Please continue lifting up Bibi, an elderly lady who believes in Jesus but who last expressed fear at following him due to family influence. Please ask for her to have a revelation of Christ. Please also lift up her physical and emotional needs, as she is elderly, widowed, and childless.
Steps towards Life
Please pray for Ediofo and his wife Apuke and their 4 boys as we begin a Bible study at their home. Pray for open hearts and the Spirit’s leading in their lives. Give thanks for their step to come to church together as a family for the first time and pray thay as we study the Word together they may step into eternal life through Christ.
Young people reading the Word
A 16 year old Arab girl asked to see and read the gospel in Arabic. She read chapters at a time and asked insightful questions. Her 13 yr old brother came up and said, “Of course, you are talking of Jesus, right? And have you spoken of Peter or John the Baptist yet?” He had read for hours on the net! Pray that young Arab children would hear and believe!
A Week Of Bible Study
Please pray for the next Scripture translation week in July. Pray for all the translators to be able to attend, and for God to prepare their hearts as they come for a week-long Bible study! Particularly pray for the translators who are not believers, that their hearts and spirits would be touched by God, and that they would respond to Him. Please also pray for the challenging logistics to come together well.
Eternal Facts on Film
Praise for continued opportunities to reach out to remote villages of Nyamwezi sharing the Jesus Film in three locations. Pray that the Lord will quicken hearts to receive the Good News and for people to understand and believe as they hear God’s plan of salvation through Christ. Pray for local partners in the process of planting churches in these rural villages as people respond.
Audio Bible recording needed
Pray that the Bible would be recorded in the Didinga language so it can be added to the audio ‘Bible story tellers’ players, that many may hear God’s Word and believe in Jesus.
The Seminar Intensified Her Desire
Praise God that a lady who earlier expressed serious interest in following the Lord was able to attend a Bible seminar, where her desire to follow Jesus was furthered. Please pray for this woman to grow in her faith and understanding even as she lives with her Muslim family. Ask the Lord to draw her whole family to Himself.
6 new believers baptized!
This week we have an awesome praise for the Digo!
It had been a difficult week for the Digo, dealing with illness & funerals. But in the midst of those trials God was working and on Sunday, 6 new Digo Christians were baptised!! Please pray for these believers as they return to family and friends and deal with the suffering that comes with following Jesus. May they have grace to stand firm in their faith.
Courageously loving his mother
A young Berber man was baptized last week and has been begging his mom to see the difference in his life. She threatened to tell the soldiers and have him killed. He pleaded with her to see Christ’s arms open on the cross ready to receive her. Pray that each who believe will be courageously loving and tell their families.
Another new believer!
Several weeks ago a group of young men gathered on our compound to watch the “Following Jesus” video which is a follow-up of the Jesus Film. Carlo was hanging out with his friends and stayed to watch. As the African actors were explaining to each other the way to breathe out your sins and breathe in the Holy Spirit, Carlo described a ‘shaking of my body” and an urge to know the Holy Spirit. As soon as the video ended, he shared this desire with the group. With a bit of instruction and guidance he prayed to accept Jesus into his heart and thus began his new life in Christ! Pray for God to renew Carlo’s mind and help him walk in newness of life.
Quranic teacher reading the Bible!
A couple of weeks ago, during Ram@dan, one of our workers was visiting the home of her best friend, and a local madrasa teacher was there tutoring her friend’s young son in Quran studies. Very unexpectedly he asked our worker if he could borrow a Bible in his language to study. Please pray that this religious teacher would be captivated by the Word he has been given and that as God has promised, His Word will not return void but would bring Life to this teacher.
believer baptized!
A man who has believed for years was baptized last week. He has tasted persecution and fear but in great courage chose obedience. There were many tears. Ask for many more to believe and obey.
refreshing in a dry land
Please join us in praying Isaiah 35 for the Karimojong people. We are seeing the wastelands in souls being refreshed and blossoming with the joy of the Lord. Doors are opening as never before to share about His good news and the abundance that comes from changed hearts and lives. May His glory be displayed and received. Please pray for God to strengthen those who have tired hands and hearts, and weak knees from the labors. Thank you for praying.
In The Throne Room
Directing our prayers to God in His throne room, we are assured of His listening ear on behalf of the Nyamwezi to become part of His Kingdom. Pray that the Nyamwezi would consider carefully their spiritual condition as Ramadan ends. Pray that they would realize their need for Jesus as their Savior, for many have heard the Gospel and not yet made a decision to trust Christ as their Savior.
