Diaspora in Kentucky

* Praise God for a growing relationship with Mr. A who is an immigrant from our hometown in the Horn.
* Praise for a group of people who meet monthly to pray for Somalis and engage them with the Gospel.
* Praise for a growing understanding of the lay of the land in Louisville and potential opportunities for outreach.
* Pray for peace in the city and opportunities to point people to Christ during this time of pain and protests.
* Pray for opportunities for JJ to connect with Somali women. Wisdom in how to order our days.

Identity in Christ

Our Mwani friend A gave his life to Jesus and since then his family despises him. In Mwani culture, your identity is defined by the community you are a part of so if your family rejects you, the whole community rejects you and with that benefits like food, work, housing etc. stop. Pray for A and many Mwani like him who struggle with identity and acceptance after deciding to follow Christ.

Diaspora in UK

* Starting from October 1st I am going to try to move some of my English teaching which has been done outside in local parks inside to a local church venue. Please pray for the transition.
*Praise that the international women’s sewing and international university student Bible study groups are expanding through online access. Please pray that those attending would see their need for a Saviour and turn to Jesus.

Bible translation

Pray for Mike and others who continue to work towards the completion of the Jesus film and other Bible translation projects – pray that the Holy Spirit will anoint them with wisdom, discernment and ability to see the O. scriptures accurately translated and engaged with on a large scale. Also pray for Mike’s wife to be growing and genuine in putting Christ first in her life!

Diaspora in Canada

* Praise for N (Moroccan who recently believed) being baptized two weeks ago at our church. She is now being further discipled. She is already inviting her friends/family to church and sharing the gospel.
* Praise for a space (rented gym) to have our Impactkids.ca program with 10 North African children signed up for our first drop-in last Saturday October 3rd
* Praise for a space (church) to have our English conversation classes- first one Saturday October 10th.
* Pray for our Impact Kids- that we will do well from a COVID-19 perspective, connect well with the families, and that the seeds of the gospel would take root in the kids’ hearts through the story of Noah.
* Pray for a good group of North Africans to sign up to our English conversation classes, that God would call those whom he is already at work in.

Continue To Grow In Jesus

Pray for the Alagwa church elders, that they will continue to grow in Jesus and develop especially in the areas of teaching and preaching.

Miraculous Peace and Quiet

Please pray for a Rangi woman named Mama S. She is very curious and has agreed to study a set of chronological Bible Stories with me. The first two times I have gone to study with her the Lord has miraculously provided peace and quiet so that we can read without interruption. (I say miraculously because her house has many women and children and it’s often difficult to even hold a conversation.) Some of the other nearby ladies have joined to listen too. Pray that all of their hearts would be moved by Truth and would want to hear about Jesus, and pray for continued miraculous times of quiet to study together.

Diaspora in France

Praise God for the opening of the community center/café: Le Quai 67! Business is fairly slow at the moment, but we are starting to meet people in the community. Oct 2 we started French classes and today we start a time for moms and young children!
I recently met a North African woman from the neighborhood. She has two young children and is longing for community. We met for coffee and connected really well.
I’ve met with several friends at the café over the past week- it’s a great connecting place! Praise God for several Gospel conversations with friends.


Pray again for the Lord to send ambassadors of the gospel to the Ndengereko people so they may hear and be saved.

Diaspora in Missouri

* Praise God for the good turnout for our Welcoming Week events. We are thankful for the relationships that were formed and nurtured and for the fruitful conversations.
* Our non-profit board will be meeting on October 8th to discuss and plan how to move forward with the community center in Noel. Please pray for wisdom as we consider the next steps.
* We will be having a closing event at the garden on October 25th. This will be a Fall themed event for families. Pray that many will come and that the Lord will guide and direct our time together.

Story of Noah

Praise that the app highlighting the story of Noah has been downloaded by many people over the past month! Pray that those who have downloaded it will listen and engage with the word of God.

Bless the Beautiful Feet

Please pray that the M who are sitting in darkness will see a great light, on those in the shadow of death a light will dawn, the light of Jesus Christ. Pray that in small villages where Jesus has never been heard of, in these days the gospel will be coming. May the Lord bless the feet of those who announce glad tidings of good things.

True Destiny

Yesterday I sent a message to my good friend and class mate Mu* who was bereaved last week. I asked him how he would like us to pray for him. He said we should pray for his auntie (who recently died) and also pray for the whole family. My prayer request is that the family may know, believe and understand the true destiny of those who depart from us after putting their trust in Jesus. May the family be willing to hear more from us on the good news of those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus.

