Answered prayer

The Toposa teams going to remote unreached areas have received intense physical persecution. We have been praying and also preparing the teams for how to respond.
We just received word that after the leaders visited the new commissioner to report the persecution and ask for help, the new commissioner, who is Muslim, told them he would intervene and that they should continue to freely share the word of God to the villagers and that he will be standing with them!


A few men are meeting weekly to encourage each other and pray together. Ask that they will welcome newer less mature brothers.

Becoming Missionaries

Pray for the Borana who know Jesus to share the gospel with other Borana believers, and with nearby tribes that speak similar languages. Pray that the Lord will use them as cross-cultural missionaries.

Evil ritual

Several women have spoken about a ritual done over them as young girls inviting a spirit to protect them from men. Please ask for deliverance and for this evil ritual to be broken.

Kay’s husband

Kay’s husband asked her why she was not fasting. She responded by reading with him John chapter 10 about Jesus being the Good Shepherd. She told him that since God had already provided this wonderful gift for her through her Good Shepherd, she can fast anytime she wants as praise and thanksgiving to God for this gift. She told him she’s praying for him to also receive this wonderful gift. He was very angry and didn’t speak to her all evening. But the next day he seemed normal again. Pray for wisdom and grace for Kay as she lets her light shine, and pray for her husband and extended family to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Cut up Bible

Please pray for Isabelle. She’s a young Sister who has been shy to proclaim but growing in understanding of her walk with J. Her copy of the Word was stolen and pictures sent to her of it cut up into pieces. It’s really shaken her!! Hoping to see her this week and thankful that she still has access to the Word online for encouragement!

Opened Eyes

A S. Asian woman insists that the Bible has been changed and following Allah is the only way to paradise. Pray for her eyes to be opened during the month of Ramadan as she fasts. Pray she will see the hopelessness of earning her salvation through good works. Pray for her to see Jesus as the only Savior.

Court case

Court went fairly well Thursday. Thanks for praying. There were at least 2 observers from the UN, but not as many international observers as last time and no ambassadors. Next court date is tomorrow, Sunday, May 2nd.

The police presented the evidence they had against our brothers and sister. The primary investigator was supposed to be a witness today but he was absent. Another witness was sick and also absent.

The final court date is set for Sunday. It is possible the witnesses absent Thursday will testify then. Sunday is also the day that our brother and sister will have the chance to defend themselves in court. While it is possible that the judge will give a verdict on Sunday, it is not expected. Most likely the judge will deliberate and return with a verdict on another day.

Let us keep asking and believing for release and for the character and testimony of our brothers and sister facing persecution. Here are some specific requests: favor with the judge, continued absence of witnesses, increased presence of international observers and ambassadors, for wisdom and boldness in preparing their defense, and for the HS to fill the courtroom.

Medical ministry opportunities

For the O. Pray for J and M, a Muslim teacher who engaged with a gospel presentation sharing time for an hour as IV fluids dripped into his sick wife, who was also listening and asking questions from her bed. Pray that the Holy Spirit would use these seeds, and so many like them to penetrate and enlighten peoples’ hearts, and draw them to respond by receiving Jesus’ love and saving grace!

Let there be Light

Pray for outreach among the young generation, that they might see the Light and become effective witnesses to their own people.
Pray for people to be willing to help with translation work. And pray as people read God’s word in their own language, they would be struck to the heart and believe the Gospel message.

Asking for Soft Ground

Ask the Lord of the Harvest for soft ground where seeds have been planted among the Nyamwezi. Pray over areas where there have been distributions of audio Bibles and written Bibles among villages surrounding Tabora. Pray for listening groups and those reading Scripture would be profoundly moved by the truth encountered. Pray that the seed will go in and weeds will easily come out. Ask the Lord for eternal fruit that will be thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. Pray for reaching the goal of 10,000 Bibles distributed among the Nyamwezi.

Like Nicodemus

Pray that the Zigua Muslims will seek out Christians during Ramadan to ask them to explain the reason for the hope that is in them. Pray that there will be many like Nicodemus who could not rest until he had talked to Jesus. Pray that when they hear about how to be born again, they will understand and enter into the kingdom of God.

A Great Work

Pray that the Zaramo believers will discover that during this month of Ramadan the Holy Spirit is doing a great work in answer to their prayers, bringing many Zaramo Muslims to faith in Christ, setting them free from dead works to serve the living God and rejoice in Him. Pray that the Zaramo churches will plant many more churches, to the glory of God.


Please pray for unity between our Christian church leaders from the
different Gabbra clans. These traditional allegiances tend to tear the Church apart and
stifle its growth.


