Open hearts

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for my meetings with a local imam and with a young Muslim man this week. and for Linda’s meetings with Muslim ladies in the pipeline. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to hearing gospel truth.

Making connections

One of the team members studies with a family each Sunday. They are growing in their ability to make connections between different stories in the Word. However, recently their landlord told them they need to get out because of their faith or pay more for their rent – more money than they can easily pay. Please pray for a change of heart on the landlord’s part.


Diaspora in Canada: Pray for the many colleagues I work alongside with who are really suffering and struggling with the conflict in the middle east, many who are Muslim, specifically S. and A. Pray that I could be salt and light in the interactions I have with them and that the Prince of Peace would reveal Himself to them.

Know Jesus more

Please pray for the Digo children who came weekly to our Sunday school programs, that they would continue to seek to hear the Bible and want to know Jesus more.

Pray for understanding

Diaspora in France: Amanda appreciates very much the Scripture portions we are able to share with her in her own language. Ask for good understanding and a desire to know more. Continue to pray for her son, Billy, who is currently in prison. Pray he ponders the Truth he has heard and submits to the Lord.

The whole village came!

One night we went to this village called “Apitoara”,  to broadcast the Jesus Film. When we arrived, we saw that the whole village was doing the “BILO” ceremony. The Bilo is a ritual that happens when someone is possessed by demons. They call the witch doctors and sacrifice cows to the ancestors and demons, asking for deliverance. The ritual involves alcohol and dancing. The blood of the cows is sprinkled over the people, as a “covering” to pacify the demons. The music was loud and people going up and down the road crazily.
I thought with myself: No Film today. But, we set up anyway.  We started projecting some songs (videoclips) until the time we had set for the film. Unexpectedly, people started appearing, and the place started to fill up. By the time we started the film, the place was completely full! The ceremony of the BILO had finished, and almost the whole village came to watch the movie. I was amazed! The BILO is an important thing to the BARA and usually lasts the whole night. However, people left the ceremony to come and watch the film. What an amazing GOD. One of the pastors preached 10 minutes about our hope in Christ. I gave my testimony and we let the JESUS FILM  do its work.
In my spirit, the Spirit of God said: Do you understand this? People are thirsty for something new! YES! For the GOOD News!

Gospel spreading

May the Lord‘s message ring out through all of our AIC team and BMB‘s in O-land! May the Gospel come not simply with words, but also with Power, with the Holy Spirit, and with Deep Conviction! May many O people welcome the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. (from 1 Thes. 1:4-8)

Hunger overcome fear

Praise Jesus for increased courage in the hearts of believers. Pray for those who have been asking of Jesus but are now afraid to keep searching because of the arrests. May their hunger overcome their fear.


SIL (Wycliffe) Global Publishing, in their final checks before sending the Laarim Scriptures to Korea for printing, found “bugs” in the final pdf produced by the typesetting program. The typesetting needs to be redone! Pray for patience and perseverance, and even excitement, as they come closer to finalizing these Scriptures. Pray for the Lord to prepare fertile soil in the hearts of the Laarim so that when the Scriptures come “they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and [God] would heal them” (Matthew 13:15).

Burdened and bold

Pray for spiritual dissatisfaction to grow among Karana people.
And pray for the heart of local church members to be awakened and burdened for the Karana. Pray for those who have been trained in outreach to be bold and engage with their Karana neighbors.

Spiritual conversations

Praise God for the time we are spending at the refugee camps and for the spiritual conversations we are having. Pray for the Spirit to open many hearts to hearing and believing the gospel.

Helping people

Praise God Sambivelo has finished his medic training and is back and has helped many sick people already. He struggles with jealous people, including one doctor. This doctor isn’t fair in his practice. He asks a high price for his service. But he is the only one in the whole area so people are afraid to say anything about it. Sambivelo helps people for a symbolic price. Pray God would change the doctor’s heart and would bless Sambivelo.

Pray for healing

During one homestay, we ended up praying for a 5-year-old boy named Aboubacar. He has a sickness that seems very spiritually related. He doesn’t speak and can’t eat on his own, though he used to be able to. We prayed for him in the name of Jesus and told the family we would continue to pray, so please pray that the Lord would heal Aboubacar and that the family would attribute the healing to the power of Jesus.


