Rose’s mom had her heart surgery and has recovered now. Hallelujah! Please praise for that and lift up her sister who is in a hard marriage. May our family’s interactions and my words bring glory to the Son and make her curious about our Father.
A local pastor named Daude, who has worked along side us, recently went to Pemba, Memba and Nacala. He had a great opportunity to visit these places and see what is going on there.
He was able to meet some Mwanis, spending time with them and shared some books and kimwani audio Bible in Pemba region. Pray people would believe the Word!
He was also able to meet “Salmos”, a faithful young Christian Mwani and heard what is going on through Salmos’ ministry in Pemba. Salmos became a Christian many years ago. We praise God that Salmos keeps faithful to Jesus and he is working to spread the gospel among his people. Pray for him and those he ministers to.
Kidnapped family members released!
Praise the Lord. We received the good news that the six family members of the Fulani chief who were kidnapped and detained were released after some successful negotiation and agreement by the kidnappers. Glory to God that the chief has united with his family again. Thank for all your prayers.
Come to know Jesus
Diaspora in Georgia: Praise the Lord that my ESL class has now read up to chapter 7 in the gospel of John. Pray that each of my students will have a clear testimony of faith in Christ by the end of the school year.
Pray that the Lord will bring Africans and Muslims into our ESL classes, and that they will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. One man from Senegal came in September and has since been absent, pray he returns.
New trial
The 7 believers are going to trial tomorrow. Please pray for courage and peace to reign in their hearts. And pray the Lord would prevail over the judges and they would “Let His people go!”
Receptivity to the Word
Diaspora in Michigan: Praise God for students’ receptivity to the Word in 3 English classes. This is an answer to much prayer. May God use His Word to change hearts!
Pray for God to open hearts and challenge students and grant faith as they discuss spiritual truths. Pray for students who are currently reading or recently have read Scripture on their own. Pray God will speak to them in His Word.
Lord have mercy
This year the rains were abnormally abundant in the Sahel, especially in August and September, which has extended the malaria season. With the cold setting in, and the dust increasing, colds and other respiratory ailments affect many people. Due to this year’s famine, many people are malnourished and anemic. When malaria arrives, the consequences are serious. Many people cannot afford medication. Animist beliefs and traditions, as well as the fact that health spending is not a priority, are major obstacles, often with disastrous consequences. During the month of October, the community health worker and I made many trips to the clinics and the hospital in town, to help sick people receive care. All had to be transfused with blood. We also lost a child just as we entered the hospital courtyard. At home too, people come one after the other to look for medicine. Lord, have mercy.
Bible story books
Team member A has been having good responses to reading children’s Bible story
books with her friends. After reading the book about God’s promise to Abraham and
Isaac’s birth, Ma Nora wanted more stories about them. She allowed A to open the
Word with her and study about Abraham offering Isaac. Believer Ma Rhoda turned up
at just the right time to help! They have a plan to keep studying – please ask that this
would happen, and that more of Ma Nora’s family would get involved.
Church continues to grow
The Jiye church continues to grow, with leaders like Loumwa who is faithfully serving in Lopiat. Despite rains making areas like Kassengor difficult to access, the ministry continues with God’s strength. Please keep the Jiye ministry and translation team in your prayers, asking God to guide and empower them.
Taste Jesus’ sweetness
Many of our Alagwa disciples continue to mix traditional faith practices when in crisis or under pressure. Pray for them that they would really believe that “They have been given FULLNESS in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority” (Colossians 2:10). Pray for them to grow in actual loyalty, love, and trust in Jesus, even when he’s not working in the tangible, immediate ways they are used to in traditional religion. Pray they would taste of Jesus’ sweetness and never want to turn away from him again.
Heart for the Antandroy
Pastor Fabien was trained in children’s ministry two years ago, and he now has a passion for reaching children and the Antandroy People. He has received a motorcycle and projector from GNPI (Gospel News International Production International) to support his work among the Antandroy people with the Jesus Film and the testimonies we are producing. Pray for the Lord to bless Fabien’s ministry and build His church among the Antandroy.
