Heart to serve

Lift up Brother A, a Mwani man who, together with his family, is set on serving the Lord in his church as well as helping the team of workers with outreach. Ask the Lord to keep giving him a greater love for the Word and a creativity in how to best reach his own people.


Sharing the gospel with the O in a little different way – including the story of the two kingdoms, light and darkness, has really resonated with many O people who say they want the light! Pray for two family groups who are debating whether they are willing to study this story more in depth. Pray that they will choose to study God‘s word, and seek to find, understand and receive God‘s gift of light through Jesus.

Party in Heaven! Rejoice!

Saida came to our house and told me and the leader of our church plant that she is tired of worshipping spirits and wants to come to Jesus and go to church. She wanted to burn her witchcraft equipment. After talking to her and explaining the way of salvation, she accepted Christ as her saviour and the instruments used for witchcraft were burned the next day! She and her husband are now coming to church and worshipping with us.

Discipleship and training

A young Sandawe couple has recently moved to southern Tanzania for a year long internship that includes not only discipleship but also training in agricultural methods. Please pray for a good adjustment for Immanuel and Janet and that they will learn much during this time.


Pray for the believers who are having baptism classes. Pray that they continue to understand and strengthen their faith in the Lord Jesus. Praise God for our brothers and sisters that are willing to declare Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord of their lives in public. Pray that through this event many others will desire a new life in Jesus.


The last 24 hours have caused much fear among the Mwani people. Last night, the first case of COVID19 was diagnosed here in Mozambique and then beginning early this morning, insurgents captured a Mwani city in the north. Pray for wisdom in how to respond to these situations and for God to have mercy on the many suffering people who don’t yet know Him.

A Significant Dream

A week ago we had a dear friend who has been studying the Scriptures come to us distraught after discovering that her husband had taken a girlfriend, presumably to eventually marry her as a second wife. She shared with us and went home. That evening she had a dream of a man in all white, surrounded by very bright light, who came and told her that he was leaving her with his peace. When she asked who he was, he told her that soon she would know. Please pray with us that the “man in white” would continue to reveal His full identity to her and that she would truly receive His lasting, eternal, soul-securing peace.

News from evangelist

Please pray for the Lord to bless the kindergarten children as we open the school. Please pray that my wife and I will have the heart to continue working for the Lord here. Please pray that the ministry can continue in our village in spite of many challenges. Pray for me to be able to continue receiving higher education and for my son to be able to begin first grade.

Declare what she has seen and heard

Please pray for a Muslim woman who agreed to pray that the Living God would reveal Himself. Pray that she will not shrink back from declaring what she has seen and heard during those days of prayer, and that she will decide to follow Jesus in spite of the cost.

Reaching out to a Neighbor

Please pray for a disciple who has started to reach out to his neighbour, serving him and sharing God’s love with him. May God’s Spirit give him wisdom and boldness. May his neighbour turn to Jesus.

Radio proclamation

Pray for Radio Nuru, our radio station in Northern Mozambique that declares biblical truth. Pray for those working in broadcasting and production and that through this the good news will reach those who don’t have access to the Gospel in other ways.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray that God will open up the hearts and minds of several North African families M&JC have been working with from Libya and Egypt. Pray that God will also reveal Himself to them in dreams and visions.
Pray that God will open up hearts to receive the Good News amongst all of our friends from the North African region.
Pray that whole families would come to faith in Christ and that they would be instrumental in leading their communities to Christ when they go back home to their countries of origin.

New pastor

One of the pastorates in the Sandawe area is undergoing leadership transition. Please pray for both leaders and church members to adjust well to change and that passion for the lost will grow in this area.

Grief and Questions

Alexis has faced many challenges since he started Bible School here in Tana in preparation for serving the Lord full time. He left his wife and eight children back in Nosybe which was not an easy thing to do. This past week, Alexis was called back to Nosybe because his two year old daughter was very sick. Sadly the little girl died on Wednesday before Alexis made it back.  Please pray for Alexis and Mbotizara (his wife) in this time of grief, may they find God is sufficient in this great time of loss. Alexis and Mbotizara are the first people to become Christians in their family and village. People in the village do not understand why Alexis has left his family for Bible Study in Tana. Now they have many thoughts concerning the death of his daughter, some thinking it is a curse from his ancestors, others are wondering if his studies are making him rich. We thank the Lord that Alexis is standing strong in his faith, and believes God is in control of everything. Please pray for the people of this village, that they will be challenged by Alexis’ life and testimony and they will come to believe in his God. Also pray for Alexis and his family during these remaining months of studies that they will remain well and that he will be able to focus on his studies.

