The Fulani brothers and sisters in the village are going through a difficult phase. The rivalry between two men of the Assembly is slowing down its spiritual growth. Pray for a spirit of repentance, reconciliation, love, and unity of this young flock that the enemy seeks to divide.
Key couple
May Guyo & Mary understand more of God‘s truth, growing in faith and wisdom and knowledge. May they boldly proclaim and live out God’s kingdom of light, with many of the other young couples.
Strange things
One of our house helpers has had some strange and unexplained things happen to her. She fears it’s because of evil spirits. She chose not to go to local religious leaders but asked our team to pray with and for her. She also may start regularly praying with the family she works for. Pray for consistency on this and for God to work in her life.
Cry out to Jesus
Pray as we walk with our house helper who has been beaten severely by her husband several times recently, that she will cry out to Jesus for healing.
Pray for the community to see the unity of the spirit on our team and ask questions.
Looking for Jesus!
A local Sister has a sister who lives in one of the villages outside Kesh. This sister said the last three nights all the women in the village have gathered outside their homes and just looked at the sky for hours. She asked them what they were doing.
“We saw a face in the sky so we are looking to see if we can see it again.”
The sister, who is not a believer but has read the Word a little bit, asked her Sister, who is a believer, “Is it Isa (Jesus)?”
So now they are all looking in the sky for Him! Amazing!! Ask Jesus to reveal Himself powerfully to these women and that they’d realize He loves them so much that He stepped down from His throne into our world to be Emmanuel!
Hold tightly
Pray for those in prison to hold tightly to Jesus, to acknowledge Him before men. And pray for God’s purposes to be done and pray for their release! May each one boldly speak of Jesus and hold out the word of life even in suffering
Come to faith
Please pray for those who have heard the truth. May they come to faith in Christ.
Pray for the guidance of the holy spirit each day to share the gospel with those who have not heard about Jesus.
Strength to withstand persecution
Pray for the churches born this year in the Villages of Ambohitsy with 40 converted and in Sakamahily with 120 converts.
Pray for strength to withstand persecution and deeper understanding of the gospel.
Classes starting
Diaspora in Wales: Pray for women’s English and Sewing Group classes which will restart Monday, Sept 25th.
Pray for the 5-minute spiritual object lessons in Sewing class that often leads to further discussions.
Pray that God will provide students and spiritual fruit in this new academic year.
Genesis translation started
The translations of the book of Acts and the Gospel of Luke are being spread among the Antanala. Many already expressed their longing to have more books in their language. We are working on Genesis now and already finished the first 5 chapters. Pray for wisdom to make a good translation.
Discern the truth
Diaspora in Minnesota: Continue to pray for Mr. M who we have had deep discussions with regarding the cost of following Jesus in his community. Pray that he might discern the truth.
Continue to meet
Pray for Asher, a new believer. Pray he would continue to meet with other local believers and that this could become a group that meets regularly.
Pray for peace with his family and blessing on his business.
Medical camp
Pray for a one-day medical camp planned for September, where +/- 400 patients are expected to attend. We will use this platform to reach out to them – through prayers, counseling, and sharing the Good News. Pray for other partners to join us with supplies, medics, assistants, etc..
May God’s Spirit convict and draw many O to become strong disciples of Jesus! May they truly understand God’s amazing love and grace! May the O hunger and thirst for God‘s truth and righteousness!
Listening and sharing post earthquake
Some of our folk were able to provide help and aid in the days following the earthquake disaster. Now, however, the government has taken over relief aid and so our focus has turned to visiting those in hospitals, listening as people grief, praying and intentionally trying to talk about eternal matters. Please continue to pray that the Father uses this sad event to bring beauty from ashes and growth to His kingdom!
Diaspora in Brazil: Pray as we mentor a local Moroccan believer, J. Pray that J would catch the vision to share his faith with others in his family and with his friends.
Learn about Jesus
This week all the children return to school. Please pray for the École de Bonne Nouvelle where the Tsimihety children who attend will learn about Jesus Christ alongside reading and writing! May the teachers be full of the Holy Spirit and model Christ’s love to these children.
Become followers of Jesus
Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for Muslims Ms. L, Mr. C, Mama I, S, and F and their families to understand God’s truth. Pray that barriers between them and faith will be removed. Pray that they become followers of Jesus in God’s timing.
People of peace
Please pray for men and women of peace among the Nyamwezi to come forward when evangelism takes place both in new places and places where evangelism has already gone through an area so that the church may grow in those areas. Pray that the unreached will be reconciled with God. Luke 10:6 “And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him.”
Pray for individual discipleship going on with different women. Pray that they may keep growing in the Word. Pray for sister M who is facing tough spiritual warfare. Pray that she may stand.
Come back
You’, Se’d, Mah’, and Brah’, going through 1 John, have all stopped coming and replying to messages. Pray they will restart communication. Pray that they see their need for a savior.
Pray for healing
Pray for Mama M., a single mom of four children who has recently miscarried her twin babies. Pray for her healing – physical, emotional, and spiritual. May she be drawn to the light of Christ.
Seeds to grow
Pray for the 87 Bara villages visited just this year with the Jesus Film.
Pray for the seeds to grow and for a great revival to break out among the Bara.
Pray for resources for our team of local pastors to keep going to show the film, specially for gasoline for the motorcycles and for our sponsored 5 pastors working among the Bara.
None can snatch them
Pray for those believers who have been living in fear because of seeing others’ suffering for their faith. May they be set free from fear and be emboldened to know none can snatch them from the Father’s hands.
