the Catalyst team to train up as movement catalyzers in other key areas. This will be a huge step towards seeing Gospel impact throughout this people group and beyond. Thank you!
Diaspora in USA
Pray for the International student ministry at CSUN to connect with more international students and for gospel conversations.
Please pray also for all the other international students from all over the Diaspora Region who have heard the gospel the past few months, that they would yearn to know Jesus as their Savior.
Zeal for Jesus
Praise the Lord for outreaches that are continuing among the Digo and that a small Digo church continues to meet even though the missionaries have left. Pray for the Digo to turn to Jesus, that as they have been known for their zeal for Islam, they will become known for their zeal for Jesus Christ.
Diaspora in Portland
Pray for the December 1, 8, 15, 22 “Storying” of God’s Story of coming to earth at Salem’s International Prayer Gathering. For these 4 weeks, RH teams up with a young man from Sudan (Arabic), and a gal from Rwanda (Swahili) to share God’s gift of Jesus for the “nations”.
Pray for those who come to the Salem prayer gathering who do not have a personal faith in Jesus the Messiah. Pray that we will share clearly and that those who hear will find life.
Jesus Film in New Village!
Pray for the village of Kisangasa where we will be showing the Jesus Film for the first time. As we went out to invite people today, they seemed excited and ready to come on Friday night. Pray that hearts are prepared before hand. Pray the Holy Spirit falls and moves in the hearts of our friends and neighbors. This is a village that is devout in their Islamic beliefs and almost the entire village attends Islamic class everyday. Please pray for freedom from bondage and that where the movie is shown would be holy ground.
Diaspora in Europe
Could you pray for follow- up with 9 teenagers here in Malta who have made a decision to follow Jesus! and for their baptisms? Also please pray for the right people to do the renovation on our ministry center we will be using here in Malta. We want to have a place where diaspora peoples can feel welcomed.
Shepherds Know the Good Shepherd
For the last year, the Datooga churches have grown and new ones have been planted, thanks to pastors and evangelists carrying the Word of God to settlements of shepherds and villages that are interested in knowing Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Please pray that more and more churches will be planted among the Datooga and that the pastors of those congregations will resemble their Chief Shepherd as they care for their flocks.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel during Christmas. Pray for clarity and a deeper understanding of the story of Jesus, His death & His ressurection to defeat death. Many only know tidbits of information, but not the story of who Jesus really is and why He came down to earth. Pray for many to want to hear the whole story!
With Greater Impact
As we head toward Christmas, we remember that last year our big community celebration was met with some opposition for the first time ever. Pray that the opposition last year would actually lead to even more people joining us this year. Pray that the story of Christmas would go out even more boldly and with greater impact than it ever has before. Pray that hearts would be softened to joyfully receive their King.
Diaspora in USA
The Lord has connected me with two ladies who would like to facilitate a trauma healing group in Noel, MO. Please pray for the collaboration and preparation for this group and that that our Father will bring together exactly those who need to find hope and healing through His Son.
I have begun to meet and get to know some of the members of the African community and other diaspora communities through the ESL program in town. I would love to have some ladies come to the apartment. Would you pray that they would be interested in meeting and talking outside of class and that our schedules will allow for this to happen.
Needing help
Pray for a S. lady who has been divorced and doesn’t have an income. She is in debt for the house, so she needs to move immediately to a smaller house. Pray for an opportunity for her to work so she can support herself. Ask for the Lord to bless, encourage, and provide for her. May she look to You and put her trust in You.
Diaspora in Wisconsin
The visit of the team from NW Ohio went very well and they were a blessing to our team here. They were able to share the good news on an individual basis with our neighbors. Pray for those seeds to find good soil and sprout!
Praise the Lord for the ESL classes and tutoring that continue to provide opportunities to share the good news. May many believe in the One who was sent!
Sharing the Word of God
Borana Christians have found that sharing the Word of God, whether read or heard, is bringing people to faith in Christ, and helping believers grow strong in their faith. Please pray that December will be a season when the Scriptures are widely read, heard, believed and followed, resulting in great growth and new congregations being established.
