Many Nyamwezi believe that wearing amulets and charms will keep them safe. Some charms have bits of bone or powders in them, or small bits of paper with Koranic verses written on them. Many young children can be seen with lengths of black cord tied around their bellies or wrists, or wearing a necklace of black cord with a small pouch tied to it. Pray against the spiritual forces at work, for freedom from fears that bind hearts, and that those who are believers in Christ may boldly proclaim the Good News and introduce others to the One who made the materials in the charms and bracelets. He is more powerful than those materials or the powers ascribed to them. He is Almighty. He is the Victor over darkness. He sets the captives free.
Complicated Relationships Make the Way In Difficult
Our new brother ‘S’ is having trouble finding acceptance among the Christian churches here. Complicated relationships and fears of Muslim reprimand over his change in faith seem to be at the root of it. Please pray that as he weathers these storms his eyes will be fixed on Jesus and not on the failings of His followers.
Pasture for their animals
Fulani are pastoralists and they depend on pasture for their animals. Pasture is very scarce. Pray for enough rains in order to harvest sufficient animal feed during the short rains in the months of July- September.
They Overflow the Building
The Rendille live in scattered villages and these villages move several times a year. One village that is not far from us is Rungumo. It’s actually several villages and they range from 4 -8 miles away from ours. Not far if you have transport – but a long hot walk if you go by foot. These villagers are hungry for God’s word and requested that someone come teach them. A Rendille lady evangelist, Ndubayo, and Samuel, a mason who works with us, have begun holding Sunday services there. 200 come – including children! There is a little shelter with a tin roof where there used to be a kindergarten class, but it had to close down due to lack of funds. Samuel and others from the village have resurrected this school and hired a temporary teacher to continue the classes. This year there are 40+ students. And under this structure the villagers have met on Sunday. They overflow the building. Praise God for the interest in hearing God’s word. Pray for a person who can come teach them on a regular basis and give them a good foundation of the Christian life and walk. There is a battle going on for the Rendille hearts – Islam is making inroads all over northern Kenya. We need God’s power and we need people to help fight in this battle!
As a Couple Seeking Jesus
Pray for a young Alagwa couple who is seeking Jesus. The husband’s desire is to follow Jesus, but he wants to move together with his wife who is not yet ready. Pray that God will give them understanding of His word and courage to follow it.
New teachers, new students
There are 4 young Ik men who have stepped forward to teach the Ik children. Primary classes have now commenced on the Ik ridge. An answer to prayer! However, class sizes fluctuate daily and resources are limited which can make it a challenge to teach and to learn. Please pray for the Ik teachers to have endurance and perseverance in teaching. And for the Ik children to continue to be eager to learn as the rigor of the school days continue. It has been heartwarming to hear the children sing and laugh as they play school in the evenings.
Lord, help our brother
‘S’ who entered the Kingdom after seeing a vision, hearing an audible voice telling him that “Jesus loves him” and then listening to the Word in his own language and becoming convinced about The Way, The Truth and The Life, is in need of fellowship and employment. His village has rejected him. Please pray for his protection, growth, and powerful witness to his own people.
A Book About Heaven
A South Asian Muslim woman- educated, responsible, very entrenched in her family- has accepted a Christian book about heaven. Please pray that she reads it, understands who Christ is and the salvation He offers, and that at the right time she takes the initiative to discuss it with the Christian who gave it to her.
The Holy Spirit is moving
There is an excitement among the prisoners and wardens (guards) at the Moroto Regional Prison as they are grasping the truth that with Christ in them, they can live as He did on earth. Please pray that the seed that has been sown will find fertile soil and that nothing can snatch the truth of God’s Word away from their minds and hearts. Please join us in praying that this truth with spread through Karamoja.
A Strategic Meeting
A team of believers are meeting to ask God for His guidance about the next few months of ministry among the M. Pray for their unity of heart and mind, and that when they return to the village, God will use them to proclaim boldly the message of salvation through Jesus. Pray that those families whose children received temporary relief from demonic spirits will seek them out to hear about the salvation that results in complete freedom through Christ.
