Christ not yet known

Pray for the Lopit: May the gospel be preached where Christ is not yet known, that “those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand” (Romans 15:21).

Wind blowing

It was amazing yesterday, when we went to the region of Analamary, to the village of Maheryrivotra (which means ‘a great wind’), we saw how the wind of the Spirit is blowing among the Bara!
We found a village with more than 30 converted believers among this most difficult to reach with the Gospel, The Bara Zafindravala.

We showed the Jesus Film, the Coming of Jesus and testimonies of converted Bara.
Surprisingly, another village was present too; so we could reach 2 villages.
Pray for many more to believe!

Shrinking back

Lord of Heaven’s Armies, would you open the eyes of our brothers and sisters to see that your heavenly armies surround them? And God himself is their shield. Remove all fear please Jesus and let them not shrink back. Expose the lie that silence, shrinking back, keeps them safe. Let them see that shrinking back brings the soul of God no pleasure and destroys them. (Hebrews 10)


Pray for Jacob’s disciple, Lokolong. This young man recently experienced a seizure and several episodes of double vision, which is especially concerning as his father died from an epileptic seizure some years ago. They were in Torit for a medical assessment, and after ruling out other diseases the consensus was to allow Lokolong to go back to the village and continue life as usual, but to take note of any further symptoms. Lokolong has testified that God has given him peace and that he is not worried. Pray for Jacob as he provides support to Lokolong, and for Lokolong to continue to grow in his trust in God’s care for him.

workers needed

The trip to Z village was achieved and I certainly had several occasions to talk of the good news or at least plant a few seeds. My main impression was of it being a drop in the ocean as far as need is concerned. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to this harvest field!


Our friend Larry needs your prayer. He is an incredible, skilled, professional ‘soft skills management’ teacher. He has a lot of trauma in his background and often struggles with bouts of depression so severe he despairs of life itself. At our coffee time last week he was in tears. Pray he will cry out to Jesus.


Yusuf has accepted Jesus as his personal Savior! We will now start a discipleship process. Pray he will understand his lifestyle can now change because of Jesus and he is no longer bound to the rituals of Islam.


Father, please prune your children who are abiding in the vine that they may bear much fruit for your glory. Purify your church please Jesus, by your blood. Holy Spirit, bring conviction and discernment and let your church repent and live lives of victory. Give your children love for your Word; cleanse them by the washing of your Word.

Hidden Believers

Pray for Nyamwezi who are seeking after the Kingdom of God, secretly listening to audio Bibles or reading the Bible while at work. Ask the Lord to help them to grow in their faith and find Christians who will welcome them into fellowship. May they be emboldened to proclaim to others their belief and to share Christ with others. Ask the Lord to shelter them and remove their fears in leaving Islam.

Worshipping in an isolated area.

Recently a couple of our church members were able to go visit a Sunday gathering happening in one of the little villages in our region. At the moment there are three faithful Christians leading these meetings and it was an encouraging time for all. Please pray that we can continue to support and encourage the believers in the village to meet together and to grow in the Lord. Pray for unity and strength as they’re seeking to worship God in a very isolated area.


Mighty Jesus, please help your children to love one another, to forgive one another. You say that if we say we love God but do not love our brothers and sisters we are liars. May your children abide in you and bear the fruit of the Spirit- love.


Pray the church in CAR, that despite their own need and suffering, would have vision to reach the Mbororo people with the gospel.


Drought threatens again. Pray with us that God will provide for all the physical and spiritual needs of the people, and draw many to Jesus!

Shared my life transformation

I was seated in class with 2 Som* students (Zu. and Fa.) and God provided me an opportunity to share about my life.
Before, what happened, and my life since then.
I followed this with an example of a prayer to receive Jesus into one’s life.

This opened up a very interesting discussion and some questions from both students. They wanted to know how the transformation happened and what I felt. At some point one asked me whether I have ever considered being a Muslim.

Pray that God will help reactivate the discussions and that they will acknowledge the truth of the Gospel.

See His kingdom come

Please pray for the church amongst the Alagwa. Pray that they will know and rejoice in the true gospel whilst learning to reject prosperity teaching. Please also pray that they would be people after God’s heart, committing their energies to see his kingdom come in their communities.


