Diaspora in Detroit

Pray for our Afghan Thanksgiving outreach Nov. 19th.
Please continue to pray for our first ever city- wide prayer event for workers that took place on the 4th. May it continue to promote unity.
Pray our English teachers would be bold for Christ as they teach and meet with students. Ask God to open students’ hearts to the gospel.

Projectors needed

Last year the Datooga Jesus film was launched. We are praying for 10 projectors to give to pastors working among the Datooga so that they can show the Datooga Jesus Film. Pray that God will open the door for that. Pray that many Datooga will see the film and seek Jesus.

Diaspora in Georgia

Please pray that the Lord will use the connections made at the African Friends Party Oct 30 to provide deeper gospel conversations, deepened friendships, and open doors of ministry to Africans in our area. Pray that the Lord will prepare local churches to receive and nurture African believers.

Believer and Joy

Pray for the small number of Chadian Arabs who are in the faith, including Believer and Joy. Pray for their public testimony as they have faced a great deal of persecution this year. Pray for courage to continue growing in Christ and sharing with others. Pray that they would trust one another and encourage each other in meaningful ways, and pray that God would provide for their physical needs in sustainable ways.

Long for His presence

There are many who say, “Who will show us some good? Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!” You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound. Psalm 4:6‭-‬7

Lord may the Alagwa long for your presence and seek you. May they understand and rejoice in the intimacy of knowing you, more than having their physical needs met.

Taking part

Our colleagues again met with a local sister along with her friend and she brought a relative, to study the word. Our sister participated In leading the study and the friend actively engaged while her relative listened. At the end, they both want to meet again. Father is stirring in their hearts and our sister is taking an active part! Praise Him!

New believers

Praise God for 3 new believers in Ruhatwe. One started attending services after witnessing and being impacted by the funeral of a coworker who was recently buried there. Another is from one of the small local tribes. Please pray that these new believers would grow in their faith and be witnesses to their own communities.

Call-in service

Our radio station BHB Chalbi FM has been doing a good job reaching all the scattered herdsmen and mobile villages and keeping them encouraged with the word of God. Our call-in phone service had been broken, which was a real heart break for many of our listeners, but praise God I was able to fix that last week and now callers can call in with their questions once again!
The Kalacha Church is continuing to meet but struggling with to pay school fees for their children. They like the teaching they get at AIC Kalacha but are feeling pulled other places to get school fees paid. Pray the Lord provides.


It has been difficult to meet with the 3 ladies who have decided to follow Jesus because they are busy with the harvest and other things. Pray they will continue searching for more of Jesus. One doesn’t even have a telephone to listen to scripture.

Christians are doing well

The Christians are doing well. Despite trials and opposition, they continue to trust the Lord, and are committed to doing the ministry around the villages with faithfulness and confidence. Please pray for the villages/areas that Elia has planted churches in: Lodapal, Lokochot, Nangorokopuk, Naminikituruno, and Lowoyapuru. Pray for the believers in these churches to “trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal” (Isaiah 26:4).

New believers!

Two young men have come to know Christ as their personal Savior this week! Both come from Islamic families but are very eager to learn more about their new Lord, Jesus. Bobby will be trying to connect the two together and start a discipleship study with them. Pray for consistency, strength and fruit.

Glory in His holy name

Rosa seems to have an interest in Bible study and attending church, however I am not sure she has trusted in Jesus as Savior yet. Please pray that as I spend time with Rosa, I will “make known… what God has done…tell of all His wonderful acts,” and that Rosa will “glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice” (Psalm 105:1-3).

Pray for courage

A young Christian woman left the country but was recently brought back and put in prison and questioned about her faith and other believers. She told them names of others. Ask for courage for each one to still identify with Jesus and obey him and stand together.


Pray that a small discipleship group would be launched in Arabic, and that it would touch people’s preexisting worldview with Biblical truth in a way that brings life and spiritual transformation. Pray for opportunities to connect with the wider network of believers from a Muslim background and for growth in their identity and solidarity.


Our local church currently meets under the trees on the church property, but is seeking to build a church building. Please pray for the raising of the funds for this project. We hope to see the local believers embrace ownership over this project. May God be glorified in both the building itself and the way we get there!

Grow strong

Pray for the new groups in Rumit and Boma to grow strong and faithful in the Lord.


Pray for a newer brother in a village that just this past weekend has started facing a lot of pressure and threats. He is asking for prayer. Pray that he would be strengthened and encouraged in the Spirit and be a light to his persecutors.

Set free from fear

Laws are becoming increasing Islamic. One who had talked about leaving Islam to follow Jesus said yesterday, “it is impossible now”. Another who was reading Scripture said, “If one believes in Jesus, she just can’t tell anyone.” Pray that this thinking would be exposed as lies and as the spirit of fear so prevalent in Islam. May Jesus set Arabs free from fear.

Baptism report

Last weekend we had the honor and pleasure to baptize 67 believers in three different villages. It was a lovely thing to hear people’s testimonies. Those baptized believers will form the beginning of a church and leadership in Hurri Hills! Pray for them to walk in newness of life.

