
Pray for the house church leaders to be accountable to each other and to be under spiritual authority that will hold them accountable and keep close to the Lord in all that they do.​

Needing healing

We prayed for Maria (from Kimatong) a couple of months ago after she had received injuries to her head when she tried to break up a fight. There seems to be lingering effects from the blow to her head, and she has been experiencing bad headaches and problems with her vision. The team was able to send her to Juba where she is staying with a Laarim family while she gets checked by a doctor. Please pray for wisdom and good, effective treatment, and a quick return to her home in Kimatong.

Diaspora in Canada

* Please pray for R., A., and K. who have shown great interest in Jesus through our Bible studies, but who are still holding on to Islam. Please pray that all they have learned through the gospels would penetrate their hearts and that the HS would convict them and bring them to repentance.
* Please pray for L. and M. (an Algerian mother and daughter), and their whole family. The kids come to our Impact Kids program, and recently the two of them took home French New Testaments. Please pray that they would begin to read, and that we would be able to follow up soon.
* Please pray for the North African believers at our church that they would continue to grow in their love of Jesus and their love of his church- particularly that they would become more involved!

God is the solution

Pray that locals will see God, and not missionaries, as the solution to their physical and financial needs.
Pray God will provide us with new people to engage with during this farming season. Pray for opportunities to teach about good farming practices and the Good News.

Diaspora in UK

Our main prayer request is for the fruitful success of our outreach week on the estate in the East Midlands. We have an AIM short term team of 9 combined with over 20 volunteers from the church and the surrounding area. We are running a holiday club in the afternoons, followed by outreach in the late afternoon/evenings. Please pray for good conversations and gospel opportunities.

One in Christ

Praise God for a new outreach area where a person of influence has offered a plot of land to the church. A small group of believers have joined together to clear the plot. But further development has come to a standstill due to disunity among the few believers. Please pray that God would unite the body of Christ. Pray that they work together to have a place to worship and in their love for one another others will see God’s love. Ask the Lord of the Harvest for more to come into fellowship in the body of Christ. Remembering Christ’s prayer in John 17, “I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” (John 17:23)

Diaspora in Calif, USA

* The annual International Student camping trip starts today thru the 9th. Pray for the students and Americans who will be hiking and enjoying God’s creation together. Pray the students hear and receive the gospel message as it is shared through evening storytelling.
* Pray for the new students arriving on campus. New student orientation is August 15. Pray for connections for our team as they reach out to help the new international students get settled.

Sharing the gospel and food

With hearts that love Jesus and want to make His name known among all the people groups of the earth, we keep sharing Christ with our dear Bara people, and also blessing them with food. We have done two rice distributions to people here in the village. The famine is still on going. Pray many would respond to the gospel.

Diaspora in Canada

I teach a Christianity Explored class to newer MBB from Iran. Recently, a married couple that just arrived to Canada less than a month ago from Iran, Med* & Mel* have been receptive to the Gospel and have attended 2 classes so far. Please pray for Med & Mel’s salvation, as well as wisdom in sharing, and discipleship growth in the other students to reach to their families and friends.

Forcibly moved

Pray for a group of Dorobo who moved into northern Tanzania from Kenya over 40 years ago. They are often called the Akie. In May they were moved by force (along with many Maasai) by Tanzania government forces from their traditional hunting and grazing areas north of the Serengeti. The government has signed an agreement giving their land to a group from the United Arab Emirates as a private hunting reserve. Pray for the Akie and their Maasai neighbors. They are still protesting the move. Pray that even in the turmoil of moving that the Akie would be open to hearing the Gospel. Pray for wisdom in reaching out to them through village visitation and showing the Jesus film.

Diaspora in Canada

Pray for our Muslim pharmacist. He gave me his email to get together outside of work to discuss spiritual things and to spend time as friends! Praise God! Please pray that I would be bold and compassionate and the Lord would open his heart.

Diaspora in Washington

* Continue to pray for my friend from West Africa. She likes to visit in our home and ask great questions about life and what we believe as Christians. She is also worshiping with our local multi-lingual church which her young son thoroughly enjoys.
* Pray for our Moroccan and Afghan students who took Bibles and Biblical literature from our Bible boxes this past term. Pray for them to see the truth of the Jesus from Genesis to Revelation. Pray as English Lessons using the New Testament are developed and finalized for this next year. Pray that our students would continue to engage with the Bible stories from the New Testament with the same interest as they did this past year with the Old Testament.

