Loving Jesus

A S. Asian Muslim man received the gospel of Luke. Pray he will read it and that as he thinks about the life of Jesus, he will recognize who He is. Pray that he will come to love Jesus and put his faith in Him. Pray for Christians in his life who will converse with him about the things he is reading.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for several North African Muslims who recently went on a fieldtrip to a rural Washington farm. There were many spiritual conversations with their hosts about the Gospel. Pray that these conversations will encourage further discussions and thinking about who Jesus is.


Our friends appear to be very busy with their various engagements in classes, work, etc. … They have not had time for our training and meetings. We are therefore planning an outing to visit a recreational park and have some fun with games, etc.

One of our Som.* friends is so excited about it that he has offered to mobilise a small team/group that will go on the outing.

Please pray that God will reconnect us, renew and refresh us as we share what He places on our hearts.

Pray for an exciting and joyful day and an opportunity to create similar outings in the future to share God’s love and good news.

Needing to hear

I recently went to a circumcision party in a nearby village which I have rarely visited. Of 15-20 children 6-12 yrs old surrounding me to look at my camera, nobody had been to school. Nobody had heard of Adam and Eve or Abraham. It wasn’t clear whether they attended religious classes but maybe they just didn’t understand. They listened with interest to the Genesis recording in Neem telling the story of God’s covenant with Abraham and the sign of circumcision. None of them spoke Arabic. Neem scriptures and recordings are so necessary. Please pray for more workers for the Neem, more scriptures to use and wisdom how to use what we have amongst such people who are perishing without Christ. Pray for a better future for these children and that God will work in their hearts to give a hunger for God even though they rarely hear of him.


So many O have made a profession of faith in Jesus, then as persecutions mount in the months that follow, they backslide and turn back. Pray that God would bring a group of O believers to come to Him together in genuine faith, to stand firm against all the schemes of our enemy the devil, to be strong disciples who will love and serve their master whole heartedly and they would make more disciples of Jesus. Pray God would start this ball rolling, and draw even these backsliders back to Himself!

Provision and persecution

Thank God for opening the Kasengor airstrip and for the new Jiye disciples who joined the training school this month.
Pray for provision of health and education in all Jiye villages and pray against the spirit of persecution that is happening in Lopiat.

Give thanks for the good visit of Elijah and Loramio in Lopiat and Kasengor and the baptism that was done. Pray God would continue to build His church in these villages.



Give thanks for a government gift of a tractor and land, and for the school that was opened recently. Ask God’s continued blessing on these projects and that His name would be honored and many would bow their knees to King Jesus.

New believers

Pray for new believers in Ruhatwe, Likawage and surrounding villages. That they would grow in their faith and be discipled well.

Please pray for Isa, a new young believer who is being discipled by some of the young men in the local church. Please pray that he would stand strong & grow in his faith. His friend, Iddi, is also a seeker. Pray he would come to faith as well.


There are three teachers at the local school and one is a believer. They teach about 100 kids from the surrounding villages. Pray for this Christian teacher’s spiritual protection, provision for his family and success as he teaches the students and shares his faith. He is also Antakarana and a former muslim. This is very rare for this community.


Fulani men are caught in fear of their relatives and the religious teachers. Recently one of them, who had started to join the believers and wanted to hear more about JC, turned back because the other men were laughing at him saying he is following his wife and so she is the head of the household. He felt shamed and after weeks of pressure went back to his previous religion.
It’s really hard for the men to follow, even if many recognize JC is the Way.
Please ask for a breakthrough and whole families to come to the Lord.

Translation couple

One of our strong and faithful O believers is doing the work of Bible translation. His wife has struggled so much after receiving Jesus as Savior, but then wanting to please her family – turning back and forth and back and forth. Ask that God would strengthen ‘Kadie’ as she has now moved to a new area away from her family to be with her husband in his translation work. May she find a sister to walk with and encourage her there in the Lord. May her faith be genuine, and she become strong in the Lord, ever more in love with Jesus as her Savior. And may their husband-wife relationship be strong, deep and growing.


We had a lesson on Personal Growth with two of my S* friends (Ged** and Ahm**) and I mentioned transformation, unlearning (letting go) and relearning (change) and how one’s faith (relationship with God)  influences their relationship with others.