Needing deliverance
Diaspora in Hong Kong: It has been a privilege for both of us to pastor a Muslim convert in a church setting. We have realized that such converts we serve require deeper liberation from Islam. Pray for God’s strength and intervention in this journey. May He deliver completely.
Pray for Matthew*, a man we’ve shared the gospel with many times. He recently said God gave him a dream about one of the men on our team 20 years ago. Pray God would give him another dream telling him our message is true!
War in Sudan
Diaspora in Washington DC: Pray for God to send more relief through the love of Jesus for the 50 million people of Sudan affected by the destruction of war. Our friends here have family and friends there.
New Bible Study
Diaspora in Washington DC: We’re beginning a new Bible study. Please join us in prayer for 5 English students to join us in a weekly study of God’s word on Tuesdays.
We are continuing our normal outreaches sending different teams out to encourage the believers in the villages around Dukana. I have been working on wells in villages and witnessing there with one of our evangelists. Rachel and Joy have been very busy with births and local medical emergencies- another great place for intense witness. Pray for the Lord to open many hearts to the gospel and build His church.
Saving power
I received information from our area chief that a Fulani chief was bitten badly. Our area chief went to see him in the hospital where he was receiving medication three day ago. His son was gunned down and is in hospital too.The chief’s family were also kidnapped and we they don’t know where they are. This happened near the border of Niger and Nigeria not very far from where we live. Pray that these kidnapping activities very common in this area will stop. Pray that God will redeem the hearts of these people with evil thoughts. Pray for the healing of this chief and his son. Pray that the chief’s family will be safe and be released. Pray that the saving power of God will enter the heart of this chief and his entire family.
Bible stories
Diaspora in Wales: Pray that ladies and their families come to Christ through the chronological Bible storying used in English classes.
Site visit
A prospective Malagasy missionary family is doing a site visit in a village on South Nosy Mitsio. Pray for them to make good contacts and to sense a clear calling to minister to the Antakarana people.
Audio Bibles
Please keep praying for various people who have received solar audio Bible players. Several have been lost/stolen/’borrowed”. Pray they will be well listened to and many believe the message.
Christianity Explored class
Diaspora in Ontario: I am advertising a free online Christianity Explored class using a large person-sized banner when doing street evangelism. Nuha, a Bangladeshi Muslim seeker has already scanned the QR code. Pray for more true seekers like Nuha to sign up and attend, to learn about Jesus.
Alagwa Pentecost!
Join us in praying for an Alagwa Pentecost- that the Holy Spirit would be poured out and many would be saved!
Please continue to lift up the 7 followers of Jesus from NA3 that have a new trial date for NOVEMBER 19TH Please pray for their continued endurance in the midst of this suffering and that Jesus Himself would be their cell mate. Pray He would bring to their mind His Word and songs of worship. May they stand with Him even stronger as time continues. Pray that the prison would be transformed by the Good News and MANY would come to faith!
Pray for our EthnoArt camp going on now, that the youth will use their talents to transform communities.
Pray for our forthcoming annual Youth Camp, for the youth to be transformed.
Pray for the women’s group, for hunger and thirst for the Word.
Youth outreach
12 youth and a Brazilian couple, alongside our Gabbra youth Pastor, went for a four day outreach in the Hurri Hills gathering the existing Christians to encourage them then visiting several new villages to sing and share the gospel. Very high energy and great openings. We are expecting them back in Dukana today to share how everything went. Pray for all the gospel seeds they planted to find good soil and produce much fruit!
Diaspora in Oregon: My husband has started meeting with a group of high school boys on Sunday nights as a part of an International Prayer Gathering. Pray for the Word of God to be powerful in the lives of these young men.
Pray also for me as I teach English to women. It has been a joy to build relationships; pray for connections and opportunities to share Jesus.