We praise God for ever-deepening, meaningful connections being made and relationships being built in this hard-to-access Tuareg area. Keep praying for this region of the world and the network that we are building there. Pray for spiritual breakthrough.

More space for expansion

We thank God that we now have a Nairobi Outreach Team. Please pray with us for more space for teaching and interacting with S** students. We need more room for a mini-library and storing our music equipment and for working with MBB’s. Pray many S students will be blessed with a greater knowledge of the truth.

Teaching and encouraging

Pray for the project to teach youth and adults about relationships between boys and girls, couples and marriage. We need wisdom and guidance.
Hervé continues to encourage the group of musicians with weekly Bible studies. Pray for their maturity in the Lord.


Pray for an older man and seeker in the capital. He happened upon a weekly study with an islander brother and worker and ended up studying with them! He said he’d join them again. Pray that this connection might continue and that it might inspire both the brother and the seeker to grow closer to Jesus!

Sandawe missionaries

Pray for Tanzanian collegues Deogratius and Gabriel, both from Usandawe area but who are now missionaries serving among the Sonjo and Maasai up near Loliondo in northwest TZ. They are ‘tent-making’ to support themselves and moved to the area this year. Pray for fruitful ministry.

Stolen wheelchair

There is a young Tsimihety man who fell from a tree a few years ago and has been paralysed ever since. He came to the Good News Hospital for care at that time and was able to get a wheel chair, but it was stolen from his home in the village the next day, and he has been bed bound since then. Praise God that he has had some contact with the missionary team, and was encouraged to get back into the hospital and get another wheelchair. Praise God with his new wheelchair he was able to attend his village church on Sunday! Please pray that his knowledge and faith in Jesus would flourish, and that he would point many others to Jesus!

Needing breakthrough

Pray for the team among the Toposa. We feel the enemy is fighting against us reaching out among the Toposa, Nyangatom and Jiye. Pray for our school ministry, teachers and their spritual life. Other places among the Toposa area are closed and the people are not welcoming the gospel. Pray for the existing churches, evangelist, and apostolic team that the Lord will give us breakthroughs in reaching out.

Discipleship of Somali MBB’s in East Africa

Please pray for MBB’s, especially in Kenya, that they may grow more in the knowledge of God’s Word. They have been reluctant, and in most cases not willing, to study individually or in groups. Pray that God will give us wisdom in ways to walk this journey together with them.


One member of the team started studying the Word with a friend. On the second meeting, his brother was there and then this last week another guy joined. May this group grow in size as they grow in knowledge of the One who saves.

Great potential

Pray for Iffy to come to know Christ. He’s a young man on a medical internship at our mission hospital. He is open to hearing and studying God’s Word, but has not yet received God’s gift of salvation. He has great potential for being a leader in our medical ministry if he would submit to Jesus instead of Islam.

Accepted Christ!

Pastor John and pastor Daudi are continuing to deliver the Gospel to the Digo. Just the other day, there was a Digo man who accepted Christ! Please pray that he will grow in faith. Please also be praying for the two pastors that they would continue to be eager to deliver the Gospel to the Digo.

New church!

We celebrated the inauguration of the church in Sambane this week! Please pray for the congregation as they are located between two refuge camps. Please pray for courage to evangelize and that the hearts of the people in the camps would be soft to receive the gospel! Please pray for Pastor Joaquim and his wife Julieta in this new step of responsibility and faith pastoring the church.


Pray for the many people involved in witchcraft in the village. So many people live in constant fear and mistrust of others as there is a strong spirit of jealousy and greed among the people, which leads many to seek dark forces/witchcraft in order to hurt their fellow community members. Pray for the light and love of Christ to set them free!

Hearts of stone

After months of showing up each week in Tiringot to share Bible stories and pray with people, Love feels it is time to move her efforts elsewhere. The people in this village seem very hardened to the gospel, uninterested in anything Love has to offer since there isn’t any “physical benefit” to them. Pray that the Lord would “remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh” (Ezekial 11:19). Pray for Noblesse, who lives in the village closest to Tiringot, to have wisdom about how to reach this community and continue to water the seeds that have been planted.

