Please continue to pray for God to heal John of his chronic lung infection.
Pray for the preparation of the Jesus film in Suri within the year.
Pray for protection within the team.
We are living in a place called Koyi and we have a church nearby. We preach in our own language, and very many are eager to hear the word of God in their language.
We thank God for that.
Prayers also for the church in Mewun and Rumit, as we are sending people to those churches as well to preach in Suri.
Pray for God’s provision for outreach among the Ik. Pray for challenges to be overcome so that the Ik would have more opportunities to hear and respond to the gospel.
Secret Believers sharing
Praise God for one secret believer who was thrilled to receive an audio player with portions of scripture in her own language. An elderly neighbour came in and she immediately started teaching him from John ch 1. May she continue to have joy in God’s word and grow in confidence to share with others too.
Another secret believer in another area has recently got a phone that she is able to show the Jesus Film in Alagwaisa on. Please also pray for her that she would show others and tell them about Jesus herself.
Remote church leaders
The leaders from remote church cell groups were together for 1 week to learn about ‘How to teach the way to salvation’. And also about how to lead a Sunday service.
Some walked 2 days by foot to get here.
Pray for these rather isolated village church leaders, who have to stand firm in an environment full of idolatry and ancestor worship.
New areas
Pray for our outreaches into new areas. Ask the Lord to go before us and prepare hearts to hear and respond to the good news. Group sizes are down but groups asking for Bible studies are going up. We are struggling to fulfill all the invitations. Also, on a good note we have gone live with our second radio tower. We’ve had some technical issues which we hope to solve this week. If we can solve the issues we should double the reach of our radio outreach! Which will reach more unreached pockets! The drought continues and people are suffering. Pray for rain and provision.
counting the cost
Seekers are counting the cost of following Jesus. Many are frightened after the recent persecution. Pray the Lord would give courage and clear vision of eternity.
Stand firm
New believers in our community are experiencing varying degrees of persecution which indirectly (or at times, directly) tie back to their new beliefs. One local believer was beaten by a family member and church property has also been affected. A couple of the believers are expressing discouragement and uncertainty. Please pray for wisdom on how to respond as a church and leadership, as well as how to encourage fellow believers to stand firm and continue seeking God.
Pray for New Church Plants
Pray for new churches developing among the Nyamwezi. Pray that the Holy Spirit would stir people to study God’s Word for themselves, to grow in personal relationship with Jesus, and to join in fellowship with other Christians.
One Mahafaly tradition is to adorn their kings’ and chiefs’ tombs with the skulls/horns of the zebu, which figures in many of their rituals. The zebu is seen as a symbol of life and nobility; it links the living to the dead. The dead are seen as intermediaries between the living and God, as they are transformed into another phase of life, to “ancestor.” Pray that the True Intermediary, Jesus Christ, would link many Mahafaly people to the One True God. Pray that the Lord would show his power in ways that the enemy never could. Pray that many would answer the call to missions and be sent to Mahafaly to preach the Good News, and that many would enter the kingdom of the Prince of Peace.
Intense prayer needed
There seems to be a stronger hardness against Jesus right within our own village people and closest communities. They respond so differently from those coming from outside communities – perhaps they have been freshly warned by the religious leaders. Pray for God’s mercy and grace to be poured out, and to DRAW MANY to Jesus! Pray for more strong prayer supporters and faithful and intense prayers in Jesus name and authority, against those rulers and powers of this dark world that want to keep the people here in bondage and darkness!
There is now a large mining project in the middle of Antanosy territory; it produces ilmenite (titanium dioxide), which is used in products like “titanium white” tinted paint. As miners, environmentalists, engineers, businessmen join in the project from other Malagasy cities/universities, as well as from the West (Canada, Australia), pray that many of these employees will be followers of Christ. Pray that they will recognize the spiritual hunger amongst the Antanosy, who have blended a mixture of their culture of ancestor worship, Catholicism and Protestant beliefs which has left them wanting. Pray for the Lord to send missionaries—especially Malagasy!—into this far-flung region, and that many lost souls would become “titanium white” in Christ Jesus.
Update on prisoners
The couple that was imprisoned for months in 2021 are back living in their home, faithfully serving the Lord. They recently baptized a new believer! Praise God for their faithfulness and ask Him to bless and encourage them.
