Please pray for the Zigua. Finally the life-giving rains are here. Everything is green and new. People have planted their maize, though it’s early days, the crop looks solid. But so does the grass. As fast as the maize grows, the weeds are faster. Each morning our little village empties out as people go to hoe the weeds out of their fields and keep the birds at bay. As they go out to tend to their fields, we pray for the spiritual harvest. We too, pray that the birds of the air, will not steal our scattered seed. We pray that the soil is good. We pray that the weeds will not choke out our tiny plants. We long for the Kingdom to arrive here. Please pray with us.
Physical and Spiritual Hunger During Famine
Because of the ongoing drought in north Kenya, God’s people have been sending funds so the local church can purchase and distribute food. When the food is distributed, 2 Rendille evangelists share God’s Word. Over 90 “Treasures” (Bible solar players) have been given out, as people beg for spiritual as well as physical food. The Rendille pastor in charge continues to ensure fair distribution to all, setting up systems and observing financial accountability for all purchases. A Muslim leader asked our pastor where the food was coming from. The man then thanked our pastor for his work.
“And You Will Be In Front To Lead Me”
Please pray for one Alagwa man who started following Jesus some time ago but has been struggling and has avoided fellowship with other believers. Last week, he prayed a prayer of repentance. He told God “I will be behind, and you will be in front to lead me.”
PLEASE PRAY for this man; that this prayer will continue to ring in his heart, and will bear fruit in his life. The battle is real, but God is faithful.
Film Jesus: The seeds are been planted
Please pray that the Jesus Film, shown in the villages of: Ambatomanga, Fandranarivo, Mananove, Ambatomasy, Lanabinda, Bararata, and Beharena, to about 800 people in total (most of them Bara), would continue changing lives and bringing people back to God through the Work of the Cross?
Pray also that God rebukes satan and his demons and prevents them from taking away the seeds of the Gospel sown in those hearts.
captive freed
The Somali man who was captured by bandits and held for ransom has been freed after the ransom was paid by his extended family. He is on his way Europe. Pray he will find Jesus there.
Plight of women
Girls are married when they are still very young, from the age of 12 years old. Pray that the light of God will shine and change people’s attitude and worldview. Women have long days. They work from 5 in the morning till late evening. Pray for them, like Hagar, to see the God who sees them.
Fighting Schoolgirls
Praise God for two young women who heard an explanation of how the Bible speaks to the problem of anger. One of them said she would send Psalm 37 to her school friends who were involved in fighting. Pray for them to see that only the Bible has answers to life’s problems. May they have a hunger to know what other issues it addresses.
Easter’s King of Glory
Easter weekend we had two showings of The King of Glory movie. The first night there were some glitches and low attendance, but the second night went smoothly and more people came to see it. One of those was an evangelist, who has asked if the movie could also be shown in his village. Now there are plans to do that. Pray for the people who saw the movie at Easter will remember what they learned and put their faith in Christ as the promised Messiah and King. Pray for good attendance at the next showing, and that the evangelist will be helped in his ministry through the things people learn about Jesus as they watch. Praise the Lord for answering prayer.
Broken families
We see the broken families all around us. Men refusing to take
responsibility for the needs of their families living only for their
wants, addictions, pleasure. ‘Father hunger’ is huge in our city. May
hearts be changed by our Good, Good Father. May He draw whole
families to Himself.
That’s a Good Message
Earlier this month we celebrated a dear friend’s birthday. On the way to the restaurant, she was expressing frustration over how difficult her sister is to live with. I responded to her, saying that Jesus taught us we have to forgive people. I said, “And in fact, Jesus tells us to not only forgive, but to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.” She thought about it and then said, “Really? Jesus said to do that?” I shook my head and she (jokingly) said, “Well then I’m going to start following Jesus. That’s a good message.”
Please pray with us that God would hold back the darkness in our friends’ lives, that in moments like these, the forces of evil that wage war for our friends’ souls would be held back long enough for our friends to feel the warmth of the Light of Truth and Love. Pray for Christ’s power and authority to break the chains of deception for the Swahili people.
Rainy Season Chats
The rains have finally come to the coast of Tanzania. As people are confined at home during the downpours, please pray they will listen to recorded Bible stories and talk together as families, making the decision to become followers of Jesus Christ.
School update
Praise God for his work in the new schools on the Ik ridge as the first term is now coming to an end! Although the number of students fluctuates daily, praise God for this provision for the Ik. Continue to pray that the Ik children develop a deep desire to learn and go to school. Pray that their parents allow them to attend, despite the fact that they will have less hands helping with the garden and chores. Pray that God gives the teachers lots of patience and that they can show the children the love and grace of God.
He Has Lost So Much; May He Find Christ
The grown son in a S. Asian Hindu family has lost his business and his reputation, his wife and children, his friends. But his mother and older brother and family have become believers in Christ. Pray that he also will come to know Christ through their witness, and that his wife and family will be restored to him.