Asking for God’s Favour in the New Year
We in the town of Busi are progressing well. We thank the Lord for our kindergarten. Last year we graduated 33 students, and this year we thank God that in answer to prayer we have 34 students. We also thank the Lord that last year we had many opportunities to discuss the gospel of Jesus Christ with people. Please join us in praying for God’s favour on us so we can continue serving Him. Pray for me (the local Rangi evangelist) and my family, for the school, and for those who have been listening to the gospel. Thank you very much!
Lord, Give Us Five Men
We have recently returned to live and work in a somewhat remote area of Samburu County. Our vision is that by the end of 2019 a Christ-centered, sustainable, multiplying church will exist at this location. At present, no Samburu men are attending the Sunday church services. Pray with us that five Samburu men will become disciples of Jesus by the end of 2017.
An encouraging note is that already several men have expressed their strong desire to receive solar powered MP3 players with Bible stories and singing in Samburu. A couple have said that they would join the church but we have not seen them on Sunday yet!
The Grace of God Came Pouring Down
Bibi Chai, gave her life to Jesus this week! Her health had been declining rapidly with heart failure & E felt God was telling her to give Bibi the opportunity to respond to the complete simple story of the Gospel the next time she shared God’s Story with her. When she got to God sending His Sinless Son – God With Us, and The Final Prophet who God promised to send from the beginning – who sacrificed Himself and shed his blood on the cross as the payment for all our sins – Bibi cried out …” Yes! I believe! Jesus is my Savior! He died for my sins! Thank you Jesus!” She said this over and over again! E, in awe at the power of God through the Gospel, explained to Bibi that she was now a sister and fellow member of the family of God and that God is her Heavenly Father who sees her, hears her prayers, loves her and sent Christ to save her. Bibi Chai said “Amen! Amen! Amen!” over and over again!
A couple of days later our Tanzanian partner & pastor’s wife came to visit and pray over Bibi Chai along with E & some other sisters of the faith from church. It was a sweet time of prayer and fellowship as Bibi again declared her faith in Jesus Christ as her Savior. The pastor’s wife led her in a beautiful prayer of assurance of her salvation in Christ. As Bibi finished praying aloud, the rain came in a glorious, merciful farming rain & Bibi declared … “Look! See! The Grace of God pouring down on us!” & tears of joy rained down as they danced a little joy dance of thanksgiving to God that day!
Now please pray for Bibi’s spirtitual growth and physical protection as a young believer in Christ in a very fragile physical state. Praise God that the daughter that she lives with welcomes our visits and seems to continue to care for her as best she can. Pray she would come to Jesus too as she sees the love & unity of the Body of Christ lived out in her home. Pray for wisdom for the local believers to continue to know how to best love & fellowship with their homebound sister in Christ as the newest member of the Body here.
Pray for hunger for God
Many Fulani follow their religion more as a lifestyle and hence stick to that religion as part of their culture. Pray they may have hunger for God and seek Jesus Christ.
A woman who wanted to sleep in her own house
Ephesians 6:12 states, “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
A frantic old lady came into our living room and started talking a mile a minute in Gabbra, and we could only understand a few words like, ” I have had enough! I don’t want them any more” Rachel tried to explain that our Gabbra was basic, and we needed a translator; but she continued, “You know Gabbra. You know Gabbra.” Then continued in her explanation. Praise God our translator (also driver and mechanic) arrived just in time and helped with translating for us.
She had been sleeping on the ground and traveling from village to village looking for peace. She was convinced that Satan was in her house and she was told by the shaman that if she entered her house she would die. She had visited all the shaman and religious leaders of every sect and religion looking for a cure; but every time she attempted something, her fear would grow and not only was her house haunted, but she now felt that Satan was following her everywhere like a hyena on her trail. No matter where she went, she was in horror. Wherever she tried to sleep, she would be tormented.
Finally, she had come to us, for there was no other place to go. Rachel and I then had the joy to share with her the power of Christ. We told her stories of His time on earth, and how He had healed so many. We explained that He had power over Satan, and His minions, and how He desired to save us. We shared about the need to be saved and the need to be not only released from Satan’s grasp but firmly latched onto Jesus’ hand.
For almost an hour we shared the wonders of Jesus Christ, and the joy it is to be found in Him. We then asked if she wanted Jesus to be her Savior. She turned to us and said, almost exasperated, “That is why I have come! There is no other way!” We then had the privilege of praying over her and leading her in the sinner’s prayer. What joy filled her small figure, and her face began to shine!
