From chaos to seeking

Please pray for the situation on the island: the island is paralyzed by blockades of demonstrators against different things (insecurity, illegal immigration, educational level, etc.). As a result, the hatred grows more and more. Young people can no longer go to school, and many young people are fighting in the street. Pray that in this chaos people will truly and sincerely seek God, and that they will discover the Christ who liberates.

Let’s pray for the demonstrators: That they may become aware of their even greater problem: the wrath of God and his coming judgment.
– Let’s pray that God reveals himself to people through dreams, through visions, and reveals to them the real Jesus. Let’s pray that all the barriers and lies that Islam has produced here will be destroyed, and that the truth will be revealed.



Water is still a challenge among the Jiye people. Please pray for provision of water. Thank God that locals are begging this week to dig a dam- pray for 200 villagers and our leaders working on this that at least they will catch rain water. Pray for opportunities to speak of living water. May many come to the source of Living Water.

God who loves them

Pray for a Valentine’s event tomorrow Feb 17. Pray that Saharawi friends would see that they are loved by God and would have a desire to learn more about the God who loves them.

Reaching people

Pray for the Trauma counseling/Peace Building and DMM (Discipleship Making Movement) programs to reach many people.
Pray for Teachers Certificate & Diploma Training Program (Teach to Reach). For trained and sent out teachers to start schools among over 60 Unreached and Unengaged (UUPG) People Groups of Nuba Region.

Life-changing work

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for the resettlement ministry, specifically aimed at helping Middle Eastern and African asylum seekers in Hong Kong who cannot return to their home countries due to ongoing war and violence. Praise God for the recent significant breakthrough, as we have established communications with churches in Canada who are willing to assist us in initiating a few resettlement cases. Pray for additional Canadian churches and Christians to join in supporting and partnering with our ministry in this life-changing work.

Deepest needs

Praise God for the rain we have had in Mandritsara! May the Tsimihety thank the God of the rain for His abundant provision.
With the rain comes malaria, and there is a shortage of malaria treatment at the moment. Please pray that each patient who comes in with malaria would be able to receive treatment, and that the people’s heart would be open to the God who heals them of their deepest needs.


Please pray for our local sister “R” as she is traveling to Central Africa for a 40 day training by an African Christian group. Pray for her children that she is leaving behind with family and pray for the Lord to bless this training and prepare her for fruitful ministry.

Set free

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray that the Lord will bring Africans and Mslm’s to the ESL classes and the pregnancy center. Pray that the Lord will break open the two local mosques and set free the captives in them.

Pouring into

It is encouraging to hear about Aaron, a Lopit believer, who has been pouring into the church in Ohilang, taking leadership, and helping push forward the building of a structure for their services. He is leading choir practice with 25 kids every night, and Andrea P. has also been encouraging him to pray and read the Bible at his home to disciple his wife and children. Pray for this man to “be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe…not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness…hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined…holds firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus 1:6-9).

Glorious day!

This last week brought a remarkable event in the children’s ministry, it was truly amazing. On Wednesday, over 600 children came. During the gathering, one of our coworkers, a Malagasy partner, asked who among them wanted to accepted Christ and, to our surprise, many raised their hands. Subsequently, they were guided to a separate room for a detailed explanation of the Gospel, ensuring their understanding, and there they invited Christ into their hearts.

It was a glorious day, witnessing the power of the Gospel. May God continue to add daily to His kingdom among the Bara People.

Crisis response

Pray for the ongoing crisis response intervention in war torn Sudan, for provision of adequate resources, including Non-Food Items (NFI) and livelihood for the Displaced Communities.
Pray as we develop the crisis response strategy in responding to immediate needs of Sudanese believers and Muslim Internally Displaced communities.
Pray for the ability to send in the resources to where they are needed most.

Pray for the end of the war!

