Could a thief be converted?

The people of Betroka are being terrorized by thieves, known as ‘Malasos’.   These malasos used to steal only cows, but now they are breaking into houses and stealing everything. They harm people if they don’t find money. People are scared and bitter towards these men. Please pray for the conversion of these thieves. Nothing is impossible to the Lord. Remember the thief on the cross. God loves them. Pray also for the security in Betroka.

Deliverance From Sickness and Evil Spirits

Praise God for people in the community who are seeking prayer both for sickness and deliverance from evil spirits. Pray for those who have shown a desire to follow Jesus as a result of his healing touch on their lives. Pray for courage and conviction for them to follow Jesus only. Please also pray for those who do not want to follow Jesus, that the Holy Spirit would open their hearts.

Nothing To Hide

Please pray for a man named A who came by this week asking for a Bible. He wants to read it to compare it to the Koran… We gave him a copy of the NT in Zigua. He asked if we could get him the OT too. When I asked him if he wanted to put it in a bag he said he had nothing to hide. We encouraged him to come back with questions when he’s read some. Pray that his seeking heart will find the truth and he’d be set free! Pray that we’ll be able to connect with him again soon.

Water of Life

A well has recently been dug in Magambua, to supply the Christian medical clinic and the community. Praise the Lord that plentiful water was found. Please pray for wisdom in its administration. Pray that each person who benefits from the new source of water will be given an inner thirst to know Jesus, who gives the water of life.

Theological discussions while building a house

A M man working on the construction of a missionary’s house with a dozen other workers got caught up in a theological discussion during a break. “Can you cleanse yourself of your own sins?” “Sure,” he boasted. “I can do that.” Another worker who was a Christian answered, “No, you can’t.” Please pray that in the next few weeks as they complete the house, the Lord will lift the veil of blindness that lies over his heart. It is the Spirit of God who convicts of sin, and righteousness, and judgment. Please pray the Spirit will do His work and that this man will recognise cleansing of sin comes only through the blood of Jesus.

Exciting meetings

Please pray for an Arab woman who is meeting a believer for the first time this Wednesday. She has heard the gospel through the internet and wants to meet someone to talk with them of Jesus. In a neighboring country, a man is also asking for a call from a believer and wants to be baptized! Pray for clarity in communication and for continuing follow-up face to face!

Believers tortured

Pray for two brothers in the faith who were imprisoned and tortured and video recorded recanting their faith. They had not told their families of their faith. Pray for each one who hears and sees this evil, coerced confession. Ask that God would tenderly draw these wounded ones…and that what the enemy intended for evil, He would use to further declare His glory! Pray the darkness of the enemy would be exposed and that the grace of Jesus would be irresistible.

Beginning Language and Starting Relationships

The TIMO team arrived on the Ik ridge 2 weeks ago. The Ik welcomed them and hosted them for their home-stays. Some Ik took the men on a 22 mile hunt, and others taught the women to carry anything and everything on their heads. The team is now settling into their homes, beginning one-on-one language learning, and preparing to start TIMO coursework. Pray for the Ik language helpers to be patient and open to forming deep and meaningful relationships with the team. Pray for the team to learn the language well so to be able to share the good news.

6 churches!

There are 6 Sakalava churches around Mahajanga! Pray for pastor Guillaume and pastor Juno. Ask God to give the believers vision for sharing their faith and starting new churches.

Comfort from God

On October 21, 2016, the Tsumkwe TIMO team had a farewell party. This was an important event to thank the community, especially the few San believers, the families that hosted the team members, the community leaders, and to say a public goodbye. There was a lot of encouragement from the community. They appreciated the relationships they had with team members. The team left Tsumkwe on Monday, October 24. Pray for the community leaders (traditional authority, particularly the chief of the San) who are upset for not knowing the details as to why the team had to leave. Pray also that the Holy Spirit will comfort and heal the San’s hurt. Pray that the Lord will open a door for more workers to come into Tsumkwe and help support local believers.