Be strengthen in faith

I would like to ask for prayer for the regional women’s conference, followed by a conference for everybody, coming up this month. Pray that these conferences might strengthen the women and men in their faith and give them tools for living Christian lives in an animistic environment.

Pray that the believers may be a witness of God’s love in their community. Social and family pressure are very strong in the rural communities. When people become Christians, they have to stop with certain rituals related to ancestor worship. That brings strife, especially in the villages. Pray believers would be strong and winsome.

Former witch doctor

Suzanna is a former Laarim witch doctor who has become a follower of Jesus! Praise God for calling her “out of darkness into His wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9)! Love and Lisa have been meeting at her compound every Saturday (at Suzanna’s request) for Bible study and prayer. Pray for Suzanna to grow in love and knowledge of God, and for the children and young women who gather on Saturdays to see the light of God shining through Suzanna’s transformed life.

Reading through the Bible

There are two local pastors (including a Digo pastor) starting their monthly plan to read through the whole Bible starting August 1st. They do not have much knowledge on the Bible. Please pray that they will be able to complete reading through the Bible by the end of August and, most importantly, know more about God and grow closer to Him during this time. (They are reading around 70 chapters a day!)

Too busy

Pray for another friend, Mo*, who has a Bible and some Bible study material but appears be too busy for us to sit and study. Pray for Holy Spirit’s guidance and intervention in this.

Isaiah 55:2b-3a

“Listen, listen to me and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; listen that you may live.”
Ask that the Lord would continue to call the Neem people, and that they would not fear to listen to the message the workers there are bringing.

John 17:20

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.”
When moving day to M-town finally came for the new team leaders, they came to an isolated part of the road. B says they were struck with loneliness, as they drove farther than they’d ever been, alone on that road, and contemplated the work they were going to start. But before that moment had passed, the Lord helped B realize that the road he was driving on had been “paved” with the prayers of many people and they were not alone! Even Jesus has prayed for the K people who will believe in Him, as B and C go in His name and with His message.

Follow up

Praise God for a trip to show the Jesus film at Esoit Boarding Primary School in the Olpusimoru area near the Tanzania border on May 27, 2022. Pastor Josphat Musanga and Shel Arensen showed the film two times to over 700 students and over 100 students indicated their desire to follow Jesus. Pray for follow up from Christian teachers in this area.


Pray for those who have believed this year and have been baptized. Ask that they would have a hunger for the Word and for spiritual growth, that they would mature and that their transformation would be a testimony to their community.

New outreach

We are going to start something new on our street to bring the Muslims and Christians together. We are partnering with two wise Christian neighbors who will start teaching Muslim neighbors practical skills to learn how to make things in order to sell for profit. We will take advantage of this time to tie in the Gospel. Please pray for women to join and for their hearts to be ready to receive and respond to the Gospel.

Looking to train

We are looking to train young Malagasy Christians to become evangelists and/or missionaries. We want to use our house in Maroamboka as place to do the practical teaching. Ask the Lord to call people to be trained.
We are going to get a young man (Sambivelo 19yrs old) from our village to Tana to be trained as a healthworker. When his training is over he will return to Maroamboka to help the people in the same way we did (Malaria, worms, infections, wound treatment). Pray for Sambivelo.

Mother tongue project

There is a new translation project led by the Namibia Bible Society. Pray for the team that is being assembled and will start soon. Pray for hearts to respond to God’s word in the mother tongue as missionaries and disciples take newly translated scripture and stories to the villages.

Work together

Pray that the Body of Believers will stand firm in their faith in God; that they will seek to work together for the sake of the Gospel.


As we seek to partner with local churches, pray that they will understand missions better and desire to be involved in it. Ask God to give us the right people in the churches to engage with. We need more people on our team to help with the ministry.

Reading the Scriptures

My friend F* returned to his country this month and I gave him a Som* Bible as a gift. He has been calling me often to update me on his progress in resettling. I have already asked him to read the gospel of John. Please pray with us that God will give him the time to read it as the Scriptures are in his language. He has written two books in his language, so this should be quite interesting for him.

