Praise God for a wonderful trip to visit the Falata (a Fulani tribe) people in South Sudan. Praise Him for many opportunities to share the Good News. Pray for gospel seeds to bear fruit.
Ask the Father to send workers to live among the Falata as nomadic pastoralists.
Ask the Father to establish His church among the Falata.
Pray for L
Hong Kong Diaspora:
Father God, please strengthen the faith of this homeless Muslim single woman, L, who loves reading the Gospel but struggles to believe in Jesus’ miracles. Lord, may you provide for her physical needs, including shelter, food, and safety, and surround her with people who love and care for her. Open her heart to the truth of the Gospel, and help her to see the love and power of Jesus. Show her the depth of your grace and mercy, and draw her close to you.
Seeds Sown Long Ago
Praise God for Gospel seeds sown long ago and the work of the Holy Spirit still reaping a harvest today! A Nyamwezi man said he adhered to the Islamic religion of his wife, but would like to become a follower of Christ. He said he had an old book from his Christian father, and he has continued to read it. It was a copy of a Swedish Free Mission hymn book written in the Nyamwezi language. He reads it frequently even though he doesn’t know the tunes because the words hold great meaning to him. Pray that he will keep seeking the Truth and hear more Gospel teachings, and that the Holy Spirit will change his heart to make a decision to receive Christ as his Savior. Pray he will read the Bible, too, and treasure it even more than his father’s hymn book!
Reason for our hope
Diaspora in Wales:
Pray for the upcoming end-of-term activities for Women’s Sewing (June 26th) and English (June 27th) classes.
Please ask God to open hearts and minds of the attendees as we discuss the reason for our Hope through Jesus Christ.
Workers for the Gabbra land
Pray for more full time missionaries for Gabbra land. There are so many new opportunities for sharing the Gospel, discipleship, woman ministry and other projects.
Pray that soon these needs will be met. Also pray that the Kenyan church will be committed to support local workers.
God is at work!
Our children ministry is growing! Last week about 1,200 children came. Thanks Jesus. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.
The past 3 weeks our local team has shown the Jesus Film in 26 new villages and 40 people accepted Christ in Salaza (the village we went to last month with Pastor Emanoela) and 32 people in Ananbomary, with the work of Pastor Tomoeira.
God is at work!
Pray for fruit
Thank God for the trainings and vision casting Mark has done in Juba and Doro camp in Blue Nile area. Pray for fruit from the visits.
Thank God for the faithfulness of disciples.
Pray for rain in most areas.
Thank God for peace between neighbours.
Pray for provision for disciples in Toposa land.
Books have arrived!
We have received our first shipment of Genesis and Exodus! For the first time we have scripture in bound books that look beautiful and like respected Holy books in this island’s local dialect. Brought over from Tanzania by a friend on a boat. More coming in his next shipment. Please pray for these first books to be the start for all scripture to be made into such respectable books. Pray for the others to come without issue. Pray for safe distribution amongst believers and beyond!
Find fertile soil
As many locals prepare for their summer holidays and travel around the country, ask that they would encounter believers and willingly talk about Jesus. Often when they aren’t in their own neighbourhoods being observed who they talk to and what they talk about, there can be a greater willingness to discuss important issues. Ask that many seeds would be planted this summer which would find fertile soil.
New outreach
Our evangelism team will visit Amboasary region (Mahafaly). Pray for a good visit and opportunities to share the Gospel with this UPG in south Madagascar.
Pray for the conference which will be held with the FJKM church in Mahafaly-land. May God awaken His church and built it so the local believers can reach the Mahafaly people for Christ.
Hunger for righteousness
Please pray for a hunger in the believers who belong to the church to know Christ (Philippians 3 v 10). As the pastor seeks new ways of getting them to apply God’s truth in their lives, may the Holy Spirit bring an awareness of compromise and repentance.
Successful event
Praise God for a successful event with Saharawi ladies! Many came and heard about the source of their true value. Please pray for soft hearts and ears to hear more in future conversations.
Kids camps
Diaspora in Canada:
Pray for MAC kids camps this summer. I am hoping to sign up 150 pre-teens and teenagers for camps in Ontario and Alberta. Please pray that the Lord will lead children ready to listen openly to the gospel, for the their salvation and changed lives to follow Jesus faithfully.
