Needing help

Southern Madagascar, including the Antandroy territory, is experiencing drought, the lasting effects of recent cyclones, as well as inflation, all of which contribute to dire food insecurity. It’s a heart-wrenching, severe crisis for the people there. As the Antandroy struggle to survive, pray that the Lord would reveal himself through his good providence and provision to them. Pray that, although they are in a remote and barren land, that Jehovah Roi, “The God Who Sees” will look upon them in mercy and compassion, and that many Antandroy would realize that the Lord God is with them and cares for them, and that he is not distant or inactive as their beliefs dictate. Ask our Savior to raise up believers who would heed his call to bring the gospel to this difficult area!

Christmas opportunities

As followers of Jesus, the Christmas holiday offers many opportunities to point our dear cousins to the greatest gift ever! Whether it is some simple decorations, a nativity scene, a children’s story book about Christmas or having neighbors and friends for a holiday meal, each of these open doors for questions leading to answers that point to the beautiful Christmas story and true hope it offers. Please pray that we will take the opportunities and represent well His truth. Please pray the Holy Spirit will take those truths and draw our friends and neighbors to Himself.

translation update

The book of Acts is almost finished being translated into Antanala. Chapters 1-20 have been checked. Chapters 21 to 25 are now with Menja to be checked, and we hope to bring the last three chapters to him next time we visit. Praise God for Menja’s hard work checking and pray the Lord will guide him.

Believers need to gather

Pray for scattered believers to gather together to form local churches.
I4: there are believers from different African countries here, a bunch from I3, but very very few from I4. Please pray that the Lord would add to their numbers.
I3: there are many believers here too, but relatively few meet regularly. The Church is here, but there are few churches. Ask that the believers would desire and act to meet together regularly.
I2: the leadership courses have started, attendance is inconsistent. Ask the Lord to give great hearts to the locals to come, and stop things from getting in the way of attending.
I1: pray for unity of the believers.


New leaders

Please pray for the Ndau Christians who are trying to live a life not dependent on their ancestors anymore but on Christ Jesus. Pray they would be strengthened in their faith and witness to other Ndau. Please continue to pray for leaders. Polygamy has such a strong hold, please pray for the new generation of leaders to have a new mindset and a Godly heart to not enter this practice.
Continue to pray for the salvation of the Ndau people. There are still so many who haven’t received the gospel.

Prayer points

We have dedicated this week for prayer and fasting. Please pray for the following prayer points:
1) That God will deliver those who are attacked by spiritual forces of darkness and being threatened to abandon their faith.
2) That the body of Christ will be united to share the good news to the many unreached families across the areas.
3) That there will be fruitful conversations between different parties here on how to reach out to the lost.
4) That the local perception of “help” won’t hinder the spread of good news.
5) That God will prepare those we are specifically mentoring and training for the future of this ministry.
6) That those who want to meet the redeemer in DG community won’t be scared and threatened by the forces of darkness and the local religion.


I have spoken with several Antanala brothers from deep within the district. At the moment, people are going through a very difficult time. The aftermath of the two cyclones are becoming evident now in the form of food shortage. The crops are small and late, there’s very little fruit from the trees, etc. Our brothers told me that mothers are malnourished and cannot feed their children. On top of that, many of the villages can’t be reached by cars, trucks, or even motorbikes because of the condition of the road. The brothers walked more than 100 km to get out of the area. Please ask for God’s mercy.

Prayer and fasting

Our local Fulani church has decided to take this coming week to pray and fast. We invite you to join us. We believe when we unite in prayer and fasting, we will see the darkness recede and the power of God transform lives, heal broken relationships, and restore the broken hearted. We also want to listen to the Lord because we need wisdom and discernment to know how to advance. Please pray with us.

Spirit of wisdom and revelation

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that they may know him better. We pray that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which he has called them, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.

Ephesians 1: 17-18


Y* came into our office and found me with a nephew doing a Bible study.
I had met her before and she had shared that for her secondary school exams, she chose to do CRE (Christian Religious Education) as a subject and she scored an ‘A’. But she did this to pass her exams, as Islamic studies are harder.

Pray that God will open her time to join us and be able to hear God speaking to her heart as we study the Scriptures and pray together.

I was away last week and therefore did not attend a weekly prayer group, but am told that she attended.


