Pray for a continued effort to make an evangelism trip to the Akie/Ilataiyok group of Dorobo who live in Tanzania just on the other side of the Kenya border. They continue to move around, as they have done for centuries in search of honey and hunting grounds, and we are now told they are near Lake Magadi. Pray that we can make contact in the months ahead and visit them and show the Jesus film.
Jesus their refuge
Diaspora in Ontario: Pray for these Muslim families from Uganda and Burundi who have recently resettled in Toronto, Canada, and Illinois, USA. May they continue to seek Jesus as their refuge during this time of adaptation to their new environment.
School starting
Today, we begin another school year. The Be Fitia School was established to proclaim Christ and teach children how to read and write. Approximately 230 children have been enrolled. Praise Jesus. That’s another 230 children who will leave the ignorance of illiteracy and the darkness of the lack of knowledge of Christ. Pray for them!
Please pray for a young Christian woman who has been separated from her (Christian) husband for almost 2 years. She is currently studying at a Christian-run sewing school. The head of the school called me yesterday to say that she had a long and intense conversation with the young woman last Saturday because she refuses to return to her husband even though he wants her to return. The director gave the young woman an ultimatum telling her to go pray and pour out her heart before God (her discontent, her pain) and to pray for her husband. She clearly told her that they, as the head of the school, do not support her in her decision and are very disappointed because they welcomed her as their own daughter. The young woman must give her answer today. Please pray for a miracle and that she chooses to trust God who can transform their relationship.
Grow in service
Pray for the saved on our island to grow in service to one another and in the knowledge of God. May they grow in using their spiritual gifts in love, patience, and humility for the good of the whole body. There are many different small expressions of the church around the capital region. May those who teach and shepherd teach and shepherd with the measure they have been gifted, encouraging all to serve with the gifts Jesus has given them that they may grow in the full knowledge of God, being mature in Christ who is the head.
Pierce hearts
Diaspora in Florida: Pray for the Spirit to pierce the hearts of my imam friends.
Craft project
Praise God that a project to teach vulnerable women to make raffia crafts as a means of income has begun and is going really well. The women are studying God’s word together daily. Please pray that they would put their trust in Jesus!
Oct 1 trial date
The trial has once again been postponed. The new date is Oct 1. Please pray for encouragement for the brothers and sister in prison for their faith. May they know the precious presence of the Lord Jesus in a profound way. Pray God would care for their families. And pray for their deliverance!
We are noticing that a lot of Somali believers are not eager to study God’s Word regularly. Pray that the Holy Spirit will reignite their hearts to continuously seek the truth in the Word and to fellowship with other believers.
Lord build your church!
The new believers seem to be getting more and more verbal persecutions and pushback from the community and their families. My visits with three of the ladies yesterday felt discouraging and like they are withdrawing! Pray for all of their protection, and that the joy of the Lord would be their strength and that the Holy Spirit would fill them with wisdom in all of their responses and choices and decisions! Pray for wisdom and strength for us as well! So far the men have expressed some of the challenges they’re facing, but have still been faithful in coming for study, etc. Pray especially for the main shepherd leader and his family! May God build his church here and make it strong and help it grow!
Missionary teachers sent
A select group of local educators underwent rigorous training in specialized missionary teaching techniques and were recently deployed to remote areas of Nuba Mountains, Sudan, to make a difference in the lives of children who have limited access to quality education.
Pray for the missionary teachers to make a positive impact and bring about transformation in the lives of the children they teach and the communities they serve. Ask for God’s wisdom to guide their educational initiatives, empower their students, and inspire lasting change for the better.
Pray for *Joseph, a Digo sheikh who came to Christ. However, after his people persecuted him, and he seems to have gone back to his former ways. Pray for the Spirit of God to convict him afresh and give him boldness and help him find a livelihood independent of the Muslim community.
False prophet
Please pray for the church to remain faithful. A strong new false prophet from Zimbabwe has come and many are running to attend his services and see what he can do. Please pray for perseverance in the faith!
Sharing gospel and farming
We keep seeing God provide more opportunities to share the gospel. For the last three months Farming work has provided a good platform to share the gospel. Thanks for praying for the field day. We had around seven young people come. After visiting the farms, we sat, then Aron and Clement began to share the gospel with the young men. Please pray that the gospel will transform their hearts. End of the month we will be visiting their villages and do a follow up.
Full surrender
A group of four Y men have been meeting weekly to study the Bible. They had been given the book by a Y follower and out of respect for him they decided to read it together. One has decided the Book and words of Jesus are true. The others’ faith journey are ongoing but they are near the kingdom too. Pray for full surrender.
ESL students
Diaspora in Georgia: Please pray for the salvation of the ESL students the Lord sends our team this year, and that He will bring Africans and Muslims to us who will not be afraid to attend English classes in a church, nor read the Bible.
Pray for the salvation of three Pakistani families I’ve made friends with.
New Testament in Somali
We want to thank God for the launch of a newer and easier version of the New Testament in Somali. It also comes as an App in a form that one can not be tracked.
Pray that God’s Word will reach many Somalis and that their lives will be transformed and matured for His glory. Pray that God will prepare those whose hearts are seeking Him and the truth and that they will find their way to these resources.
Transformational development
Pray for Pastor Josphat Musanga, currently in South Africa for a continent-wide conference on transformational development. Pray that he would gain much from this time and that he will be a catalyst on his return in showing how the church among the Dorobo can be a leader in transforming their communities through living out the Gospel in practical ways.
New students
Diaspora in California: Pray for the new semester activities with International students. 150 new contacts were made at the International Student Orientation. Whatever we do, may the students come to know God’s grace and salvation. Specifically pray for salvation for Rohit, Thomas, and Chris.