Grow in grace
Pray for Digo believers to grow in grace and truth and to share with others the good things God has done for them.
Diaspora in Germany: Pray for the Yemeni team. Thank God for three people who got baptized in October. Pray for a mission trip they’re preparing in December in Türkiye. May many hear and believe the gospel.
Pray for Sister Rahab who is from Yemen and active on social media (Tik Tok) who came as a refugee to Germany. Because she had been fingerprinted in Greece her asylum application was rejected and they want to send her back to Greece. She doesn’t feel safe being there. Pray for mercy.
Medical work
The day before yesterday, I went with a sister to visit a young woman from the village who is suffering a lot because of evil spirits. We prayed for her. I invited her to come on Sunday so that the Christians could pray for her. I want to visit her regularly, with a sister, to share the good news with her. Indeed, if she does not accept Jesus Christ she will never be free. Her dad and her husband are both muslim leaders! The spiritual battle is great but God knows the sheep He wants to bring into the Fold. And, perhaps he will use this situation to touch the hearts of these two men, that is my prayer. Thank you for partnering with us.
Connections with students
Diaspora in France: Praise God for all the opportunities to share the Gospel with international students since the ministry started in Toulouse two years ago. I’m thankful for the friendships with many who come, especially those from N Africa. Pray for daily direction from the Lord in connections with students, especially in conversation.
Kingdom of His dear Son
Pray for the projects we are involved in to help people suffering because of the war, discrimination, and poverty. Pray God would open many hearts to the gospel and deliver many from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His dear Son.
New neighbors
Diaspora in Minnesota: Pray for our Somali friend who is moving house. Pray that she will have amazing Christian neighbors who will connect well with her. Next week I will accompany her as she goes and greets all her neighbors.
Pray for our patients at the hospital we are sharing the gospel with. Ask God to open their hearts to receive the gospel.
Gospel seeds
Pray for the gospel seeds to find good soil and produce much fruit. Pray the Evil One would not snatch away the seeds.
Ready to accept
Diaspora in Florida: Continue to pray for Bible studies we are having with multiple Chinese and Japanese people. Pray for Ann who has heard the gospel but is not ready to accept yet. Pray for Laura as she is being presented with an invitation to the accept the gospel message this week that her heart will be ready to accept. Continue to pray for many others that are studying right now.
Evangelists and pastors
Pray for the local pastors and evangelists caring for the flock entrusted to them. Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, for fruitfulness, and provision for all their needs. May the Lord continue to build His church amongst the Gabbra!
Rachel update
Thank you for praying for our island sister Rachel. Here is an update from this past weekend. The judge told Rachel that she needed to go to the Justice Department on Saturday with her paperwork. So, she went. Long story short, the Head of the Justice Department said that no one has a right to take her property and if anyone comes, her father or her father’s brother or anyone else, and tries to claim the property or tries to intimidate her into leaving, Rachel is to take a photo of the person and send it to the Justice Department and that person will be arrested. Also, the Head of the Justice Department said that she is free to follow Jesus and share her faith. This was all incredible news, but the Lord wasn’t done. An hour or two after Rachel shared this news with me on Saturday, she called me and said that the Justice Department had called her. They said that her father had gone to the Justice Department since she’d been there and he told the majority faith judge that he has dropped all charges against Rachel and as far as he is concerned she is free to do whatever she wants. Praise God for defending his daughter!
Spanish classes
Pray for Spanish classes with Saharawi ladies in the community. May the Lord bring the ladies who should be there. May it be a fruitful time of learning and relationship development.
This is a real story of a Bara friend named Bonna Really. We had the privilege to record this small documentary with our local partners in Madagascar, funded by GNPI (Gospel News Productions International – Missouri) to show the world, how great, gracious and loving a savior we have.
Bona was a cattle thief, and, by grace, he was changed and today is a follower of Christ. Bonna is a friend since 2013, and his whole family has come to Christ.