The Hurri Hills church is now in the process of becoming officially part of the AIC denomination. Pray for this process of chosing the elders and for the evangelist that is going to be licensed as the local church pastor.
Those are big achievements for the Kingdom of God here and there is a lot of warfare that we have been facing. However, we are rejoicing in God’s marvelous plan for the people He is rescuing for Himself! Pray for wisdom as we continue taking steps to reach out the Gabbra people.

Animistic rituals

In the last several months our team has observed a lot more of the animistic rituals and beliefs that form the foundation of our people groups’ worldviews. Demon worship and tribal rituals are commonplace in our communities, as well as charms and treatments performed by witch doctors. Please pray for wisdom on how to present the gospel – contextualized but uncompromised, and how to shine His light in this dark facet of life here.

Bible translation

Pray for Odilo, who is currently in Dodoma at an SIL training seminar. He is working on the translation of the rest of the Bible into Kisandawe.


Pray for upcoming outreach training for Malagasy missionaries coming to reach the villages on Nosy Mitsio. Pray for lodging preparation, for the hearts of the learners, and those in the villages who will see and hear the good news proclaimed. Pray for a fruitful outreach.


One of our team members is reading Scripture with some of the grandmothers in her neighborhood. One is a well-known local Islamic children’s teacher. Pray for open and receptive hearts. Pray too for regular opportunities for them to get together and read.

Christmas party

Pray for an English club Christmas party on 11/29. We plan to watch the nativity story, share the “Christmas story,” discuss some Christmas hymns and do some fun activities connected with the story. Pray for our creativity and energy to make this day come alive to the ladies and for God to use it to show himself to them. Pray many of the ladies will come.

New outreach tool

Now that outreach tool Al Masira is in the Som language, we are utilizing it! Pray that more local friends would be willing to commit to watching all 13 films with a facilitator. We are especially hopeful that one whole family will keep watching now that they’ve seen the first introductory lesson.

Gospel is growing

The Fongoro community is considered an unreached marginalized group in Sudan. We have the privilege to minister to them by sharing the gospel as well as through discipleship, Bible study groups, and leadership training. Despite socio-economic marginalization and persecution they are experiencing, the gospel is growing among them. The Fongoro community in Khartoum and Darfur are opening to the gospel and we are empowering local believers to reach out to their fellow community members.

Please pray for protection for believers. Pray for job opportunities and economic breakthrough for them. Pray for us as we minister through prayer and holistic ministries.

Conviction and DRAWING!

‘Roba’ is a young man with medical training who has worked on his breaks with us in our medical outreach. He is so smart & enthusiastic, and has such great potential! Pray that God would lead him to the right place for internship, and draw and convict him to submit wholeheartedly to Jesus as Lord and Savior! Pray this also for so many others of this younger generation – to start a disciple making movement here in O land!

Peace and Joy

Abigail has been hearing a lot of truth for a long time, as members from our group meet with her and walk life with her. Recently, she was invited to breakfast and time was spent talking about aspects of truth. Please ask that Father would open Abigail’s heart and mind to her specific need to know the peace and joy that only Jesus can bring.

Rainy season

With the rainy season/planting season around the corner, our local church attendance is always affected. Some of the believers walk up to 10km to meet with us on Sundays. Some will move out to their farms even further away during this time, and meeting together becomes nearly impossible for some due to road conditions and distance. Please pray for us as a church, that we would have wisdom on how to support our members and creativity on how to continue in fellowship together.

Yoke of slavery

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Father, thank you for the freedom we all have in Christ. Please remind all the believers amongst the Alagwa today of the precious and powerful freedom they have in you. May they stand firm, not letting themselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Keep them alert to your truth and grace.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for wisdom, patience, and grace as I reach out to M, an Egyptian friend who has suffered domestic abuse and needs a lot of care. Pray that M will discover how deeply loved she is by the Father.

1Cor. 13 love

Pray for a local believing couple who have been struggling for a long time with issues in their marriage. Ask that God would remind them how much He has loved and forgiven them, and teach them how to love in the 1 Corinthians 13 way; that their love would bear all things, believe all things, hope all things and endure all things.

Encourage one another

David and Tessa have decided to walk twice a week to the village of Chawa to spend time with Khalifah, encourage him in his walk with the Lord, and help him grow as a leader for the church in that community. Pray that as they do Bible study and training with Khalifah, they will all “be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1:12). May the Lord build His church in Chawa through the faithful witness of this man!

Prolonged drought

All Gabbra land has been experiencing prolonged drought which has proved a challenge for everyone especially our multiple outreach Bible study groups who have been fragmented by searching for last patches of grass.
This last week from AIC Dukana, with the help of AIM, we have been doing work for food projects in these outreach sites which has brought more people together for Bible study as they work together to improve their communities as well as feed their hungry families.

