
‘Natalie’ has had poor health for over a year, requiring frequent, and sometimes lengthy, hospital stays. She already had breathing issues and maybe a weak heart, then got Covid. She was discharged from hospital, but readmitted soon afterwards. I believe the Lord spared her life through many prayers. Her husband agreed it’s a miracle. She returned home a few days ago, and is doing well at the moment. Pray for more opportunities to share truth with her and her family.

Covid benefits

Covid restrictions have led many people to spend much more time online. Many are “stumbling” upon Truth, which is causing them to ask questions. Pray the Lord will lead all of us believers to find the true seekers (not those who just want to debate) who desire to learn Truth.


Our friend Ezra is growing in discipleship and wants to learn how to share his faith. We praise God for this step. Pray for our time together, that he will become a disciple who makes disciples.

Prayer requests

Please pray with us for:
1. The disciples’ training this month and March
2. The disciples’ outreach in the villages
3. The disciples’ spiritual growth
4. The disciples’ families’ needs and God’s provision
5. Peace with neighbors
6. Pray against the spirit of persecution of believers

Repent and surrender

“ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Eph 6 ,12
There seem to be spiritual battles raging in many Alagwa communities. Pray for those who are being deceived by the pull of the witchdoctor and “medicine” of the religious leaders. May their eyes be opened to see that they are just enslaving themselves, not getting true healing. Pray for one disciple particularly who has been using “medicine” from the religious leader. May she repent and surrender to Jesus even more fully than before.

Missions Conference

Please pray for 3 young Karimojong men who are spending the week in Kampala at a missions conference. Pray for a 100-fold harvest of fruit in their lives for Christ! Pray that they are protected from the enemy’s attacks, and that God’s grace will work mightily in them and through them!


A group of believers have been detained for 45 days. It looks like their trial is delayed at least another month. Please pray Psalm 9 over them:
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.
Be gracious to me, O Lord! See my affliction from those who hate me, O you who lift me up from the gates of death, that I may recount all your praises.
Arise, O Lord! Let not man prevail; let the nations be judged before you! Let the nations know that they are but men!

God is Stronger!

Praise God for his faithful show of power in one community. A disciple was faced with a close family member seeking to put curse on her and her children leading to death. Whilst initially terrified, she was encouraged by understanding from God’s word that this was a spiritual battle and that God is stronger than Satan! The family member tried two different witchdoctors, and was not able to curse her. She later said that because she belongs to God, she is no longer afraid. May this demonstration of God’s power impact many in her community. Please also join her in praying that this family member will also come to know and follow Jesus.

Cleansing for Sins

A S. Asian woman thinks that suffering expiates sins. She constantly tries to find ways to do good deeds so that in the day of judgment she will not have so many sins to pay for. Please pray that this week the Holy Spirit will help her realize it is not suffering nor good deeds that cleanses sins, but the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Pray for a great breakthrough in her understanding of salvation.

New Disciple in Christ

Please pray for a new believer who has left his former ways and is embracing time to learn about Jesus. His home family rejected his new beliefs and was beating him. He has taken shelter offered among other believers as he desires to set a new course for his life in Christ. Please pray for him, and his persecutors to know Christ too! May God give him strength through the difficulties and pray for the Spirit of God to touch his life. Pray for a solid foundation in the Word of God and for the teacher discipling him.

Interested but Afraid

A S. Asian woman is always interested in the Bible when she is with me but resists meeting regularly to study it more systematically. She is afraid to find out too much about it, even though she is drawn to it. Pray for a breakthrough.

update on Frank

As Frank continues his clinical officer training, pray that God would put those in his path with a powerful witness of Jesus’ love and grace. Pray that Frank would be drawn to come to Jesus as Savior and make him Lord of his life. Pray that Frank would become useful to God as a strong disciple of Jesus among his own O family and communities!

Circumcision and Spiritual Emphasis

Lord! Please use circumcision time to reveal Yourself and draw people into relationship with you!
Lord! Please use Spiritual Emphasis Weekend in Tirrim Secondary School to soften hearts and allow the gospel to transform lives!!

Meeting for coffee

Pray for a couple of S. Asian young women who are meeting regularly with a missionary woman. Pray that they will be willing for this social time to become a time when they can read the Scriptures together. Pray that they will have a deep hunger to have peace with God through Jesus Christ. Pray that all attachment to Islam will be broken in Jesus’ name.

Seek the Lord

Dan and Joel are using the Jesus Film in their community to engage with people and have conversations about the gospel. Pray that more and more Laarim will “seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts” (Isaiah 55:6-7).