Unlocking the Hearts

Pray for the Digo of Kenya and Tanzania to meet many Christians from other tribes who do not look down on them but who love them with the compassion of Jesus. Pray that the friendship and kindness of those Christians will be the key to unlock the hearts of the Digo to Jesus. Pray that the Word of God will be shared freely and that anyone who might try to prevent Digo people who are seeking salvation will not be able to hold them back or intimidate them.

Judgement Day

The Jesus Film has been largely broadcasted in more than 100 Bara villages. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will remind the thousands who have watched the Judgement Day and that He who sits on the throne is merciful. Pray that the light of truth will penetrate through the darkest lands and bring salvation to the very last village in Madagascar. May God strengthen the church by bringing a revival of holiness and love for the kingdom of Christ. May He awaken His church, open doors to spread the Gospel and provide new strategies to reach His people.

A Strategic Plan

Praise the Lord for a widespread nationwide survey that has almost been completed among the Datooga of Tanzania. It seems there are pockets of reproducing Christ-centered churches in many areas and approximately 1% believers so far. Praise the Lord for the plan to put Tanzanian Christians in ten strategic towns and villages so they can do outreach and start churches. Pray for the Lord to greatly bless this project.

Steadfast in Him

A few days ago, we visited R and F who were recently transformed by Christ. F and M are R’s young nieces who were beaten by their father because of their faith in Jesus. After much familial pressure, M returned to Islam, but F and R have remained steadfast, continuing to follow Jesus. Their family has persecuted, abused and continues to threaten R and F but despite the circumstances they have remained steadfast in the Lord. Pray that R and F will remain strong in following after Jesus! And that M will repent to return to Jesus.

Strong and Courageous

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to make the Borana believers strong and courageous, not trembling or being afraid in any way, to speak the word of God boldly without fear, and that many others will be saved through their testimony.

Confusion and Trouble

Pray for the salvation of a S. Asian lady who received a gospel of John. Her husband has lost his job and the family is experiencing many difficulties. In their confusion they are asking a “Koranic expert” to discern who has an evil eye against them. Pray that they will turn to Jesus instead of to Islam for answers and protection.

Doubtful but Open

Please pray for a Rangi man named Baba Z. He has been asking questions about Jesus recently. God has opened the door to read some Scripture as well as the story of the Two Kingdoms together. He is doubtful but open for discussions. Please ask the Holy Spirit to stir his heart and open His eyes to see his need for Jesus as Savior.

Spiritual Breakthroughs

“For our struggle Is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.” Please pray for spiritual breakthrough amongst the Alagwa. Pray for the many Alagwa who are still bound by evil spirits. Pray for freedom and for many eyes to be opened to the truth of Jesus their Redeemer.

Need a breakthrough!

It’s been so long, so let’s intensify asking, seeking, and knocking for three more strong O. disciples yet this year to join the four who are currently faithfully desiring to obey God in every way. Pray for  the beginning of a disciple -making movement! Keep praying for O. eyes to really see, and O. ears to listen, hear and understand, and O. hearts to turn and be healed. In Jesus name and power! Amen.

fasting and praying

Their father is sick with kidney disease and diabetes… and the believing sisters and mom are fasting and praying for his healing so that he has the opportunity to believe. Please ask for growing faith and growing boldness to witness. And like them, ask for each believer to be bold to tell their families.

This Week’s Questions

Please pray that South Asians who have Christian friends will contact those friends this week and ask questions about their faith and the reasons they believe in Jesus Christ. Pray that the Lord will lead those Christians to give accurate and clear testimony of Jesus and His love. Pray for the Holy Spirit to turn them from darkness to His glorious light.

Neem m’ssionary!

Pray for B, a relatively recent Neem believer, who has taken a 9 months Bible/evangelism training and just set off to be a missionary! He says he hopes to reach leaders particularly. Pray for him that he will be full of courage and discernment and compassion. As a child, he was one of those beggar boys carrying the bowls around to take back gifts to his ‘Faki’ from whom he learnt the Koran. May God use him and his knowledge of our cousins’ faith richly.
Pray for those he seeks to reach, steeped in fear of spirits and evil eye, trapped by tradition, and with little idea of God. May God open their minds and hearts and give visions and dreams to them which will turn them to Christ. May God open the doors for many more to work amongst this group.

Hunger and Thirst

Please pray for those who have sown in tears among the Zigua to reap a great harvest in joy. Pray for the Zigua to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Pray that Jesus will show them that He became sin for them so they could become the righteousness of God in Him. Pray they will come to Jesus for their hunger to be filled.

Peaceful Sleep

Pray for a young man that another team on the island are in contact with. He hadn’t slept for two weeks, but when they gave him a Bible to take home, he read it and fell asleep! Every night since, he has fallen asleep reading his B. He asked about J miracles. “I want to know how he could do that, how he had that power”. Pray this young man would come to know the power of Jesus in his own heart and that through him God would gather a group to study and grow together.

