Please ask that brothers and sisters would be willing to partner together in suffering. May they rejoice in others’ boldness rather than distancing themselves in fear.
In seeking physical health may they find spiritual health!
Praise God that T (a local translator), his son and wife made it to Kenya and are being well looked after. We’re also so thankful that his son doesn’t have hydrocephalus; in fact, he is severely malnourished. It was thought that his weakness and lack of appetite were because of a sickness, but turns out they were the sickness. They have a follow-up appointment in a month and lots of time to help little H eat. Ask that this time is like a breath of fresh air to their souls. Ask for fruitful interactions with local Kenyan believers and that as a family they would discover true and full health in Jesus.
A Favourite Strategy
A favourite strategy of Satan is to divide Christians who are trying to share Christ in an unreached tribe. Pray that the Christians who are working among the Digo will be “united in spirit, intent on one purpose,” and that their unity will powerfully speak to the truth of the gospel.
That She Will Stop Talking
Pray for a S Asian woman who will see missionary friends for lunch just before the month of Ramadan fasting begins. Pray that she will stop talking about Islam and instead begin to ask questions about the Bible and following Christ.
But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 2 Cor. 3:16
Please join in the prayers for precious souls who have asked if they could give their lives to Jesus- may they experience Christ’s promise to reveal Himself to them. We rejoice as we see people turning to the Lord. Pray for wisdom for workers to be led in training these ones in discipleship.
Victory Over Evil Spirits
The Zaramo people practice a mix of Islam and animism. Pray that Jesus will show that He has power over evil spirits, and that only those who put their trust in Him will never be afraid. Pray that Christians will boldly proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over all evil spirits.
Following Jesus and the test of faith.
Please join us in pray for Zaona and his family. He is a Bara, close friend, and also a brother in Christ. Since he gave his life to Jesus, things haven’t gone well. His wife is trying to get pregnant but she can’t – children are very important in their culture. Some of their family have said that is happening because they are following Jesus.
After one week working very hard in the rice fields, Zaona harvested 3- 50 kg bags of rice, but one night Zaona had his rice stolen by malasos. Again his family said it is because he is not following the way of the ancestors anymore. Other things have happened as well.
However, Zaona has kept firm in the faith. Please, pray that God grants Zaona and his family grace to face the challenges of following Christ without giving up, also to witness in their village about Jesus, in love, be the good perfume of Christ among his own people.
For the love of Jesus
Pray that each one would love Jesus above all else- above families, jobs, acceptance, safety. Ask for courage to speak truthfully especially as pressures increase during Ramadan.
Bible Stories in M
Pray for the project to translate Bible stories into the M language. Next week the translation consultant will visit to check the initial stories that have been translated. Pray for God’s blessings and that the M will love and believe God’s Story.
Opportunities to Become Literate
Many Datooga do not read or write. This limits their ability to learn the Scriptures. Pray that the Lord will bring opportunities for believers to become literate, and that recordings of the stories of God’s Word will spread widely through the tribe.
Eager for Bible Stories…and Ramadan
A South Asian family is increasingly eager to spend time reading the Bible and praying with missionaries. Yet they also talk excitedly about their upcoming Ramadan fast. Please pray that during the month of fasting, they will spend the long hungry hours thinking of all they have learned about the Word of God.
Conviction and Hunger
O-land still needs a lot more rain in order to get through the upcoming dry season and to the next rainy season in Nov/Dec. People often ask themselves, “What have we done to cause God to refuse us good rains?” Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict O people of their sin of refusing to receive God’s Gift of Salvation and forgiveness of sins through Jesus the Messiah! Pray that they would understand, and TURN and be healed/saved! Pray that God will satisfy their physical hunger and thirst in a way that will give them hunger and thirst for truth and for righteousness!
