Please pray with us for five Samburu men to make a decision to follow Jesus by the end of 2017. One man has said twice that he will come to church but he has not yet come. A number of men have been asking for the “treasures” (a MP3 player with Bible Stories, Songs, and Scripture in Samburu). A number of men have been willing and sometimes eager to listen to the stories of Jesus’ death and resurrection in our house. But we don’t see men who are really seeking God. We pray particularly for Lemusi. He will not come to the service on Sunday morning. He thinks that the services are only good for women and children, not moran (warriors) and men. Only God can call these five men to himself. Pray that He will work in their hearts.
Easter searching for Hope
Easter morning, I was preparing for church when a woman wandered through the gate. She approached us and said, “I am a widow and I live in a distant village and I have walked here this morning because I want to hear your message. It has been told to me that you speak words of hope. I need hope!” Pray that she finds peace by following Jesus.
We Asked God for 100 Adults
A few weeks ago our small Digo church asked God for a big request, which was to bring 100 adults to our Easter celebration. For comparison, last Easter the church didn’t want to celebrate, and at Christmas we only had two others join us. In faith that God would provide, we rented a tent, 100 chairs and bought lots of food. As the Jesus film started I counted 98 adults, then I found 2 people whom I had not counted: an exact number of 100 adults present! With children included we served food to 165 people. Many stayed to watch the Jesus film and hear testimonies of other local believers. God is moving among the Digo!
Thanking Elohim with joy
God is answering prayers! A group of manyattas in the bush about 20 minutes by car from Moroto are asking for church to happen weekly. The first Sunday the missionary and his interpreter showed up, 10 men and women knelt and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. They repented of their sins and desire to walk in a new life. The missionary and Lokiru John have started bible study on Thursdays. The first one, the people were ready and waiting 45 minutes before it was to start! There were about 35 or more adults wanting to learn about Jesus. Please pray that foundational truth would become life and reality for these people. The spring rains have not come, the place is like a desert, but the Lord is watering souls. Praise God for He is good, His love endures forever!
Like A Student Who Shows Up Early
Pray for a M man who comes to hear Bible stories regularly from a Christian in his town. He described himself like a student that so desires to learn, that he gets to school early. He said his wife is encouraging him to go so that he can bring back another story to share with her. Pray they will decide together to become followers of Christ.
A Great Big Wedding
Pray for a large Muslim wedding celebration on Sunday April 23rd. Over 1000 guests have been invited. Three Christian women will attend as guests of the family. Pray for open doors to share the gospel, and for future contact with those who are interested in knowing more.
“Pray for My Husband To Get Work”
Please pray for my friend and her husband, that they would see the power and authority of Jesus, specifically in the provision of a job for the husband. Pray that the wife would understand that anything good she sees in us is only the Spirit of Jesus living in us. That HE is the friend she truly needs. Pray Hebrews 1:3 for all the Swahili people, that they would see and believe “He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power.”
Brand New Believers Need Sound Teaching
Please pray for many Sandawe believers who are brand new in their faith. May they receive sound teaching and grow into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for these new brothers and sisters, some of whom are coming out of Islam.
She Needs Peace of Heart
Praise God for another visit with Yas. As with so many of our other Muslim friends, she wants to promote and explain many things about her religion. We listened attentively and asked questions to learn more. Then, as we talked about other topics, her anxieties and troubles emerged, especially in relation to her adult children. This gave us an opportunity to offer to pray with her just before we left. “Oh, that would be wonderful!” We sat on the couch together and prayed aloud for the children. “I hope I can learn to pray like that. That was wonderful. I feel…so happy and good right now!” she exclaimed as we went. Please pray for Yas, that the Lord will open her eyes to the Saviour and teach her to pray in spirit and in truth, through Him. Pray that we can have many more visits, and that she will accept an invitation to read the Bible together in order to have peace of heart and mind.
Courageous believer
As friends discussed Islam at university, a young believer was simply quiet. When others asked about the silence, she said, “I don’t know much about your religion.” This raised questions in the mind of another student. She has since given a Bible to the student and they have been reading and studying beginning with Adam. Praise Jesus for the courage of our sister. Pray that she will also receive the certain coming suffering as fellowship with Jesus.
He is Risen!