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to lead me in preaching the right message through street evangelism at street corners.
Baptism in prison!
Please pray for the discipleship of the Tsimihety happening in the local prisons. There have been recent baptisms amongst both the men and women! Pray these would become men and women of deep faith and for the transformative love of Christ to work in their lives. Pray for pastors and Christian workers who visit the prisoners to have great courage and love for the people.
How best to support?
There is disagreement about how best to support those being persecuted. Some argue for extraction, others look toward the future and believe endurance is the way. Pray for unity. Pray that the Name would be exalted and made known.
Pray for Samuel and Mark
Pray for the villages of Rumit, Meun, Moga, Kakumogo, Ngameri and Saraga that the Lord will send more servants to share the gospel.
THANK GOD for peace between Murle, Suri, and Anywak.
Thank God for Samuel and Mark as they are being mentored by David. Pray that they will be obedient and bear much fruit.
Pray for two upcoming wedding celebrations, one between two workers and one between two locals. Pray that plans would come together and that there would be a true sense of a community coming together to celebrate. Pray too that these events would give a richer vision of what marriage is, and how the island body can celebrate them together.
Bara of Ihorombe
This is still a very dark land. The Gospel has not yet been proclaimed there though we have a few churches in the area.
Please pray for a revival in the local churches and believers so that they can accomplish their task of reaching their own people.
Women ministry in the Hills
Many of the ladies who were once Muslim now call Jesus their saviour and follow the Christian faith, while still holding to the title of Muslim outside of the group for fear of backlash in their families and the community.
Please pray that they will feel totally free from fear and may they feel Jesus’ protection.
Christian friends
Diaspora in Canada:
Pray for several of our S Christian families suffering stress due to mental and physical illness, and challenges with wandering children. Pray for harmony, forgiveness and for the lost to return home.
Pray for two young S women, to connect with Christian women friends this summer. Both eagerly desire to be friends with English speakers.
Pray for their welfare
Jeremiah 29:7 says, “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Thank you for joining us to pray for the “welfare “ of the cities of the Arab Swahili people. Pray for the followers of Jesus (exiles) in these cities as we seek to embody the presence of Jesus in our lives here.
The joy of the Lord
Pray for the O AIC team and O believers to walk with the Joy of the Lord giving them much strength to give much wonderful testimony of the grace of God through Jesus! Pray many others would believe and be saved.
Share Life
Praise the Lord for ‘Asher’ who started reading the Word in December and recently decided he wanted to be ‘in the Family’. Pray for him to grow in his understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice for him and that as he reflects on those in his community as ‘dead’, he would have compassion to share the Life with them.
Needing a school
Pray for provision of even one school in Lopyat region.
Pray for more disciples among the people.
Pray for missionary Simon especially for God’s provision for personal needs. He is moving to Kassengor.
Thank God for the peace among neighbours.
Pray for the rain to come as most people are suffering and migrating to far away villages due to the drought.
Difficult path
In the last week, at least 100 Bara have given their life to Christ. 60 in the region of Isoanala and 40 in Ihorombe.
Please pray that they will grow in the knowledge of Christ and faith.
They will have a very difficult path to walk once they reject all the ancestors worship.
Church and Mosque meeting
Diaspora in Florida:
A church group and a mosque have met for a meal at a mosque. Now the church group will host a meal for the mosque group at the church. Pray for many to attend and for open hearts as the Pastor and Imam will share on what they believe about Jesus.
Faith to believe
Diaspora in France:
Praise God for several students from unreached people groups that spent a week at a renovation camp with us in April and heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.
Praise God that we are continuing to build on those relationships and are now in small Bible study groups with some of them. Pray for them for faith to believe!
Women’s gathering
Pray that the monthly women’s gathering this week would be a powerful time of studying the Word and praying together. Many i3 believers (both workers and islanders) will travel to i1 for the wedding of two workers, pray that this wedding would bond believers together and help model the focus for godly marriages.