Pray for a Muslim family keeping the Ramadan fast, who are trying earnestly to “self-improve” through denial of the flesh. Pray that the futility of their efforts will be made crystal clear to them. Pray that they will despair of ever attaining holiness. And pray that despair will lead them to want a Savior, who grants us His holiness.


Praise Jesus for a group of Berber women who are praying daily together during the month of Ramadan. Pray for others to be brought in to this sweet time.

Believers and Churches

Pray for the Ndengereko to hear the gospel, come to faith in Christ, be discipled, and form vibrant, strong churches that multiply all along the coast of Tanzania. Pray for a wide movement to Christ among the Ndengereko. Pray that those who have opposed Christ in the past will receive Him soon.

Persecution and resistance

Pray for Elia and the team among the Jiye. There is persecution and resistance and Mary the key leader was persecuted recently. Catholic leaders went and instructed the people negatively about the Gospel work which caused a negative perspective to emerge. Elia has been very effective and fruitbearing among the Jiye. He and the recently trained students from Harbigners Bible School in Kenya, have talked with the elders and community to clear things up and refute the Catholic accusations. Despite all of this, of the nine churches, 4 are going on well but one has died. Pray for the team of locals to have encouragement and persevering faith. Pray for them as their Jesus Film equipment has not been working well and is losing its charge quickly and takes 5 days to charge. They need new equipment. Thank you for praying.

Holding tightly

One brother is in prison now and standing firm holding tightly to Jesus . Ask that he will not deny Christ and that the believers who hear would be encouraged to be more bold in witnessing.

Jesus’ Commission Obeyed

Praise the Lord for the M who have come to faith in Christ and been baptized. Continue to pray that the Lord will bring a movement of M people who are disciples of Jesus, and that each one will share in Jesus’ commission to make disciples to the ends of the earth.


Pray for the disciples to grow and be well trained. Pray for our outreach to new villages to be fruitful. Ask God to bless the Ik with a school, health, and water.

2nd letter from prison

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Speaking on behalf of my husband and I, I am sending you this letter from prison for having faith in Jesus Christ, and following as our Lord and Savior.
We send this letter to all our brothers and sisters united in the blood of Jesus Christ.
May grace and mercy be with all of you in Jesus Christ.
My husband and I would like to share with you our situation in prison and how God is with us in every situation.
When my husband was arrested he was put in solitary confinement as a punishment, but he spent the time with God, and he is happy for the trials that he is going through now.
A week ago he was taken out of his solitary confinement, and they put in a large room with 17 people in it. The officer told inmates to stay away from him since he is a follower of Jesus, and then inmates told him to stay and sleep near bathroom, which is unclean and dirty place, he accepted and stayed there. While he was sitting there, he found four Ethiopian believers that were arrested with him. One of them recognized him and quickly came and hugged him, and they became five believers in that room.
They prayed together for a while and then the prison guards removed him and they brought him back to his previous lonely room.
Brothers and sisters, God is with us at all times and all of us as followers Christ, we expect trials as Christ foretold us. He is our Good Shepherd. The Lord is always with us.
On the day of our trial, the Lord gave us strength and a happy and fearless face and we stood in front of the devil with the weapons of God.
And God will be with us to the end.
Brothers and sisters, pray for us without ceasing.
May the blessings of Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12)

Needing a breakthrough

Please ask for specific revelations for the men from our two communities who are caught in fear, even though some of them recognize He is the Way. May they be delivered from fear!
I have a special burden for the religious leaders in our communities and the surrounding ones. Please pray for a breakthrough and that Father will open their eyes.
The end of May should be the beginning of the rainy season, please ask the Creator to give enough water and a good harvest.

The work of God

Ask the Spirit to bring conviction of sin and a holy fear of judgement that leads to repentance. Pray during Ramadan, that as the Rangi try to please God and do good works, that God would reveal to them that “the work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” John 6:29


Pray that as the Digo people have been known for their zeal for Islam, that in the future they will be famous for their zeal for Jesus Christ. Pray that during this Ramadan month He will reveal Himself to them as the powerful sovereign Savior and Lord.

Grief and Gospel

John’s grandmother passed away on Monday. Please ask the Lord to give John physical and spiritual strength and stamina as he speaks with numerous visitors all week long. May the Great Physician continue healing his body, and protect him from COVID, especially with all the extra people around who have come from various places.

When someone dies, the Suri primarily show support by coming to visit, sit with, comfort and encourage the bereaved – some for nearly a week.
Please ask the Holy Spirit to open the spiritual eyes and ears and hearts of many Suri people, to understand and receive the Good News with great joy! May the seed of the death of John’s grandmother, and opportunities to share with the mourners the reason for the hope within him, bear much lasting fruit for the Kingdom!