Easter weekend is just a normal weekend as far as the islands are concerned. However through expat workers and Christian satellite channels many will have the chance to hear the Easter story this month. Most islanders believe that Jesus was replaced by Judas on the cross and that Jesus was taken up to heaven unharmed. Pray that the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection would capture the hearts of islanders and that the truth would overcome these lies and that many would begin to walk towards the light
Easter celebration
Sunday we will meet together with Fulani believers to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Pray God’s incredible sacrifice will become more meaningful to all of us.
Hard Times in a Rangi Village
Please this week pray for Salmada, because she has encountered challenges to her faith from her parents and brothers who don’t want her to be a Christian. Salmada is asking us to pray for her. Besides that, please pray for the family of the local evangelist, Patrick. Villagers and neighbours around them are coming every day to beg for food and help, since there has been such a severe drought this year and food is so scarce. He finds their needs and requests heavy; everyone is suffering.
New tools to preach the old message
Because of the bad history between Christianity and Bara people, it’s difficult to preach the Gospel among them, or to even approach them. Finding new and creative ways to approach and preach the Gospel faithfully is very necessary. Farming God’s Way and Literacy Program, are two open doors to evangelism among Bara.
Recently we gathered 18 Evangelists and a Pastor to train them in these Creative Evangelism Strategies. Both programs went very well, and the trainees appreciated the new tools for evangelism. Pray that God helps the evangelists and the pastor to use these wonderful tools to reach the areas where Bara people are still Unreached.
Remain Faithful to Classes
As the Kenyan schools are closed for the holidays, the Muslim children are sent to Madrasa everyday. Our school is packed with small kids learning to recite the Quran. Please pray for their salvation. One student in our English class has already left and a new one has come. This is often the case with Somali people, perhaps due to their nomadic culture. Please pray that our students will remain faithful to our classes and learn English. But more importantly, that we would build friendships to speak the word of God into their lives.
Precious beginnings
A small group of believers and seekers is meeting in Singila, Moroto. Pray for pastor Raphael and his wife Susan as they shepherd the flock. Pray for Antony, a Karimojong believer, who is being mentored by the pastor to be his assistant. Pray for the believers and seekers to attend church and Bible study faithfully. They struggle with hunger, evil spirits, and malaria, which prevent them from coming.
Given a Place in the Prison
Two weeks ago in Moyale town Africa Inland Church was finally given permission to build a church building on the Prison Compound. The permission comes after a long delay and much opposition from ‘others’…even though the ‘others’ have had their Islamic place of worship for many years. Please ask the Lord to bless the ministry to prisoners and to ransom many from the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the kingdom of His beloved Son.
Why is Good Friday Good?*
On Good Friday, a young Muslim woman will be spending the whole day with a missionary. She has already asked to hear why this day is so “good.” Pray for her heart to be ready to receive the truth without any reservation. Pray for all obstacles to be removed and the veil of darkness to be lifted from her eyes, that God would shine His light into her heart, giving her “the knowledge of the glory of God displayed in the face of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6)
Healing the Blind
An O believer’s child, H, was struck by his playmate’s mom with a stick. It blinded his eye! This week they are going to specialist eye doctors and they request we pray for a miracle of healing for H’s blind eye. We read of Jesus miraculous healing of Bartimaeus’s blindness in Mark 10:46-52. According to Heb. 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” We read of even more serious blindness in 2 Cor. 4:4 “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Pray with faith for Jesus’ miraculous healing of H’s eye, and for the blind minds of the O people – that they may understand the gospel and turn and be healed!
Lord make a way
Please pray for the Fulani women who have shown interest in the gospel but whose husbands are not yet open. Their husbands have not permitted these women to come to the believer gathering. Ask for the lives of the husbands to be surrendered to Jesus!
Our Healer God Heard Our Cries For Help
Baba Franki is a local believer who is raising his two children after his Muslim wife left him in December. His daughter Solofina became critically ill and had a vision of a man telling her she would not recover. The local believers prayed for her healing while Baba Franki rushed her to the hospital. And Our Healer God heard our cries for help! Praise God! Solofina is healed and back to school again!
Needing deliverance and freedom
Continue to pray for T, who recently shared that she has a evil spirit. Ask that she will not be satisfied with the ‘medicine’ she is planning to take, and would give her life to the One who can bring her into complete freedom. Continue asking for wisdom, protection and sensitivity for the worker to share truth that will penetrate the darkness.
Open the Eyes of her Understanding
Pray for a Hindu South Asian woman who runs a hardware shop. She has had contact with Christian people in the past and received a gospel of John to read. Pray that she will want to discuss the Scripture and that the Lord will open the eyes of her understanding so she can be saved.