May God move powerfully!
Please continue to pray for the man in our community married to multiple wives, whom are believers. After another attempt to deter his wives from being a part of the church community by pressuring them to drink some of the “holy water” he brought back from the city – which they refused – he became angry and reached out to our local Pastor/team leader. They met together for several hours. For now, the husband has left on another trip, and his wives continue to attend church. Two of them have recently given birth and another is due soon, which can be difficult in the village due to lack of resources. Please continue to pray for this very complicated situation; may God move powerfully!
The Antandroy could be perceived as “inhospitable”, just as their land and environment are known for: they live behind prickly cactus fences, are known to be fierce—even their name derives from the phrase “where there are thorns.” Yet, they need the Gospel to come to penetrate their hearts of stone, for Jesus to create in them hearts of flesh. Pray for these people, that missionaries would come, that Malagasy Christ-followers would leave all they know and love in order to fulfill the Great Commission and bring glory to God. Pray the words of Isaiah: “Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.” Isaiah 55:13
Diaspora in Canada
Praise: Lots of good opportunities for conversation with parents and kids around the bike ministry lately.
Parents and older teens interested in faith around the campfires in our back yard.
One young Somali believer coming to church with me regularly.
Each of our team shares the gospel regularly. Pray that hard and resistant hearts would soften and be drawn by God to respond & receive Jesus as Lord and Savior- becoming strong disciples who would make more disciples…
Diaspora in Arkansas
Pray for an Afghan man I’m tutoring in English. Pray for our relationship and for the Lord to open his heart to healing and hope.
Build Your Church.
Pray for the work amongst the M to continue to bear much fruit as believers are discipled and share their faith with others. Ask God to build His church among this people group.
Diaspora in UK
We would appreciate your prayers for the final day of class on June 27th for both English and Sewing classes. We will have a party and presentation of a Bible story.Pray for good engagement and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Detroit Diaspora
A month ago a new church based Welcome Team was assigned to an Afghan family who had lived in a military base for 4 months, and a Detroit hotel for an additional 4 months. We were able to greet them with a house full of furniture donated by various church members each with a great story of God’s provision. After the family had been in the house a couple weeks, a Nigerian/Jamaican couple on the Welcome Team invited them to their local Nigerian church for a Sunday service. They were very warmly welcomed and even brought on stage, which they loved. In fact they loved it so much they went back a 2nd time.
May God continue to use this welcome team and Nigerian church to penetrate hearts for the gospel!
Church taking initiative
May was international evangelism month. Our church elders were keen to participate with a week of 5 a.m. prayer meetings using a comprehensive prayer guide. They also took a collection for the national committee.
With encouragement to do some mission activity, they decided to go visit patients and prisoners. They collected money to buy gifts- impressive generosity for a poor church!
They prayed for whole wards, but without much explanation, so I returned after for individual evangelism. Asking women what they knew about Jesus, the answer was, “Nothing.” Pray for these people that many might come to work amongst them and that the church members might cross the language barriers to plant a few seeds.
Diaspora in Canada
Ask the Lord to bless my children’s bike ministry. I need helpers. Pray for the children to listen well and respond to the teaching. May the Lord open their hearts to the good news.
“…a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” We know there are many Ndau believers now, there are pastors and missionaries working amongst this people group: cry out for them, that the Lord would indeed come into those hearts that have been prepared for him. Pray that amongst the Ndau, crooked paths would be made straight, the broken would be made whole, and the sick and wounded heal, that Christ would be exalted through them and amongst them. Pray that these Ndau would then spread the gospel message not only in their own villages, but across Mozambique amongst other unreached people groups!
Diaspora in France
Pray for connections with people from the Islands, that their hearts would be stirred up from past conversations regarding the Gospel News and they would long to hear more.
Please pray for Maria, a young Laarim woman who has been a committed Christian for several years. She was recently beaten quite severely on the head and hand when she attempted to break up a fight between two men. We thank God that she is healing. Pray that she would experience complete healing, and that she would continue to grow in faith, courage to do what is right, and the desire to share Jesus with others. Pray that with Love and Lisa on the team, Maria can experience encouragement and discipleship from other believing women.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
Our Chinese class members are mostly West African Muslims. I always share God’s words with them. May His words dwell in their hearts. Pray that they would understand the Truth about Jesus and bow their knees to Him.