Sheep Need Feeding
Many residents of Tsumkwe town continue to live without the understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The few who profess to believe hardly get the nurturing that is needed to come to the knowledge of the truth and live in it. Informal research by Gospel workers living in Tsumkwe has found that most of the people are nominal ‘Christians’. Please pray that the few Christian leaders would prioritize feeding the flocks with God’s word. Oftentimes the leaders are so busy with many other things that they have no time for the sheep.
Why Do We Still Sacrifice?
After watching the story of Abraham, the Prophets and Jesus as the final sacrifice, a man wondered: if Jesus is the final sacrifice, why in the Gabbra culture are there still those rituals of sacrifice? As we explained to him the meaning of the cross and that there is freedom in Jesus Christ he decided to follow Jesus. Pray that he continues to seek for answers and may he be completely free from customs and rituals. Pray he be a witness among his own people.
Look to the cross
Pray that God would open Berbers’ eyes to the evil of enchantments that ask for power from spirits and that they would turn to the cross and Jesus; by his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53)
When He Saw His Foot Healed
A M man with a swollen foot was about to visit a witch doctor when a missionary woman asked if she could pray for his healing in the name of Jesus. He and his two wives agreed. As she prayed, the swelling receded before their eyes. His foot was completely healed by the power of Jesus through prayer. When the man saw this, he spontaneously exclaimed that maybe he should become a Christian. Please pray that he and his whole family will put their trust in Jesus Christ, who not only heals physically but spiritually.
Local translators
Praise God for the persistence and hard work of the local translators. Please lift up one translator T and his family – none of whom follow Jesus. His baby son is very weak and sick and they hope to travel abroad for treatment in May. So much good could come of this trip, but there are also many pitfalls and much potential for misunderstanding. T and his wife have fears about their son, about travel, and about staying in a mostly Christian country. Ask that the enemy wouldn’t get his hands in this situation and that Jesus would be lifted up through it. Ask for Terry, his wife and all the community watching, to see Jesus’ love and power.
A Mist Comes Over Her Eyes
Praise the Lord that a woman who received a book about what the Bible says about heaven has been reading it. She says, however, that she can’t read more than a couple of pages at a time because “a mist comes over my eyes and I can’t go on.” Please pray for the veil of blindness to be removed from her eyes and her heart and that the light of Christ will shine through for her salvation.
Two Dorobo pastors ordained
Praise the Lord for two Dorobo pastors ordained in the Narok area at a big service on Easter Sunday. The two men, Jonathan Nang’ari and Jackson Ng’ayami, both accepted Christ in the late 1990s and attended the Enosotua Dorobo Centre for their basic foundational teaching. Since then they’ve gone on to Bible college and have been pastoring local churches in Dorobo areas. Their elevation to fully ordained ministers in the Africa Inland Church is a big step forward for them and the Dorobo people. Pray that Jonathan and Jackson would continue to serve their people with humility and that the Gospel would spread to other neighboring villages.
Fanjanarivo: Salvation belongs to the Lord!
We showed the Jesus film in the village of Fanjanarivo, south of Betroka, with Pr. Manoela, and Pr. Jean, and we are seeing a harvest. Last week, 10 Bara adults were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank God for his amazing work among Bara and for this fruit. Its HIM who loves this people. We ask you to intensify your prayers towards Bara. God will honor our prayers. He will bring many sons and daughters from Bara into His kingdom.
A Grandfather’s Story
Pray for the salvation of the grandfather in a large South Asian family. He is the one who has eagerly pursued Islam, and has made sure all his five children and many grandchildren follow in that religion. He has been influential in the mosque. But now his family are beginning to read the Bible and to seek peace. Pray that God will also cause this old man to seek peace through knowing Christ, and that he will realise he is “judged already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” Pray that he, with the rest of his family, will come to faith in the Saviour and be set free from their bondage and slavery.
Clearly the Lord Had Been Preparing Her
A Rangi evangelist was on his way to show the Jesus film, and ended up broken down in a village. Eventually he decided to show the movie there instead, and after the showing, there was one lady who adamantly wanted to become a follower and wanted to be baptized right away. Clearly the Lord had been preparing her! At this point, the hope is that she can get some more discipleship soon. Please pray for her to be genuine and to grow despite what is certainly opposition around her.
You’re no longer my son
Pray for M a local believer who was recently kicked out of his family. He was summoned to a family meeting where he was told that everyone was talking about him being a follower of Jesus and that he was bringing shame on the family. His mum told him that he was no longer her son and to get his stuff and get out. Pray that local brothers would provide support and comfort to him and that this rejection and suffering would only drive him deeper into the arms of the father. Pray for provision for practical needs and that his suffering would open up opportunities for the good news to spread.
Young Borana Mother Saved
At Bori Junction, 20 kilometers from Moyale, at the usual Sunday worship service a young Borana mother was saved. Praise God He is building His church among the Borana!
Salt and Light
Please pray for Alagwa believers, who are starting to walk a new path in their community and culture. Pray that they would be wise and courageous to be salt and light amongst their neighbours and family.
