
Zaona is a good friend of mine and we have known him since 2013. Back then, he was a cattle thief and witchdoctor’s son. However, he converted to Jesus when he was sick and no witchdoctor could heal him. He took a step of “last hope” and came to the church in 2013. He was healed and became a follower of Christ. A real one! From that time on, we have challenged him to read the Bible and share about Christ in his own village (Mbebakaka) and with family. For some years, he was afraid and timid. As time passed, he learned more about Jesus and since the Jesus Film was shown in his village, he has started to more openly share about Christ.
The result? 4 people of his village have decided to follow Christ and to baptized! This is a miracle. Also, the King of the village has given him land to build a church. Praise God. Praise Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Not alone

Please pray for several isolated believers – some because of threats, some by choice, some because of distance from other believers. Ask for increasing love for the brothers and sisters, for unselfishness, and for boldness and perseverance. May each one know that they are not alone. May God Almighty guard their hearts against the lies of the enemy.

Bring the Kids back.

A young believer had an ongoing ministry with neighboring children who would come to her house in the evenings to read an O Bible story book and talk. Recently the kids stopped coming- she doesn’t know why. Pray that the kids would come back to hear more.

Youth Camp

There have been several youth camps over the holiday. 24 youth have accepted Christ. And this week, church pastors and elders from AIC Korr/ Tirrim will lead a youth camp in a (unreached) Rendille village outside of Ilaut where our Korr Rendille have been ministering for over a year now. Pray for much fruit and many new Rendille churches to be planted in the new year.

New believer!

Praise! We have a new sister in the family! A few weeks ago we shared about a new brother we called “Yael”. Well, he shared with his wife and has been ministering to her daily. December 12th she decided to follow Jesus! We praise Jesus for another sister in the family and that this woman is our first 3rd generation believer.


Praising Jesus for increasing willingness to lead. Ask for more believers to be faithful in encouraging other believers and to be willing to gather, willing to study, willing to share what they are learning in a group.

Asking for mighty signs and fruitful lives

There has been increasing persecution, imprisonment, threats. Please pray that each believer would not be overcome by evil, but would walk in the authority of the Spirit. Ask that each would be transformed by the Spirit to be bold for witness and filled with praise in sorrow, asking and believing for mighty signs and fruitful lives for their time here on earth.

Receive the greatest gift

Z is a highly respected woman in our communities who knows the Gospel well and has regular exposure to reading and hearing God’s Word -yet she remains resistant. Her children, M&N also know and even have memorized much Scripture through Kid’s Club. Pray that God would get their attention and they’ll open their hearts to His grace in all of its truth and receive Jesus as the greatest gift ever.

That They Would Feel His Love Near

This past week we had our normal Christmas celebrations in our neighborhoods where many of our Muslim friends gathered to eat, share, and enjoy the day with us. We also had a Christmas study group where those who have been studying the Word with us all came together to study the Christmas story and share a meal together. We are so excited about this more intentional and close look at what Christmas is all about. Please lift up all who gathered, that His presence would be so close to them. Pray that as we continue to declare the name of Emmanuel, our friends would feel His love near and their hearts would be changed.

A Wedding Coming

Pray for a Muslim S. Asian family who are preparing for the wedding of their eldest daughter this month. They have heard the gospel but have steadfastly resisted putting their faith in Christ for salvation, preferring to cling to legalism. Pray that the Lord will bring a breakthrough as they pass through this Christmas season, and that if the marriage will hinder the daughter from believing in Christ, that she will be delivered from that alliance.

New Year requests!

Please pray for God’s blessing on our outreach and for many to embrace the Gospel this year! Specifically pray:
1. That God would continue to encourage us as a team.
2. For a storying workshop Chris will be running in early Jan. That those with a genuine heart to further the kingdom would come.
3. For Margaret & the ministry she is beginning as a midwife in the local clinic. Also for a ‘FAT’ (Faithful, Reliable & Teachable) Didinga person to help with the literacy program so that adults can learn to read the Bible in their own language.
4. For Elly as she starts a children’s & young peoples ministry.
5. For Fiona as she starts working with the women at a local centre & a sewing ministry with the young mothers in the church.
6. For a solution to Lokulang’s wife Lucy’s on going health issues & that she can return from Chukudum so the family can be together again.
7. For Martha who recently gave her life to Jesus- that she would fully understand the gospel and walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
8. For the ministry that has begun in Mahiria & Ligilic- that Jesus would build His church there.

Retreat report

The camp was a great success! We read, discussed, dramatized and meditated on the scriptures. We managed to read through Luke and John. It was joy to sit and immerse ourselves in God’s Word read in our heart language for four full days. It was refreshing to see the hunger for His Word displayed in the zeal and excitement in the study times.