Diaspora in Canada
Please pray for open hearts for our Muslim friends and loving bold gentleness in our connections with them. Please pray for wisdom to know how and if to navigate through partnerships with the city and Somalis.
Studying & Seeking
Mama and Papa Pepe have a lot of knowledge of the Bible. But they still think people need to pray hard and do good things to get into heaven. Mama Pepe told me she reads her Bible in official Malagasy and when there’s something she doesn’t understand, she listens to the Sakalava Matthew on her memory card and then writes in what it means. Praise God that she is reading and thinking about the Bible. Please pray that they would come to know that only trusting in Jesus will save them.
Diaspora in Detroit
Tomorrow, December 7, we have invited around 25 Arab families to join us, and many volunteers from area churches are working hard to prepare for a really great afternoon. Please pray that the invited families will be able to come and hear the Good News of Christmas and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship with believers. Details are still coming together for the various kids programs for this event and many volunteers are still needed to accommodate all the children we are expecting. Please pray that the Lord will provide and that He will meet with us and reveal Himself to these families.
Training and Christmas party
We have a training for the S. Fellowship here from 10th to 12th Dec. On that final day, we have a Christmas party for all of us. Pray for provision to cover the budget and that people will get to know Christ better.
Start the Wheel- March 29, 2019 update
In March we asked the Lord for 3 different Discovery Bible Study groups to start, with each group having 4 local people studying by the end of the year. At that point we had no one. We asked for at least 3 people who would fearlessly “start the wheel” of pursuing Jesus in our community. While our numbers were not as neat and tidy as we had prayed for, what did miraculously happen was that we had 4 groups running consistently, and at least 10 people truly and intentionally encountered the Word of God with us. Some came in and out because they traveled. Others came and went for reasons unknown. But all of them left with a better understanding of the Scriptures and having been prayed for by us and with us. There are 3 people who have started the wheel, 1 having been baptized, and 2 not believing yet but continuing to move toward Jesus. We praise Him for this supernatural response to our prayers!
Radio ministry update
Pray for the second transmission tower we want to put up to reach even more peoples in Northern Kenya. We’ve run into some snags. Please ask God to help us resolve the issues and move forward. The call- in program is a huge success. Every day 1000 people call in with a wide range of questions. Pray for stamina and wisdom for the 2 men answering the phones!
Wife in Troubled Marriage Given Encouragement
Praise the Lord our neighbor’s husband has agreed to allow one of our female Tanzanian teammates to come regularly to study in their home with his wife about what God teaches for being a good wife & mother and follower of God, though she is still not allowed to worship with the church. What an awesome Redeemer God we serve! Pray this time will be used faithfully to build our sisters in the Lord and our neighbors’ marriage and be a beautiful witness of Christ to lead this whole family to salvation!
Pray for a young man named Emmanuel. He is the only believer in his clan and often persecuted because of having gone to school. He wants his clan to know Jesus. They are called the Ngiyowi and they live in a village called Loputuk. Pray for Jesus to work in their hearts! Pray specifically for his dad, Louse, who is a fierce warrior but recently has gotten sick, pray that he will repent and turn to Christ for true life.
Now They Are Making Disciples
Pray for pastor Ndaki as he continues to teach 70+ new believers who have gathered since the outreach in Handa finished last month. He’s using the MSINGI (“foundation”) Bible study book to teach them. Pray for their rapid growth in the Lord. Praise the Lord again for the Sandawe beginning to reach out with the gospel beyond their own tribe.
Grieving Mother
This past week, a few of us visited an Indian Muslim family. The mother is still grieving the husband who passed away on the day of Eid this year. One of the daughter in laws just recently received radiation for a cancerous growth in her back which caused paralysis in her legs. That’s the reason why we visited them, to see and pray for her. The other daughter suffers from breast cancer and is on treatment at the moment. This family has suffered much and the mother is not coping well. I tried to share Jesus with her. Please pray for this family that they will find the truth and the truth will set them free. We pray that God will bring healing to this family and we ask for miracles to take place so that they will see God’s power and glory.