Diaspora in France

It is some time since we saw our young friends Emile and Emily. He is returning to the islands during the summer break – pray that they will remain faithful to one another during the time apart. Pray for their son, Lee, who is headstrong and difficult. It will not be easy for Emily to care for him during Emile’s absence. Most of her family are also away in the coming weeks. We hope to see her – pray that she will be willing to discuss spiritual things with us.

Lord, intervene

Lord Jesus open the eyes of Joseph. Joseph is a man with four wives in Likawage community but every time he prohibits his wives to continue with their faith in Christ. Two weeks a go, he made the decision to divorce anyone who continues coming to the church. Ask God to intervene!
Also pray for two believers (Halid and Eric) facing difficulties with their relatives. Pray for wisdom and favor.


I have been meeting with a young BMB (Believer of Muslim background) who has been so encouraging in his grasp of the meaning of Scriptures, despite no formal education. Pray that He will be bold and winsome in his witness, and many others will also respond and receive God’s Gift of grace through Jesus!

Gabbra workers

After so many years of work and prayers, we are excited to see God raising local workers among the Gabbra community in the Hills.
There are two youths that have been doing evangelism and teaching at the current churches and recently a young lady has joined us for women’s ministry.
Please pray for these three local workers and for their financial support. May they persevere and grow in wisdom to reach their own people.

1 Peter 2:15 & 17

“For it is God’s will that by doing good, you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people…Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.”
Ask that the believers in D-town would have what they need from God’s Spirit and word, to live good lives among people who persecute them. Ask that they would have unity among themselves and that the enemy would not be able to divide them through fear or jealousy.

3 new villages

Together with our partners and myself, this last week we visited 3 new villages with the Jesus Film:
Pastor Tomoeira went to Atanambao
Pastor Haja to Sakamahily
Me and Pastor Emanoel to Besakoa.
All Bara villages. Pray that many will respond to the gospel message.

From Isaiah 56

Lord, please gather the Neem to you. This is a difficult part of the world to live in, and workers say there is “much sadness” encountered in the health care work there. Please give Neem people joy in your house of prayer. Please help them know how to bind themselves to you, to love your name and be your servants.


One of our team went to visit a older lady from the local church who lives over an hour’s walk from the village where the church is. She took two other believers with her. One was the lady’s son, and the other a church elder. On their way home, both were excited: we should do this EVERY week! She really needs to be visited and encouraged regularly!
Praise God for this realisation and the stirring of passion in these believers to serve others in the body of Christ. Pray for them as they think about their need to take initiative. May this conviction become action and may the Holy Spirit continue to stir up within them the compassion to reach out.

Influential people

The Kanembu people are known in Chad as business-people, with influence and power. Please ask that the team there will meet the “Lydias” and “Priscas and Aquillas,” – influential people who will accept the message of Jesus and open their homes to the church. Each team member (soon to be 5 adults) would like to make 2 -3 friends in M-town, with whom they can share the message of Jesus.

Discipling an MBB

One of our colleagues in Church Som** ministry is an MBB. He told me today that he feels overloaded and wondered if I could disciple and walk with a new MBB who lives close to our ministry Centre.
Please pray that M* (assumed name) will agree and that the Holy Spirit will work in our hearts as we walk the journey of faith together. Pray that as we study the Scriptures through materials like ‘Come follow me’, that we will both have our hearts renewed and transformed for God’s glory.

TD seminar

Praise God for a transformational development seminar held for two days at Eburru on July 5-6. Five Dorobo church leaders attended. Pray that they will take what they’ve learned and bring it back to their churches and that they could develop practical projects in their communities to allow the church to have more opportunities to share the truth about Jesus.

Heart’s desire

Our hearts’ desire and prayer to God for the O is that they will be saved! We testify about the O that many of them are zealous for God – but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they do not know the righteousness of God (through Jesus), they seek to establish their own, and so they do not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ (the Messiah) is the fulfillment of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Pray that many O will submit to their need for God’s Gift of Salvation and Righteousness through Jesus the Messiah! (Paraphrased from Rom. 10:1-4)

Bind the strongman

Pray the Lord would ‘bind the strongman and plunder the house’ of Islam and free many Tuareg from bondage and darkness. (Mark 3:27)

New workers for the Gabbra community

Currently, Hurri Hills is hosting two appointees for a site visit, and they are willing to return to the field as full term workers.
Pray that God continues opening doors for their support, language learning and they will be able to return early the next year.