One of the believers I have mentored recently went to a Bible training with his wife. But after just a few days the wife left him. They have had some challenges in their marriage for the last two years. The husband still wants to continue with his studies despite the fact that his wife left him. Pray that God will reveal himself to this man and his wife at this critical time.
The translation team has drafted the Gospels of Luke, Matthew and Mark, Acts of the Apostles and Colossians.
Although all these portions of Scripture have been drafted, they still need to be tested in the community and in villages surrounding Mandritsara. Since it is the aim of the translators that their Tsimihety Bible translation speaks to the unchurched as well as to the churched members of the community, more testing among the unchurched is necessary.
Please pray for the team:
• that there would be good communication both within the team and with the translation consultants working with them.
• that they would get good constructive criticism as they check their drafts in the community.
• that by the end of the year the team would have the Gospel of Luke ready to publish and distribute.
• as they read the portions of the Bible in their own language, that many Tsimihety will come to God and know Jesus as their Saviour.
Separated from God
Pray for these people, whose animistic and folk Islamic practices keep them separated from God. Ask the One True God to give them insight to see the hopelessness of this idolatry, and to reveal to them that the Son of God has come to give them eternal life (I John 5:20-21). There are Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) amongst the Nahara; they are using the local radio to bring the Gospel across the region. Ask our Sovereign God to open the ears and hearts of many Nahara, and that they would abandon Islam and exchange their old lives for new ones in Christ.
Pray for people to read and understand the Bibles they were given during the outreach a couple months ago. Ask the Lord to build His church among the Sandawe.
Youth outreach
A youth outreach is being planned for October. Please pray for preparations and that this event may be impactful within the community!
Families of God
Pray for encouragement for small church gatherings of believers. In some places it may only be two to three families who are led in worship by a local evangelist. However, some evangelists are growing weary and discouraged to lead the handful of people who come to the Sunday service, and see even fewer who participate in other church activities. Pray that those meeting will be faithful and their faith will grow in the promises of God. Pray for whole households to come to faith in Jesus and attend together on Sundays. Pray as they meet that they will encourage one another and be led well by the evangelist. Pray for unity and working together to expand the reach of the Gospel message to their unreached neighbors. Many of these smaller churches are also working to build a permanent structure as a meeting place. Pray that this will be a joy to see what God is doing amongst them. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
Young girl
Su* is a young girl, around age 10, who has lately been speaking a lot about Jesus. Our youngest daughter has had conversations with her about salvation and they have read scripture together. Today she told me that when she grows up and leaves her parents’ home she will become a Christian. Please pray for her that she will know exactly why she needs Jesus and that she would have the confidence to follow Him.
Coming to faith
Pra!se God for the news shared by a local brother about how he keeps hearing about islanders who are coming to faith overseas – but are too afraid to share their faith with others. The other day he was in a taxi with someone who was back from their studies in a nearby country where they study at a Catholic college – he was quick to assure others in the taxi that he was still a Muslim. However, he ended up getting out of the car at the same time as D and told him that he was actually a believer! Pray for courage for these new believers to meet with others and share the good things God has done for them with their family and friends.
Gospel of John
Praise God I have just heard that the gospel of John translation is now fully approved! Please pray for all the translators as they study God’s word: may they be changed. Pray for all who will read John, that the Lord will grant them faith to believe.
Draw them
This week, we will have a few days of traveling and visiting with Mike and Faith. Mike is asking good questions about truth. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work in both of their hearts, drawing them to Himself.
What do they understand?
Work amongst Neem has ups and downs. Recently a lady declared that she wanted to follow Jesus. Unschooled in everything including matters relating to God, she had never heard of Jesus Christ until I came along. How much does she understand? I’ve explained but I don’t know. Another lady who also says she wants to follow Him seems fairly keen to hear about God. Today, however, when I asked directly, she said she didn’t know why Jesus came. And I thought I had explained clearly enough. Back to the drawing board.
Farming season is upon us and so finding people in their homes is hard. Pray that I can meet weekly with these ladies and a 3rd who was the first to want to follow. She seems to have understood the basics but now is less interested to understand more.
Pray that I can share our story – God’s story – in a way that is understandable and relevant to them.
Diaspora in Detroit
Please pray for our family Picnic on 8/28. We usually have around 200 at this event. Please pray for clear gospel conversations and for details to come together.
Please pray for boldness to proclaim the Word in all our summer get togethers!
Bring them into Your kingdom
The attacks in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique continued throughout June and July 2022. Many young people have been corrupted by armed groups, which pay them to carry out actions that not only destabilize the country, but also the rest of the continent. Still, these attacks are subsiding due to Rwandan forces intervening. Many have endured trauma, others have lost their homes, most of their possessions, and all hope. The AIM team in Nampula continues to work with those who fled and have relocated there. Pray for these Mwani refugees, that the suffering, hardship, loss and grief would drive them into arms of the Most Compassionate, the Most Loving, the best Heart-Healer: Jesus Christ; and that he would bring them into his blessed Kingdom.