Some of the outcomes we hoped for from this camp are beginning to be realized. Some of the participants lamented that in most of their fellowship times they hardly spend time in the scriptures and they expressed a desire to change that. They suggested once a month, to have overnight meetings in each other’s homes to study and discuss a book from the scriptures. We were hoping for such initiatives to emerge and we are very excited to hear a desire for them expressed. Please pray for good follow through on these commitments.

Reaching Out

This year the Rendille church has been reaching out to the other areas where there was no church. So far we have had 4 evangelism trips to Daadabohigugudan, and there is now a church plant going on there! This month of December we had 3 youth camps and 14 students gave their lives to Christ. Pray for much more fruit in 2020 and many more churches planted among the Rendille. Praise be to God.

Light of Christ

Please pray for this Muslim majority people, who drove missionaries away with violence in the past. Pray that the light of Christ would penetrate their darkness and they would recognize the Savior of the world, the eternal King, from whom no deed is hidden and to whom all will give an account.

Celebration of Christmas

Samburu love celebrations! They enjoy the good food, especially if there is meat, and they like the time of fellowship with friends. Recently, we have been going to a number of celebrations. Pray for those who came to the Christmas celebration. The church women did the cooking. We had a bit of program as well, explaining why we were celebrating, the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ, and the reason this is very good news! Pray that God will work in hearts and enable them to understand and respond.

Loneliness and Restless Unhappiness

Pray for a S. Asian Muslim family who seem very hungry for God’s Word, yet cling to Islam. They are eager for friendship with Christians, and welcome them to their home. They turn conversations almost immediately to spiritual topics, asking many questions for hours. But then they argue with the answers they receive and seem to be trying to convert the Christians to Islam. Still, their loneliness and restless unhappiness shows. Pray that very soon they will become far less interested in Islam, not even remembering to compare whenever we read the Bible together. Pray that they will truly try to understand the Word of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open their eyes so that the spiritual truths can be discerned and embraced.

For the First Time

Please pray for so many Gabbra families who for the first time would like to send their kids to school but have no means to do so!

Local Pastors Seeking the Lost

This past week, a group of 34 local pastors got together and discussed how they were going to strategically reach out in our local area. Reports are that the conversations were good and fruitful. Our prayer is that each would actually put into action what was discussed and result in the word of God going out into areas it has yet to reach. Also, please be praying for continued unity and partnership in the Spirit for these churches and their pastors. May the way they love each other and the lost, and their boldness for the Gospel grow daily and result in much glory given to God.

Great Joy and Warm Welcome

Praise the Lord for Emmanuel, God with us, and God with the Digo. Pray that as Digo believers celebrate the birth of Christ together, there will be great joy. Pray their celebration and warm welcome to their Muslim neighbors will open hearts to welcome Jesus in.

Shepherds Still Adore Him

Shepherds were graciously visited by angels and given the privilege of being the first visitors to the newborn King. Please pray that the Datooga believers who are pastoralists will be like those first shepherds who worshiped Him, then told everyone they saw about the Messiah’s birth. Pray that more and more will come to adore and serve our Savior, and that during this season of church celebrations, new congregations will spring up as a result of the witness of other local church outreach efforts.

Waters of Life

Pray for AIC Korr, for revival, compassion and healing. Also pray for the other surrounding village churches and their pastors and elders. It’s an exciting time of baptisms and Bible translations and Satan wants to destroy all the growth. Pray against Satanic attacks!
Praise God!! Korr looks like a jungle! We even had to pay someone to slash the grass in our yard! Praise God for the rains.

Seekers seeking

Please pray for some of the young men of one village who are meeting weekly for Bible study. They are mostly seekers. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be powerfully present and that these men would follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

By Faith He Goes to School

Please pray for a young Gabbra man who is going to the Northern Bible Training Centre. Pray that he remains faithful to the calling God has placed on his heart. Pray for his wife that is expecting their second child. Pray for provision for this family as he is away to study. As well pray against any evil attack. We know that enemy doesn’t want these plans to succeed but we believe in the victory that Jesus has won for us!

First love

It is beautiful to see one new believer who can’t stop reading the Word and feels the presence of God as she reads; two other older believers are systematically studying and obeying, loving to hear the voice of God and obeying. But pray for those who have known Jesus a few years who have lost their first love, who used to love to read, study, gather, pray… but are overwhelmed by the things of earth now. Pray Rev 3, for each to love Jesus as they did at first.

Chances to share Christmas stories

Pray that God would give us opportunities to share the Christmas story. Pray that islanders would be amazed as they encounter Gabriel’s words, Joseph’s dreams, the wise men’s journey, Herod’s anger and the angels’ song! Pray that these stories would catch the imaginations and hearts of those who hear them!