We then walked to her house, which had been vacant for 6 months, and and she boldly took the first steps inside. We followed her in and knelt to pray. The old lady took my hand as we began to pray for Jesus’ blessing and protection over that home and asked, in His name, that all spirits of darkness and fear leave that place. What a joyous prayer time as we felt the room lighten up and the Holy Spirit around us.
As we closed our prayer time, Rachel asked the lady, “How do you feel in your house now?” And with her white hair hanging freely down on her cheek and a huge smile on her face she declared, “I am free! The house is free!”
Our hearts rejoiced as we walked back towards home thinking of the awesomeness of our God! Yet we are still in prayer for this woman, that God would sustain her and help her to stand in a village which is bowed down to shamanism and Islam. We know that if she stays strong, and clearly shares her story, it will be a huge statement to the community. Please pray with us for her that she may stand strong and that many more would come out of the darkness and into the light!
Hours in God’s Word Daily
Praise the Lord for the way He is working in the oral translation project and using it to touch Alagwa hearts. The translators are in God’s Word for hours each day and they have seen the power of prayer to enable them to do the work.
Course Completed!
A praise! A local Christian worker was recently able to complete a course to get his certificate for pre-school teaching- which means that his nursery school is no longer in danger of being shut down if it’s investigated. We are thankful that the time and money were found for him to be able to do this training.
Would There Be a Riot?
Our Christian brother Kijuu has been showing the Jesus Film in Rangi Villages. He had showed the film in 5 villages this past December, but in the village of Itolwa about 500 people showed up. Kijuu was afraid at the amount of people but the showing went smoothly. We are encouraged by the interest in Jesus as evidenced by that large audience. Pray for all those who saw the film, that the Lord would remind them of what they saw and draw them to seek Him.
Eva’s Family Wants to Come Take Her Away
Eva, the young girl who has come out of Islam and been delivered from several demons so far, has a family who are unhappy about what’s happened to her and they are coming from the coast to take her back home. She doesn’t want to go. She is being discipled here by the pastor’s wife and we are praying that either the Lord would somehow thwart her family’s intentions to take her back home or that he will use it to help her grow further and be a witness to her family. She’s so young in both age and spiritual maturity. Would you pray for her?
Chief is Baptized!
We praise God that the chief in the region where our workers were located was baptized recently along with one of his advisors. Additionally, the local pastor has baptized at least four men and women. Praise the Lord! We praise Jesus for the work of the Spirit among the San people. Pray that more will soften and open their hearts to the saving news of Jesus Christ.
Many children continue to be left behind due to lack of modern education. People really want a kindergarten and preschool for the children. Pray for people to be available and willing to be trained to do this work for future generations.
Simple and Pure Devotion to Christ
Pray that as the M see that Jesus can drive out demonic spirits; they will seek to know Him personally and be willing to accept Him as their Saviour, renouncing all other allegiances. May they completely leave behind any witchcraft or demonism, any reliance on magic charms or syncretism with Islam. May they be filled with the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
Cattle Thieves Coming to Christ
Since April, 2016 when we started praying for the Malasos (cattle thieves that use spiritual evil forces to get power and protection) we have seen three them coming to faith in Christ Jesus. I know that there is a lot more and I know that God loves them as he loves us. One of them is giving his testimony and impacting the life of many here in Betroka.
Could you please pray for them? That they recognize Jesus as the Son of God and only savior? Pray that they would be set free from the power of Darkness.
Nothing is impossible for God.
Thank you for praying!
“I am a new creature!”
If you have been praying for the Berbers, you have heard of Hannah and her Arab friend, Ruth. They had clearly rejected Islam and eagerly received the Word and accepted an invitation to study the prophets and Jesus. They then unexpectedly came to the Christmas Eve service! (According to the government, the church is only for foreigners.) We were so blessed when some foreign Arab believers leaned forward to explain communion to them. Then there were a few weeks of cancelled invitations and sickness and miscommunication…but on Saturday, both Ruth and Hannah came to read the Word of God. We read through Genesis 1-3 and John 1-3…and as Hannah read aloud verse 16, she said, “I just love God!” Each clearly chose to believe, accepting the mystery of the deity of Christ and the necessity of his death on the cross (both denied by Islam)! How beautiful is the gift of faith! As Hannah left she said, “I am a new creature!” There has been much joy over these past two weeks, and a taste of suffering too. Please pray that Jesus would guard the hearts of his precious daughters and give them boldness as they share with their moms and aunt.