Two Showings at Easter
Please pray for two showings of a movie entitled “King of Glory” over Easter. Pray that many friends and neighbours will want to come with their church friends to see it, and that it will open up fruitful discussions about Jesus the Saviour. Pray that the love and unity evident in the believers will convince their friends that Jesus truly is God’s Son, the Way, the Truth, the Resurrection and the Life.
A Little Girl is Recovering Slowly
Last week I got to story some of the gospel to mama Sofia, our neighbour. It was such a sweet time & she is hungry for God! Her kids like listening too & her son Hamad was over at our place to hear our son read Bible stories to him. Her daughter is slowly recovering after bad malaria. And we pray for her recovery with mama Sofia almost daily in Jesus name. Please pray with us!
New identity needed
Pray the Fulani would understand and embrace the good news that we were created to be sons not slaves of God.
Cares of this world
Several young men who used to want to ask questions about Jesus are now more concerned with building houses, finding wives, and getting jobs. Pray that these men, and others like them who have just graduated from university, will be stirred again to ask questions of Jesus.
Death all around us….
Lately we have been hearing of so many deaths- some from old age but mostly from malaria and AIDS. Many, many people are dying without knowing the truth of Jesus Christ! Please pray for the Ndau to see His light and for Jesus to use us to extend His Kingdom.
Whom Shall I Send?
Pray for local congregations and partner missions to join in opportunities to reach the Nyamwezi. Pray for Tanzanians to be engaged in church planting movements among the Nyamwezi.
Pray that churches would be deepened by prayer for the lost and in sending out their own. Pray for courage and equipping of local believers to respond to the call, “Whom shall I send, and who will go?” to engage with their Muslim neighbors in sharing the Resurrection and the Life in everyday context.
Three Sandawe Baptisms
Praise God for three recent baptisms of new believers this past Sunday, all Sandawe folks! Pray for their growth in Christ, and that others in their families will come to faith in Him.
Rains on the Ridge
The rains have begun and the Ik have started to till their land by hand. Pray for safety in their work, and for protection of their crops against animals from neighboring tribes. Pray that this year’s crops would lead to a plentiful harvest. And pray for a spiritual harvest, as people hear the Word, that it would take root and grow.
The internet for good
A believing sister identified herself online as one who follows the Messiah and held up the NT to show a family friend in another country what she is reading. This friend has also already rejected Islam, and said that he believes. She is teaching him about Jesus over the web! Praise Jesus for those who hear through the internet. Pray for further face to face discipleship.
Lord have mercy
A believer’s brother recently decided to take his chances and try to get to Europe for a better life. He made it as far as Libya, where he was captured by bandits and is being held for $10,000 ransom. Pray in his distress he will call out to God and be saved-spiritually and physically!
Rainy Season Sprouting the Good Seed
Pray that the rainy season in the M hills will cause farmers to ponder the Word of God which has been sown like seed in their hearts, and that it will grow and bear fruit: thirty, sixty and a hundred fold.
children listening
Pray for the big group of children who come every week to hear chronological Bible stories. Pray they would listen well and believe what they hear.
What an opportunity!
Recently a teacher offered her students the chance to ask her any question. They asked, “Can you explain your religion to us?” So for the rest of class she did! The students were so engaged, asked lots of questions, and didn’t want to stop at the end of class. Pray they would ponder what they heard, continue to seek, and have courage to ask God to show them the truth.
Ask for a gift of faith
Friday about 10 Arab women are attending a Resurrection Tea at a believer’s home. They will hear the story of Abraham and of the cross and resurrection. Ask for the gift of faith.
God, Do Something Big!
Please join us in our prayer of faith: “Father God, please bring 100 adults to join us for chai at our church on Easter Sunday.”
Turning from idolatry
Please join us in praying that the Karimojong would be like the believers in Thessalonica and turn from their idols to serve the living and true God, even when it means enduring severe suffering from their fellow tribesmen for doing so. 1 Thes. 1
The Right Women To Join The Group
Please pray for a worker and an Alagwa believer as they seek to set up a women’s discipleship bible study group together. Pray for the Alagwa believer to grow in her faith and be able to take on leadership of the group at the right time. Please pray for the right women to join this group and remain faithfully in it. Please pray for a harvest of disciples who can continue to make disciples.