Death threat

Urgent prayer request just received from a wife of an MBB. (Both husband and wife live in Nairobi.)

She has informed a colleague that her husband’s uncle has arrived in town from the USA and is on a mission to eliminate him.

The uncle says that his nephew is embarrassing the community for forsaking their faith.

Pray for God’s intervention, for strength to stand strong and a peace of mind for the family.

May this uncle know Jesus and may Jesus be born in his heart during this season.

Blindly following

Pray specifically for the women here. Many of them know nothing of their religion. When I ask basic questions, they tell me to ask their sons who go to qaranic school because they don’t know. Many just blindly follow because that is what they are supposed to do. Pray for hearts to be curious and want to know about a God who came for them and wants to know them.

Diaspora in Washington

· We praise God for a successful Thanksgiving feast at all three English sites where we shared Psalm 100 and praised God together!
· Many students are experiencing sickness; but many are turning to us and asking for prayer. May God provide healing and may they understand that complete healing comes only through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

Portable church

Rev Lule is the missions director for the CECA-20 denomination in DR Congo. One of his dreams is to plant a “portable” church among the Mbororo nomads in DR Congo, Central Africa Republic and Chad. He wonders how the Lord will answer this prayer. Let’s pray with Rev Lule and the CECA-20 for a worker who will travel with the Mbororo to plant a church with them.

Christmas party update

There were over 50 people at the holiday gathering. It was a good time of fellowship and there was a mini tari (drumming & singing group), singing praise songs in traditional island rhythm. Pray that connections made there would continue to grow and deepen that the body might be strong and united. Pray for those that didn’t come, that if there is conflict that it would be resolved. Pray also for a number of smaller holiday gatherings happening this week, that good news would be proclaimed, heard and understood.

Show her the true way

We have worked through the first story set (creation to new creation) with Ma Fae. She loves the stories, but still sees Jesus as just a prophet, given power for a time by God but not worthy of worship. She has asked God to show her the true way. Please pray that God would answer her prayer and show her the truth of who Jesus is, even that He would visit her in a dream or vision.

Thirst for the word

Three ladies have expressed a desire to follow Christ. One, “Faye” has certainly understood the gospel but doesn’t seem to see the need to continue learning. Living with her extended family, it is difficult to get her alone but I did recently have opportunity to read from John 15 with her. Her sister ‘Ruth’ seems to understand increasingly, enjoys watching the God Story and hearing John’s gospel in Neem even when she has visitors. She is growing in understanding. Praise God! A third, ‘Jane’ has very little knowledge and I have hardly seen her in several months because she has been busy working in her fields (even sleeping there). Pray for all of them to have a great thirst to hear from God’s word and that we can meet regularly together.
Pray that they might be fully committed to Jesus and experience the joy which surpasses all understanding.

Dental training

Pray for two local brothers who will be participating in dental training in Bitkine, that they would be able to learn good tools for supporting their families and open doors to better serve and share with their communities.


Praise God that He provided a job for S just as we had prayed. Please pray she sees this as a provision from His loving hands and that we can still spend time together regularly even though her schedule is now fuller.

Diaspora in France

Please pray that our relationships with Muslim friends would deepen and that Christ would be glorified as conversations turn towards spiritual things. Pray the Lord would open many hearts to the gospel. Especially as we near Christmas, please pray for creativity and wisdom in connecting with new and old friends, and for opportunities to share the glorious news of Jesus!

Christmas gathering

Pray for a large holiday gathering of local brothers and sisters and expats today. Pray that it would help strengthen the island body and encourage everyone who attends to share the story and good news of Jesus’s birth!


Love and Tessa have been going out to Karamorok on Wednesdays to connect with young women who had previously been discipled by Angelo before he left for nursing training. The women are hungry for fellowship with other believers and for growth in their relationship with Jesus. Please pray for these relationships to grow over the next weeks and months as Love and Tessa eagerly work on learning language so they can communicate more truths from God’s Word with these ladies. And pray that “those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…will be filled!” (Matthew 5:6).

Church growing

The church is growing. The Gospel is pushing back the darkness surrounding the Bara people. And new disciples are coming.
In partnership with the local church, a Bara church was born in the village of Matsinzo. It started small but today there are almost 180 Bara coming to learn about Jesus! Pray for these disciples to grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Diaspora in Finland

We have used Al-Massira series at church as a discipleship tool for those who are already believers, as well as inviting others. We are finishing first 12-episode series, with many people involved in discussions.  A Georgian man accepted Christ. We also had 3 Kurdish Muslims…one of them is very interested and has attended many of the episodes and is really seeking answers. Pray that he will come to accept the Lord.