Blessings on Bible stories

Praise the Lord that the Datooga evangelist and his wife are enthusiastically helping to translate and craft Bible stories. Pray for the Lord to supply a whole team of people who will want to help with the project because they are so interested in the Scripture. Pray that as the Lord builds a team to craft and record stories, He will prompt them to tell the stories at home and to friends. Pray that even before the stories are recorded, they will already have been widely told. Pray for people to receive them with interest and spiritual insight.

Asking people of the Book

Recently a Sheikh in a diaspora city asked if we could discuss the teachings of Jesus! He came over for lunch and we talked for hours. He asked me to help him read and understand the Bible, since the Quran commands them to ‘ask the People of the Book’. We’ll be meeting again this week. Please ask the Lord, ‘to open his eyes, so that he may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that he may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in Jesus.’ Acts 26:18

Urgent request

My daughter’s close friend and her mother just disappeared. Her father and other adult children have had no contact and have no idea where they might have gone. There are many sorrows in this home: knives have been pulled (and the daughter came to our house), forgiveness refused, and when my daughter was sharing about Jesus, the older sister told her to stop talking about these things and pulled the little girl inside. Pray that Jesus would mightily intervene, that the mother would have an experience like Saul/Paul and recognize the truth and worth of Christ. May Jesus guard this precious girl and awaken her heart to faith.

Suffer, The Little Children

Please be praying for the children of local believers who are teased and bullied for not attending Madrassah (Quaranic school). Ask that they would have perseverance and joy, and that they would be an example of Jesus’ love to their classmates.

Needing encouragement

A young South Asian woman and her whole immediate Muslim family became believers in Christ two years ago. She would like to attend discipleship school, but needs funds and a visa to go to Australia for the course. Her family has been ostracised by their relatives and are suffering difficulties in business and relationships. Please pray that in a variety of ways the Lord will encourage these new believers to rely on Him and seek Him for deliverance, and that they will receive some signs of encouragement that He sees and knows their needs.

Eternity In Their Hearts

“He has put eternity into man’s heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11), so the Nyamwezi have eternity in their hearts, but they strive to enter Paradise by living rightly by their works. Pray that they would know the “depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!” (Romans 11:33), understanding that in Christ, they are fully saved by grace.


Please pray for the Ik people to have open hearts and minds as a new TIMO team has arrived this month. Pray that they would begin good relationships with a solid foundation. Pray for the language barrier as the Ik people try to understand why this group of foreigners has come to live among them.

Like Cornelius Sought Out Peter

Please pray that Rangi Muslims and Roman Catholics would be drawn by GOD to seek out believing, evangelical Christians in the area and to believe their message of salvation!

May they find courage to meet together

“Yohanna” is one of a few believers in a huge city and all are reluctant to meet together. He is increasing in love for the lost around him and prays faithfully for his family to come to Jesus, although he has not yet confessed his faith to them. The last time we met, he said that there is another man who “loves Jesus” who wants to talk of Him and study the Word. This man is not yet ready to follow Jesus, but is listening. Pray for the gift of faith and pray that these dear brothers would know that they are not alone.

Opportunities for a Rangi Evangelist

Praise God for this request from a Rangi evangelist, “Pray for Yusuph, Vero, Petro, July, and Ramadan who want to learn the Bible with me. Thank you and be blessed.” Ask God to open their hearts to the truth of the Bible.

She Refuses To See the Witchdoctors

After over 3 months of treatment for a heart valve defect, A has not seen much overall improvement and is unable to do the physical labor needed for her job. After parasite treatment her appetite has returned, but she is very weak. Please pray for healing for A! Her Muslim family has persecuted her for leaving Islam and now again because she has refused to see their witchdoctors. She is a beloved Believer and gifted agriculturalist with great potential for Kingdom impact here in spreading the gospel. Please pray for God’s healing mercy.

Boldly Proclaiming the Mystery of Christ

“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, […] that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.” Colossians 4:2-5
Pray for BOLD proclamation: Pray that the believers among the M would proclaim the message of the gospel clearly, making the most of every opportunity God places before them. Pray this also for the missionaries as they prepare to move back and be salt and light among the M in whatever ways they can.