Pray against the schemes of the enemy to bring division and strife among 2 families of believers. God knows the details. Pray for them to choose the way of Jesus- forgiveness and grace for those who’ve offended us, as we’ve also been forgiven and given grace even when we didn’t deserve it.
To Read During Boring Hours
Last week we had an unexpected encounter with a fisherman who took us on a hunt for a specific shell we were looking for. During the adventure, we got to share with him that Jesus loved fishermen and hung out with them often. We told him there are a number of stories in the Bible where Jesus spent time on the water with His disciples. Our fisherman excitedly told us he would like to have a Bible to read during his “boring hours” on the fishing boat. We assured him we would bring him one and before we parted he reminded us, “Please bring me your book!” Since then we have not been able to find him again. Please pray for this man and the many other Swahili men who make their living on the ocean. Pray that Jesus would draw these men to Himself and make them fishers of men.
Rapid Multiplication
Between 4 churches in our Rendille town, there are close to 150 people that desire to be baptized in December! Right now, pastors are hosting classes on baptism. Please pray for the pastors as this is so exciting, and yet challenging too. Some of the youth are signing up to be baptized for the certification at the end of the baptism class. Apparently, Kenyan schools look kindly upon students who have this certification. We pray that even those who only signed up for the certificate go to the classes and hear the TRUTH proclaimed and make their own proclamation to follow Jesus.
One new sister invited a friend to come hear the gospel. He believed last Tuesday and both were baptized Saturday (and an Arab believer too)! Pray for courage to be a witness and for unity among the believers. The Berbers love the Berber songs from Algeria…the Arabs love the songs from Egypt… May they encourage each other and sing together!
The S family
Pray for the S. family. The bibi (grandmother) in this family has professed Christ and the mama and granddaughter are open to hearing more about Jesus. There has been little fruit in the life of the bibi since her confession. Pray for God to grab ahold of the hearts of this family! Pray that the Gospel would be made clear and that they would count the cost of following Jesus and see that He is worth it. The village members have also been bothering bibi saying she only wants to go to church to ask for money. Pray for her protection during persecution. Pray for increased wisdom for our team as we continue to disciple.
Wants to follow Jesus!
Pray for a young man named Ochen who said he wants to follow Jesus yesterday! Pray that Jesus will show Himself to this young man who often has bad dreams. Pray for his friend Joseph who also heard the message but didn’t respond. Pray for both Ochen and Joseph who were challenged to share the message of good news that they heard with 5 others each.
prayer for O
Pray for our clinic workers who are involved in regular Bible study – pray that they will respond to God‘s word – “Yes Lord, as you promised that your Word will not return empty and void, but will accomplish all that You have planned and purposed for it. Thank you for the ways you are going to work this out in O-land.”
Amazing news.
One Bara village has decided that they are tired of witchcraft and of witchdoctors taking their money, so they burned all their witchcraft charms! They have asked the churches and pastors to come tell them about the Good News. Fernando will join those going from the church and will show the Jesus film. Please pray that the Spirit will move in hearts of the villagers and that a real transformation will take place in this village.
20 pages at a time
One young woman has been sharing with her classmate and she asked for a Bible. When she brought an Arabic one to her, she was afraid and asked that instead this friend send 20 pages a day! May she read and understand. May each believer have courage to speak of Christ!!
So Many Came
We recently asked for prayer for some upcoming outreaches in the villages. Praise the Lord that many locals came! The truth was preached and heard by hundreds. Over 300 came the first day! May those seeds of truth take root and may God use His Gospel to draw many who heard to saving faith in Christ! The teams were also able to give out reading glasses in those village communities. As the locals receive help from these reading glasses in the physical sense to gain better sight, may the Lord also bless each one with spiritual sight to see Jesus as Savior!
Beaten for Listening
It has been confirmed that kids have been beaten by the Madrasa teachers if word gets back to them that the children are coming to our house to play or hear the chronological Bible stories I have been sharing with them this year … My heart is broken for them. I am praying all the seeds for the Gospel that have been sown in their hearts will be protected and will bear fruit in God’s full time. Pray for the salvation of their hearts, minds, bodies & souls!