What is God doing?

There is an unhealthy increase of South Asian Muslims into Madagascar who are moving into rural areas and building mosques where churches have stood. Pray that the church leaders in Tana will see this challenge as an opportunity to share the Gospel. Pray that God will show us what He is already doing among the Karana of Tana.

Winds of change

The Island national anthem declares that they are one people, one religion, one blood – to be an islander is to be a Muslim and islanders are very proud of their Islamic heritage and identity. However, recently a controversy stirred when an Island historian showed that the original wording did not include ‘one religion’ but was rather one tongue or language. Words shape us and the national anthem is sung regularly (particularly by children). Pray with us that this month the winds of change would really blow through these islands and long held ideas and beliefs would be uprooted. Pray that a new chapter in Island history would begin and ask God to reveal himself through the power of the Holy Sprit.

Salvation and help

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for the salvation of my ESL level 3 students as we read through the gospel of John. Pray for a clear testimony from each one of faith in Jesus by the time class ends in May.
Pray for the Lord to bring Africans and Muslims who need help to the pregnancy resource center.


I praise the Lord for the Laarim believers. I also give thanks that conflict between neighboring people groups have lessened and people are moving around more freely without the constant concern of being attacked.
I was recently encouraged by Lokai, a young Laarim believer who is in his second year of secondary school. He spent Christmas with us before he returned to school. He eagerly joined me for every ministry activity and has expressed a desire to go into full-time ministry after his schooling. Please pray for Lokai and his future.

Have mercy Lord!

The UN estimates 10.7 million people have fled their homes, 1.7 million beyond Sudan; 18.5 million live in acute hunger, 5 million in emergency hunger; i.e., likely to die within 6 weeks if not helped. In Khartoum, some received money from abroad, but now have no internet access. Shops are empty anyway, and people fear to leave home. Only 37% of farmland was cultivated last year. WFP has given food to 7 million people. So far it has only 4% of its 2024 budget. Recently Ukraine donated, and Germany transported 7.6 million kg of wheat flour, but it’s impossible to get food to many of the needy. Pray for God to have mercy.

I need to be born again

There is an elder in a village that A, E & S have been reaching out to who consistently comes for Bible sharing and prayers. Often he says he has forgotten what he heard, or doesn’t seem to understand well. However, earlier this week after S shared about what it means to be born again, he said, “Now I know why I have been coming all this time. It was so I would understand that I need to be born again.” Praise God for this wonderful encouragement and pray for this elder to grow in his relationship with Christ.

Courage to follow

Pray against fear for many who have heard truth or have scripture sd cards and even Bibles. May the word not return void. May people recognize the Truth and have courage to follow.

Truth about Easter

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for the International student night tomorrow March 23rd for many to come and hear the truth about Easter.

Turned her back

Pray for Mama S., who used to be very involved at a local church but has since turned her back on the church and her faith. We still see a heart for God in her and pray she would turn back to the One True God.

Submit to God

Our hearts desire and prayer to God for the O is that they will be saved! We testify about the O that many of them are zealous for God – but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they do not know the righteousness of God (through Jesus), they seek to establish their own, and so they do not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the fulfillment of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
(Paraphrased from Rom. 10:1-4). Pray that many O will submit to their need for God’s Gift of Salvation and Righteousness through Jesus our Lord!

Oral Bible

A team of local translators are working on orally translating the Bible for Sakalava and other northern tribes. This is in the form of audio recordings. Pray that the team would have wisdom, unity, and perseverance as they translate. Pray that God’s word would go forth to reach many, many people.

Recently translated, recorded, and being used!

One team member is getting to share with a group of men in his village regularly. He has been able to use recently translated and recorded scripture as he meets with them. Praise Him for this opportunity, and also for the newly created resources that are being used. May their hearts respond.