Cattle sick, growing church

Praise for those in the Magos area, their food stores are full!
But cattle are sick.
The church is growing- pray for the Word to bring transformation in many lives.
Pray for pastor Elia as he continue to reach out.

Increasing courage!

Praise Jesus for increasing courage!! One recent believer has been afraid to tell anyone in her family, but a few days ago, she shared with her sister. Her sister had already been receiving verses from another local brother online! Two days later, she heard the gospel again and believed!! This newest sister is already boldly praying for family members and said she’s sure her mom is open!! Pray that each believer would love Jesus more than they fear persecution and share with those they know!

Christmas Opportunities

Praise the Lord for the Borana reproducing, Christ-Centered churches. Pray that during this Christmas season new believers will be brought into the fold, new congregations will be planted, and the Holy Spirit will give power to all for witnessing of the grace of God in sending His Son to earth.

Sharing great joy!

Ask that the Child given to mankind will be proclaimed!
Ask for his name to be called out and heard:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Ask for his kingdom to be established, and
for justice and righteousness to be performed. (Isa 9)

Open Proclamation

Pray that the miracle of Christmas & the birth of Jesus would pierce the hearts of unbelievers, that they would recognise this event as life-changing & that it would prompt them to seek him for themselves. Pray the open proclamation of the Christmas message would cause unbelievers to re-evaluate their lives in light of it. Pray the joy of believers in this season would prompt an openness in non believers to new faith possibilities.

First Christmas Ever

For many of our outreach Gabbra church plants this will be their first Christmas ever. So as a ministry team we are praying about how to make this year memorable and use the great event to draw more people to Christ. Pray that their hearts would be open to accepting the Prince of Peace! Also, praise God for all the rain this last month: grass is tall and livestock are full!

Christmas party island style

Local believer Sophie invited her sisters and her neighbors to join us for a meal and a viewing of the Magdalena film. It was a packed little living room and front porch, full of women and their children, which was cool. Please pray for His light to shine in their hearts and for Sophie to have lots of follow-up conversations

Diaspora in Portland

Thank you so much for praying! The Gospel was shared very clearly in Arabic and English at our Christmas event (Dec 20) and the people at our table were mesmerized with hearing and understanding–for the first time–the whole Gospel!
An Iraqi lady leaned close to me and asked . . .”If Jesus paid the full price. . . What motivates you as Christians to do good?” I was able to share with her how it is our great love and deep respect for God and for the debt that He paid for us. . . that motivates us to please Him. . .
She answered that for the first time in her life she completely understands why it is good news. .

Translation testing

We have started monthly meetings for testing the newly translated scripture drafts with new believers. Testing is a crucial part of the translation process, but also the hardest part to make happen.
Ask that these believers would not only be committed to the work but also start to take a more proactive role.

Christmas Baptisms

Praise God that this Christmas we will be baptizing new believers. Pray that God will bring more people to Him during Christmas time.

Submission of Kings

The King of one village and his wife had decided to follow Jesus, but it wasn’t seeming to make much difference to their daily lives. A local pastor moved into the area and took the responsibility of going to preach in the village weekly despite struggles with their dialect. He was well received and the king has since been thinking seriously about the practical consequences of following Jesus.
Meanwhile the king in another village had a son who went away to study and then returned with news that he had become a believer and been baptised. The king has now decided that he and his family will also follow Jesus, having been convinced through the testimony of his son that the stories he had been hearing were in fact true!
Praise God! Keep lifting up the kings of these villages as they allow the gospel to transform every area of their lives.

Bible Storying and literacy

Pray for the Spirit to give Didinga a hunger for the Word and for God’s Truth as plans are put together for a Bible Storying workshop and literacy classes next month (January).

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray that God will intervene on behalf of an Egyptian family we have been reaching out to- that He will open their hearts to the Gospel.
Please pray that God will open up the hearts of a Libyan family we have been spending a lot of time with- that God will open their hearts to the Gospel as well.
Please pray that God opens the hearts of our students as we prepare to share about the true meaning of Christmas with our Muslim friends this month through many different outreach events.

Christmas celebrations

Please pray for the Christmas celebrations. May they be opportunities for Alagwa to hear the gospel clearly and respond.

A Village Homestay

Pray for Pastor Josphat Musanga as he and his family will be hosting missionaries Jeff and Mandy this Wednesday to Sunday for their village home stay. Pray that he and Jeff and Mandy will build a good relationship for their future work with the Dorobo. Pray that through their partnership Dorobo will come to Christ and churches will be planted and a missionary movement empowered among the Dorobo people.