Loved by God

Please pray for spiritual breakthrough for one believer, A, who is spiritually in a pretty bad way at the moment. One of our team is going to meet with her tomorrow (18th Nov) to pray and encourage her from the word. Please bathe this meeting in prayer- that A would meet with God in a deep way and that her eyes be opened to know how loved she is by God. May she know this truth: “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” I John 4:4.

Really wants to know

Pray for an ambulance driver who has asked many questions about our faith over the course of three years and has moved on from argumentative questions and now really wants to know about Jesus. Pray also for his brother, an MBB who is experiencing mistreatment from his landlord because of his faith.


Praise God that S has asked me to pray for her new job. Please pray for continued spiritual conversations with her.

Diaspora in Hong Kong

Pray for the willingness of two Muslim converts to receive discipleship.
Thanks to God who gave me the chance to teach Chinese class for the Middle Eastern and South Asian Muslim moms and kids in a church. May God open the door to preach the gospel.

Baptism preparation

We have four new believers in the local church who want to be baptized! Praise the Lord! Please pray they will be well prepared for this exciting step, and that they may truly understand and “count the cost”.

With planting season starting soon and the distance between the homes of each believer, it can be difficult for them all to meet together. Please also pray for safe travels for those going out to meet with them regularly.

Diaspora in Florida

Praise for the opportunities that we have had to meet Moroccans in Florida. We’ve had good conversations and met extended family. Pray that these Moroccan contacts will lead us to a “man of peace” and to those who have soft and receptive hearts to the Gospel News in Florida.

Needing tools

Please pray for several areas in Toposa Land that have strong believers but the evangelists reaching these places lack preaching tools, such as Bibles in the local language, radios to play audio Bibles, transport to reach far areas like Jiye, and teaching and training tools especially for those who don’t know how to read and write. Please pray for the Lord’s provision for the equipping of the saints and for outreach in Naliwatom, Nadapalait, Moruarengan, and Jiye areas. Pray that God will continue to expand His Kingdom in this vast area, and that He will make the believers “strong, firm and steadfast” (1 Peter 5: 10).

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for the official opening of the community learning center this month, where we plan to provide a space for African university students to study, connect, and be tutored. Pray this center will truly be a place of peace and light for the many African students living in Acarape far from home.

Prayer training

We hope to hold the 2nd meeting of the discple-making training this week. Please pray for the logistics to come together. Pray too for protection over both the presenters as well as the participants. May they be filled with joy as they look forward to this meeting and may the Lord stir in their hearts a deeper desire for prayer, which will be the focus of the 2nd meeting.

God Bless the Fields

Pray that the Nyamwezi would break free from the heavy yoke of oppression under the spirit world and Islam, often mixed together in animistic religious practices, including surrounding their fields with amulets to ward off evil from harming their crops. As the rainy season begins, pray that Nyamwezi Christians would acknowledge God and God alone and God’s all sufficiency through every aspect of planting and farming, and be a testimony to their neighbors. Pray they will sow with joy, and honor the Lord in giving back to Him from their harvest. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to draw more Nyamwezi to Christ, to seek Him, and entrust their lives and fields to Him alone.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for the women in the Abrigo Refugee outreach, that their hearts would be open and sensitive to the message of Jesus.
Pray for H, a Tunsian woman, who is open and curious about the truth of the gospel. Pray for good conversations that lead to life.

Diaspora in Missouri

Pray for opportunities to connect with a Sudanese family and a woman from Kenya in our town. They each have young children and seem to connect with L very easily as they tentatively seek out friendships.
Pray for the planning of a Thanksgiving event for ESL students. Pray students will be blessed with food, fellowship, and fun, and will be curious about the gospel.

Home visit

While visiting my students at home last Sunday, God opened a door to me for share the salvation of Jesus Christ and read the Bible verse John 3:16 with Nasra and Muna. At the end of our conversation we held hands and prayed together. Praise the Lord! May the Holy Spirit open their minds and hearts, and let them see Jesus Christ is their saviour.

Expanded Outreach

Our new team-mates, Don & Linda, relocated into the heart of our village – right next to the school where Don will be ministering. Pray God will open the hearts of neighbors and these relationships will bear much fruit. Praise God the rains have begun – pray they’ll continue! May God’s provisions draw many O people to Jesus and start the people movement.