Planting seeds

Traditionally, the Gabbra are pastoralists. During the last drought, many of their animals died. Some of the Gabbra are now planting crops to provide for their family. Praise God for good rains to water their crops over this last year. Pray for the Gabbra as they continue to learn about planting and harvesting, and preparing the land for the next rainy season. Pray for the Gabbra Christians, that just as they plant seeds in the ground, they would be sharing about God and planting seeds in the hearts of their neighbours.

New believers

Diaspora in Ontario: Please pray for new Iranian believers Rush*, Deddy* and wife Abby* to grow in their faith following Jesus and as they share the gospel with their friends and family back in Iran.

Dreams and visions

Pray for dreams and visions of Jesus for the people. Pray for God to show our team what’s really in the hearts of the people so they can effectively share with them.

Respond to Gospel

Pray that every person of South Asian origin in Tana- Muslim or Hindu- will have the opportunity to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray for one of two believers in Tana we know of, from South Asian background. Pray that her husband would respond to the Gospel message of Hope . Pray for daily encouragement and growth in the faith.


Please continue to pray for the believers in jail for their faith. Pray that the God hope fills them with all joy and peace as they trust in Him, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) And pray they will be delivered!

Audio Bible distribution

Distribution of a partial audio Bible in the local dialect has started. SD memory cards are loaded with that and some Malagasy worship music and the Jesus film. Pray that those who received it will listen regularly and that true word of God will take hold in their hearts.

Studying together

Pray for an Alagwa secret believer who is beginning to study the Word together with some of his relatives and friends. Pray for him to facilitate a group coming to Christ together.


Robert is now leading eight Lopit men in four different villages in TEE (Theological Education by Extension). Remember these men in your prayers, “asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give [them] the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that [they] may know him better” (Ephesians 1:17). Pray for Clement, a Lopit believer, who has agreed to lead two young men through the TEE classes in his village of Ibahore. Pray that God will continue to raise up Lopit believers to lead His church amongst their own people!


Pray for the women I meet with, some won’t want to study the Bible until Ramadan is over. Pray that God may reveal himself to them.

Seek and find

Pray for the Muslim community here as Ramadan has started this week. Pray that many Muslims, as they fast and pray for the forgiveness of their sins, would seek and find the True God.

Be awakened to God

Dry season in Kimatong means village life has quieted down. Many have migrated with their cattle to a more viable source of water and grazeable land. Other Laarim have gone to the trading center of Loryok, a four-hour walk from the village. Due to the poor harvest, food is not always easy to find. Life is hard for these people! Please pray for the needs of the Laarim to be met. And pray that such need would awaken many to turn to God and recognize their deeper needs, so that they come to know what they were truly created for.

St Patrick’s Day

Diaspora in California: Pray for the St Patrick’s day dinner (March 15) and the Easter picnic (March 30) with the International students. Pray for students to come and for the gospel to be clearly presented and received.

Quiet them with His love

‘He will quiet you with his love’. This is a particularly testing month for local believers as they come under extra scrutiny and pressure to conform. Many are isolated from one another and walk a lonely path. Pray that the additional pressure would only serve to press them ever closer to Jesus, and that He would quiet them with his love.

Bible study

Diaspora in France: Pray for a Bible study we have started with 3 students. Praise for the encouragement of how the Lord is working in their lives. Pray nothing will interfere with meeting regularly.

School for children

We have started a school and children’s ministry in the ‘forest village’. I want to see a new generation from this village—a generation who knows the true God in their heart language, a generation educated from an early age that we hope, in God’s providence, will help them in their future lives.
Last Christmas, before the school break, we organized a small party for the kids. I was so moved to see one little boy volunteering to pray. He prays to the true God in his own language. I trust God is in all of this. Please pray for these children and their school.

Gabbra pastors

Please pray for 3 Gabbra men who are serving as pastors in different villages. Each of these men have been discipled by missionaries and have completed formal Bible training. Requests have been submitted for each of them to receive a pastor’s license, but the process is being delayed. Pray that these three men would continue to grow in their faith as they teach others, and that they would all be granted licenses to be formal pastors.

Mr. M.