Lay hold of

“Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.” From Psalm 32

Repentance is such a restorative gift from God which many Alagwa seem blinded to. It is common for people to feel that they don’t sin or if they do, it is not a problem between them and God. Pray for this spiritual blindness to be lifted so that they may come to Jesus! Please pray for the believers to really lay hold of lives which are open and honest before God, confessing their sins and joyfully finding forgiveness.

Heavy burdens

Diaspora in Georgia: Praise the Lord for a Nigerian sister in a nearby mobile home park who has opened her home and invited neighbors to come for Bible study. Pray for that group to grow and especially for the immigrants who live there to come. Pray for the gospel of John and the fellowship time to greatly encourage the women who have many heavy burdens.

Ancestral worship event

Keep praying for the big ancestral worship event happening here this week. Practically it will be a burden to the local villages since so many will come and the wells barely have enough water to support the local community. Spiritually it will be an oppressive time. Pray for believers to be filled with the Spirit and protected from evil spirits.

Pray for unity

Ask for protection from notice and suspicion, as a couple of groups of followers meet together this week. Ask that the Word would fill their time together and the HS would give them wisdom and understanding. Pray for unity.

Seek peace

Robert and Carole greatly desire to see the church at the forefront of the effort to promote peace between the warring Lopit communities. The years (decades?) old hostilities have left the people in these villages in fear for their very lives. Pray that as Robert and Carole disciple believers in Iboni, these men and women would set the example for all the Lopit to seek peace, “not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead…[to] turn away from evil and do good; [to] seek peace and pursue it” (1 Peter 3:9-11).

Amazing work of salvation

Pray for Tsandy. She converted in 2010, from a very bad life; Christ changed her heart and till today she has been a faithful servant of Jesus and also my wife’s best friend. Jana has discipled her and now she is telling Bible stories to Bara children. A generation telling another generation about the Glory of Christ.
Please, take one minute to praise Christ for this amazing work of salvation.

Kicked out

A new believer has been kicked out of the house by her mother and brother for her faith. Please pray for Celia as she looks for a new place to live. May this experience strengthen her faith and cause her mom and brother to have a ‘Saul-to-Paul’ experience with the living, loving God!

Stand firm

Pray for encouragement for the female believers, that they may stand firm despite many challenges.
It’s another long holiday, pray that the youth will be able to stand firm in doing what is right.

Communicate meaningfully

Pray for followers of Jesus here in Wonderland to be salt and light and to learn to communicate Truth meaningfully within the culture.

Ministry of reconciliation

The conflict in the Middle East has far reaching consequences. There is heightened animosity toward all non-Mslms. Ask that believers would still engage in discussions and seek to be ambassadors for the Prince of peace. May those who know Peace carry on the ministry of reconciliation even in the face of threat and hostility.

New neighborhood

Diaspora in Georgia: Praise the Lord for ongoing friendship and visits with Ms families. Pray for the salvation of S’s family and M’s family. Pray for an open door to minister in another new neighborhood where there are several Africans from Cameroon. Pray that my friend Cindy will open her home to host a women’s gathering. Pray for salvation to come to that neighborhood.

Local evangelists

One of the missionary families that have been working for 13 years with the Gabra people is finishing their assignment, and during the last 4 years, four local evangelists have been raised up and joined the ministry team in Hurri Hills.
Pray for the local workers as they continue the ministry, that they would be full of God’s grace and wisdom. Pray that God raises people to mentor and support them in ministry. Pray also for their financial support.

Angelo update

Angelo (a Laarim believer who had been a part of the Laarim ministry for several years) is diligently studying in Kenya, planning to return to Kimatong once his nursing training is complete. Pray that he will do well in his studies, and so be able to use his training to serve his community’s physical needs. His real heart is for evangelism, so pray that he would also grow in the bold sharing of his faith, even among his teachers and fellow students, in preparation for declaring to the Laarim “that the Lord… is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments. But those who hate Him He will repay to their face by destruction” (Deuteronomy 7:9-10).