Mama H has accepted Jesus as her Savior! We are meeting together to read the Bible and watch videos about walking with Jesus. Pray for strength as she faces opposition and that her faith would grow strong.

Pray for Boldness to Join in Fellowship

Pray for Nyamwezi who are coming to faith in Christ but are reluctant to join a fellowship of believers.  Some welcome Christians into their homes for discipleship in following Christ, and are eager to read and hear God’s Word. But they face cultural challenges and isolation from their communities if they leave the mosque. In their hearts they do not hold to the teachings of Islam, but they have yet to be actively involved in fellowship with other followers of Christ. Pray for boldness and that they would not be ashamed of the Gospel, that they would know in Christ they can overcome obstacles in their life. Pray new believers will boldly share their faith with others, leading others in their proximity to the truth of the Gospel.


Praise the Lord that the few believers on Nosy Mitsio were able to have fellowship on Easter Sunday, and plan to gather again on Pentecost (June 5). Pray that this will be a time of great encouragement, exhortation and a witness to the lost in their community. Pray also for missionaries whose boat was stolen: ask for recovery of their property, for grace and justice to prevail, and for the Lord to use this situation to show his power and love.


Pray for peace and stability on the Ik ridge. Pray the gospel seeds that have been planted will sprout and grow.


Ask God to have mercy on the Fongoro and send messengers of the gospel to them. Pray He would deliver many from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His dear Son.

Friday prayer meetings

Each week we host Friday house prayer meetings in our two home villages. Praise the Lord that some of the local believers have started to attend! Pray that it may be a fruitful time of fellowship and prayer together.

New life

As many San people have left their traditional way of life and moved into the city, pray they will hear the gospel and be saved. Pray they would adopt a new way of life that leads to life and joy in Jesus.


From Elai: It was on Wednesday night, when we were all in church singing and praising God and sharing Bible Stories. Angry youths came with whips, clubs and sticks and beat us. Everyone ran away and some, including me, were beaten mercilessly. I bear marks on my body because of my faith. Because we have said, “No” to evil practices, which are a normal routine in our society, and teach against those things, the youths are against us. After beating and chasing away all who were in church, they collected the church poles and cross and burned them to ashes. We didn’t get discouraged- we are used to persecutions, we can’t run away from our home, parents, and animals we take care of, this is our home. We started praying in our homes. But God is great. The elders in our village (who aren’t believers) were angry at the youths and told them, “You have persecuted our children and families. Now we are going into the bush and cut the poles ourselves and rebuild the church and if anyone comes and tampers with it again, we will curse them.” Now the church is rebuild!

Seek Him

Pray for the traumatized and disillusioned refugees in the Horn. Ask the Lord to come to them in dreams and visions and set them on a new path of seeking Him.

Bible distribution

Please pray for the Bible distribution planned for this week in Usandawe. Pray for good partnerships, logistics, safety and that the LORD would be glorified in this. Pray many will read the Word in their heart language and believe.


Pray for believers to mature in their faith, walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, and share with others the good things God has done.

Bible stories

Telling Bible stories in the local language has been successful. Many have heard the Gospel in their heart language and understand the implications for their lives. Several kings in our area said that they want to follow the Lord Jesus. There is also a greater awareness of local Christians that they too can witness to their neighbours.
We have translated 41 Bible stories and recorded them. They are ready to be put on sd cards, cd’s or any other medium. Please pray for that process and for wide distribution, and for many to believe!


Ask the Lord to soften hard hearts amongst the Fulani people. Pray they will seek peace with God and find the Prince of Peace.


Please pray for the local church as we work through a series of teaching on the true gospel and how to understand and recognise the dangers in prosperity teaching. Almost everyone has been exposed to the prosperity gospel through the radio, television and teaching from other churches. May the believers find new joy in the spiritual blessings we have in Christ and be able to lay aside wrong thinking. Please pray too as midweek groups have been relaunched that the believers will grow in their relationship with God and with their Christian brothers and sisters. May they also find courage and encouragement together to reach out to friends and neighbours with the good news of God’s love and salvation through Jesus.