Pray for Mr M, may God open his heart. Pray for him to trust God with his financial problems.
Pray for the salvation of all Karana people of Madagascar, may the Lord help them to seek Him.

Publicly identified with Jesus

Pray for many of the secret believers and seekers who are trying to decide if they should fast Ramadan or not this year. Pray for courage to be publicly identified with Jesus.

Need a savior

For those who have been seeking and reading Truth, the month of Ramadan is often a time of renewed fervor for Islam. We pray for dreams and visions to disrupt their confidence. We pray that all the rituals and practices of this month will give them no assurances, no satisfaction, no hope. We pray for the hearts and minds of seekers to ultimately recognize how empty and powerless they are and how much they need a Savior.

Severe drought

Please pray for the drought affecting all our districts. The Ndau are subsistence farmers, and we are in a very severe drought. Beloved brothers and sisters in 5 areas have lost all their crops due to no rain! Please pray with us in faith for God’s provision in this new year- everything from last year is gone.


Since ⁠our school began in 2019, the World Food Program have been promising a feeding program for the students. We praise God that they have responded and now provide a meal for our children in school among the Toposa. Pray these children will also feast on the Bread of Life and share Him with their families.

Demonstrate compassion

Pray for the local believers in Nuba Mountains to respond to the needs of the communities and demonstrate compassion.
Pray for our partners on the ground in developing a strategy plan and be equipped to serve the affected communities.
Pray that these internally displaced persons (IDPs) will be catered to and ministered to according to their needs.

Healed in Jesus’ name

Praise the Lord for some wonderful opportunities to share Truth with people in the community. We have an initiative of going out three times a week in pairs and looking for opportunities to share Truth with people. We’ve had some encouraging conversations and prayed for people in the name of Jesus. We had one particularly exciting incident in which a young woman was healed, and she later was quick to attribute it to the prayer in Jesus’ name. Pray for her and many others to follow Jesus.

Resources in local languages

Pray for the social media accounts that have been created to share verses and songs in the local language. Let’s pray that God uses this channel to reach many people. Pray for all the resources in local languages to be widely shared and thoughtfully read.


Earlier this month, Musa was on a trip to the city where he was in the final stages of planning to move  there to serve on a team sharing the gospel with Somali people. He was killed in a tragic car accident on the road along the way. He leaves a wife and family mourning his death, along with many others whom he has influenced and impacted through years of ministry.
My cry is this: that in Musa’s place, God would raise up 10, 20, or 100 more men and women who would follow in Musa’s footsteps, to go to places where unless someone goes, lost people will continue to live and die without hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord comforts Musa’s family and at the same time raises up a harvest of passionate, compassionate, and transformed workers who will go and share the love of Christ and the power of the gospel among those who are living and dying without knowing Jesus.

Want to spend time together

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for two Muslim ladies who I’ve begun developing friendships with. Pray that they would be tender and open to the Gospel while seeing God’s love shining through interactions they have with Christians. Pray that they would reach out and want to spend time together. Also, one of them, Z, is recovering from a herniated disc, so also pray for her healing.


Diaspora in Canada: Pray for two dear cousins who are struggling academically, firmly committed to their Muslim faith, to be open to stories of God’s love and grace in Jesus. One is reading and watching the Narnia Chronicles and has been very interested in the role of Aslan, especially at the stone table. Pray that our discussion of the sacrifice of Aslan and the sacrifice of Jesus may bear fruit.

Oral Bible Translation

It is one year now since we started the Oral Bible Translation (with Spoken Worldwide) into the Northern Sakalava language. We have finished the books of Ruth and Mark and they have been released to the public through radio broadcasting, and to individuals’ phones. We are about to finish the book of Genesis—God willing this will be released this month.
The impact of the translation is great as people come to understand the word of God in their heart language. One of my friends in Ambilobe wrote to me: “So we went and taught using the audio of Ruth. They enjoyed listening and were very interested in discussing the meaning. After that two people decided to follow Jesus even before we asked anything! They said the story showed them they want to follow Him. I don’t know how God does it, but He did! Praise Jesus!”