Choose Whom to Serve

Pray for whole families to come to Christ. Often it is one of the spouses, but not the other, or the children coming to church and not the parents. Pray for whole households to choose to follow Christ.

“It made me glad to hear them say, ‘Let’s go to the house of the LORD!'” Psalm 122:1

Desires healing

Diaspora in Canada:
Pray for a family whose matriarch has driven several of the family away from Jesus by her anger and harshness. Pray that the grief of these grandkids and anger at the loss of their mom would be healed, and that they and their grandma would be reconciled. Pray for healing for the one member who comes to church faithfully with me, he has lots of questions, but eagerly desires his family and himself to be healed.

Schools closed

It is disappointing and challenging for everyone in Kimatong that the schools in the village are not functioning. This means the children are either leaving for Kakuma refugee camp in order to go to school, or not receiving any education at all. Some of the children and youth the team have built relationships with have moved to Kakuma. Pray for them.

Special events

Diaspora in Spain:
Pray for the new opportunities for ministry that we have in Salamanca.
Pray for two events: one in the countryside with 150 refugees March 12, and then a special dinner for 40 new couples. Pray for the gospel message to be well received.


Sheila, a young Rangi orphan girl, gets to spend her Saturdays after school at the home of a Christian. Pray she sees and hears and comes to know the Love of Christ for her.

New students

Diaspora in Brazil:
Pray for good adaptation for all of the African students that arrived at Redenção/Acarape last month.
Pray that the event on International Women’s Day will have touched many hearts and they will seek lessons and fellowship at our place.
Pray for God’s wisdom to recognize the men and women of Peace among the students.


We have been giving out calendars this month, which feature local proverbs alongside proverbs from the Bible. Pray that as we give these out we might have good conversations, and that these proverbs would spark a desire to read more of God’s word.

Praying for unreached communities

Last Saturday there was a gathering of church leaders and pastors. The focus was on praying for unreached communities in Karamoja, and our hope is this burden can be carried back to, and shared with, the wider church congregations. Pray for more pray-ers! Pray that people will be in step with the Holy Spirit in their prayers, and the Karimojong church will be planted and grow in new areas.

Let down the nets

May brothers and sisters not be discouraged by work that seems fruitless…fishing all night with empty nets. But ‘by the word’ of Jesus may they ’let down their nets in the deep.’ And as they follow Jesus and become fishers of men… may they call to other boats/families to come help lift the bursting nets. ” Lord, Let your disciples work side by side for the sake of the gospel even across family lines.” (Luke 5)

Started following Jesus!

*Zipporah (a trainee lawyer) has started following Jesus and we are meeting with her weekly to study Creation to Christ to help her understand God’s meta-narrative. Her family have put pressure on her to return to the city to pursue further training. Pray that she will continue to grow in the fullness of God and will find other believers from a Muslim background in her new context with whom she might have fellowship and continue to study God’s word.

New Life!

We are praising Jesus for a new sister in the 1Peter book study group! She decided to follow between meetings and she told the group about her new life this week. The joy and excitement was precious to witness. She is still battling against the lies of the enemy plaguing her especially at night. Ask that Truth would reign in her heart. She is learning how to fight against these attacks. She decided to tell one of her siblings about her decision. He immediately said she was confused and needed to go to a “Teacher.” Ask that he would be curious about her faith and be willing to hear.


Thank God for the faithfulness of disciples, and for peace between neighbors and between denominations. Pray this will continue.
And pray for rain.

Learning to read

Jacob has been working with a young man, Longiri, to teach him to read in Laarim. Despite the fact that Longiri has not been able to attend school, he is doing well at learning the alphabet and Jacob is hopeful that some time in the not-too-distant future, Longiri will be able to read. Pray that Longiri will persevere, and even be an encouragement to his unschooled friends that they too could learn to read. Pray they will be motivated to learn by a desire to read God’s Word for themselves.