Work God requires

Pray for these Muslims as they try hard to please God and do His work. May they do the work that God requires- to believe on the One whom He has sent.


In our area, the fallout from recent cyclones continues to wreak havoc: about 20% of people’s houses were down and cases of dysentery and malaria rife. Further down the coast and inland the damage was more extensive with large areas flattened and several deaths. All over people are living in small teepees of grass and plastic tarpaulins.

Also, pray for the radio ministry: recent Muslim converts to Christ, baptized last year, have taken to the air waves! They are receiving training from myself, Ali and local radio technicians and mastering the sound keyboard and most importantly the art of doing interviews and taking the word of Christ into the villages. Please continue to pray for the radio work and the growth of the Gospel among its listeners.

Children’s camp

There is a children’s ministry growing in Sakalava: pray for an upcoming children’s camp, that the timing would be good and that it would bear much spiritual fruit. Lift up plans to celebrate Pentecost with a baptism, that it would be a great witness to the village/Sakalava people. Pray for leaders who can continue a Bible study started by 2 Malagasy missionaries, that many will see the light, for God’s glory


Pray for Dorobo believers as they share their faith amongst their own people and look to share with others cross culturally as well. As the Lord to bless their efforts and build His church.


We have printed the book of Jonah in the local language in Arabic script. This makes Scripture accessible to those who have never learned to read an alphabet other than the Arabic alphabet. When I gave the book of Jonah to Mama Levi, she absolutely loved it and we read the whole book in one sitting. Then I was completely surprised when she asked if I had any books about Jesus. Pray for Mama Levi’s heart to be open as she reads and re-reads the book of Jonah. May the Holy Spirit reveal truth to her through this story. Pray for the opportunity to give Mama Levi the book of Mark and pray for her to have eyes to see and ears to hear. Pray for the many islanders who have read Arabic words this Ramadan, and not understood what they read, to hunger for truth. Pray for our team as we continue to distribute Jonah and for the translation team as they continue to get more books ready to be printed.


Pray for Ugandan missionaries reaching out to Aringa youth. Pray many would be born again and grow as strong disciples of Jesus.

Do what is right

In our area, many men are married to more than one woman. Four of the women who regularly attend church are all married to the same man, and he does not show any interest in the gospel or joining them at church. Recently, he has outright forbidden his wives to attend church, threatening to divorce them if they continue. Several of the women have still continued to attend, but it is a difficult situation for all, especially since there are also many children involved. Please join us in praying for this man, that his heart may soften to Jesus, and that he may come to know the truth that his wives have already discovered! Also, pray for wisdom for those speaking into this situation and supporting the women as they seek to do what is right.

Diaspora in Canada

We had a wonderful sunny day of bike repairs, fellowship, and engagement with our neighbours on Saturday. About a dozen kids came to get bikes and left happy. We shared a hot dog meal following.  A local sign shop owner has committed to making us new signs for our big kids’ bike build program. One local youth imam came, and Jas said he’d like to arrange faith dialogues between his youth and Christian kids. We’re also kicking off ‘faith around the fire’ this week, or as soon as the signs are finished. Pray for deep conversations around the fire and for the Spirit to draw many to the Lord.

Have Mercy

Pray for the Spirit to move among the people. We know apart from His work we will see nothing significant happen here. Pray for God to have mercy on the Kanembu people and visit them even though they have rejected him.

Dreams and visions

Kelly has had the opportunity to use the Bible to teach her neighbors English. After a good time reading Scripture, Kelly showed them a video of a Muslim coming to faith through visions/dreams. They were all very excited and want to meet again. Pray for dreams/visions in the lives of these people to bring them to Jesus.


Mike and Faith are a retired couple. They moved from their home area looking for some freedom from the weight of the local practice of belief. Father brought us together, allowing for a growing friendship and the opportunity to discuss what true freedom really means. Mike has rejected all religious belief, trusting in science instead, while Faith is torn by her sense of loyalty and the evident hypocrisy. Please ask Father to open their hearts to truth and for seeds being planted to bring life!