Pray that Jesus will enable them to be transformed and the roots of their faith uprooted from their hearts so that they may know the truths of the Good News of our Lord and Saviour.

My colleagues and I are ready to be used as vessels of this transformation in our friends lives and to disciple them.


Thank God for provision of a motorcycle for Joseph. Pray as he reaches the Kauto plateau and far villages, that God will open a door for fruitful ministry.
Pray for the disciples’ spiritual growth in Kauto. May they grow deep roots and bear much fruit.

Strength, comfort, and the Word

Pray for strength and comfort as illness, disease, and death come in many forms such as malaria, diabetes, Covid-19 and even infant death. Ask Jesus to reveal himself as the Way, the Truth, and the Life; ask him for protection from the enemy who comes only to kill, steal and destroy these people who tend to live in fear. Pray for their hearts which lack peace, that the Prince of Peace would become known to them. Praise God that the gospel of Luke in Antanala has been printed and is ready for distribution! The work on the book of Acts continues to progress.


Pray for the people suffering with widespread hunger in their community as food supplies are depleted. Pray for physical relief through rice distribution and for Christ to become their Bread of Life. Ask the Lord to work through his people to bring the gospel to the lost, giving new life and freedom.

Bible training

Pray for the disciples in a Bible institute where they will be trained for 4 months so that they can be more effective disciple makers. Pray for their families’ needs and God’s provision, and for protection from persecution in their communities.

A Family Reunion

A S. Asian family is reunited for a visit. Now that two daughters married, they live far apart. The father and mother have received Scripture and say they are reading it. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will use this time together to draw the family members to Christ. Pray that as a family they may be able to discuss spiritual matters and that the difficulties with Islam and the glories of Christ may be made clear to all of them.

Fulani church

Thank God for the ones who follow Him. Pray they will abide in Him and learn to trust that He is able and powerful to draw other people to Himself despite the hardship. He is building His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

intense persecution

Please pray for workers among the Jiye in South Sudan. They are facing intense persecution. Pray for clear communication between missionaries and village elders. Pray for favor and openness for the teams.

Actual numbers of decisions for Christ are hard to discern because of the tribal nature of the Jiye. However, they have recently baptized 75 people. They currently have 10 churches with approximately 150 people in each church.

Seeds planted

Praise God that the 2 months of focused outreach/ministry on Nosy Mitsio was a blessing to the Antakarana. Pray that seeds planted would grow, bloom and multiply. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work on hearts that have heard the truth.


Please pray for Maria, a lady who was raised in a church, but married a Muslim. She is new to this area, so just started attending services here. Please pray that her husband would continue to allow her to attend services & that he, too, would come to faith.

God’s provision

Praise the Lord for provision of the exact amount of money needed for a roof repair of the church building in Makumba– the believers there saw God provide and their faith is increased. Pray for continued success in training and discipleship of rural pastors. One pastor, confronted with the truth, chose to obey the Lord by getting married, thus giving up the cultural right to multiple wives. Pray for more Ndau pastors and leaders to follow his example.


Pray for the 7 believers who have become more serious about their faith and are now on a What’sApp group, sharing Bible teachings with one another. One “worker” aided them by providing “sermonettes” and study questions and now, one follower has provided 2 of his own “sermonettes”. These brothers are sharing the truth with family & neighbors as a result! Pray for continued growth in their walk with Christ, and that their boldness to testify will increase.


We are hoping to see a conference take place in mid-June for MBB’s here in the capital city of N’Djamena. A brother from Egypt is coming to share and encourage the believers. Pray for the logistics of this happening. Pray that there would be great encouragement amongst the believers and that this might spur on more fellowships to form.


Pray for the Mwani of the Cabo Delgado province who’ve been devastated by cyclones, terrorists (al-Shabab/ISIL) and now famine. Thousands have fled the area and are now displaced. Pray for Mwani believers to draw near to their Lord & Savior, and that they’d be salt & light to those suffering around them.

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

Praise God for several small new churches taking root within the Nyamwezi region! Pray that as these believers gather together that they will take seriously reaching out to their neighbors who are living without Christ. Pray for open hearts, open doors, and conversations which invite relationship with Christ the Savior.