Satan walks around my house
An islander recently asked a worker “do you ever hear Satan walking around your house?” This man has just moved to a new house in the village and has been awakened at night by loud stomping sounds & then what sounds like something very large eating something. He has asked his neighbors about it and they’ve told him that it is Satan, and that they must say special prayers to make sure he stays outside. The worker was able to share with him how Jesus has defeated the kingdom of darkness. Pray that fear would drive this man to the Father and that we would see the kingdom of light advance in his life!
Deep Mud on The Roads
Plentiful rains have finally come to the M farmlands. In fact, the mud is so deep on the roads they are nearly impassable. Pray that during this time those who have received the Word of God will continue to read and listen to it, discussing it as families, and coming to faith in Christ.
Prayers for new believers
Pray for the Holy Spirit to infill the small group of new believers in Laarim and that He will teach, guide, and empower these young believers with faith, courage and boldness!
To Train More Men
Several Samburu church leaders are on a committee to establish a Bible school for pastors and evangelists. Right now, each pastor has to serve several congregations. Pray for the Bible school to be established and flourish.
Camp for kids
A summer camp is being organized for kids this summer. Please pray for many Somali kids to come. Pray their parents will allow them to come. Pray for many to find Christ and bring Him home to their families.
He Has Overcome The World
Pray that the Zaramo will find that even though in the world they have tribulation, Jesus brings good cheer and has overcome the world. Pray that they will follow Him as their Prince of Peace.
Singing His Songs
The Ndengereko believers created Scripture songs from the earliest days of their faith. Pray they will continue to learn Scripture, compose songs, and that those songs will spread far and wide and bring others to faith in Christ.
They Helped Her Rebuild
Pray for the Digo Christians to help and serve others during a crisis time of many rains and flooding. One widow’s grass roof collapsed. The Christians gathered their resources and helped her rebuild. Pray that the love of Christ will be a powerful testimony of the truth of the gospel.
A Moving Spirit
Praise the Lord for reports of several Mbororo stories. In one location, after the showing of the Jesus Film in their language, Fulfulde, two boys made commitments to receive Jesus. These are kids who have seen and heard the truth of Jesus through multiple truth encounters from resident missionaries. Praise God also for reports of Mbororo who, after listening to Scripture on MP3 players (in their language), came back saying they want more of “Jesus.” Finally, in one Mbororo camp, so open are they, that their chief actually invited a Christian church worker to come in and share stories with the 200-some Mbororo children of his camp. God’s Spirit is moving among the Mbororo!
Living In Very Rugged Conditions
Pray for the Datooga evangelists and pastors who live in very rugged conditions while trying to share Christ with the unsaved and teach believers how to walk with Christ. Pray that the Lord will provide for their families and that He will sustain and encourage them by bringing many people to faith in Christ.
Story translation and vegetables
Praise God for two Christian Tanala, Maman’i Prisca and Menja, who are helping the missionaries settle well and are eager to work together for the gospel. Menja is working with the missionary to translate Bible stories into the Tanala language.
This shows that God started to work among the Tanala long before any missionaries came to the area.
Tsara Andriamanitra! (God is good!)
Despite the danger
One Arab brother said, “What kind of Father would put his son in danger? God would not want this for me.” God the Father sent His Son into danger that led to death; and the Son with all authority laid down His life only to take it up again. Pray that each one would value Jesus more than safety and would know that the most loving act of all is to tell others of eternal hope.
Six Baptised in the Ocean
Praise God for 6 believers ocean baptised right here on Easter Sunday! One of them was Serena who gave her life to Jesus on our front porch a few months ago. Another was Baba Franki who rededicated his life to Jesus after his Muslim wife left him & their young children late last year. Pray for these believers to grow in their faith and for others to come to Christ through their testimony.
Testimony of new believer
“It used to be only the school children who learned about God, but now that the missionaries have come, even me who does not know a,b,c,d can learn to follow Jesus,” said Mary Marko a few days after her joyous new birth. The Jesus Film had deeply moved her and the Creation to Christ story by Noblesse translated by Angelo was the clencher for her coming to faith in Jesus. Praise God for this new believer. Pray for peace in Laarim land. Conflict has forced the missionaries to leave for at least several weeks until peace returns.
