We are thrilled that Noblesse is making plans to return to the Laarim in August for three months. He is coming with two other Rwandan men, Bienvenu and Perez, as part of their exposure to missions. Pray for these three men as they raise needed support from their churches in Rwanda. Pray the church will take their role to send seriously and give with joy. Pray the Lord will use Noblesse, Bienvenu and Perez to build up and strengthen His kingdom among the Laarim.
Believe in the Son
May Arabs believe in the Son and receive eternal life. May they obey the Son and see life and may the wrath of God be removed from them. John 3:36
Camp Soar
Preparations are progressing for Camp Soar, August 13-18. Jay & Laura are very thankful for the team of volunteers coming from Central Baptist Church to staff the camp. A Nigerian seminary student, Zubby, is lined up to speak at campfire and share the Gospel. Sponsors are needed for at least 60 African newcomer children/youth, to enable them to attend camp and hear the Gospel. Pray that many of these campers will come to know Jesus.
Family meeting
Pray for a family of believers who have been meeting together for a year with a worker who is leaving soon. Another team member will take over meeting with them (although it will be less often). Pray for this transition and that they will meet on their own and continue to grow.
Outreach week
Pray for the AIM Borderless Team’s Midlands Outreach Week beginning this coming Saturday. A Midlands city centre church is seeking to reach out to the diverse community on their doorstep.The church building is situated in the middle of a community of people from a North African background. They have asked AIM to provide a team to help them run a special events week. Pray that God will prepare the logistics to run smoothly, prepare the Church leadership as they plan and prepare, and the hearts of the team to be filled with the Holy Spirit’s compassion to reach the unreached with the gospel in this community. And pray for many to hear and believe the gospel!
Ready to receive
Summer often feels like a season of lost momentum. Schedules change and people travel. Ask that the Holy Spirit would water the truths that have been sown. Pray for Him to stir more questions and curiosity so that when reunions happen heart-soils will be ready to receive seed that will produce 100 fold.
Find Hope and Peace
In our urban centers, many of the smaller shop owners, fruit/vegetables stands, and blue collar workers are Berber. They work hard to make a living and are often mistreated. Please ask that these gracious and patient people will find true hope and peace in the only ONE who can offer true hope and peace.
Hosting boy
Praise God for the opportunity to host a 9 year old boy from the Saharawi migrant camps this summer. Please pray for a Kingdom impact for him and his family!
Please pray for the village kids who spend time with the missionaries. Several of them have been reprimanded and/or physically punished by the Muslim religious leaders of the village for doing so. Pray that the light and love of God would bring life into their hearts.
See the need
Nanguoko, Natiyote, and Lokolong are all Laarim believers. Pray that they will see the need to grow in their relationship with the Lord by joining with other believers for times of Bible study and prayer. Pray also for Khalifa as he disciples Loduko, to help this young man understand God’s love and salvation through faith. Pray for all the believers in Chawa to discern and understand that, “the ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them” (Hosea 14:9).
United with Christ
Please pray for the Bible translation work, as the teams are drafting Ephesians and Philippians. Please pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the translation and also for the translators, especially those who are not believers. May they understand deeply what it means to be united with Christ!
Book release
Thanks for praying – the book release celebration went well. Let’s be praying that those printed words would be well used, loved, and believed. Let’s also pray for the continuing i3 translation project as they do remote checking on 1 Sam with islanders on i3, a worker on i1 and consultants abroad. Pray for good internet connection, good communication and a great result.
Soccer ministry
During the school break a sports ministry through soccer has been going on, headed by Malagasy missionaries. Pray for good opportunities to witness and for openness for students to participate.
Build friendships
Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for Muslim ladies N, R, and others that we met at a mosque visit, that we can connect with them and build friendships for sharing the gospel.
Pray for the Lord to work in the heart of an Indian Hindu lady, M, to draw her to faith in Christ.
Turn to the Lord
Pray for Zaya, who has heard of good news over 2+ yrs. but hasn’t shown much interest. Her husband recently died. Pray that she might understand the consolation of the gospel and turn to the Lord.
Pray for Ajoda, a southerner who has said she wants to follow Jesus and has prayed to accept Him as Saviour. She doesn’t understand French to come to church. Pray for bible studies with her, where she listens in her own language (she can’t read), and then we discuss in Arabic. She understands very little of the Christian walk.