Prince of Peace

Please pray that the Swahili Arabs who are fasting this month will find they have no peace, that they will long for peace, and that the Prince of Peace will disclose Himself to them as their only hope.

Ambassadors for Christ

Pray that the Datooga believers will take seriously their responsibility to live as ambassadors for Christ. Pray that they will plead with their friends and family, telling them God has been reconciled to them, now they should be reconciled to God. Pray that those who have rejected Christ will soften and accept Him.

Boldly Sharing

Pray that the Borana believers will share the gospel boldly with their Muslim friends and families during the time of Ramadan. Pray that those who are trying to earn their salvation by fasting will realize there is a Savior whose salvation is free.

Gaining favor

It’s been a difficult year financially for Miles, a landlord and business owner. He feels that if he prays enough, his god will eventually bless him. Ask that as he performs his ritual prayers, Jesus would graciously reveal Himself.

This year, Hazel is fasting extra days hoping to gain more favor with her god. Ask that she would feel the futility of such works and see that Jesus has done everything we need in order to have a relationship with Him.

Slowly Creeping In

Rendille were the last Cushitic group in North Kenya to oppose the pressure to become Islamic. But through the political class this is slowly creeping in. Please pray for the Lord of Harvest to open more avenues of spreading the gospel, and to send more workers among this group of people. Pray for them to resist embracing Islam and to embrace Jesus Christ instead.


The TEE (Theological Education by Extension) group continues to meet in Lopit, and Robert has been greatly blessed by the growth he has seen in the participants. Pray that God will provide for Thomas and Clement and the other young men studying God’s Word through this program, to continue on with their studies, and for each of them to “go home to [their] family and tell them how much the Lord has done for [them], and how he has had mercy on [them]” (Mark 5:19). Pray that as they share their testimonies, the Lopit will be amazed and worship God.

Seeds to grow

AIM has had a presence in Nagishot for the last 15 years and AIM missionaries have done much to sow the seeds of the gospel. Though we are leaving this site, we trust and pray that God will cause those seeds to grow in a new season of ministry with the local church and South Sudanese believers. Join us as we continue to pray for much fruit among the Didinga.

There is a Didinga family in Narus who have a desire to serve in Nagishot. Please pray for the E-Free church and Paul and his family to discern whether God is leading them there, and if so, to trust that as they seek first God’s kingdom, He will provide everything they need.


Diaspora in Kentucky

* Praise God for growing relationships in the Somali community. Pray for those who are contacted to have soft and receptive hearts.
* Please pray for boldness and clarity in sharing the Gospel and opportunities to study the Bible with Somalis.

Diaspora in Spain

We have met a new refugee who is a Moroccan believer, former Muslim, and translator for French and Arabic. Pray that he will be able to stay in Spain long-term and work with us to reach our Muslim friends for Jesus.


Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and for the Fulani brothers and sisters who are growing in their faith and standing firm. Ask that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of JC and walk in obedience. Ask for wisdom for them and courage to share their faith during this month of fasting.
Pray for 5 new followers to come to Christ in a neighboring community where there is only one sister, who is alone to follow.


Praise God for Laarim men who have become followers of Jesus! Pray for Logwe, Marino, Kahlifa, Paulo, Dominik and others who have professed faith in Jesus, that they would persevere in their faith, grow as Christians, and be bold witnesses in their homes and communities. Pray for these men to proclaim righteousness in the great assembly and not to seal their lips. To not hide God’s righteousness in their hearts; to speak of God’s faithfulness and salvation. May they not conceal God’s love and His truth from the great assembly (Psalm 40:9-10).

Many Challenges

We have a young friend who became disillusioned with her faith and left Isl@m.  After leaving her religion, she became an agnostic. Eventually she was led to faith in Jesus through a relative who had also left Isl@m. It has been about a year now, and she faces many challenges and still struggles with past and current circumstances that result in anger, hurt, rejection, and fear. Because she does not live nearby, it has been difficult getting together with her to encourage her during this past year of covid. We are thrilled at her decision for Christ, but her faith is not yet strong.
Please pray God’s strength will sustain her, and that the Holy Spirit will bring His truth, love, and comfort to her situation and her wounded heart! Please pray she will cling to the Lord and His Word in the midst of her troubles.

Diaspora in Canada

* Several Somali Believers are struggling with serious mental, emotional, and spiritual issues right now, exacerbated by the COVid lockdown here. Please pray for healing and peace in their lives.
* Pray that our backyard fire pit gatherings may become the beginning of a church among our diaspora friends.


Pray for Roza. Ever since this young Sister told her family about her choice to follow Jesus, it’s been a near-constant battle as they try to bully and cajole her into recanting. Ask for protection, wisdom and boldness as she continues to share about Jesus, especially during Ramadan, when the pressure will be even greater.