Diaspora in Florida: Continue to pray for Bible studies we are having with multiple Chinese and Japanese people. Pray for Ann who has heard the gospel but is not ready to accept yet. Pray for Laura as she is being presented with an invitation to the accept the gospel message this week that her heart will be ready to accept. Continue to pray for many others that are studying right now.
Evangelists and pastors
Pray for the local pastors and evangelists caring for the flock entrusted to them. Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, for fruitfulness, and provision for all their needs. May the Lord continue to build His church amongst the Gabbra!
Rachel update
Thank you for praying for our island sister Rachel. Here is an update from this past weekend. The judge told Rachel that she needed to go to the Justice Department on Saturday with her paperwork. So, she went. Long story short, the Head of the Justice Department said that no one has a right to take her property and if anyone comes, her father or her father’s brother or anyone else, and tries to claim the property or tries to intimidate her into leaving, Rachel is to take a photo of the person and send it to the Justice Department and that person will be arrested. Also, the Head of the Justice Department said that she is free to follow Jesus and share her faith. This was all incredible news, but the Lord wasn’t done. An hour or two after Rachel shared this news with me on Saturday, she called me and said that the Justice Department had called her. They said that her father had gone to the Justice Department since she’d been there and he told the majority faith judge that he has dropped all charges against Rachel and as far as he is concerned she is free to do whatever she wants. Praise God for defending his daughter!
Spanish classes
Pray for Spanish classes with Saharawi ladies in the community. May the Lord bring the ladies who should be there. May it be a fruitful time of learning and relationship development.
This is a real story of a Bara friend named Bonna Really. We had the privilege to record this small documentary with our local partners in Madagascar, funded by GNPI (Gospel News Productions International – Missouri) to show the world, how great, gracious and loving a savior we have.
Bona was a cattle thief, and, by grace, he was changed and today is a follower of Christ. Bonna is a friend since 2013, and his whole family has come to Christ.
Please pray for K., a young Rangi man who grew up Muslim but has been exposed to Christian teachings. Pray that his heart would be burdened by a realization of his sinfulness and his need for a Savior.
Creation to Christ film script
We thank God that the film project is going well. We are on the last part of the script. Please pray with us that the translation work into S** language will be completed successfully as the Lord gives the MBB translators wisdom, knowledge and understanding in the work. Pray for protection from the enemy and that the team will not give up. Pray that we will be able to transition to the next part of recording the film after the translation is completed, checked and approved.
Pray for our teammate Luchino, a dedicated leader among the Toposa, who has embraced the vision to reach his people, taking on the mantle alongside others as our missionary team transitions to catalyze ministry in new areas. A windstorm blew the roof off his house. Luchino has endured many trials in his walk of faith, from the loss of his son to threats from his community and persecution. Yet, his commitment has not wavered, and he continues to serve as a light among his people. Pray for God’s provision for this family.
Please pray for a local man, Uhaju, who at one time made a commitment to Jesus but has struggled without community. We prayed for him and his wife to get pregnant, which happened, but now their newborn baby has died. Pray for comfort and somehow something good to come out of this. Ask God to draw Uhaju and his wife to Himself.
Encouraging reports
We rejoice in more encouraging reports from the main ‘Timothy’ Shepherd, of follow up discipleship meetings with some of these farther away recent new believers, and more yet taking God’s gift and coming into the light.
Pray for lots of fruitful growth!
Praise Jesus… the Amazigh scattered throughout the world are choosing to follow Jesus and gathering together. An Amazighi woman from Morocco chose to follow Jesus in Libya and then went to Italy. Her sister also came to Jesus in Italy and a Libyan there just joined the fellowship in Italy led by Egyptians.
We are planning to run the Kairos course (which shares God’s heart for all nations and his desire to use his people to be a blessing to them) again in November. Please pray for participants to join and be impacted by what they learn. Pray that it may raise up more labourers for the harvest fields.
Femicide cases in Kenya
There has been a wave of killings in Kenya which is deeply concerning, particularly the rising cases of femicide. It appears that it is now in our area. The latest incident in our area involves three S** ladies, (a mother, daughter and a niece). It is suspected to be a case of business rivalry or something to do with family issues. The three mutilated bodies were found in different locations away from our area. Please pray for God’s mercy. Pray that God who gives eternal life through Jesus may reveal Himself to people in our area. May the hearts of the people in the area seek Him and get to know Him. Pray with us that anxiety, fears, and worries may come to an end. May the peace of God and the Light of Jesus and His Word fill this area. Pray that we will be able to resume our work in the area.
Language teacher now wants prayers
I reported recently that my language teacher D.did not want me to mention Jesus. He would really get bothered. I think Jesus must have ‘bothered’ his heart because in a later lesson, I prayed for him in Jesus’s Name.
Then, in our most recent lesson as he was just about to walk out, he stopped and said, “You have not prayed for me today”. He walked to where I was and we prayed. That is God at work!
As he left, I promised him that in future, we would pray at the beginning of the lesson and at the end.
Please continue to pray for this brother.
Pray for the local evangelists who are being trained to share the gospel. Pray for God to lead them to those He is calling to Himself.