· Last night, we started the 2nd Al-Massira group immediately after a food give away at church. Of the 12-14 people who stayed, many were refugees from Ukraine, one man from Ghana, and even a few Finns. Pray that those who came last night, will continue coming and that this will be a tool for relationship building. And pray the Lord uses these videos to impact people.



Praise God for moving in the lives of area youth, who form three youth groups who attended a national conference in August. Pray that those impacted would be on fire for Jesus, that they would be triumphant in Him over any physical, emotional or spiritual challenges that they face; pray that these young Ndau wouldn’t be able to withhold all that God has done for them, and share Jesus with their families and communities.

6th Somali Heritage Week

This weekend the Somali Cultural Centre in Eastleigh, Nairobi is holding their 6th annual activities week to tell their stories using arts, book fair, story telling, cultural performances, Somali plays, art & craft exhibition, etc …

Please pray that we will be able to use this opportunity to connect and network with old and new friends and make appointments to engage with them at the venue or at a later date. We pray for boldness to engage with clarity from the Word and ask for God’s wisdom, guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Christmas opportunities

Praise that the Jesus film was just completed in the local language! Pray we can get a copy soon and that we have opportunities to share the good news with neighbors and friends via the film. Pray for opportunities to share truths as Christmas is approaching.

Week of prayer and fasting follow-up

After our week of prayer and fasting, the tough situations are the same for now and darkness around seems even bigger ! Our enemy doesn’t like to see us on our knees so he tries to discourage us. But the Lord reminded me that my part is to be faithful.
Please continue to pray for perseverance, wisdom, discernment, patience and boldness.

Training #3

We are in the midst of our 9-month disciple-making trainings for local believers. Training day #3 is on December 15th. Pray for the Lord to clear the schedules of the believers so that they can attend. Pray for hearts that are ready and hungry to dive into His Word. Also, pray that they would make this training, as well as, regular fellowship with one another, a priority. We firmly believe that pray is the main ingredient in order for these trainings to have an impact on the local body. Thank you for standing with us and fighting for our island brothers and sisters!

Diaspora in Canada

One popular Christmas song says that Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year.” It certainly is extra-special, and that goes for telling others about the Birth of our Saviour. Even resistant people arriving from non-Christian lands are more receptive at Christmas.

· As we the tell Christmas Story – in a downtown Montreal gym full of North African kids and their parents, out on Toronto’s streets while street preaching, while befriending African students in Nova Scotia, doing driving lessons in urban Winnipeg, teaching kids to dance in Lethbridge, and invite people to our homes for Christmas parties and other special events – may immigrants, refugees and international students “come and behold Him, born the King of angels”.

Christmas events

A number of Christmas parties/meals/coffees/breakfasts have already happened across our city with another full week of them this week. Please pray for seeds that were planted and for wisdom this week as we seek to share of the “Love that came to save us!”

New seekers

There are reports from several cities of workers being approached by new seekers who are asking questions and who are willing to meet to read the word. May the Light shine and the Word speak and may the seeds sown have opportunity to grow!

Diaspora in Detroit

Christmas Outreaches – Pray for the many different Christmas outreaches across the region. May they be effective at communicating the good news of great hope that is found in the newborn Messiah King! Pray for the 45 gift bags we plan to take to 45 homes. May Christ be shown and proclaimed in all these visits. Pray for outreaches every Saturday in December. May God speak and draw many to Himself.

Diaspora in Florida

Please pray for our ongoing relationships with our imam friends: H, S, and A. 5. May the Lord open their eyes to the Truth.

Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with Muslim friends during the Christmas season.



Understanding, wisdom, and truth

There are several churches in the regional capital of Ft. Dauphin/ Tolagnaro, as well as others scattered amongst the villages. Even so, the call to bring the gospel to “every tribe, nation and tongue” has not been well-heeded, and though many Antanosy may have been to church or heard about God, there are many who mix what they’ve heard with their animistic practices. This, along with the fact that the majority of this area is quite remote and difficult to access, has created an obstacle for these people. But we know that no obstacle is too great, no area on earth that is impenetrable for Almighty God to bring His Light. Pray for the Antanosy, that the Lord would reveal his truth to them, that he would show them that his power is greater than any power they see in their rituals and traditions. Pray that he would bring understanding, wisdom and truth, through Jesus Christ and through his Holy Word.

Diaspora in Bristol, UK

Praise God for a regular group of Somali women coming to my weekly English class. Pray for them.

· Praise that a local school with 98% Muslim children has agreed to let a group of us into the school to explain the Christmas story. Pray for the Lord to speak through us.