International students

Canada is now the world’s third-leading destination for international students, with a staggering 642,000 foreign students. We thank the Lord for student outreach on many campuses, but the vast majority of young people from African and Muslim countries have never been invited into Christian homes and never heard the Gospel. Please pray for us as we look to God to expand our outreach to this wide-open field. Ask the Lord to open many hearts among these students to hear and respond to the Gospel.

The Law of the Lord is Perfect

Pray for fruit from the storying sessions and youth ministries in Nagishot. As the team continues to share stories from God’s Word, pray the Didinga would understand that “the law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statues of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes” (Psalm 19:7-8).

Father, draw them to Jesus!

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.”

“No one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them”

JESUS (John 6:44, 65)

Please pray with us that God will draw a number of Samburu men to believe on Jesus Christ and to follow Him. This has been our prayer, that Samburu men in Lchakwai and the surrounding area will acknowledge Jesus as Lord and follow Him. We lived there for seven years and shared His Word. Now we had to leave Lchakwai, but God is still at work there. He can still enable Samburu men to come to Jesus.

Father, draw Samburu men to come to Jesus!


Pray with us. We are attacked from all sides, financial side is what I feel is attacked a lot and also our team’s progress and plans for the year. Today Elia was riding to Narus to do followup and police just accused him and jailed him for hours. The motorbike is still in the hands of police. Interceed with us for breakthroughs and quick open doors for our team to keep on with their plans

A new sister!

A lady has proclaimed herself to have believed, and prayed for salvation through Jesus. Pray for the discipleship connections and follow up teaching to go well- this is where the seeds are so often choked, or fail to form good roots. Pray that she will grow in faith and have courage to share with others and make other disciples!

Update on new missionaries

By now Luka and Umjuma have been in Iboni for a few weeks. Continue to pray for their integration into this Lopit community. And pray that the church in Torit will be faithful in their role to support this family in prayer and finances, as Luka and Umjuma commit themselves to living among the lost as a light for Jesus.

Needing revelation

My language helper Mo is a deeply religious Muslim. Several times God has given us the opportunity to discuss Islam and Christianity. I also have had a chance to share the good news with him during our lessons. Mo said if someone could show him where the Quran is wrong, then he will accept Jesus as his God.
Actually, he knows some but just his heart is hard like a stone! May Jesus Christ destroy the work of Satan in Mo and reveal Himself to him in a dream, so Mo will know who the true God is, Jesus Christ as his saviour.

Calling and Begging for Rain

The combination of high elevation and volcanic rock mean that there are no wells in Hurri Hills. Everyone completely relies on rain water to run off the hills and fill their underground tanks. We haven’t had a heavy enough rain to have runoff since May last year. We have been doing what we can to have water brought in, but transportation is expensive. A water truck divided by an entire village only gives each family a few small oil drums of water. That doesn’t last that long. Everyone is asking us for help at the moment. Everyone here is getting to the end of their money buying water and they are now getting desperate. And there have been a lot of fires. And there is a leopard hanging around our house wanting water. A couple nights ago I heard a noise, got up and found a leopard sitting on our deck right outside our window. It sat there squinting at me as I shone the flashlight on it. Please pray for rain for the north region of Kenya.

Diaspora in USA

* Praise God for a few new students who have connected with the university International Student Club in California this month. Pray we would be able to meet up in person soon and introduce them to Jesus. Pray for boldness to proclaim the Gospel and that there would be receptive hearts.

Needs a savior

Please pray for Michael Uhuru, a man who, despite lack of training, has faithfully served the Iboni community at their local clinic. He has been given the opportunity to train at the Health Institute in Torit as a clinical officer, with the intention of returning to his community again at the end of the three years of training. He is open to God but does not have a full understanding of the gospel and his need for Jesus as Savior. Pray for connections with believers while he is in Torit, and that he would return to the Lopit to bring healing to his community both physically and spiritually.

Diaspora in Canada

Pray for the scores of children and family who have responded to the Gospel and have believed in the past two years. Pray they will grow deep roots, abide in Jesus, and bear much fruit!
MAC is poised to host more overnight Bible camps and day camps this summer than ever before. We have reserved camp facilities for 6 camps for African and Muslim kids. In addition we plan to have fun days for North African kids on Saturdays right through July and August. But of course all of this depends on progress bringing Covid-19 under control. As all of us in AIM pray that the Lord would re-open ministry doors, please ask God to guide our camp fundraising and preparations. Pray the Lord would make a way for many children to hear the Gospel!