Amanda’s son Billy was arrested towards the end of August and is now in prison. We are not sure of the exact charges but Amanda is relieved that he is no longer on the streets. There have been numerous drug and gang-related shootings of late and she feels he is now in a secure place. Pray that this latest incarceration will cause him to reflect on his lifestyle. Pray for Amanda too as we share with her from the Bible – she likes hearing things in her own language.
Urgent prayer request for our sister R in the islands on I2. She has become quite bold in sharing her faith. Her father has just threatened to kick her out of her house if she doesn’t deny her faith in Jesus. He says that if she refuses to deny Jesus, then he will send for the police tomorrow to come and arrest her. R says that she isn’t afraid for her life and she won’t deny Jesus, but she is distressed about what would happen to her 3 children if she is arrested. She is also concerned that the police will destroy the copies of the Word that she has at her house. Please pray for our sister for courage and peace in her heart. Pray for her father’s heart to be changed. May what the enemy intends for evil, be used for good in the name of Jesus.
Student outreach
Diaspora in Florida: We are really praying for North Africans who want to study the WORD this year- please pray with us.
Pray for an outreach with international students September 16th. Pray for new Muslim connections.
King meets The King!
Iaban’i Velotia and his wife have decided to become followers of Jesus! This man is one of the most respected kings in our area. I have visited him very often and shared the Gospel (through storying). One story narrates about demon possession and how we, as Christians, can pray for deliverance. The king never wanted to fully trust Jesus because that would mean that he has to step down as king (the king needs to teach the people about the ancestor worship). His son got possessed and whatever they tried (with the help of a witchdoctor), the demon didn’t leave. He must have remembered the bible story and went to get help from local Christians. They entered the house and saw all of his charms and magic stuff. They told him that they had to clean his house first. He agreed and they threw everything out. After that, they prayed for the boy and he was instantly delivered. After this event, he and his wife finally decided to follow the Lord! Praise the Lord that the local Christians were so bold to tell him to get rid of the witchdoctor stuff!! And praise the Lord that they are a huge testimony for their neighbours.
New village
Pray for many good relationships and Gospel conversations in a new village our teammate has moved into. Pray that one day there would be a group of believers meeting together there.
Hold to their faith
Every 5 years there is a huge gathering to honor the spirits on Nosey Mitsio. Pray that new believers would hold to their faith and not partake in the many sacrifices.
Diaspora in Brazil: Pray for the international student ministry at the university which has a large population of African students. Pray for strategic meetings.
Pray for the courses we are offering for the diaspora in our city that they will be well attended and people will be open to the gospel.
Pray for wisdom and direction for the believing women who meet here on the second Monday of each month.
Needing rain
It’s been a bad year for rains, gardens are failing, and people in Laarim, Lopit, and Latuko communities are worried about what they will eat for the rest of the year. Many people are talking again about going to the refugee camps in Uganda and Kenya. Pray to the Lord, He who “makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate – bringing forth food from the earth” (Psalm 104:14), that He will provide the food that is needed. And pray for wisdom for our team members as they seek to respond with compassion to the situation.
Lethal storm
Pray for the people of Libya. A storm has caused major flooding. In one town the storm caused the collapse of two dams which caused a lethal flash flood. It is feared that more than 2000 people were carried away by the water.
May many come
Diaspora in Georgia: Please pray that the Lord will bring immigrants who are hungry for Jesus to these Bible studies, and that this year they will believe in Him:
Monday—Queensley’s home
Tuesday—AM Becca’s home PM—Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center
Wednesday—ESL class at First Baptist Church
Thursday—Mobile food pantry at Grace Church
Friday—ESL class at First Baptist Church
Stand firm!
A new wave of persecution from Muslim leadership has broken out against the believers in O land. Ask the Holy Spirit to emboldened, protect and empower all of the believers with the Joy of the Lord to be their strength! One specific meeting will take place on Tuesday to try and cause finalized separation and divorce for Mike from his family. Pray that what the enemy means for evil will be turned into good.
Good soil
Diaspora in Canada: Pray for V as he teaches the book of Genesis to newer Iranian believers. Unfortunately, they are having trouble committing to attend because of hectic work schedules and/or inconveniences. Pray that these seeds that are sprouting will not grow on rocky soil or among thorns, but on good fertile ground to produce fruit.
Pray as V also plans to teach Christianity Explored to seekers coming to church. Pray for students and for wisdom.
Pray that the Lord would convict non-believer’s hearts through street evangelism, and that people would be open to have logical conversations about faith.
Leadership training
Pray for the IDLF (intensive discipleship and leadership formation) training that is going on for one month in Sept. Fourth generation leaders from TNJ (Toposa, Nyang’atom, and Jiye) will come for intensive teaching and training. Ask the Lord to work in the lives of participants, to encourage and bless all involved.
Pray for churches to stand firm and leaders in TNJ, who have experienced some persecution. Many are discouraged. Pray for them.
Diaspora in Brazil: Pray especially for spiritual discussions with an Egyptian single mom, M. Pray for the ability to communicate well despite language barriers, and for the darkness of Islam to be rolled back in the lives of M and her 3 children, as well as her Egyptian parents who have come to live with her.
There was a terrible earthquake in Morocco last night. So far, 1000 dead and 2075 injured. Please pray for mercy for those fearful of another earthquake, for healing for the injured, for God and his people to minister and comfort.
Renew and comfort
We celebrate that one of our sisters was released from prison. She is back with her family. Pray that she would find healing from all these months in prison (since July 2022) and that she would be renewed in heart and mind. We don’t know the results of this testing of her faith. But we trust that the Shepherd knows his sheep and He is able to speak renewal and comfort to her soul.