· Pray for opportunities to share the Christmas story in the Friday conversation club. May the Lord grant faith to many.


mercy and forgiveness

Please pray for the integrity of the believers. This past week one of the church leaders stole some money and then lied about it. When confronted, he repented, made restitution, and thanked those who confronted him for not letting him get away with it. Thank God for His mercy and forgiveness and the example that is in this culture. Pray that believers would be strong in God’s word and hold each other to a higher standard.

Gospel conversations

Pray for all the opportunities to witness at the hospital, that God would grant us great wisdom in how to share and for God to open the doors for gospel conversations.
Pray for a woman who sat with us for a few hours wanting to hear all about Jesus. She was very interested and asked many questions. She is working at the hospital, so there are opportunities for follow-up.

Diaspora in Minnesota

Pray for good connections throughout the Christmas season.

· Pray for a Somali family of 8 that is arrived in town last Saturday, Dec 3rd. We have a team set up to welcome them. Pray for friendship to develop and that the Lord would open their hearts to the gospel.

· Pray for relationships in Afghan community to continue to grow.

Bible Study

We have been transitioning to having local members take turns in leading the Bible study, even in our absence. As we go for holiday we are trusting God that the Bible study will continue. Please pray. We are also trusting God to give us wisdom on how to help these people find churches (for those who don’t have any affiliation with a church) and encourage all of them to be consistent members of the Bible study.

Diaspora in Portland

Praise for our International Thanksgiving dinner where we had people from over 12 countries. For half a dozen or so, it was their very first Thanksgiving in America. Pray that the friendships started will blossom and grow into fruit.



As we enter this season of advent and ‘waiting’, we reflected yesterday on how not only are we now waiting for the Messiah’s return while celebrating that He came, we are also waiting in expectation for Him to pour out His Spirit on our city and open hearts to the knowledge that He has come! Please pray with us as we seek ways to intentionally share Truth this month, that we would find those who are genuinely waiting to know our Emmanuel.

Diaspora in Georgia

Father, please open the hearts of our African friends, help them say yes to our invitations to  activities and church during December, and may they understand the Christmas story. Lord, we are calling to you, remembering that you promised to answer us and show us great and mighty things we don’t know.

Meet together

Continue to pray with us for a growing desire among island brothers and sisters to meet regularly to study and grow together, and to make it a priority. One new brother has yet to find another islander willing to make the time to study with him, so he is only interacting regularly with expat workers. The i3 sisters weren’t been able to find a day and location to have their normal monthly gathering for November. Pray they meet in December!

Diaspora in UK

We praise God for the opportunities to serve among the nations through English and Sewing classes and Homework club. Please pray that the Christmas presentations (Dec 6, 12, 15) will be well attended and produce great spiritual harvest.


Bible stories

Bible stories continue to be translated into the Mahafaly dialect, and these stories are being shared throughout the area villages by both global and local missionaries. There is a radio station which broadcasts these stories, and when Covid hit, the stories were aired more frequently. This reminds us that the Word of the Lord will not go out void, that his Word is “alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Pray that the darkness, the ignorance, and the blindness would indeed be penetrated, and that many Mahafaly would proclaim Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Church dedicated

Praise the Lord for his faithfulness to the Ndau people, and for the dedication of a church in Espungabera earlier this year. He has used the body of Christ to build this church over the years, and it’s been an international effort that’s reflected the unity within the Kingdom of God. Pray that God blesses this community and that they would trust and obey him to continue the growth of the body. And pray for all of us believers: for victory over the enemy and his schemes, for energy and strength every day, and for practical needs to be met such as working vehicles, peaceful home lives, and provision of daily necessities.

Common vision for 2023

This Tuesday (6 Dec) we will meet with our partners who work among the Bara. We need wisdom to develop strategies for 2023. We want to evangelize the Bara but also disciple and mobilize the churches to do evangelism and discipleship.
Pray for this meeting, for the partners and for resources. Please pray for our 6 sponsored evangelists: pastor Emanoel, Zoromana, Rema, Jelly, Elodry, and pastor Erik, that God give them grace for the work among the Bara and may they be fruitful.


Bobby went to a village and helped some friends with their farm and he was able to take a friend with him. He reconnected 3 out of the 4 guys he took to a farming training that was held a few months ago. They had a wonderful time getting back together. Lots of laughing and story telling. Pray that these guys will continue to get together and help each other out. They are a mix of Christians and Muslims. Pray the love of Christ will show through these times together.

Devoted Muslims

Praise the Lord for a meeting some missionaries in the area were able to have with a group of  Muslim leaders. This group was expelled from their country due to their peaceful stance which is contrary to the majority religion there. The missionaries felt guided by the Holy Spirit and with compassion towards these devoted ones to engage with them.  Pray that this group of cousins would realize that the source of the peace they seek, the desire to provide aid to the poor, and  their pursuit of spirituality is all driven by the tenets of God, and that only a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ will fulfill them.