We know of 2 followers recently sentenced. One brother at the coast for 3 years and here in the capital a young 18yo sister, who was turned in by her mom, got 5years.
Advocacy groups are attempting to get involved and appeal. Pray for mercy and their faith to remain strong.
Light of Life
As long as the Karana-Gujarati follow Islam, they are in deep darkness. Intercede for them, that the people dwelling in darkness will see a great light, that those dwelling in the shadow of death, a light will dawn! (Matthew 4:16) Ask the Lord Jesus, the Light of the World, to reveal himself to them: through the Malagasy church (pray for Malagasy believers’ hearts to be moved with compassion to reach out to the Karana people), through dreams and visions, through Christ-centered social media/radio programs, and through his very Spirit, that instead of walking in darkness, they would have the Light of Life.
Lift up their eyes
Ask the Lord to save the Makwe, to shatter the fears of this animistic people group, and to instead fill them with peace and freedom in Christ. Ask him to send more missionaries to bring Jesus’ way, his truth, and his life that they may be transformed, reborn in him. O God, may you not forget the Makwe people; engrave them on the palm of your hand. Cause their destroyers to leave. May the Makwe lift up their eyes, look around, and see You! (From Isaiah 49: 15-18)
Embrace Him completely
Community programs continue across Sakalava, including children’s programs, Bible studies led by Malagasy missionaries, and incarnational ministry: seeds are being sown, and spiritual growth is happening amongst the people here. Lift up all of those who are ministered to and witnessed to would be strengthened, healed, cared for and most of all, found. That those who are found by the Good Shepherd would embrace him completely and enter into his fold, and share all that he has done for them with even more Sakalava—for His praise and glory!
We want to give thanks to God for peace that has prevailed in Kenya before, during and after the national elections. We are now excited that we will resume our classes and physical contact with our students and S.* friends. They were not willing to meet until after the results were announced and all was peaceful. We thank God that we all prayed, He heard, and He answered. Glory be to God!
Lord save me!
Jesus recently gave a close friend a dream of him walking on the water and Peter going out to him and then crying out, “Lord save me!” She said at first she thought she wanted to say that to him!! And then she thought, “No, that’s not for me, I can’t.” And then she was overcome by fear and woke up. We are asking that she would be more afraid of not calling out to him and having him rescue her, than she is of her community.
Recent deaths
Several recent community deaths from hypertension, stroke, and cancer are causing many to ponder and worry about their future. May God draw them to respond to Jesus as their only hope of eternal peace and mercy through salvation!
Hold fast
Pray for believers to hold fast to the hope they have in Jesus and not waver. Pray for mature believers to help the younger ones.
At the feet of Jesus
Pray for the family of new believers (Ma ‘Aisha’ and daughters) as they learn what it means to follow Jesus. We recently studied the story of Mary and Martha and they were taken with the idea of what it means to spend time ‘at the feet of Jesus’. Pray that they would experience a growing relationship with Jesus as they spend time in the word and prayer.
New believer
Recently we had the privilege to meet a new believer from one of the villages within our ward. She is under the guidance and leadership of a few believers in that community. Praise God people are reaching out to their own, and please pray that she will continue to grow stronger in her faith.
Diaspora in Atlanta
* Please pray for a gathering for African clients of the Pregnancy resource Center and the local prayer team on August 26 at my house. Pray that many Africans come and enjoy the time together. Pray that the first gathering opens doors for further gatherings like it. Pray for friendships to begin that afternoon.
* Please pray for each member of the prayer team to meet Africans as we go about our days in the south Atlanta area, that the Lord would bring them across our paths and into our lives. Pray for us to cultivate friendships with them, and that our lives will be woven together.
* Please pray that many Africans will sign up to attend ESL classes this fall.
* Please pray for the Holy Spirit to open doors and give us conversations with people about the Bible, about Jesus and the gospel. Pray that through these friendships people will begin to meet to read the Word of God together on a regular basis.
Cattle raiding
Cattle raiding has also been on the increase. Last month several tribes (including the Laarim) joined together to make raids on Toposa cattle. This has resulted in many deaths, possibly up to two hundred. Pray for an end to the cycle of revenge among these tribes! Pray that these cattle-keeping people would come to a knowledge of the Truth, and trust in Jesus for salvation, that they “may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:2-4), for “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 4:6) – far greater than all the cattle in the world!
One mind
The Fongoro community is open to gospel. The team is building new members to plant more home churches. Please continue to pray for the team and the Fongoro community members.
Pray that their cultural and tribal differences will not hinder their working together, but that the Lord will draw them together in faith, in love, and in the Holy Spirit to stand firm and to have one mind to bring the Gospel to those who are in spiritual need.