Teaching reading and writing

Many Bara children cannot afford school fees. So, in 2020, THE BARA PROJECT built a school to teach, free of charge, reading and writing. Today we have 140 children studying. Some of those children are Bara. Daily they are taught not just to read and write, but also Bible Stories. Please pray that God will bless them and they will be converted. Also pray that they may share the stories in their homes and in this way be a channel for the Gospel to Bara people.

Diaspora in Malta

I’m thankful that we at the church are using some of the tools we were taught on the short-term virtual mission trip. The three circles are an easy way for the teenagers to also give word and shape to their faith in Jesus. Pray for many opportunities to share with immigrants and may God grant faith to many.
During the last few weeks, I’ve woken up in the middle of the night. I just felt fear rush over me, but it’s not fears that I have; its fears that people I have worked with. Pray for God’s protection over local believers.

Working together to make salvation known

Pray about a partnership between AIM missionaries and lowland churches for teaming up to proclaim Christ further and higher up in the Didinga Hills. This could mean a change in location for the base of ministry, with greater emphasis on training and equipping the local church for ministry.

“Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen” (Acts 28:28). Pray that the people of the Didinga Hills will listen with their ears, see with their eyes, and believe in their hearts that Jesus is that salvation sent to them.


We thank God for the Toposa leadership team that boldly took the gospel to the unreached community of Nakwapur last month. A group of 19 Kenyan and South Sudanese believers joined together to share the gospel and bring new believers into discipleship groups for training. Despite opposition from some community leaders, the women and elders in Nakwapur welcomed the team, and many people understood the gospel and accepted Jesus as their Savior – Praise God! Pray for some of these new believers by name: Napeyo, Nanyapuud, Narumu, Paul Nagie, Mariko Lokitoe, Paul Lokooli, Cecelia Narot, Maria – “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents!” (Luke 15:10).

Diaspora in Missouri

* The medical question and answer sessions had been planned to start in January have been delayed due to logistical and timing issues as well as sickness. Please pray that we will be able to begin this month. Pray for good participation and opportunities for fruitful discussion beyond the sessions.
* We have a large number of new believers in Noel who have recently been baptized. We are planning to facilitate a Discovery Bible Study with the ladies who are able to communicate in English. Pray for these women to grow strong in their faith and share what they learn with others.


Laarim believer Angelo is enrolled in a clinical officer program at a university near Nairobi, but has faced the challenge of doing classes online during the covid pandemic. He is finding it lonely in Nairobi and misses his team and the Laarim community very much. Pray that Angelo would have endurance to complete his first year well, and to have wisdom as he considers his options for completing the program.


We have had good visits and connections recently. We’ve had tea together and shared and watched the Jesus film. Pray for these seeds to sprout and grow.

Diaspora in South Carolina

* We are still following up on our Indian neighbors and one from Liberia. With covid that is a struggle but we are praying for further opportunities. Please also pray for us to connect with a church leader who is willing to help us with a survey of this local area.
* We did have an encouraging Zoom meeting with over 30 Canadian pastors who are focusing on the largest unreached people group in Canada, the Sikhs. God is working among this group and we are encouraged to hear of stories of what He is doing.

Update on Z.

We’re still ministering to Z: praying, sharing, loving and working on rehab – slow progress and continuing resistance to the Gospel. She was ‘forced’ into occult ceremonies- which actually deepen the darkness and bondage. Keep praying for God’s miracle of saving and healing grace in Jesus name.

Diaspora in Minnesota

* Pray for my friend Mr. A. We have been discussing Genesis and he is seeking truth. Pray that he will believe that Jesus is truth.
* Pray for Mr. M. He is a Somali believer and is actively trying to bring others into the fold. Pray that I  can support him well.

The gospel being proclaimed by evangelists

Since 2015, more than 130 evangelists have been trained to witness in Bara land. Pray that God will empower and strength them to accomplish their work of witnessing to such great salvation. Praise God for this “army” of evangelists that are in Bara area, and ask God that they may be fruitful to His Kingdom.

Diaspora in Kentucky

*Praise God for opportunities to engage Somalis locally and globally. Please pray that the lost would the saved, believers built up, and healthy churches established.
* Praise God for reminders of His love and faithfulness. Asking for contacts whose hearts have been stirred up to seek the Truth.

Guide them back!

Please pray this week for the Gabbra people. The last few weeks in Dukana we have seen a decline in Church attendance and the drums of the Iyana (shaman) have been drumming at night. Please pray that the hearts of the new believers and seekers will not be turned away after false promises and superstition! Pray that they might be guided back to Christ and the Church body!