Sharing food

Our immediate neighbours are Somalis. A very friendly family. As they celebrated Eid Fitr, they brought us some cakes and food! … I am not sure we had planned for lunch that day! … But then, love came through these very good neighbours.
We thank God for our relationship, and we pray that He will shine His light in their hearts so that they may see Jesus.
We reciprocated after a few days and we bought them some drinks and scones for the children. They were surprised and excited! Am glad this was well received as my wife is our bridge to the family. The mother of the Somali home is working in Somalia and she will be away for a couple of months. My wife keeps in touch with her and they also pray together on phone.
May God use all these connections to reveal Himself.

Holistic ministry

Pray for minimizing of the marginalization of the Fongoro community.
Pray for God’s intervention to provide basic needs of life. The Fongoro need access to developmental activities to enhance their living standards.
Pray for holistic ministry and for more friends nationally and internationally to stand with ministry among Fongoro.

Step dad

My neighbor, Mama Z, just got married (her previous husband passed away). She was very nervous and told me the reason she is remarrying is she needs help raising her children. Pray that her new husband will be kind to her children and that our families will have many opportunities where they can see Christ’s light shine through us. Pray her children will feel welcome in our home.

No cracks

May there be no cracks of unlove and unforgiveness in the foundation of the fledgling church. May each believer relentlessly pursue reconciliation, truth and love because of the gospel. May they greet each other sincerely with grace and peace and live in this truth.


Please pray for ongoing work by Tanzanian Christians among the Zaramo. Pray for the Lord to bring a great harvest of believers, and to build His church in every Zaramo town so all have access to the gospel. Pray for protection from persecution and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Brother A

Lift up our brother A and his family as they share the Good News and teach the believers. They are living in an area where a terrorist group is killing more and more people and many people have had to flee.
Ask for protection around our brothers and sisters, and peace in their hearts because they live in fear due to the unrest.

Examples to the Flock

Pray for the Samburu believers to grow by learning to walk in the Spirit, not by the power of the flesh. Pray that they will not look only to their own personal interests, but also consider the interests and needs of others. Pray that the pastors will learn, understand, and live by the Scriptures, showing their congregations an example of faith, love and purity. Pray that the believers will honor their leaders and submit to them.

Trial update

The final court hearing with the verdict has been postponed, so our friends are still in prison. Pray the Lord would sustain and encourage them in this long ordeal.
Please pray the judge would not be swayed or intimidated from doing what is right. That he would fear God rather than men.

Reading the Word

Please pray that the S. Asians who have Bibles and Christian literature in their homes will be motivated to read them, and that as the Word enters in, they will see the light of Christ. Pray that they will find the Word of God authoritative and compelling. Pray also that they will see the difference between faith and works, grace and law.

Search Leading to Jesus

Pray that the Ndengereko will become deeply dissatisfied with Islam, with secularism, with materialism, and with witchcraft. Pray that their search will lead them to Jesus, and that they will not fear what man can do to them if they choose to put their faith in Him.

Spirit of fear

Lord Jesus, remove the spirit of fear that paralyzes believers and keeps them from witnessing, from preaching, from identifying with You. May the charade of pretending to be Muslim for the sake of ease or safety be stopped in the name Jesus. May each believer love Jesus more than life, more than honoring their family.


Please pray that the M believers will continue spreading the Word of God. Pray for protection from the evil one, from divisions and factions, from doctrinal deviations. Pray that as they share the gospel many others will believe.

Past and Future

Please pray that the Digo people will welcome missionaries who come to teach them about Jesus. Pray for more missionaries to come work among them. Pray that as they have been known for their zeal for Islam in the past, in the future they will be known for their zeal for Jesus.

Grieving and suffering

Please ask that God would increase the faith of believers who are being persecuted or grieving. Several have said, ‘If God cared and was powerful, he would have stepped in.’ One wrote: ‘God is not useful.’ Please pray that each see that God is not expected to obey us (even if our orders are framed in prayer) or our definition of good. Ask that each one know the true goodness of God and surrender to His higher better way despite suffering.