Bible Stories: Let’s Start Up Again
Another visit with the D family brought conversation about how long it’s been since we had Bible stories together, and an obvious yearning to begin again. Pray for God to work the logistics of this out, as people’s schedules don’t always mesh. Pray also that the women will begin reading the Bible on their own.
Spontaneous Baptisms
What a joy it was yesterday to participate in the baptism service for four believers in the Sandawe church. One of those included E, the one we mentioned in the last update who was delivered from demonic activity, and who has been going through some Bible study with local church leadership. She had been suffering from evil spirits since childhood, but now no more since putting her faith in Jesus! She was eager to be baptized as an expression of her new found faith, especially since some of her family came to collect her and return her to her home area.
So the service was a spontaneous one for E’s sake, and included other young people who have been going through classes/training. Since the baptismal pool at the church was empty, we rushed down to the house after the sermon to fill up containers and a rain barrel to take up to the church for the baptisms. We were both soaked from the sloshing of water, but our spirits were not dampened, being full of joy for these young believers who made a public declaration of their allegiance to Christ!
Please pray for E, as she leaves to return to her home area, pray that we’d be able to help her connect with a church and especially someone who can continue to disciple her. We are concerned for her that she be surrounded by a supporting faith community, please pray for that as she returns to a coastal area of TZ.
Yohanna and Ivan meet!
God answered your prayers for fellowship! The brother who has been a believer for 14 years (“Yohanna”) but had never met another local believer face-to-face, met “Ivan.” Ivan has been a believer for 2 years and does not live in the same city, but was traveling through when my husband sent him a text about connecting! It was a gift of encouragement for Ivan to see 14 years of Yohanna’s faithfulness and it was a gift of courage for Yohanna to hear that Ivan had told his wife and children of his faith! They spent a few hours rejoicing in fellowship and have been sending Scripture to each other via phone now that they are apart. There is another mature brother in the city that is still afraid to meet the others, and a fourth who is young and willing to meet anyone but the older ones feel he is a risk. Pray for increased love and boldness.
Receiving Christian Influence
There is a young Rangi man (about to enter his final year of secondary school), with whom local Christians have been actively involved; he has had great exposure to Christianity. He is currently staying with a Christian in Busi, and it sounds like he is asking really good and insightful questions. Please pray that the Lord would be working on his spirit, and that he would be given great understanding!
Hopes for Completion In 2017
Praise the Lord for progress in the Datooga storying project. Pray that by the end of 2017 all the stories in the “set” will be translated, checked for accuracy, and recorded. Pray that many will come to know the Lord because they listen to the Word of God.
Trekking for clothes
The Ik don’t have a local shop that sells clothing. They have to make a long trip to a nearby town in order to buy clothes, which is an 1.5 hour drive. They see their need for new clothing as the clothes they wear are often torn and threadbare. They are also willing to pay money to buy new clothing if they are available nearby. Please be praying that God would raise up someone trustworthy that the TIMO team could help equip to bring this necessary resource to the Ik.
Inferiority complex
Fulani, being a small ethnic group, feel inferior to other dominant groups,and are neglected by society. Pray for God to help them overcome this feeling of inferiority.
Na Recovered from Malaria
Na was released from the hospital & is now regaining her strength at home. Please be praying for her complete recovery. We know what a gift from God this healing is … malaria remains the number 1 killer in Africa. Please keep praying for the salvation of this entire family! Pray that her mother, Mama Sofia, will want to keep hearing the stories of the Bible.
Hungry Families During Famine
After two successive years of bad harvest, some people are hungry and having difficulty feeding their families. There are some plans in the works for relief, but please pray that God would be glorified and that hungry individuals would have their needs met.