Pray for a student from India, Sam, who was baptized but then went through much persecution. Pray for his faith to grow strong and his witness to be bold.
Pray for children I meet in their homes as I visit women or several who visit me at my home. Pray for wisdom in how to talk of God with them. They are as lost as their parents and most have little idea of spirituality.
New students
Diaspora in Brazil: Praise God for new students arriving for this semester, pray for new contacts and activities and conversations to speak of Christ!
Keep in step
Pray for protection of all believers from the schemes of the evil one and evil men. Pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out daily in fresh and powerful ways! That we ALL truly ‘keep in step with the Spirit!’ and abide deeply in Jesus – and that we’ll see much lasting fruit!
Searching for God
Pray that God would bring people to us who are searching for Him. That God would show us what’s really in the hearts of men and women here (their true desires, what drives them). For God to do signs and wonders amongst the K.
Discipleship in church- pray that God would grow a hunger for growth in the hearts of believers here.
Summer Bible class
Diaspora in Hong Kong: Praise the Lord for His work in the hearts of the Muslim children during the summer Bible story classes. They learned about the Son and stories of forgiveness, repentance, seeking forgiveness, and healing through prayer. Please pray for these children and their families. Please pray for the church that provides the venue, as they are still discussing whether these classes should continue, given that the church’s homework club is the priority now that the new school term has started.
The believing couple that got married a couple weeks ago are planning a celebration service
with the local body today. May the Lord be honored, the believers encouraged, and
the couple properly celebrated. Believers marriage celebrations are still very rare here. May
this service inspire future believing couples in how they approach marriage. Another believing
couple are considering marriage, having only expressed interest in each other
recently. May the Lord grant that they can hear Him through their emotions for one
another. Proverbs 15:22 “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they
succeed.” And also praise that believers are wanting to marry believers!
New openness
Diaspora in Brazil: Praise for new opportunities to walk with Muslim women who are facing labor and delivery in a whole new country and far from family. Praise God for a new openness in these women and spiritual conversations. Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw many to the Lord.
New believer
New believer: A young Fulani man recently turned to Jesus Christ. His brother shared a lot with him and then two other men from the Fellowship followed up. Ask the Father to protect him, strengthen his faith and draw his wife to Jesus.
Optional Bible story time
Diaspora in Michigan: Pray that some of those who come to our Conversation Cafe on Fridays starting the end of September will stick around for the optional Bible story time afterwards.
Fall semester
Diaspora in Alberta: Pray for the New Canadian Friendship Centre starting classes. Please pray for the students who will be coming to the Center for the fall semester and for the two (or possibly three) Bible studies that will be held after English classes.
Soft heart
Pray for our dear friends Iris and Karl and their 4 kids. Iris asks me lots of spiritual questions, recently specifically about Jesus. Ask that her heart would soften to the truth and that their whole family would come to know Jesus Christ.
Pray for the IDLF training that kicked off yesterday for the whole month. Pray for the trainers and the disciples and leaders from Jiye, Nyang’atom and Toposa. Pray that for this month they will be taken deeper with the word of God. Pray for the school which opens soon.
Diaspora in Ontario: A fatwa was recently issued locally and published on TikTok against a Christian family from our favorite people group, mentioning them by name, and also against us, mentioning the bike ministry, tutoring, our location, my name, and declaring us to be enemies of Islam. We’re still going ahead with the bike ministry and local visitation, and it’s being well received, but please pray for all our protection.
Faith to believe
Pray for the people we have been sharing with: Hass’, Mam’, Sadd’, Yun’ , Kal’, Us’, Abdy’, Isa, Abir’, Maki’, Leim’, Yun’, Ali, Jib’ and others. Ask the Lord to grant them faith to believe.
My family in Christ, please join us in praying for Erigavo City, where there is a civil war, and many civilians have died and many more displaced. Women and children have been killed in clan-related issues. Pray for peace.
Pray for openings
I continue to work with mentally ill and epileptic patients. Patients are few these days because roads are terrible and people are busy with farming. Pray for San’ who has a bad psychosis and then severe heart side effects of medication. His relatives neglect him as do so many. Pray for openings to talk of Christ.
Rangi New Testament!
The Rangi New Testament was dedicated this weekend! Translators from the organization SIL started the work in 2006 and finished the huge project this year. What an accomplishment and reason to praise God! Please pray His Word will plant many seeds among the Rangi.
Growing in passion
Pray for H, a MBB from our community who is growing in his passion to share his faith and disciple others.
Trial Sept 3
Pray for the Lord to go before the believers going to trial tomorrow, Sept 3rd. Pray for courage and peace for them to stand strong. Pray for the Lord to trouble the judge and that he would hear and obey the Lord, “Let My people go!”
Pray the trial would not be postponed and all would be released.
Holy Father, these prisoners are your true children. Please give them patient endurance. Purify their hearts from any doubt or fear that the accuser has spoken. Fill them with patience and kindness. May the presence of your Holy Spirit be so clear to each one who sees them. Let sincere love shine from their countenances, for their brothers and sister, for those trying them, for the lawyers, for their oppressors, for Jesus. Remove any thought of speaking self-protecting lies. Let each one faithfully preach the truth. We know that your resurrection power is working in them.
Bring salvation
Praise for many opportunities to share the gospel with a 9 year old S boy this summer. Please pray that Jesus would meet him in a dream and bring salvation to him and his family.
Community leader
Pray for T., one of the community leaders in the village. Pray for wisdom as he leads the Rangi people, and that he would show “genuine concern for their welfare” (see Phil. 2:20).