Young, Hurting and Vulnerable
Please pray for M, a young Muslim woman who fled to the city due to a difficult situation in her home. (Her husband had married another wife). M is young, hurting, and vulnerable. Please pray for her protection and that she would meet believers in the city. Please pray for healing in her family and for her to act wisely.
Community of Morarano
The community of Morarano watched the Jesus Film last Wednesday. Pray that the seeds of the Gospel remain in their hearts and a church be born in this place. More than 90 Bara watched the Life of Jesus. Pray that God protect this people, so involved in witchcraft, that the seeds of truth won’t be stolen by the Devil.
May the Lord provide
Please pray for the Sandawe people and their neighbors as the rains have come to an end with little to show for it this year. There will be little to no harvest for many. Last year’s harvest has run out and food prices are high. They are in need of both physical and spiritual nourishment. May the Lord provide.
Face to face
“I want to believe, but I don’t know how.” This young Berber was talking on FaceTime with another Berber in a different country, hearing about her new faith, about what she was reading in the Injil. Last Monday he met with another believer face-to-face for the first time. Praise Jesus for new contacts over the internet and ask for disciple-makers to follow up each one.
Even Expose Them
Pray that those Zigua who have begun to study the Scriptures and learn about Christ will put their faith in Him and will refuse to participate in the evil deeds of darkness but instead even expose them.
Turning to the Lord
Pray for the drought in Gabbra regions to be over, and that during the season of Ramadan, many Gabbra people will reject their old ways of salvation and will turn to the Water of Life, Jesus Christ.
Plentiful Rains, Floods
Now that the rains have started on the south coast of Tanzania, they have brought flooding. Some people have lost houses. Some have lost their whole crop of sesame, which was to be sold for income for the year for their families. Please pray for the Lord’s compassion, and that the tragedies would provide opportunities for Christians to show Christ’s love and share the gospel freely.
Steadfast and Immovable
Pray that those who are sharing the gospel among the Rangi will be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that their labor is not in vain in the Lord.
Strength to stand firm
The dad’s offer of a nice young wife for his son seems so appropriate. BUT – the son is a young believer, and the nice young wife is one of the top madarasa (Islamic training) students around and from a strongly ‘religious’ family. Pray for God’s wisdom and grace for ‘Calvin’ as he asks and seeks for how to respond. Praise God for wonderful godly counsel from ‘Jake’, who went through the same thing 10 years ago – and now has been blessed with a wonderful Christian wife and son – after standing firm and going through much persecution.
Many Come to Christ
Pray that in the time leading up to Ramadan, many Somalis will hear and believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and by believing will have life in His name. Pray that during Ramadan their testimony will have a powerful impact on those who are still hoping to gain God’s favour by good works.
Those Who Are Actively Going
The Samburu have a reproducing, indigenous church, but there are still villages and large remote areas of the tribe that do not have the gospel. Pray for those who are actively going to those areas, that they will find many receptive people and that churches will be planted.
Terrible Need and Gracious Rescue
Pray that God will use this devastating famine to draw people to Himself. Many are struggling to survive, watching their means of support and source of food (animals) dying in front of their eyes. Even our schools are struggling to afford food for the students. Prices have tripled since January. Pray for people’s terrible need–and God’s gracious rescue–to turn many to Christ.
Planned But Not Yet Started
Please pray for a ladies’ Bible study group, being planned with an Alagwa believer. It has not yet started, maybe in part due to good rains which have meant that farming is taking much of the ladies’ time. Please pray that God will make this group happen in his way and time. Please pray for a continued passion in the heart of the Alagwa believer to see her friends and neighbours hear God’s word and find his truth.
Needing boldness
This Saturday a few brothers and sisters will gather together for only the second time in years in this huge city with millions of people. While they were before Jesus in prayer last week, they were bold, but after they separated, fear crept in again. Pray for boldness in proclamation and boldness in gathering.