Dispute in the body of Christ

We have a large number of MBB’s in a prayer network group. There has been some dispute within the group relating to leadership and some are suspecting some leaders are in this group for personal financial gain. Please pray that God will soften the hearts of all the team members and especially the leaders and point them to Jesus. May God reveal His plans for each of them. May there be love, forgiveness and unity in the group.


Many teas and Christmas parties happening these coming weeks. As people ooh and ahh over the decorations and sweet treats, ask for opportunities to share the story of Emmanuel.

Parenting class

Diaspora in England: Praise God that the Kids Matter parenting course finished so well and for the new relationships built. Pray for these mothers to seek God.
Pray for opportunities to share the Christmas story in English classes.

Still unwell

Bible translation is going well, we have a draft of the books of 1 & 2 Timothy.
I am still not feeling well, please pray for me.

Holiday Gathering

Pray for the large holiday gathering today bringing together believers and expats from around the island. Pray that it would be a unifying event that encourages everyone to share the joy and hope of the season with their friends and families. Pray for the kids that will attend and especially for the group that has prepared some songs and a drama. May we see families grow in their faiths together.

Heard the Gospel

Pray for S who heard a presentation of the gospel this week. Pray that she goes beyond thinking that it’s a “pretty story” and experiences that it is a transformational truth.


Please pray for one Alagwa believer currently considering baptism. May she have the courage to do this, knowing Jesus is worth any opposition she might face because of this step.

Real story of Noel

Joy, a local sister, has invited her neighbours for tea this afternoon and hopes to tell them the real story of “Noel” and how it is different from New Year (which they often assume is what we are celebrating). Please pray they come and she has the opportunity to share Truth with wisdom and winsomeness.

ESL party

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of my ESL students during the Christmas season, and especially that they will understand the gospel so they can celebrate the birth of Jesus with His joy this year.
Pray that the ESL party tomorrow will be well-attended.


We’ve had a good start to camps and things are running smoothly so far.
-Thank God for the many youths who have turned up for our annual camp.
– Pray that many lives will be transformed, and that many will come to the knowledge of Christ.
– Pray that the facilitators will be intentional in walking life with the campers.
– Pray for good health for the campers and that it will go smoothly till the end.

Christmas party

Diaspora in Michigan: Please pray for our Christmas party Saturday the 16th. We are having an open house style party and highlighting the Biblical narrative from Luke 2. Pray for all those who come to listen well with open hearts.

Worst humanitarian nightmare in recent history

Early last month, more than 800 people were reportedly killed in Darfur as part of the ongoing conflict taking place in Sudan. More than 6 million people have been displaced from their homes since the conflict broke out in April. The situation has been called “one of the worst humanitarian nightmares in recent history” by Undersecretary-General, Martin Griffiths. Please pray for Christian aid organizations like the Darfur Christian Association who are offering relief and medical care, as well as sharing hope through the preaching of the Gospel. Pray for the Christians who have remained in Khartoum and Darfur in order to care for the believers and be a witness – may their lives have impact in such dark times! Please pray that God would supply abundantly more than we can imagine to a situation that is hopeless without His intervention.

International students and refugees

Diaspora in Finland: Pray for a new group who are developing into a outreach team to reach international students and refugees. Pray for successful development for a Christmas outreach on the Oulu University on the 16th of December. Pray also for the formation of three DBS groups with refugees.


We thank God for the last debate with Muslims that was held on 9th December. Pray that the seed that was planted about Jesus will find fertile ground in the hearts of those who attended. We have been having debates every month on the 2nd Saturday.

Live nativity

Diaspora in Michigan: Pray that our Refugee Christmas party on December 16 goes well, that many will come and interact with the live nativity to learn what the True Christmas story is all about. Pray for wisdom for me and the others helping with this to know how to explain things well so God’s story is understood and sown on good soil.

Hungry for Truth and Love

We’re seeing people are hungry for Truth and Love. Seekers are finding us! Pray for one seeker in particular, Faith, that the Father would continue to draw her to Himself and that we could read the Word together.

Church-Mosque meeting

Diaspora in Florida: Pray that the meeting between a mosque and a church discussing “Who is Jesus” will happen in December. It’s been postponed 4 times.

Second time!

An older island man just finished studying through a set of stories on Jesus, and he has asked to study them all a second time! Pray that this study would open his heart to accepting Jesus as Lord.

Holiday season

Please pray for opportunities for spiritual conversations during the holiday season. May God open many hearts to receive Emmanuel, God with us.

396 villages!

Since 2017 we have been broadcasting the Jesus Film among the Bara. By the grace of God, we only have 4 more villages to go to reach 400 Bara villages with the Jesus Film.
At least 15 churches have been planted. Please pray that God will raise up faithful Bara followers of Jesus and they desire Christ with all their hearts.
Pray that all these places that have watched the Film will be awakened by God and that a revival occurs among the Bara.

Christmas parties

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for upcoming Christmas Parties/student events today, and on Dec 18 & 20th. Pray for clear gospel presentations and receptive hearts to respond.