The Way
Pray for our neighbor Amy. She was over earlier this week with a heart load of issues… and I think she barely stopped talking for an hour. Ask that Father show this brilliant, professional, woman going through a divorce that Jesus is truly THE way.
Diaspora in Calif, USA
The International Student Ministry is gearing up for summer activities. Pray that with each encounter with the students will be seasoned with the gospel. Pray for unity in all the planning and good attendance to the activities planned. Pray that hearts would be soften to be receptive to the Gospel.
New believer
We have a new Sister! Sonia has been searching online for a few months, and recently put her trust in Jesus. She reached out wanting to meet with believers. Please pray for her as she learns what it means to walk as a Follower and wisdom for two of our teammates who will try to meet her this week.
Diaspora in Detroit
Praise God for new opportunities with a community garden and a summer ESL program at our new “Welcome House”. The tools are in place, may God use these to make many connections in the community so many can regularly see and hear the good news of Jesus.
July 12-15 we will re-launch kids camp (grades 2-6), which has not happened since pre-covid. Pray God would bring the rest of the volunteers and at least 40 kids!
Translation continues
Pray for John and his team as they continue to translate the scriptures. Praise God for provision of solar power to charge computers and John’s oxygen concentrator.
Diaspora in Portland
Through the Spring and Summer months, our team plans several “farm” trips to a picturesque valley at the base of Mt. Adams. Each time, we invite several international families. Our team almost always have some amazing conversations. Pray that we will be ready to use each opportunity God gives us this summer, and that lives will be changed.
Opportunities to share
There are very few students that have time for various classes that are being offered by all our colleagues.
Please pray with us as the season has picked up very slowly since Ramadhan ended. Former and potential students appear to be very busy with other matters as the majority are on what they call ‘transit’ … awaiting ‘processing’ to travel overseas to America and Europe.
Pray that God will give us wisdom to share during this transition period so that they may depart with a seed planted in their hearts.
Diaspora in Washington
Afghan: Build your church God, among our Afghan brothers and sisters. Help us to listen and connect our new friends well with your word in their language. Praise you God for the hands and hearts that have labored to translate it!
Sudanese: We pray for growth in the number of Sudanese students we serve and an open dialogue about your truth God.
Moroccan: We pray for the persecuted church and for those separated from loved ones because of that persecution.
God help us build strong relationships with students’ families this summer!
Respond to the message
Pray for more Laarim to respond to the message that has been shared with them; pray that they will “declare with their mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead, and be saved” (Romans 10:9), and that those who trust in Him “will never be put to shame” (10:11).
Diaspora in Atlanta
Please pray for multiple opportunities to share the gospel and continue developing friendships with H, M, A and E. Pray for open doors to minister to Africans through ESL and a nearby Pregnancy Resource Center, as well as through personal friendships with people we meet in our everyday spheres of life.
Please pray that during these summer months the Lord will work in local churches, giving them a desire to participate in outreach to Africans near them.
Upcoming AICMD missionary conference
Pray for me as I speak at the missionary conference and interact with our AIC missionary colleagues. Pray for wisdom and anointing from the Holy Spirit and for fresh vision, renewal and encouragement for all who are reaching out among the O, and in many other UPG‘s and challenging ministries all across Kenya.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
We are in the last week of hosting a Yazidi man and his son. They return to northern Iraq after 2 months with us getting medical care. Please pray for seeds that have been planted to take root.
Pray for a new friendship with a family from NA2 that lives down the street from us here in Philly.
Pray for ongoing ministry to a local Iraqi family working through cancer treatments and recovery.
Neither Jew nor Greek
Thank you Jesus that you have broken down the wall of hostility… that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free. Break down the walls of unlove between Arabs and Berbers and Jews; between families, clans. May all believers be first of all the family of God, adopted, chosen, redeemed… one Lord, one faith. Would you, Holy Spirit, gather believers of different families to worship together.
Diaspora in Canada
We have seen a marked increase in refugee arrivals, which has been great as we and our team at Naomi House build relationships and help with settlement. Pray for the Lord to open many hearts to the gospel.
Also we are running our first MAC camp in Manitoba this summer. It is a week of camp geared for newcomer and refugee youth. Ask the Lord to draw many to Himself.