Spiritual fruit
Pray for spiritual fruit in the surrounding Muslim community– we are praying for reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered churches (small groups of Jesus-followers meeting together) amongst the mixed Muslim unreached people groups in our town and surrounding villages. Pay with us!
Training conference
Two members of a house church on Nosy Mitsio have traveled to Nosy Be to attend a conference and training hosted by a local denomination. Pray for them to learn a lot and have boldness to share their faith with their families when they return home.
Pray for an upcoming BMB camp in November, that many may be strengthened in their walk with Christ.
Pray for our annual Youth Camp in December, for provision and that God will bring the right people.
Fragile sprouts
Some days are challenging and discouraging as planned discipleship meetings with some fall through and we see signs of the ‘weeds and rocks’ in some of these new believer soils. We need your prayer so much! Keep praying for hunger and thirst for more knowledge and understanding and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to grant growth of these fragile sprouts! Thank you!
Accept the One
We found out Hank and Violet are expecting a baby. Please ask for a healthy baby and for continued good news interactions with them and their whole family. Several of the extended family have had exposure to the good news and have questions. May they all come to accept the one who is the way!
Facebook posts
Our partners from another organisation have made some videos with stories
from our Book to go on Facebook. People will be able to contact someone if they
want to know more and it will connect them to a local brother/sister who has been
trained to connect with people over messages/calls. Please pray for these videos to
be well-received and lead many to Jesus.
Transforming a seeking heart
Pray for my language teacher D** as it appears God is softening his heart to hear more about Jesus. At the beginning he had asked me not to mention that Name. As we discussed more about life issues, God opened his heart to hear and understand more of the issues that we discussed. The greatest surprise came yesterday when he asked me to pray for him and I told him I would pray for him in the Name of Jesus. He had no objection. Pray with me that God will help us seek Him every time we have a class.
Kairos refresher
On the 26th October we are holding a refresher session for everyone who has previously participated in the Kairos course (a missions overview) in Moroto. A Ugandan lady who is a missions mobiliser will be coming to share about mobilisation. Please pray that it will be an insightful time for all who come, and that it will give ideas for how they can advocate for missions in their own contexts.
Language partner
Pray for my language partner Maha’, with whom God has blessed us with great gospel conversations, for him to place his faith in Jesus.
New sister!
Thank the Lord for one lady – sister F who came to the Lord last week. Pray that she can grow in the grace of the Lord.
Pray for sister M, still facing persecution from her unbelieving husband. Pray that the Lord may soften his heart.
A spring that wells up
A woman who was listening to the story of the woman at the well heard that the water Jesus gives will become in people “a spring that wells up to eternal life.” Her response was… “that is the Holy Spirit, right?” May many more listen to the truth with faith and receive the Holy Spirit.
Pray for God to open hearts and challenge students and grant faith as they discuss spiritual truths.
Soften hard hearts
Pray that hearts that have been previously hard would be softened by the Spirit. We ask that God strip away the arrogance and self righteousness, that people would become poor in spirit and bow before the cross. Lord, break up the fallow ground, may the painful gorges clear a way for seed to be sown and bring a harvest.
Ears and hearts opened
Pray for the village of Ampansoa. A family there has been listening to the audio books of Luke, Ephesians, Matthew, and Ruth. As you read passages in these books, pray that those listening to them in the Antakarana dialect will have their ears and hearts open to hear and believe.
Discipleship class
Pray for our discipleship class, that the disciples will grow in the knowledge of Him.
Pray for our Sunday Youth program, that transformation will take place.
Praise God for the release of a local brother who was in jail. Ask that the Father would use him to be a great testimony and instrument to share His word.
God causes the growth
Pray for seeds that have been planted among the Zigua to spring up and bear much fruit.
Be transformed
Some of the i2 lady believers have continued to persevere in meeting on the 1st and the 15th of every month. Pray for the momentum to continue. Pray for Jesus to become the most important thing in the lives of all the local believers. May they be transformed by the Good News.
Our friend Rose comes weekly to clean. Her mom had heart surgery last week and needs prayer for recovery. Ask that Rose and her family would have their eyes opened to the Father.
Teaching new believers
Pray for the people who are interested in hearing the gospel and those we have given the audio Bible to – that God would work faith in their hearts.
Pray for the new believers. I have started teaching four people at G’bor Church and this coming Sunday I will be starting with a family.
Books in transit
The translated books (Luke, Acts and stories) are being shipped as we speak. Pray for safe arrival and distribution of these precious books.
Several pastors and evangelists have already shown interest in using these materials. Pray many would hear the Word in their heart language and believe the message.
Audio players
Pray for various people who have received solar audio bible players. Several have been lost/stolen/’borrowed”. Regardless, pray the players will be listened to and many will put their faith in Jesus.
Turn to Hope
Please pray for Mama Y., who has 10 children and is raising them without the support of her husband. Pray that she would turn to the hope and strength that is only found in the Lord.
Deepening faith
Diaspora in Washington DC: Pray for new Christians, for their deepening faith through Jesus, that it will bear much fruit. Pray that they will choose to spend time in God’s word and with God’s body.
Maternity unit
Praise God that we will be opening the new and expanded maternity unit at the Good News Hospital mid October. Please pray for the work to be finished well, and that God would raise up Tsimihety midwives to care for the women and babies in need.