Challenging the Men for a Response
Pray for the Alagwa young man who was not able to come to a Christmas celebration but, on hearing the message later in the evening asked how the other men responded. When he learned that the men hadn’t made a response, he said he himself would ask them how they would respond to the message. “You don’t come to a celebration just to eat rice,” he said. “People need to respond to the message.” Please pray for him and the conversations with other men. Pray that God will use this man and his questions to challenge men in the neighbourhood to consider their response to Jesus.
So Many Still Waiting
Approximately 500,000 Rangi people live in central Tanzania. Holding to a mix of Islam and animism, they are still untouched by the gospel. Pray for the Holy Spirit to penetrate their hearts and allow them to recognise Jesus Christ as their Saviour and the one true God.
She Feels Guilty For Her Grief
The Muslim South Asian family we’ve been ministering to seem sometimes to be taking steps toward Christ, and sometimes back. One day recently I had a chance to spend time with one of the mothers in the large extended family. She shared that she is still very sad that her brother back in India died and they could not afford for her to go back for his funeral. She can’t get over her guilt for that. Nor her guilt that she is still having waves of sadness about his death. According to her religion, she should simply submit stoically to the will of God. That day we read about Jesus’ sadness over His friend Lazarus’ death, and how each of the sisters had an “if only” comment. This is a normal feeling, a normal reaction. Then we read that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. We read the testimony of Martha, who said, “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” The woman listened without arguing. She also received a small book of Swahili Bible stories, and said she would read them. Please continue to pray for the salvation of the whole family.
Bara converted to Jesus
Many people have been impacted and touched by the testimony of Jean Claude, an ex-malaso (cow thief) who converted to Jesus. He left behind the old religion and its practices. He burned his witchcraft and all the tradition medicine that is used in Bara culture.
Jean Claude has been preaching about Jesus since then. However, the struggles and challenges in his Christian journey will come, as it does for everyone.
Could you please pray that God protects this Bara convert and set him free from the traps of the Devil?
May Jean Claude keep growing in faith daily. May God grant him grace to be transformed to the image of Christ ’till the day of Jesus Christ.
The Healing of a Gabbra Lady
The day of one of many mobile Gabbra clinics, I drove a lady who was walking with much difficulty. She is one of the believers in that community. Before starting the clinic we had a devotional with teaching and prayers. She was the first patient to be seen by the nurse so I could drive her back home. It seemed she would need an X-ray (which could only be done in a city 4 hours’ drive from where she lives). Before driving her home, I asked if I could pray for her and ask in Jesus’ name for complete healing. She accepted, and laying my hand on her leg, we prayed together.
The week after, she came to greet me smiling and walking normally! She gave her testimony for the others who came for fellowship saying; -“I came to the clinic with so much pain and I got some medication, you prayed for me and I was healed. And I know the only person who can do this is Jesus!” Praise and glory to Lord Jesus!
In Bible School
Praise God that a S. Asian young woman from Kenya who became a believer three years ago out of Hinduism is now attending a 6 month Bible school/missionary training program in Australia. She is concerned for the salvation of her relatives living in Australia, who are still Hindu. Some of them she is seeing for the first time in years. As they reconnect and visit, please pray for her boldness and courage, and that they may come to Christ.
Encouraging and Scary Conversation
Just had an encouraging as well as scary conversation with a Rendille friend of ours. He commented that in Korr, the Muslims are not making headway. There is a strong Christian presence and God has been using the Christian schools and the church as a tremendous spiritual force in the area. However, 2 hours north of Korr is another large Rendille settlement – Kargi. It seems that Muslims are making huge inroads into that community. There is a big battle going on for the hearts of the Rendille – pray for the God of the Bible to win this battle! Pray that the church in Korr may remain strong. Pray that the schools can continue as they struggle for their financial subsidies needed to enable them to continue. Pray for areas outside of Korr’s influence – that God will provide workers and open hearts for His Kingdom.
Still in Jail but Reading God’s Word
Several months ago, a young man “went crazy” and attacked three people, one of whom was his mother. One of the other women that he attacked died. It has become apparent that this attack happened under demonic influence and he has no recollection of the incident. He is currently in jail but both he and his mother have been given Bibles and the mother seems hungry for God’s Word and is going to Bible Study. Please pray for both of them as well as the family of the one who was murdered.