Holy leaders

Pray for Thomas and Clement in Imoluha. They are faithfully leading the church in this Lopit village, and they recognize the need for others in the church to grow in their faith and participate in the ministry. Please pray for the Lord to raise up workers from within the church. And pray that as these men “make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with [God]” (2 Peter 3:14), their wives would see their example and come to a sincere faith in Jesus.

Loneliness Within the Community

Pray for a S. Asian woman who is worried about the direction her adult children are going. Pray that they will all come to faith in Christ out of secularism. Pray that she will also follow Christ out of Islam and into the family of God. Pray that her loneliness will reveal to her the emptiness of her Muslim “community” and the richness of the Body of Christ.

Come to Jesus

Please pray for Alagwa women who feel that they cannot follow Jesus until their husbands or children do. May God raise up more women who come to Jesus and faithfully pray for the salvation of their husbands and children. Pray for one woman who has privately said “I am with Jesus” recently. May this be a significant step in her journey of faith, and in her family’s journey of faith.

Diaspora in France

Pray for our Vision: To see island women all over the city leading and studying Scripture together in family groups, growing in their relationship with Jesus, beginning with a known sister and her immediate family. Pray for softened hearts to be receptive to God’s truth.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for the refugees and immigrants in Passo Fundo enrolled in Portuguese language classes. Ask God to open their hearts to the gospel. Pray for J&A as they interact with the students.

Teaching through Stories

Petera and Francine have been living on Nosy MItsio for 3 months and they have held regular bible storying times for the children in their village. Petera is tutoring 3 older kids at the school and teaching them about the Bible as well. Pray for these children, that they would do well in their studies as well as grow in the knowledge of Jesus. Sometimes adults come and listen to the Bible stories as well. Pray that the Word of God would take root in their hearts.

Gin and avocados

Margaret recently came across an elderly lady called Maria- she seemed to be under the influence of alcohol but was saying the name of Jesus. Margaret was able to share a little with her and was rewarded with three avocados. May Maria come to know the one who will give her the waters of life.

For Our Enjoyment

Pray for a S. Asian friend who seems to want to spend time together but is fearful to read the Scriptures. Pray that she will realize the Scriptures are given to us for our enjoyment, for our learning, and to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, to lead us to God. She is afraid to try to interpret them without a religious “teacher.” Pray for her to be surprised at how the Spirit of God helps her understand the meaning.

Diaspora in USA

Continue to pray for Mo from Noel. His English is improving and is willing to keep meeting together. Pray for his heart to soften to the truth and for more opportunities to meet up with him.


There is a visiting believer from Clove island along with a Kenyan man from an outside
organization who have come to encourage the local Body here. We are excited that believers are
meeting and getting to know each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit will move in this body and use this time for his glory!

Diaspora in Florida

Please pray with us for our Vision for Florida: For a movement of Muslims turning to Jesus in the Orlando area and for believers trained to reach and disciple them.


Language and loving the Lopit

Micheal has recently moved to the village of Loumu, just 30-40 kilometers away from Imatong where he has lived as a missionary for the last 2 years. Pray for this young Lopit man, who speaks three languages fluently, to now learn another entirely different language. Pray for his acceptance in this community that is known to be difficult, and even hostile. Pray they will be open to receiving the Word of God.

Going Out To Meet Them

Please pray for a teammate and I as we go out into a neighborhood in our community this week with the goal of making new connections, building relationships, and getting to know some of the ladies.  We’re praying for opportunities to share the Gospel with them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us to the right ladies whose hearts He is already at work softening and that He would open doors for us to share about Jesus. Pray that the Lord would give us boldness in sharing and deep love for these neighbors, and that the Father would draw many to His Son!! We long for them to know the Savior we know!!