Praying for Her Children
Praise God for a believer being discipled who is starting to pray in earnest for the salvation of her children. Please pray with her!
She Has a Desire to Learn More
Please pray for a young, Rangi Christian woman who is looking to attend Bible School. Praise God that she has a desire to learn more, and pray that it would be possible.
Bible stories in Didinga
Please pray for many to hear the Word of God as audio players- ‘Bible Story Tellers’ are distributed in Didinga communities with Bible stories in the Didinga language and the Bible in English on them. Faith comes from hearing, pray many would hear and believe.
Complete Deliverance from Demonic Spirits
Please pray for an Alagwa believer who is passionate to see his mother released from demonic oppression. His mother has heard the gospel and would like to be prayed for and to follow Jesus. Right now, the demon gives her power her to practice as a witchdoctor and has a fairly large amount of control over her. Last Wednesday evening this man planned to go with two older Christians to pray for his mother. Please pray for this woman’s complete deliverance and that she would commit her life whole heartedly to Jesus.
A Wonderful Provision
God has reopened a wonderful door in the Rendille world. One of the most amazing tools that God has used to bring Rendille into His Kingdom is Adult Literacy. This program was shut down some years ago due to lack of funds. However, a couple in the UK has given funds to get the program going again. We have enough funds to carry us through December and maybe into April 2018. There are trained Rendille teachers and godly Rendille evangelists ready for the job! We have the funds to open one village class now. Pray that God uses this class for His glory and that He will provide so that we can expand classes into other villages. It is such an outstanding outreach program and excitingly uses Rendille to reach Rendille!
An Influential Sheik
Praise God for an influential Sheik in Kondoa who recently attended a Bible seminar in his town and who received well what was shared. Please pray for this man to come to true understanding of faith in Jesus, as his heart does seem to reflect a genuine desire to follow what he knows is true.
May God speak as they sleep!
Pray for one young woman who has had three dreams from God. However, since sharing this with a worker she has been reluctant to talk in more detail. Pray that God would keep bringing those dreams back to her mind. Pray that she would have courage to be found by the God who is pursuing her! Pray also for a young believer who dreamed about an island woman searching for truth, in his dream this woman had a dream (!) that he was the one who would give her the answers. Pray that there would be women who are dissatisfied and searching for more, pray also for this young believer and others like him, that they would recognise with joy that they do have the answer to what others are searching for.
Equipped Mightily
Emmanuel, a new Zigua believer, is attended a training for new believers June 20th. Please pray with us that God will equip him mightily to tell others (including his grown son) about God’s Kingdom and Jesus. Pray also that Tanzanians will be assigned soon to the missionary team as we believe we will all be more effective if we have national team members.
He is Both Merciful and Just
A S. Asian woman listened as two Christian women shared the gospel with her. She began to understand that yes, God is merciful, but He is also just and cannot simply ignore sin just because she says “sorry.” She is feeling burdened by her sinfulness. Now she heard and understood for the first time that Jesus died to be the perfect sacrifice for sin, so that God could be both just and the justifier of those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for her to take that step soon.
In Every Town
The Rangi are one of the largest ethnic groups in Tanzania who remain mostly untouched by the gospel. Please pray for the Lord to send more Christians to share Christ with them, and pray that one day there may be reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered churches in every town among the Rangi.
Blaring Speakers
Pray for physical & spiritual strength for all the believers (local & expat) during this oppressive month when all the community around us is immersed in this dark ritual of deception. We wake with the calls to false prayer & speakers blare lies throughout the day & night from homes & mosques. May all followers of Christ seize every opportunity, especially in this season, to give witness of the truth & hope found in the Savior.
Father of a Girl with Cerebral Palsy
Baba Fatuma is the father of the little girl with Cerebral Palsy who is now walking after prayer. Like his wife, he has heard witness of the Savior & he has stated a desire to come to church & is now joining the believers during their twice weekly prayer together during their morning tea breaks on the farm. Pray for his salvation & the salvation of his whole family.
Losing Language
The Ndengereko are gradually losing their distinctive language and culture as they mingle and mix with the coastal Swahili of Tanzania. As they loosen old traditions and ties, may they acquire new loyalties and a new culture by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Life Springing Up
The M homeland is vast. But in various places, people are hearing about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that eager new believers will carry the Word about Jesus from village to village, and that the Spirit of God will cause spiritual life to spring up everywhere they go.
Unprecedented Hunger
This is a time of unprecedented openness and spiritual hunger among the Gabbra. Pray for the salvation of many as they hear the Word of God, discuss it together, and believe in Christ.