Pray for peace in Mozambique

Please continue to pray for peace in Mozambique and especially our area that is a ‘hotspot.’ Daily the incidents of intimidation, violence, theft, and killings are increasing. In Espungabera itself, where we live, things are stable but the military presence has multiplied. The folks living in the rural areas that have not fled are not sleeping in their houses at night for fear of being killed by the soldiers. Sadly, many farmers will not be planting this year which will result in huge ‘hunger.’ Please pray for our Church leaders especially Matteus, Joachim and Bhakosi that have stayed on and are encouraging their members whilst they are feeling vulnerable too. Matters has been feeding his members at his house and recently ran out of food. Praise the Lord we were able to find a solution to help. Please pray for this desperate situation.

Bind the strongman

A new TIMO team has just arrived to live among and serve the Ik. It seems every time a new work has started among the Ik, there is fierce spiritual opposition. Pray the Lord would bind the strongman and plunder his house, that the Ik would be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of light.

Wanting a sign

For the past few weeks, “Adam” has been asking about the purpose of life, and agreed that we all live in darkness and need God to be able to get into the kingdom of light. The last time he met with my husband, he said, “If God really wanted me to believe, he would do something to show me.” My husband replied, “Maybe he is showing you. Maybe he sent me to speak to you.” Pray that “Adam” and the many like him would receive grace by faith. And, pray that God would send Adam a vision if in His wisdom and mercy it would most clearly display His glory!

I’m sinless!

A 16-year old Nyamwezi boy explained sincerely that he expects to go to Heaven because he has not sinned. He seems to believe he is sinless, or at least hasn’t committed any “major” sins, or he may have a perspective that shame or guilt is only present if you’re caught. Pray for understanding that all wrong doing is sin (1 John 5:17), for pride to be broken, for acknowledgment of sin, and for people to know they need a Savior.

A Mixed Multitude

Please lift up Baba S, an evangelist working with the Rangi. He works in a difficult area, where Catholics and Muslims are mixed together. The Catholic contingent in this area is nominal and plagued by alcoholism. Previous evangelical work in the area did some damage, and Baba S is left with a difficult situation trying to reach out to the people. Please pray for him to have great wisdom in sharing and sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit in making decisions about the ministry there.

Bringing a Toddler to Our Father

E had the pleasure of briefly sharing with a neighbor her personal relationship with Father God because of the restored relationship she has with Him through Jesus. Because of this relationship as God’s child, she can go right to the Father and speak with Him – something entirely unfathomable in Islam. E got the blessing of praying for healing and health for her neighbor’s toddler who was wrapped in charms to ward off evil spirits. Pray the Lord sets Mama F, little F and their entire family free spiritually and physically. Pray God would continue to enable us to build relationships as we live and work to share the hope we have in Christ with our lost Muslim neighbors.

Rejoice for the harvest!

Praise the Lord, we have heard of 160 new believers among the Mwani, stretching from Ibo, Pangane and down to Pemba! 50 of them have been baptised.

Praise the Lord for the strengthening of the Mwani church in Pangane, a decade after the TIMO team. Praise the Lord for the seed that was sown then is now being reaped.

Praise the Lord for the Koti Church, a recently reached UPG, who have taken it upon themselves to reach the Mwani with the gospel. Pray for the Lord’s strengthening among these Koti brothers who are willing to leave their island to preach the good news to those who have not yet heard.

Peace and Healing Needed

Pray for the situation in Eastern CAR where a local Mbororo man was recently killed in an altercation with the local authorities. The community is upset and tensions are high. Pray that the local Zande church would be an example of peace at a time like this. Pray that God would bring healing and that He would turn this situation around to glorify His name. Pray for the local missionaries—both Zande and Westerners—that they would have good conversations with the Mbororo in the aftermath of this event.

Pray for future ministry on Nosy Mitsio

The TIMO team reaching out to the Antakarana on Nosy Mitsio is coming to an end in December. There are not yet any national partners or Christians on Nosy Mitsio or in the nearby area to continue the ministry in the absence of the team. Please pray for the team and AIM leadership to have God’s guidance and wisdom in upcoming discussions as they make decisions regarding continuing church-planting ministry to the Antakarana on Nosy Mitsio next year. Pray that we would work with God towards his purposes (not our own) for the Antakarana on Nosy Mitsio. And pray that the seeds that have been planted would grow and bear fruit.