“God comes first”

There is a young Muslim man who went with me to the farming training in early September. After the training I asked him what he had learned and he said, “God comes first in everything”. I have since heard he has been accused of getting a girl pregnant and is hiding in a different area of town. He is living with a Christian man and has now become open to the gospel! Pray he continues to seek Jesus! And pray he does what is right for the girl.


We just visited one of our disciples studying in Bible school. We had dedicated a lot of our time as a team in mentioning this couple.The wife was the first one to believe and prayed a lot for the salvation of her husband. After the husband believed they started to serve God but the extended family of the wife were not happy and eventually persuaded her to abandon her faith. She left her husband in Bible training with their four children. Pray for the husband as he continues his training and cares for his children. Pray that God will provide for him and give him wisdom. That even through these difficult circumstances he will be obedient to the Lord.

Good things God has done

Thank God for the growth in the area. Pray for the disciples in new villages to mature and share the good things God has done for them with others.
Thank God for the provision of disciples’ needs.

Eyes to see

Praise God that the English classes with Saharawi ladies have gotten off to a good start and that I’ve been able to share stories from Scripture with one particular lady, S. Please continue to pray for them to have eyes to see and ears to hear the Truth.


Please pray for the believers to grow in their knowledge of God’s love for them. May they be compelled by Christ’s love to reach out to those who also need to know that love.
Ephesians 3 v 17-19; 2 Corinthians 5 v 14-15

Build Your church.

Pray for brother Johnson as he ministers among the Suri people and for David among the Murle. Ask the Lord to build His church!
Pray for disciples Mark and Samuel to be faithful. Pray for Julius to be an encouragement as he visits them for two weeks.
Pray for peace in Jonglei state.

New team members

A new young couple (expecting their first baby in December) have joined our outreach team. As they learn language & culture, pray that God would lead them to the relationships that will become lasting fruit. Pray neighbors would welcome them and be open to hearing the message they’ve come to bring.


We have begun having a Sunday meeting in the local language with some of the local believers. Our hope is to inspire the local believers to meet regularly for fellowship, singing, prayer, and study. But the believers struggle to come consistently. Pray for the Lord to encourage, inspire, and create excitement over regularly meeting together. Pray too for us to be willing to make changes to better adapt to our island setting.

New study

Yusuf and I will be starting a new discipleship study this week. Pray he will grow through it and that I will be able to finish it with him before I leave the country next spring.

choose to gather

Praise Jesus for increased boldness and proclamation. Pray that as people believe they will be willing to risk betrayal and choose to gather in obedience to Jesus.

Growing number

Pray for the growing number of seekers among Chadian Arabs. Pray for conviction and courage to pursue faith in Jesus, and for opportunities to connect with others exploring. Pray also for those who have expressed faith and then returned to old ways, that the HS would work anew in their hearts.

Jesus Film

Please pray for Baba and Mama Ali. They are a young Ngindo couple. Yesterday we had them over for supper and to watch the Jesus film along with a local pastor friend and his family. Because of multiple system failures (the projectors kept turning off), we only got about ¾ of the way through the film before it got too late. Please pray that what they did see would cause them to desire more. And please pray that we would be able to find another time to finish watching the film with them.

Church planting

Pray for the disciples who completed the Intensive Discipleship and Leadership Formation that they will be obedient and apply what they’ve learned.
Pray for the beginning of dry season which is the best time for church planting.

First Baptism!

Pray for the baptism happening in Hurri Hills on October 28, 29 and 30th. There are 68 people on the baptism list from 3 different locations!

Pray for safety and wisdom as we are working on the logistics of each church and travels.
Pray for each person’s life. May they be encouraged and protected from any temptation and evil attack.
Pray that these Churches grow stronger in faith and obedience in the Lord making the name of Jesus known among their own people.

Keep Praying!

Pray that the veil of Islam be torn and that people are able to see the light. Pray for unsaved village leaders that they would have dreams and visions of Jesus that they cannot refute. Pray for the church to be salt and light in the community and to demonstrate God’s love for their Muslim friends and neighbors.

Desperate for fellowship

Pray for ‘Uhaju’, a new brother who is desperate for fellowship with other islanders. Attempts to connect him with other island brothers have not led to him being able to study regularly with anyone yet, which is what he really wants and needs.

New neighbors

Many people are moving into our community from various places, and there are a lot of new faces around. Pray for us as a local church that we may know how to reach the newcomers and serve the changing dynamics of our community well.

Partnering with local churches

Pray for our plan to have some conversations with local church leaders on missions awareness and partnering with us in ministry.

Reaching out

A colleague and local sister met with another young lady interested in truth. Together, they looked at the word, with the local sister very involved. Praise God with us for our local family who are stepping up and reaching out! Pray for much fruit!

Follow Him

Pray for three ladies I have been visiting who have talked of wanting to follow Christ with varying understanding. Ask the Lord to give them understanding and courage to follow Him.


How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe. Psalms 133:1‭-‬2

May there be increased unity in the church amongst the Alagwa! We pray that they would live as a community who deeply love one another and so demonstrate Christ to those around them.