Praise the Lord for ‘Hank’ who decided to follow Jesus after an encounter on a language route walk. Ask that his hunger to read the Word would grow and that his wife and children would also decide to follow Jesus.
Pray for peace
There is ongoing civil war in the East and the hospitals are overwhelmed with soldiers needing free care. Supplies and staff are stretched and the resources are not being replenished. Pray for peace.
Needing discipleship
Please pray for the church among the Bara. We have syncretism and lack of discipleship. Pray for opportunities for our team of coworkers (local Malagasy pastors) to disciple the believers and train others.
Pray for a growing interest of learning more about missions in the church as well.
Reaching children
This week in Betroka a training is being held for 30 Bible teachers under the subject: Reaching the UPG Children. The Training is in partnership with CEF (Children Evangelism Fellowship). Please pray that the attendees will be passionate to reach children in their villages and also that the Holy Spirit will remind them about all what they have learned and will put it into practice when they get home.
Threatened with divorce
I have just received a call from the village to tell me that the young woman who has recently turned to Jesus and who publicly displays her faith has been threatened with divorce. Yesterday her mother-in-law gave the paper asking her son to divorce his wife. The young woman’s husband does not want a divorce and agrees that his wife should follow Jesus. But the believer’s mother-in-law and brother-in-law are very opposed to Jesus. Recently they took the MP3 player which I gave to the young woman so that she could listen to the Word of God. Yesterday the village assembly was gathered for a time of prayer and the chief (who is a Christian) when he received the paper to sign the divorce, simply tore up the paper!
Students’ testimony
Diaspora in Georgia:
Praise the Lord that Ma’ra, Na’eli, Ed’m, Sa’aka, Pao’a, Ver’nica, and Eri’a all gave testimony to personal faith in Christ after going through the gospel of John in our ESL classes this year. Pray for their protection and growth this summer, and that they will be ready to not only continue studying English but also will come to a home Bible study next fall. Pray for the Lord to be getting ready all those who would profit from a “home Bible study for internationals” next fall.
To the printer
We have finished translating the book of Acts into the Antanala language. Both the Gospel of Luke and Acts are with the printer now.
Pray for the distribution and that many would read the Word and believe it!
Exchanging books
Diaspora in England:
Pray for me and two co-workers to have a chance to visit M, a Sudanese woman from the conversation club who’s just had a baby. Pray for an opportunity to share our faith.
Pray for A, from my advanced English class. We’ve exchanged books – a Qu’ran and Luke’s gospel in S…ali. Pray that she’ll read Luke’s gospel. She’s offered to answer my questions about the Qu’ran, so pray for a fruitful first conversation about the Qu’ran (and hopefully Luke’s gospel too!).
Pray for breakthrough of God’s Spirit drawing many O to become stronger disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples, so that a huge explosion of a disciple making movement will begin and powerfully advance God’s Kingdom. Pray for lasting fruit for all on our team!
Sharing in compounds
David and Tessa are starting to lead Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) at various compounds. They have decided to start sharing at two different compounds in their neighborhood, and as time moves on, potentially adding more. They are excited to be sharing God’s Word at these families where they have built strong relationships. They go out together at dusk (since people are out in the gardens most of the day) and sit together as people start to gather. Then there is a lot of singing Laarim worship songs. They spend time sharing praises and prayer requests, followed by a story from the Bible which they then interact with by asking questions. It is encouraging to see that there are people with an interest in learning these stories. Pray that as people hear the Word of God, it would become more than just a story to them. Pray that people would truly desire to walk in the freedom and newness of life found in Christ.
Trafficked women
Diaspora in Hong Kong:
We pray for the African women who engage in survival prostitution. Many of them were once human trafficked to Hong Kong. In the name of Jesus, we pray that God will mobilize churches to help these women who cannot help themselves to get out of this trafficking system. We hope to share the Gospel with them, so that they may find hope in Christ.
Shine His light
Our team is continuing with monthly disciple-making trainings for local be!ievers. The next training is coming up soon. Pray for local followers to remain excited about growing in their faith. Pray for a hunger and thirst for righteousness and a daily desire to spend time in God’s word and in prayer. Pray for boldness and courage for local followers to be sharing their faith with those around them rather than giving into the temptation to hide His light.