Waiting for seeds to germinate

Mahabo Village is one of the most dangerous places in the Bara region. Home to many cattle rustlers and constant attacks on villages, rocky and slippery roads, dangers by night and day. However, it was in this region that the Lord opened an extraordinary door for us to preach the Gospel. Together with Pastor Eric Sy Mana and other dear workers, we visited two villages in the area.
Suspicious with the arrival of a “white man” for the first time in their village, they didn’t pay much attention at first. However, when they discovered that we spoke their language (something unbelievable for them), and that we were there to show a movie, they became friendlier and invited us to stay. The gospel was preached, the Jesus Film broadcast and now, with hope, we wait for the seeds to germinate.

Leading Bible studies

The 5th training meeting for local believers is this month. Ask God to bless it. At the January training, the local believers took turns practicing leading a simple Bible study. They were then challenged to ask the Lord to help them invite people in their neighborhoods to join them in studying the Bible together. Pray for courage and perseverance for the local believers as they step out in faith and invite those around them to join them in studying the Word. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they interact with their small groups. May they grow in confidence as they allow the Lord to use them to expose others to truth.


Pray for missionary Simon, especially for God’s provision for personal needs as he moves to Kassengor.
Pray for more disciples among the people.
Thank God for the peace among neighbours
Pray for the rain to come as most people are suffering and migrating to far away villages.
Pray for provision of even one school in Lopyat region.

Samuel and Mark

Thank God for Samuel and Mark as they are being mentored by David. Pray that they will be obedient to the truth.
Pray for the villages of Rumit, Meun, Moga. Kakumogo, Ngameri and Saraga that the Lord will send more servants to these harvest fields.
Pray for peace between Murle, Suri and Anywak.

Mama Joyce

Pray for Mama Joyce to have opportunities to shine for Jesus and proclaim his name among her Rangi neighbors as she helps care for the orphans and the poor in her midst despite being poor herself.

Cattle camp

Jacob asks prayer for Lokolong and Lokwar, two young men he has been discipling over the years. They have moved to the cattle camps for the dry season, and will remain there until the rains come in the next couple of months. Lokwar and Lokolong are in the same cattle camp, so pray that the Lord would lead them to spend time together in fellowship, prayer, and reaching out to others while they are there. Pray also that they will stand against temptation, and for their safety from cattle raids.

Agreed to read

Sally (our friendly neighbor) came over to help teach our new family to make tea. While in the kitchen she and I had a very emotional heart to heart about knowing Jesus as the Truth. My new colleague prayed while Sally and I cried – that if she doesn’t know Jesus she can’t know the Father. She’s heard much Truth over the years and it seems to be penetrating her heart…. and she agreed to read the Word! So please pray that her heart would stay tender and hungry! Also pray that as I try to set up time for her to read the Word with another friend, the enemy would not get in the way of that!

IDLF training

PRAY for the Intensive Discipleship and Leadership Formation training in Naliel starting this month. Ask God to speak to each one and to bless our time together.

Civil war erupting

There is fighting in one of the border cities that has escalated into a civil war. We are hearing of many casualties on both sides. It is hard to see a way forward for peace with so much bloodshed and hatred. So far it is localized to the border but tensions are high elsewhere too. Pray for peace.


Pray for the survivors of the shipwreck on Sunday near Calabria, Italy. Pray these migrants will be shown the love of Christ and would open their hearts to the gospel.

Drought continues

Please keep our area in prayer as drought is very severe and the needs are immense! Praise God we got some food this week to do food for work to help clean up some of the carnage of dead animals. Praise God for people willing to come out for Bible study. Pray the Lord would minister to them and strengthen their faith through very difficult times.

Unreached and Unengaged

There is a group of Berbers called the “G” who are unreached and unengaged. Pray the Lord of the Harvest will send workers to them.
There is a church interested in ‘adopting’ them for focused prayer and asking Father what part they should have in engaging them for Jesus. Some church members plan to visit the end of April to see. Pray Father will guide them clearly and for the G to finally have the opportunity to hear the gospel.