Street corner

Diaspora in Canada: Praise God for people being more receptive to receiving gospel tracts at street corners in the cold winter. Victor had good conversations with A (a Caucasian high schooler who had decided to become a Mslm) and M (a Canadian high schooler with parents from Chad and Nigeria). Pray for these young men’s salvation.


Pray for 3 teenage boys who are growing in faith and actively serving in the church. Over December they spent time memorising different parts of God’s Word. Please pray that what they are storing up in their hearts may continue to speak to them and help them grow in their relationship with Christ.

Prayer this year

Diaspora all over the world: Our prayer this year is, “Lord, over 19 million Africans are living off the continent. Most of them are not part of your Kingdom. We want to see more disciples made and for that, we need more workers. In obedience to Luke 10:2, we pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into your harvest.”


Pray for openness in areas that are closed and do not welcome the gospel. Pray for the existing churches, evangelists, and apostolic team, that the Lord will give us breakthroughs in reaching out.

Growth and Provision

Pray for the women disciples, for growth and provision for their families.
Pray also for provision of school fees for many students who have not yet started school due to that challenge.

Bible translation ‘mistakes’

One of the challenges of Bible translation in South Sudan is that each village of any language group can have its own nuances, making the creation of one word bank for a particular language very difficult. The Lopit Bible translation has not been well-received in some villages for this very reason. However, the team is encouraged by the believers who are willing to look past the translation issues because they see the value of having God’s Word in their heart language (even with “mistakes”) to study for themselves. Pray that the Lopit will learn to live, not “by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

Bible study

On Sunday afternoon we were joined at Bible study by a group of young teenage boys. They listened attentively to our sister Nasur as she shared her testimony and encouraged them to look to the Lord and seek His wisdom. Please pray that what they heard will impact their lives and draw them closer to Christ.

Seeking asylum

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Please pray for refugee B and his family who fled from Y*men. Since their arrival, B has been volunteering with some Catholic nuns at a shelter in Hong Kong while seeking asylum for a few years. Recently, an opportunity to resettle in Canada has arisen. A church in Canada is now considering helping him and his family to resettle and continue the gospel work with this family. May this process leads this family to encounter Jesus. May God guide us in exploring creative ways to engage with M*slims through resettlement ministry.

New Believers

Pray for our Dorobo church on Mount Eburru called AIC Songoroi. We visited a few weeks ago. We were encouraged by the growth in the church. One older man named Joseph who had resisted the Gospel for years had made a profession of faith a few weeks before and stood up at church to give his testimony. Joseph’s son Luka has finished school and made a profession of faith last June when we had visited his school and shown the Jesus film and has been faithfully attending church. Pray as he prepares to take a driving course with hopes to get a job as a driver. Continue to pray for Pastor Josphat Musanga who drives 40 kilometers on his motorcycle once or twice a week to disciple and encourage the believers at AIC Songoroi.


Diaspora in Minnesota: Pray for a new English class started at an apartment complex Friday, Feb 2. Pray for the students who showed up for good connections being made.
Pray for a few S people who attended a Christ-centered Christian wedding this weekend with us. Pray that it will lead to good discussions about our faith.

Remove the blinders

Pray for our language helpers. DJ studies the Word a lot in lessons. He is growing in his understanding. We pray he would fully submit to Jesus. The ladies’ language helpers, however, have been rather resistant or uncomfortable with Bible stories and spiritual conversations. Pray that the Lord would open their hearts to desire the Truth, and pray that the blinders which are on their eyes would be removed and that they would see that the way of Jesus really is the Truth!

Seeds beginning to grow

Diaspora in France: Our team’s holiday camp outreach for international university students was a big hit, and many gospel seeds were planted. Some seeds have even begun to take root and grow! Please pray for them.

Audio Bible

Earlier this month we were able to take a Proclaimer (an audio recording of the New Testament which is loud enough for group gatherings) to one of the communities outside of town. Please pray that it will be well used and be a blessing to the community that enables many to grow in their relationship with Christ.