Growing friendship
Love has been faithfully meeting with Nakai in the village of Karenge to share Bible stories. She is encouraged by this growing friendship and the opportunity to share God’s Word with her friend and any others who come to listen. Love is still visiting Tiringot, the village next to Karenge, but waiting for an invitation from someone in the community to ask for her to share Bible stories. Pray for Nakai to come to a saving faith in Jesus as she hears God’s Word; pray for a spiritual awakening in Tiringot and that people in that village would “seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
Discipleship contines
Pray for the ladies I’m meeting with. Discipleship is continuing at individual level in their homes or businesses, and as a group on Sunday morning. Pray for those who come on Sundays who are still Ms, that as we do DBS, that they may encounter Him. Pray for M, who is a seeker, and her family at risk of breaking apart, pray that she may run to Him who is the Prince of Peace. Pray for M and L who are believers that they may grow in their faith. They are running small businesses, let’s pray that God will provide a way to expand their businesses.
Resist the Devil
Spiritual warfare is ongoing for our local family. Two of our sisters experienced severe attacks recently. Pray that they both would stand firm in the strength of His might and hold on to the shield of faith so the flaming arrows don’t injure them. Ask that these two sisters would walk in victory everyday over lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil. May they submit to Jesus and resist the Enemy so that he will flee. Ask that He would be their Hope and Light in the dark. Ask that the enemy would not be allowed to steal their peace or their sleep. Pray for them to abide with Jesus and soak in His Word so they are prepared for these attacks.
Needing reconciliation
Please pray for the church leadership in Mandritsara. There have been significant challenges dividing the church. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation. May God’s will be done in this situation. Praise the Lord that a minister from the UK (Julian) and his wife (Debbie) a dentist, have joined our team at the Good News Hospital. Pray for them to learn the language well so they can encourage our local pastors and strengthen the evangelical team.
Mr. HW owns two hardware stores, one in our city and one about 2.5 hours east of us, in part of the area where a sub-group of Berber live. He and his family are of that people group. They are presently still an unegaged group. Ask that we can build a relationship that: 1. Brings Mr. HW and his family into the kingdom and, 2. Opens a door of entry into that group of people.
Praise God for work being started in new Toposa areas. However, persecution has started as well. Pray for the Churches in Kauto- Namurpus region where I got a call from leaders on the field that people have started persecuting the disciples and burning their fellowship places. Pray for God’s intervention and protection.
See the Light
Continue to pray for Yous’, Se’d, Ma’amat, and Bra’am. We are currently going through 1 John together. Pray they continue to come as some have been traveling. Pray that they see the need for a savior.
Pray during the month of July that the students that Stephen and Alicia work with will see the light of Christ and be drawn to him.
Breaking stones
Each Sunday a small group from church goes to share in a village 5km outside of town. Sometimes when we arrive we find community members have already left to break stones to earn money for food. We are wondering if we could stop where the largest group breaking stones is, and ask if they would like us to share from there, before going on to the village itself. Please pray for God’s direction as we explore this possibility. Please pray for protection for those breaking stones. It is very difficult work.
Loves to read
Diaspora in Hong Kong Praise the Lord. L, the Ugandan Muslim lady we prayed for who loves reading from the book of Luke. She continues to read, just as she used to recite the Quran. I often pause so that she can stop and reflect on what she has read. Please continue to pray for her, that God may use His Word to touch her heart. Now she is no longer homeless, but the room lacks air circulation and the summer heat has caused her skin issues. Please pray for her to find relief from these conditions.
Women’s seminar
Please pray for a women’s seminar we are going to have on the 27-30 of this month and a leadership seminar in the beginning of August . Please pray for both to bring restoration, liberation, salvation and encouragement for all involved!
Mike is a strong, O MBB involved in the translation work. Pray he will stand firm and keep growing in the midst of trials. His wife continues to be used by her family and the community to try to punish, distract and pull him back. At times she has professed faith in Christ, now again she’s pleasing her family and turning against Mike. Pray for God’s grace and that she would surrender her full allegiance to Jesus and not agree with the divorce her family wants.
New pastor
Pray for Pastor Habonju as he settles in to leading the AICT Kwa Mtoro pastorate, that he’d have a vision for strengthening the churches and continued outreach in the Sandawe heartland villages of Gungi and Mangasta.
Needing strength
Please pray for A, a baptised believer who has been in intense spiritual battle for a long time. May God give her the strength to trust all of her life to Jesus, and to repent in the areas where she has compromised. Please pray for healing for her.
Ministry of the church
Pray for the ministry of the Church in Busi and also the Kindergarten.