Rachel (an island sister) and her children are facing a difficult situation with Rachel’s father. Several months ago, he beat her daughter so badly that she is traumatized and fearful of people and leaving her house. Recently he beat her son severely because of a misunderstanding. They are fearful of his unchecked rage. Unfortunately the court system is often corrupt and whoever is willing to pay the most can win. Pray for protection, divine intervention and a change in his heart. Rachel asks for prayer that the Lord would move her father far away from them. Pray for wisdom as we do our best to encourage and point Rachel back to Jesus.

Salvation in no one else

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. Please ask that the Spirit of God would move among the Berber and Arabs of North Africa, that they would hear about and understand the one NAME by which they can be truly saved!

Chicken noodle soup

Praise God for an opportunity to take halal chicken noodle soup, medicine, tea and juice to S when she was sick with a bad cold. Please pray her heart is softened toward the gospel and she encounters the One who can bring forgiveness of sins and healing to her soul.


“Mark and Rachel” have fallen into some deep sin and are experiencing the awful suffering that accompanies it. They need Jesus’ healing and courage to forgive and get back on the path of True Life.

Famine continues

We recently visited a village where 5 people have died of famine. Although the rains have come, they will not harvest until the end of April. Famine is still devastating the south of Madagascar.
With the local church (Reformed church of Madagascar) by the grace of God, and the help of donors, we brought some relief to the suffering and hope to the Soul.
Pray for many to believe the gospel message.

New brother back

Pray for a new brother just back from being in the nearby Big Island country. Pray that he would be able to connect with local believers here and that they would be an encouragement to one another. Pray that God would provide him with a job here.


Praise God for a local believer growing in his relationship with God and in faith. Praise God that he recently testified that he is utterly convinced of God’s love for him whether God heals him or not. This is a huge step in a culture where God is approached for healing and blessing but not just surrendered to or worshipped for who He is.

New church

Pray for a new church planting effort between local believers and expats. Pray for growth in maturity in the local fellowships and wisdom for the local leaders.

Eternal Blessings from Sorrow

Pray for Nyamwezi neighbors who witnessed the drowning and burial of two grandsons of the AICT evangelist working in a new church plant area. Pray that those who heard the Gospel message at the funeral and responded will grow in their faith.

Getting closer

Pray for Mama S. She and Shara have had many conversations about Christ. Mama S has gone to Bible studies and been engaged with Christians through Shara. She has even said she’s “getting closer”. Pray for ultimate conviction of sin and desperate need for a Savior.

Second man going to seminary

Léonce is a keen Christian in his fifties. He’s leading the church in Ambodilengo, 9 km from Mandritsara. At the same time he follows up a few churches/cell groups around Mandritsara. Often, he preaches in one of the villages and then goes back to his own church to preach there. He needs help!
The man he has in mind is Bertrand, a single man. He will be sent to the seminary in Antsirabe. For him it will be difficult to adapt to studying all day.
But, with the Lord’s help he will do well.

Pray for Bertrand for:

– adaptation to studying
– adaptation to the climate
– enough financial support

Conversations that lead to life

Diaspora in Brazil: Pray for us as we reach out to a Senegalese family. Our friendship has deepened as more family members have come to Brazil. Pray for good conversations that lead to life!

Marked by grace

Continue to pray for the local believers here, that they would be marked by grace and truth, a deep hunger for the word and a heart that listens to the Holy Spirit.

Disciple making disciples

PTL that one young man has been boldly sharing his faith and his changed life with his friends and neighbors! Pray for God’s protection for him and his family! PTL that he was used to bring another young man into God’s Kingdom! Pray for this to be the start of strong disciples who will make more disciples, who will make more disciples of Jesus!

Studying the Bible

Pray for an Antakarana man “J” who is coming to study the Bible. He also invited a friend recently. Pray for this core of people to grow and their boldness studying the Bible to inspire other seekers to come as well.