University break time

Diaspora in Brazil: Keep praying for the Lopes family during university break time, which means that the MANY African students have nowhere else to go. Opportunities are PLENTIFUL in the Lopes’ home, where they have many plans to host meals, watch movies, and even host events for these African students. Pray for good times of fellowship, discipleship, and sharing of God’s Word.

Oral translation

Pray for the Bible translation that is going on. It is taking longer than we planned. The desire is to record the Bible orally in the Bara language since 80% of the Bara can’t read their own language.


Pray for the team working among the Toposa. We feel the enemy is fighting against us reaching out to the Toposa, Nyangatom and Jiye.

Genesis 1-10

Sambivelo, who was trained as a healthcare worker, is a trusted worker in the community now. People are very happy with him. But it is difficult for him to help everybody. On top of that, Malaria is raging, and it is hard to get enough medicine. Pray for him.
The first 10 chapters of Genesis are ready to be checked and digitalized. Continue to pray for the translation work.

Pray for RAIN

The Sahel is dry in every way, physically and spiritually! Let’s pray that it RAIN on this earth and in the hearts of these people, and that this rain brings LIFE! Let’s pray that the power and glory of God will be manifested in this place!

Answered prayer

A long time ago two of our colleagues prayed for a secretary in an office close to ours. They prayed that she would be able to get pregnant. She came to us recently and told us that she is now 6 months pregnant! Our Island colleague was able to share the story of Elizabeth and her miraculous pregnancy with this lady. Pray for her heart to be open to more of Him because of this answered prayer and the similarities in hers and Elizabeth’s stories.

Blessing to the Church

Please continue to pray for our pastors and lay leaders as they grow in the word and stay strong in the Lord. May they be a blessing to the Church.

Dreams and visions

Pray for the Lord Jesus to reveal himself to many Muslim Rangi people in dreams and visions, and for hearts to be open to hear and accept the truth of the Gospel.

Women’s fellowship

Love and Tessa were excited to host the first ever women’s fellowship on their compound last month! Four Laarim believers met with Love and Tessa for a time of singing, prayer, Bible discussion and fellowship! The hope is to meet like this with the Christian women from different villages once a month to help encourage and strengthen one another. Pray that through these times of fellowship, these women will “contemplate the Lord’s glory,” and be “transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Gospel outreaches

Our team has organized three outreaches to outer lying villages in the next weeks and months. This includes open-air preaching, choir performances, times of worship and prayer, and a showing of the Jesus Film. Please pray that God would prepare the hearts of those who will hear the gospel in these places, and that we would be led by the Holy Spirit in our planning and sharing, and that His name would be glorified! Our prayer is that the seeds of the gospel would be widely spread through these events.

Lord, build your church!

Pray for God to continue to reveal himself to those who have heard and responded to the gospel. Pray for a church of MBBs to be birthed in Abdi!

Joy of the Lord

Pray for O believers and the team for the joy of the Lord to be our strength! May our daily abiding in Christ bear so much lasting fruit for his glory! He is worthy!

Fully gave

Robert is doing TEE (Theological Education by Extension) with a couple of Lopit men. During the training, one of the men realized within the first couple of studies that he had not yet fully given his life to the Lord. He did so and is now growing in the Lord! Pray that this new disciple of Jesus will grow deep roots of understanding and faith as he continues to study the Word with Robert.

Harvest is plentiful

Recent surveys and feedback has shown that there are many areas around the city of Ambilobe that are open to hearing the Gospel. However there are not enough missionaries to go to these areas. The Harvest is plentiful. Pray for workers to go and bring the good news.

Save many

Pray for Superior 2 English students to have soft hearts as they discuss Jesus and hear the complete gospel in this class. Pray that God would save many of them this term.

See deceptiveness

Pray for the Bara to have open hearts for true spiritual things. That they may see the deceptiveness of witchcraft and false hope of ancestor worship.
Pray for the 25 local partners that work alongside the Coworker Project in evangelism and discipleship. That God will give them a deep love for the lost and help them to keep up the hard work.