Pray for the Lord to work through the new evangelist in the village of Keikei as he settles into ministry there.
Ask the Lord to glorify Himself in all the work going on in Pahi.
Needing deliverance
Diaspora in Canada: Pray for our friend Asher (pseudonym) whose love for Jesus is very strong, but who struggles with alcohol abuse to the point that his health is deteriorating severely. Please join us and the other S. Christians in praying for his deliverance and healing.
Pray that the bike ministry may result in many bicycles going to kids who need them, and many people being blessed by hearing Jesus’ good news in the process.
Several students want to continue with Bible lessons this summer, including a Wednesday evening ESL Cafe at our place. Pray for them.
Share their faith
Pray that Love would know how to encourage Maria and Suzanna, women she is discipling in Kimatong, to be part of ministry and Bible studies with her in other villages. Pray that these ladies would have a desire to share their faith and hope with others who are still in darkness. Pray that their testimony and changed lives would speak to the Laarim’s need for Jesus.
Hali’ is very interested in the gospel, even praying in Jesus’ name. Please pray for her to continue to seek Jesus, as well as for her health. She had an accident and had to leave work and has not yet returned.
Pray for Si’, whom I work with at the village, he is asking many questions about Jesus and is very close to following. Pray for him to put his faith in Jesus Christ.
Book launch
On Saturday July 15th we are having a ceremony to launch our newly arrived printed Word! It contains Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts with beautiful island-style artwork. Please pray for the launch: for things to go smoothly, for everyone to feel involved and included, for protection from unfriendly eyes. Please ask that the book and audio players would be distributed wisely and used well. Ask for an increased hunger for the Word!
Culture and worldview insights
Last Saturday we gathered with church leaders from within town. It was a mixed group, with several church leaders being from other parts of Uganda. One of the Anglican Reverends shared with us about Karimojong worldview, how to enter a new community, and commonly held beliefs that hold people back from trusting in Christ. It was a very insightful and helpful time of sharing and there was a lot of good discussion as Pastors shared their experiences and asked questions. Please pray that the understanding gained from this time may positively impact ministry, as churches seek to reach out to rural communities.
Pray for the Dorobo from Elgeyo Marakwet county. Shel Arensen and Pastor Silas Bargokwet and a team from Good Shepherd Community Church in Oregon spent a week in late June visiting villages in this area and showing the Jesus film. The team also distributed 80 solar audio Bibles in the Kalenjin language. Pray that the contacts and the film showings and the solar Bibles will have an impact on these people. Some are already believers and attend AIC churches. Others are not yet believers. All the Dorobo in this county are discouraged, having been evicted from their home in the forest about five years ago with no resettlement plans by the government. Pray for Shel and Pastor Silas as they plan follow up to this area, especially to the Dorobo living at the base of Tingwa Hill.
50 kids graduate
Another school year has come to an end and it is with hearts full of joy and gratitude to the Lord that we celebrate the graduation of 50 kids. Now they know how to read in their own language. The Literacy program, using the scriptures, aims not only to teach them to read and write, but also to love Jesus, to know his word and follow him!
Each graduate received a copy of the scriptures.
We had many presentations, meditation on the word and a delicious snack with the families.
Pray for these children to read God’s word, share it with their families, and for faith to believe it and be saved!
Loving Luke
Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for L as she has started reading the book of Luke and is loving it. We pray that she may experience more about Christ.
Praise that a local church, which is situated near a large African community, has provided us with a space to reach out to non-Christian Africans. May God prepare their hearts.
Truth will set them free
Pray for Ruth and Faye, who seem to be following our Lord, and Jane, who isn’t yet but still is somewhat interested. Jane says that words against associating with us/me continue, but no one seems to be bothered meeting me. I once gave an Arabic script New Testament to Ruth, thinking that she could read it. (She can’t). She says her husband is reading it. Faye told me that her husband borrowed her memory card to listen to various audio from New Testament and Neem stories based on the creation to Christ. Pray that these men will discover the truth and that the truth will set them free. Maybe it will be possible to talk with one. The other I rarely see.
Seek the Lord
Pray that the Lopit would earnestly seek the Lord. Pray they would “acknowledge the Lord…press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to [them] like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth” (Hosea 5:15; 6:1-3).
Books have arrived!
The first copies of the printed books with Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts have made it to our island! Pray for plans to wisely distribute and celebrate these few precious copies, for them to be well accepted and used and for more copies to follow them shortly.