Filled with the Knowledge of His Will

Please pray for every believer among the Zaramo to be filled with the knowledge of the Lord’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. May God be at work in them both to will and to do His good pleasure. Pray for the love of Jesus and His compassion for the lost to overflow in the hearts of believers, that they may have opportunities every day to give reasons for the hope that is in them, and that others may also put their trust in Jesus Christ.

Fear of COVID-19

Cases of COVID 19 are increasing in Karamoja, and this is often accompanied by fear. Please pray in the face of uncertainty and fear many turn to the Lord Jesus for salvation. Pray for believers that the truth of John 14:27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” will bring comfort, hope and peace.

Ready to Take Action

Please pray for AIC Korr pastors and elders. May the current leaders be refreshed and ready to take action on what God is asking them to do. May the church be full of leaders who are strong in their faith, leadership skills, and who bring excitement to the church. Pray that God would raise His people up and move them to action!

Salt and Light

We have 380 children in our children’s program! Please pray for them. Many of them are Bara. Pray that Christ will touch their hearts and that they will become children of God, willing to follow Him from their childhood and sharing the Gospel with their families. Pray that their families will fear God and not mislead them from the path of righteousness. Also pray for all converted Bara. There are a number of Bara Christians, but also a huge growth in nominalism. May God raise Bara people to be salt and light in their villages.

Two New Churches

Among the Samburu, we have a church in Masikita (near Baragoi), and we are planting a new church in Mowarak (Posta) in Laikipia North. Let’s pray for the Samburu of Kenya and for God’s Kingdom to be enlarged here! Pray for churches in every town that does not yet have the gospel. Thank you.


Tomorrow a new sister will be baptized. She has invited one local believer and two local not-yet-believers to see/hear her witness. Please ask that each have courage to come and that this step of obedience be a time that marks increased boldness and witness. Please pray for the 9 or 10 other new believers in this city who are saying they want to be baptized but haven’t taken that step yet… may they be encouraged and emboldened by her decision.

‘Bishop’ gives class water

As we were going through a lesson, one student walked out and returned after a few minutes with a bottle of water for everyone in the class! As we opened our bottles to quench our thirst, I mentioned that I had said a prayer for the drink and the provider. Then one lady said that she can preach. I believe she said this because she is aware we are from different backgrounds. The water provider  said that he is referred to as a ‘Bishop’ by his colleagues because he spends too much time at this Centre, which is owned by a Church organization.

I see this as a move of God as it will open up doors for communication about spiritual things. Pray that God will soften students’ hearts to hear and be free to discuss the gospel and the Words will find fertile ground in their hearts.

Come Into His Sheepfold

Jesus said that He had other sheep who were not of the fold of Israel that belonged to Him. He would call them, and they would all be one fold with one Shepherd. Pray today that the Rangi of Tanzania will hear the Good Shepherd calling and come into His sheepfold. Pray for many of them to hear the Shepherd’s voice and not turn back.

Broken Cisterns

Please pray for South Asians of East Africa to leave the broken cisterns of their old religions, cisterns that do not hold water, and come to Jesus, who gives the living water of the Holy Spirit, springing up to eternal life. Pray for them to see the complete futility of the old ways they have been taught, and to leave those behind. Pray for a hunger and thirst for righteousness that compels them to seek the Lord.

Preach and Love

Pray for the Ndengereko people who need the gospel of Jesus Christ and a reproducing Christ-centered church. How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Pray for those who will be sent to preach and love and share the gospel with the Ndengereko.

Public Testimony

Praise the Lord for many M who have decided to follow Jesus in the last six years. Pray that as they study the Scriptures, some of them will desire to receive further training in the Bible, so as to teach it and explain it accurately. Pray that whole families will give public testimony to their faith in Christ in such a way that many others follow their example.

Diaspora in Brazil

* Praise God for the B. family and for the way the Lord is opening the doors for them to go to Caxias do Sul. Pray for the two day trip, for their adaptation in the region and to start the work among Senegalese refugees.
* Pray for It. and Su. They have had difficulties to develop ministry again, as their area is still a red flag for Covid-19.
* Continue praying for the involvement of new Brazilian churches with the Diaspora Ministry.
* Pray for Brazil, especially for the south where most of our members are. At this time of winter we are going through the peak of the pandemic.

More and More of Them

Praise the Lord that while the Digo people were still sinners, Christ died for them, and that some Digo will stand before the Lamb’s throne one day praising Him for that salvation. Pray that more and more Digo will reject Islam and embrace Jesus as their Savior and only Hope.