A land that God will not forget!

Dear prayer partners, God is at work. He never stops working to accomplish His plan of salvation. The Bara people are included in His plan. By God’s grace alone, there are converted Bara and more being converted. Could you please join us in praying that the Bara who are believers and those who are believing in Jesus would take responsibility to share the gospel with others in words and actions? Pray that the way they act in daily life would demonstrate to others the power of the Gospel to regenerate people. Pray  they live a life worthy of the Gospel.

A Digo Discipling a Digo

Please pray for a relationship that may be beginning soon among two Digo women. We are hoping that N will take F under her wing and begin to do Bible storying with her in Digo. It will be much more effective than a native English speaker doing it, and exciting to witness a Digo discipling a Digo!!

So He Could Believe the Things He’s Heard

Please pray for M. He is a highly respected Islamic teacher in the area. Ask that God would give him a dream or vision, so he could believe the things he has heard, and have clarity about what he reads in the Bible. Ask that this man would then have a freeing effect on others around him who are also (more secretly) open to Jesus.

Coming to Know The Resurrection and the Life

An elderly M man died last week. His family were some of the most enthusiastic and receptive to the stories of Jesus, and they received a Bible story book to keep in their home and read out loud to each other after the day’s farming was done. Please pray for them to come to full faith in Christ during this time of thinking about life and death. Pray that they will come to know Jesus, who is the resurrection and the life.

Light via Satellite

She was looking at my phone with pictures of our children’s baptism and as she asked questions, her two daughters came in and added their own questions. The conversation led to Jesus’ example of baptism…and then to his perfection, his death and resurrection. Her older daughter said, “I know that story. It comes up on the TV sometimes.” The mom then clarified, “It’s not a local channel. We’ve watched that movie lots of times. And there’s a grandmother who speaks about the Bible on TV too. When she speaks, I want to sit and hear every word. We should watch it together sometimes.” Pray for those who are sending in light through satellite and TV. Ask that “Dream” and her family will not only hear, but believe.

Open doors

Praise God that the ministry in Ikongo is going well and growing. There are open interests from the Tanala people to hear God’s word and follow the discipleship sessions.

There is a plan to go to more villages with the disciples! Pray God would open more and more doors.

Pray God’s protection on Melias and Thadde and Haja and family.

The Hoffmans have visited Sandrohy as a family. (The place they are planning to move to, in the middle of the Tanala people.) The family are very excited and love the place. Pray for all the arrangements needed to be done so that they can move in good time.

Growing Trust and Understanding

Please pray for the ongoing relationship between the Bagamoyo town church members, from other tribes, and the members of our village. Pray for growing trust and understanding. Many church members are deeply invested in the area, some to the point where they are purchasing farm land. Please pray that their motives and interest in the area would not be misunderstood by the community. Pray for growing interest among church members to reach out in word and deed to the Zigua, and for vision and understanding that they are indeed involved in cross-cultural ministry and need to be sensitive to cultural issues.

Coming to Faith as a Family

The women in a South Asian family have been hearing the gospel repeatedly from two missionaries, and are making progress in their understanding of Jesus. Recently one woman who had a diagnosis of MS went to India to have a medical checkup. Before she left, a missionary prayed for her healing in Jesus’ name. All her tests came back completely clear. Her sight, which had deteriorated, has also been restored to normal. Although she is not yet ready to conclude that Jesus has healed her, there is much rejoicing. Please pray for further progress in sharing the gospel with the family, and that as the women are growing in their understanding of who Jesus is, that the Lord would also be sending emissaries to the men, so that the whole extended family will be saved.

More than a dozen new churches!

Praise the Lord there are now more than a dozen new churches among the Mahafaly! Please pray for the new churches:- that believers would grow in their faith and be established.
– Pray that they would share the gospel and plant new churches
– Pray for those suffering, as a result of drought

New groups of believers- pray that new believers would be committed to studying the word and meeting together. Pray that they will share the truth with friends and family.