Like Job
Pray for Mama M, a Samburu sister in Christ, who is going through some trying times. Normally her husband is quite reasonable, but recently he has been drinking too much. He has mistreated her, her two co-wives and their children. Last week her mother died. In addition, last week a planned fire got out of control and burned down her house, the houses of her co-wives and the house of her mother-in-law. Pray that her faith and trust in the Lord will remain strong in the midst of these troubles. Pray also that her husband will stop drinking, and decide to follow Jesus.
Recovering and Responsive
When the Bibi (matriarch) of a local Digo village became very sick Saturday morning, all the usual Quranic rituals were performed. That didn’t bring results so the local missionary was asked to come to the house; he requested permission to pray for her and was hesitantly allowed. The Bibi was unresposive and seemed quite close to death so the family took her to the hospital, by the afternoon she was responsive and recovering! Pray that this Bibi would understand Jesus is the one who healed her, not the rituals. Pray that she’ll become accepting of the missionaries living in her village & will allow interaction between that family & hers. Pray for that entire family to become known for their passion for Jesus!
Jesus Christ Honoured
Please pray for the Dorobo churches and pastors to continue to spread the gospel throughout their whole tribe, and for the Lord Jesus Christ will be honoured, obeyed and faithfully followed by all who believe in Him.
A new openness
Praise God for all those who have heard the good news over the past few weeks of fasting. On vanilla island two workers have had multiple times each day to share with friends and neighbours, and also with those they don’t normally interact with and rarely engage with in conversation. In the past when they’ve begun to share Truth people have either turned away from the conversation, interrupted with an objection, fallen asleep, or changed the subject! But in these last few weeks, people have stopped what they are doing to listen, they’ve pondered their statements, and asked inquiring questions. Pray that people would continue to think on what they’ve heard and that these seeds would send down deep roots into their hearts. Pray that many would be discovering a hunger in their hearts for something more than what Islam can offer them.
Zealous and Passionate
Please pray that as the Digo have been known for being zealous followers of Islam, they will change and become passionate followers of Christ. Pray that many will come to faith in Him during Ramadan.
He Knows of At Least Five More
Please pray for our new believer Emmanueli. As the holy month begins, persecution against him has stepped up. He went to a funeral for a relative and people refused to shake his hand. He told them, “though you have rejected me, I do not reject you. And someday, I have hope that we will shake hands again”. When he is insulted, he continues to stand firm, and offer the other cheek. He told us, that God’s word is what gives him the strength to do that. He feels like it has really found its home in his heart. He continues to testify boldly. He asked for more Bibles to hand out and knows of at least 5 more people who are interested in following Jesus, but are afraid of the isolation. Please pray over the holy month that more people who are truly seeking God would find him. Pray that those disillusioned with the status quo would find the inner strength to step out in boldness. Pray for the harvest!
Reading and Sharing
Please pray that Datooga believers will continue to read Scripture and share stories from the Bible with their friends whenever they are not busy with their sheep. Pray that they will grow in their desire to know Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and to belong to His flock and be in His fold.
Faithful perseverance.
Matthew is a Rangi believer who has grown much ever since he decided to follow Christ. He is currently serving Christ in an evangelical church here in Africa. He has withstood all Islamic pressures and threats against him. Some of these came from his family members, Muslim friends, as well as the community. He has stood the test and he is now very strong and bold to share Christ to all people. He just got married June 10! Please pray God’s blessings on this couple and for many more Rangi believers like them!
Two Sisters Together
While visitng Bibi Chai’s ( a new believer) elderly sister in mourning for the death of their brother, God opened the door to share again with her of the hope found in Jesus & the sister agreed to hear more of God’s story AFTER Ramadan. Pray for the opportunity to share with her & for her salvation! It would be awesome to have these 2 sisters worshipping together in the family of Christ!
God’s Power Released in His Life
Abdi, a Rendille student, has a “Christian” father and a Muslim mother – they are separated. He says he’s a Muslim, but he’s not fasting this month of Ramadan. However, Abdi has a temper problem – he can become very destructive. I was just beginning to have a good relationship with him and having some talks, when something happened with other teachers that set him off. Last weekend he went on a destructive binge and has now been suspended. But God is able to work and we need prayers. Would love to see God’s power released!
An Influential Man
Please pray for M, an influential man in a Rangi village, whom workers have been praying for for a number of years. Please ask that, during this month of Ramadan, Jesus would reveal himself to M, call him, and give him courage to turn and bring many others with him.