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for open, seeking hearts in our community. Some ladies have said that they are reading the Bible. May God’s Word be implanted in their hearts and minds so they continue on their spiritual journey. Pray for an older Moroccan Muslim woman that CH & JC spent last Friday evening with. For years she has been a part of our lives, listening to God’s good news, valuing our friendship and much prayer, etc. Is she seeking? Only God knows her deep thoughts. And pray for an Iranian Muslim mother who, for many years has heard the Good News in our group, asked 4 of us to come and pray for her. It was a precious time. She seems so open and “hungry.”

Diaspora in Canada

Pray for the Saturday, March 14 Christian-Muslim Friendship Day that N & LD are organizing in one of Mississauga’s main mosques. Ask the Lord to build genuine friendship between the members of two churches and the Islamic centre. And as both the pastor and imam share what they believe about Jesus, may the truth of the Gospel shine into many hearts.

Cattle and Care

Troy is going to Kapoeta today to work with Kenyan missionaries Mark Keter and his team. He is going to do a week-long training on animal care for these missionaries working among the cattle-keeping Toposa people. Pray that this is a valuable and useful tool for this missionary team, and that God will use their concern for the Toposa’s most valued possession as a means of reaching the hearts of this people group. Pray the Toposa will desire Jesus more than they long for their cattle.

Two New Underground Churches

From December 2019 to March 2020, two new churches have begun in Zaramo villages, though they are still underground. They have indigenous believers, including many from the Zaramo tribe, also Maasai and Sukuma. Please keep us in prayer as we have needs in these groups. They lack teaching on spiritual victory and other topics. They lack Bibles. One needs nine corrugated steel roofing sheets so we may have a place to meet during the rainy season, and we need some benches. Please pray for the growth and provision for these churches.

Faith in the Mountains

We praise God for Bible study groups cropping up in the Lopit mountains! Pray for Robert’s Bible study with the chief and his wife – that they would be transformed by the gospel. Pray for Marlene’s DBS with some of the teachers at one of the village schools. The head master is really seeking – pray that he finds Jesus. The team would love to see a Bible study group start at Grace’s house – pray she will commit to it.

Diaspora in Detroit

Praise for new opportunities for in-home ESL classes. Pray that deeper relationships develop and for soften hearts to be receptive to the Gospel news.

Please pray for our upcoming Easter event. Pray for all the logistics, but mainly that those attending will understand what it means to follow Jesus.


The team in Pemba rejoices for the gathering of Mwani people that happened in Februrary. It included a time of music, a Bible story, and the testimony of a Mwani believer. Pray that our friends would ponder the truths that were shared and for wisdom as we plan more meetings like this.

Relationship building

Dan and Joel have been with the Laarim team for about 6 weeks now. They both stayed in the homes of local chiefs for a week-long homestay and built positive relationships in those households. Pray for the chiefs to be men of peace who not only welcome foreigners into their homes, but more importantly, Jesus into their lives.

Revelation of Christ

Pray for my S. Asian Muslim friend, who prayed with me last week that the Living God would reveal Himself to each of us. May the Lord Jesus be revealed to her as the image of the invisible God, as He revealed Himself to Saul on the road to Damascus. May she not shrink back but have faith to the saving of her soul.

Turn and Live

For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone,
declares the Lord GOD; so turn, and live. Ezekiel 18:32
May many Alagwa turn and live! May God’s Spirit cause many Alagwa to turn towards His truth and love and be saved.

Bible Translation

SIL has been working on the Lopit Bible translation for a few years now. Lopit believers are hungry for the Word in their mother tongue! Pray for those working on this translation work to persevere, that nothing would hinder the work, and that the Word of God will be well received by every Lopit community.


A group from mainland Africa is coming this first week of March to do a survey of the state
of the island Body. Pray for them as they talk with brothers and sisters that they would have
clarity and discernment and would be able to provide good guidance and advice for the

Diaspora in Portland

An older Iranian student terminally ill with lung cancer, seriously crying at times, continues to reject multiple “hearings” of the Good News. …even busying himself with other things when RH brought a video of God’s Story in his own language to view on his big screen. Tomorrow, he and RH plan to visit a Christian Iranian, whom RH meets with. Pray for God to open his heart.
Pray for a warm-hearted Kurdish family whom RH visited last Tuesday. Last year, they met for several weeks studying Matthew in simple English. They want to spend more time together, but feel that with both their work schedules and a pregnancy, they can’t commit to this study now. PRAY!