Water and Living Water desperately needed
The drought is severe in this land. May God send rain. Rain for
the dry and weary land to be brought to life, and Rain for the souls
of this people who don’t even realize they are dying of thirst for the
Living Water.
Hear Our Cry, Oh Lord!
We know God will answer at the right time! The Lord hears and answers when His people cry out to Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work among those who have heard the message to respond in faith. Keep praying for what our hearts long to see – an established church among the Nyamwezi. Pray for boldness in proclaiming the Gospel message among the Nyamwezi, effectively sharing the Good News and the meaning of Christ’s final sacrifice on the cross. Pray for believers from among those who have heard. Pray for the harvest!
Affording a Move
Pray that a new Sandawe believer and his wife who need discipleship and are encountering persecution for their faith can afford to move to live with Christian friends who are willing to disciple them. May they learn that the Lord Himself is Jehovah Jireh, the wonderful Provider for His people.
Came to Our House for the First Time
Praise God for a great visit with our friend Y. We ended the visit by holding hands and praying together. Pray that the presence of Christ in us will increase her appetite to be delivered from all her fears, anxieties, and distresses, and to have Jesus’ peace. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus Christ to her in all His glory.
for seeds to sprout!
A gifted Fulani teacher was asked to go to a nearby village to share of Jesus. Over 30 men and women and children gathered to listen for over an hour and then asked questions. Ask that these truth seeds would take root and grow to abundant fruitfulness!
Although the Ik have had a couple of heavy rains in the past months, they have not received the amount of rain necessary to sustain the crops. The Ik rely heavily on rain as they are subsistence farmers, growing their crops solely to have food for the next year. Without rain they have no food. Some of the Ik have begun to sacrifice animals, hoping this will bring the rains. Others have fled to a refugee camp across the border in Kenya. Many more will follow if rain doesn’t come soon. Pray that God sends rain now, and in abundance, to save the crops. Pray that the Ik will see that the rains come from the one true God, not because of their animal sacrifices.
Brothers in battle
Ask for brothers in the battle of the unseen that they would stand strong fully armed (Eph 6) and would honor Jesus above family and safety.
Audio stories from Genesis
Pray for all the necessary preparation to be done for the production of audio recordings of Genesis in 2 languages in June. Pray for good recordings and for eager listeners!
Meeting For the First Time
In a new settlement 60 kilometers south of Moyale a plot was ‘designated’ for a Borana Church. Nine local women and AIC members from nearby villages cleared part of the plot last Saturday and built a 10′ x 20′ “place of worship”. This building is sticks (tree branches from the clearing and a sheet of plastic on the top to protect from the sun). On Sunday they met to Worship the One True God our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. Praise God for this precious gathering!
Five Men From God
Please pray with us for five Samburu men to make a decision to follow Jesus by the end of 2017. One man has said twice that he will come to church but he has not yet come. A number of men have been asking for the “treasures” (a MP3 player with Bible Stories, Songs, and Scripture in Samburu). A number of men have been willing and sometimes eager to listen to the stories of Jesus’ death and resurrection in our house. But we don’t see men who are really seeking God. We pray particularly for Lemusi. He will not come to the service on Sunday morning. He thinks that the services are only good for women and children, not moran (warriors) and men. Only God can call these five men to himself. Pray that He will work in their hearts.
Easter searching for Hope
Easter morning, I was preparing for church when a woman wandered through the gate. She approached us and said, “I am a widow and I live in a distant village and I have walked here this morning because I want to hear your message. It has been told to me that you speak words of hope. I need hope!” Pray that she finds peace by following Jesus.
We Asked God for 100 Adults
A few weeks ago our small Digo church asked God for a big request, which was to bring 100 adults to our Easter celebration. For comparison, last Easter the church didn’t want to celebrate, and at Christmas we only had two others join us. In faith that God would provide, we rented a tent, 100 chairs and bought lots of food. As the Jesus film started I counted 98 adults, then I found 2 people whom I had not counted: an exact number of 100 adults present! With children included we served food to 165 people. Many stayed to watch the Jesus film and hear testimonies of other local believers. God is moving among the Digo!
Thanking Elohim with joy
God is answering prayers! A group of manyattas in the bush about 20 minutes by car from Moroto are asking for church to happen weekly. The first Sunday the missionary and his interpreter showed up, 10 men and women knelt and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. They repented of their sins and desire to walk in a new life. The missionary and Lokiru John have started bible study on Thursdays. The first one, the people were ready and waiting 45 minutes before it was to start! There were about 35 or more adults wanting to learn about Jesus. Please pray that foundational truth would become life and reality for these people. The spring rains have not come, the place is like a desert, but the Lord is watering souls. Praise God for He is good, His love endures forever!
Like A Student Who Shows Up Early
Pray for a M man who comes to hear Bible stories regularly from a Christian in his town. He described himself like a student that so desires to learn, that he gets to school early. He said his wife is encouraging him to go so that he can bring back another story to share with her. Pray they will decide together to become followers of Christ.