Break the bonds

Pray for God to break the bonds of Islam in this country, to remove the veil from eyes that have been blinded, to reveal the lies of Islam, and to cause Muslims across this country to seek something greater than what they currently have.

Street evangelism

Diaspora in Canada: Victor also plans to teach Christianity Explored to seekers coming to church in January. Pray for seekers to sign up through December.
Pray that the Lord would open the hearts of people hearing the gospel through street evangelism and Christmas carols through December.

Pursue community

There’s a new sister who has mainly been taught through online teaching. She recently connected face to face for the first time. Pray that she would grow and continue to pursue community in person.

Dropped off by helicopter!

Praise God for the team of Tsimihety evangelists who preach the Good News at the hospital and in the villages near and far. Sometimes they are dropped in a village by helicopter for a week. Please pray for encouragement and refreshment in their calling and that they would continue to be built up in the word of God. Pray many would believe the message they bring.

Christmas party

Diaspora in France: Tomorrow we will have a Christmas party here. It is in some ways going to be the climax of all our work this semester. We are expecting around 50 students, a vast majority from unreached people groups, and they will all step inside a church for the first time and also hear the Gospel for the first time. We have also mobilized multiple local churches so that we can work together and also mobilize workers. So please pray for us. We would really appreciate it.

Gospel conversations

Diaspora in Florida: Linda is tutoring the son of our Muslim friend “Gigi.” Pray for gospel conversations with her and her son. Kevin gave “Seeking Allah Finding Jesus” to his Muslim friend “Larry.” Please pray that they can follow up this week.

Big gathering

Pray for the women’s gathering this week. They are hoping to study part of the Christmas story, as well as make plans for the big gathering on the 17th, including practicing the new Christmas praise song in local language. Pray that it would be a unifying time that would encourage the women to get excited about the holiday season and help them feel ready to share with others the story and significance of Jesus’s birth.

New pastors

Pray for new AICT pastors being moved into Usandawe, that they’d settle well into ministry. The villages of Magambua, Wairo, and Kwa Mtoro will all receive new pastors.

Importance of Christmas

Diaspora in Wales: Pray for open hearts and minds of the ladies attending the English and Sewing classes as we explain the importance of Christmas (Dec 4,5 & 11). We will have special Christmas activities on Monday, Dec 11th.

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

English Club has finished watching and discussing the film adaption of “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. This produced great discussions about the symbolism in the film. The women were able to identify the problem of evil and its far-reaching oppression, the devastating and irreversible consequences of betrayal, and the astounding sacrifice of a ruler without any treachery to take the place of a traitor to save all. The gospel was clearly and boldly shared. Pray for fruit!


Thank the Lord for fruit among the ladies. One seeker has put her faith in Christ and opened her house for study. Pray for her growth in the Lord.
Praise the Lord for another seeker who is almost there, pray that God will remove any fear and doubt and that she can fully put her faith in Christ.
Pray that the ladies will meet together once a week, as well as individual discipleship.

New believer!

Praise God for a new believer in the camps! May she and her believing sister be disciples who make disciples!


Following their conversion, many people in this West African country are ostracized, making it difficult for them to find work and feed their families. Pray that God will care for them and that they will have the faith to trust Him in difficult times.

Peace of Christ

Pray for Love’s friend, Kiote. Her husband is physically abusive and is kicking her and their children out of their home. Pray that Love would be able to share the Gospel with both Kiote and her husband, and that the whole family would receive Christ. Pray that the peace of Christ would rule their home.


Violence is currently exploding on the island. This week there has been a fight every day in lots of different villages. This morning I heard gunshots, and it wasn’t just tear gas. Pray for the protection of our brothers and sisters here. Pray that God guides the authorities in their decision-making. Pray that He reveals Himself in the midst of this darkness. May God direct our brothers to people who are thirsty for God and ready to receive His word.

Meeting together

Praise God for two local believers meeting together. Pray God will protect their times together and bless their fellowship.

“Can the people of Jesus help?”

Due to El Niño rains in Kenya, there has been significant flooding in many parts of Kenya, affecting rural communities, like ours, in particular. We are hearing from friends and neighbors that flooding has cut off road access for transportation and food. Roger has been contacted repeatedly in the last couple days by friends and leaders, sharing that it is becoming very hard and even desperate for some who are unable to obtain food. It is heart wrenching to hear the stories. People are hungry and their kids are hungry, and parents don’t have anything to give them.
The village leaders, chiefs, and elders asked Roger to participate (via WhatsApp) in a big meeting yesterday morning. Leaders have asked whether the people of Jesus can offer any help. Please pray. We are organizing a food drop by air but need funds to buy food.

Good news

Praise God for English classes starting off well. We have a level 1 and level 3 class with nearly 50 students total. This has been a good avenue for relationships, and we have had many opportunities to share the good news outside of class. Pray for open hearts to receive this news!

Mrs F

Pray for Mrs F’s family that they may accept Jesus the Saviour of the world.
Pray for good discipling relationships for Mrs F: Someone to disciple her and someone she can disciple.
Pray for her relationship with Tiffany and Koloina.