We are not saved.
“The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved.”
Jeremiah 8:20
This is the reality of millions of people and many UPGs.
The Bara are still one of these UPGs and maybe this is the cry of their soul, surrounded by the darkness of animism.
For this reason, we make every effort to bring Christ to them.
Maybe we can say with Paul, “I will spend for you everything I have and even my life”, till the Bara , instead of saying, “ We are still not saved”, say, “ Worthy is the Lamb!”
We keep announcing Christ from village to village; from mountains to mountains, until the last village is reached with the Good News of Christ.
Diaspora in Missouri
Pray for many new students to enroll in Noel for the Fall semester ESL classes. Pray for the ESL staff working together in Noel. All of us have a Kingdom focus for the community.
Our Truck Driver friend from Noel has moved to Louisville, KY. We are trying to connect him to friends in Louisville. Pray that his transition to Louisville will present more opportunities for him to hear the Gospel.
Praise the Lord for 15 Dorobo church leaders who came to Malewa for a three day seminar on preparing for the end times based on the book of Revelation. Pray for these pastors as they continue to lead and teach in their communities.
Praise the Lord for three men who completed their Bible School training in April and are now serving as pastors in their churches. Pray that they will have strength and energy in their new roles.
Diaspora in France
Praise for occasional WhatsApp connections with island friends in Marseille. Pray for B, currently in the islands until September to meet bold sisters/brothers who will proclaim truth to her and other islanders on vacation. Pray for a receptive and soft heart.
Using translation
Different Malagasy missionaries are planning to use our translations of the Gospel of Luke and the story set to evangelize the people groups in the south-east. Several other people groups (besides the Antanala) prefer the Antanala language above the official Malagasy. Pray for many to believe the message!
Joy in serving
The Kairos graduates in Kondoa have continued meeting together and have come up (all on their own) with doing two acts of kindness each month. Last month they visited Muslim homes, brought smalls gifts and prayed for them. Pray this fire in them will continue and that they will see fruit from their efforts and be encouraged. Pray for joy in serving their Rangi neighbors.
We are in the process of building a church building! Please pray for unity among the believers as they plan, and as they seek to raise the funds through various means. May God be glorified in this new step towards seeing a Christ-centred church among the people of Likawage!
Pursue truth
Our friend Jonah said something like, “Everyone should pursue and be free to seek & know truth.” We were sitting with Jonah and Sandy in their apartment, Julia holding their new baby, John. Sandy said “I know that God loves me”. Our conversation turned to “truth”, providing the opportunity to clearly explain the forgiveness of our sin through the Son’s sacrifice. We had quite a conversation on the topic. Please pray that they will really pursue knowing “the truth”!
Diaspora in UK
* Praise God for the international ladies and families (60+) who have participated in activities we have organized this past year. Pray the Holy Spirit will testify to their hearts to the truth of the gospel message they have heard.
* Join us in asking God to provide His direction for English classes, Sewing, and Homework club activities in the new academic year starting in September. Currently we have no volunteers to help with pre-schoolers who know no English and have experienced trauma.
* We also need more volunteers before we can restart Homework club for international students (ages 11-18) in the Som neighborhood. Pray for students to be able to hear the gospel!
Pray for the house church leaders to be accountable to each other and to be under spiritual authority that will hold them accountable and keep close to the Lord in all that they do.
Needing healing
We prayed for Maria (from Kimatong) a couple of months ago after she had received injuries to her head when she tried to break up a fight. There seems to be lingering effects from the blow to her head, and she has been experiencing bad headaches and problems with her vision. The team was able to send her to Juba where she is staying with a Laarim family while she gets checked by a doctor. Please pray for wisdom and good, effective treatment, and a quick return to her home in Kimatong.
Diaspora in Canada
* Please pray for R., A., and K. who have shown great interest in Jesus through our Bible studies, but who are still holding on to Islam. Please pray that all they have learned through the gospels would penetrate their hearts and that the HS would convict them and bring them to repentance.
* Please pray for L. and M. (an Algerian mother and daughter), and their whole family. The kids come to our Impact Kids program, and recently the two of them took home French New Testaments. Please pray that they would begin to read, and that we would be able to follow up soon.
* Please pray for the North African believers at our church that they would continue to grow in their love of Jesus and their love of his church- particularly that they would become more involved!
God is the solution
Pray that locals will see God, and not missionaries, as the solution to their physical and financial needs.
Pray God will provide us with new people to engage with during this farming season. Pray for opportunities to teach about good farming practices and the Good News.
Diaspora in UK
Our main prayer request is for the fruitful success of our outreach week on the estate in the East Midlands. We have an AIM short term team of 9 combined with over 20 volunteers from the church and the surrounding area. We are running a holiday club in the afternoons, followed by outreach in the late afternoon/evenings. Please pray for good conversations and gospel opportunities.