Praise God for a new female believer in Vanilla Island. After watching a video that took her through God’s story from creation to the second coming she said “I’m not even in His family and yet he carried my sins and they are really heavy! He loves me so much!’” Pray that she would daily grow in her faith and that she would develop a deep intimacy with J. Pray that God would place an urgency and a passion for sharing him with others. Pray that her husband would see her being changed by God’s love and recognise he needs what she has discovered!
Filling the void
The Ik have recently been working on a road project and getting paid in large lump sums. Instead of saving the money, many people have been using it on hard liquor and getting drunk which has caused trouble in their communities. Please pray that God works in the hearts of the Ik, that they may see the harmful effects of heavy drinking, and desire to use their money in other ways. Pray that ultimately, they recognize that the void they are trying to fill with alcohol, can be filled to overflowing with the love and grace of Jesus Christ, and choose to follow Him.
Following the Good Shepherd
Pray that as the Datooga follow their flocks and herds, they will learn about Jesus, the good shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. Pray that those who can read will regularly share Scripture with those who can’t.
Tell us more!
An island sister was recently preparing wedding food with a large group of women when some of the women started talking about the way God was responsible for all the evil in the world as well as the good. They brought our sister into the conversation and she was able to tell them that she didn’t agree. She then had the entire audience of women captivated as she told them the story of creation all the way to Cain and Abel. Afterwards women were asking her how she knew these things and if she could tell them more! Praise God for this sister’s boldness and ask that she would be encouraged to step out more and more in faith to share the good news. Pray that God would bless these women with a strong hunger to hear more, and that they would seek her out for more stories.
The Next Generation
Please pray that the Borana church will continue boldly sharing the gospel in those towns and villages that still remain mostly Muslim. Pray that believers will be trained in the Scripture and that the next generation of Borana believers will be eager to follow Christ even more passionately than their parents did. Pray that Borana believers will begin to share Christ with neighbouring tribes who formerly were their enemies.
Godly Tanzanians Sharing the Gospel
Praise God for the godly Tanzanians He has sent to our team! These are skilled professional men & women sacrificing to work in the most impoverished, marginalized unreached region of Tanzania to reach the Swahili for Christ. In the world’s eyes it is utter foolishness to choose to serve where we are! God has recently filled 2 desperately needed positions with an overqualified accountant and a couple who is well known for their Christian leadership & integrity on a national level. The accountant is willing to work for a fraction of the salary he deserves and the couple has turned down a salary because they are able to live off their own personal investments & income. We are in awe of how God builds His Kingdom. Pray He will protect our team from the evil one, sin and temptation. Pray that our team DNA will be that of Christ and His Cross – that we would die to ourselves so that Christ will be made famous among the Swahili.
Not forgotten
Her niece is a believer and begged, “Please don’t forget her, she’s close!” A few days later, her aunt turned her wrist to show the pattern of her veins spelling God in Arabic. “Whenever I feel alone, I look at my wrists and see God does not forget me.” Then a believer showed her Isaiah 49:15,16 where God declares we are engraved on His hands and never forgotten and she heard of Jesus’ wounds on the cross. Pray that Berbers will know of the cross and that they have not been forgotten.
Two Literacy Classes Have Begun!
The adult literacy has actually began, with two classes! It’s very exciting. We have 40 adults in the classes. Pray that God will use these to bring more into His Kingdom. As mentioned before, God has greatly used these classes in the past and key Christian leaders today came to know Jesus through this ministry. Pray that we can find funds to enable these classes to continue in 2018.
A Mighty Work of the Spirit
Pray for the Holy Spirit to work mightily among the Alagwa, filling the believers with boldness to confess their faith in Christ to their families and friends. Pray for unity among the missionaries and nationals who are working to reach them with the gospel. Pray that the Word of God will be translated and that many will hear it and believe.
“If I deny Jesus only with my mouth, he knows my heart, right? I am so weak. I love my family. ” An Arab man texted heart-wrenching questions in fear, knowing the threat is real. Ask that he and other Arabs would set their hearts on Jesus and remember His worth.
Necessary Permissions
A team of new workers is awaiting visas to begin living among the Zigua and sharing Christ with them. Please pray that all the necessary government permissions will be granted, and that the Zigua will be prepared by the Holy Spirit to be unusually receptive to the team and to their message.
A time of danger
Pray for the many Mbororo in Eastern CAR, where sectarian violence has left a path of destruction and fear. Most of the Mbororo have fled to the bush to stay away from the ongoing violence occurring in the towns. This means selling and buying at any markets has become a huge risk. Pray that they would ask deeper questions during this time of danger, that they would find answers in the only true source of Peace: The Prince of Peace!
A Prayer Summit
Please pray for a group of believers who will meet at the end of July for a prayer summit meeting for the Rangi. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them as they present their requests to God. Pray for more workers to go share Christ with the Rangi. Pray that Christ-centred, reproducing Rangi churches will be planted throughout this huge tribe.
Known For Their Zeal
Please continue to pray for unity among believers who are ministering to the Digo, and that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, to that same degree they will become known for their zeal and commitment to Jesus. Pray for local churches who have believers from other tribes to be stirred up to share the gospel and receive the Digo as their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Dorobo traditional honey wine
The Dorobo traditionally brew a potent honey wine. At circumcision ceremonies where young people come of age, the old men and women get very drunk on honey wine. Pray that God would break through and create a thirst for His Word that his stronger than their craving for honey wine.
False teaching
Please pray for the karimojong who are seeking the truth to be protected from false teaching, and that they will reject the false teaching they have already received. It came to light that most of the engaged karimojong believe that satan sends people to hell not God, which gives him power he does not in truth possess. Many more such things are coming to light. As scripture is used to dispute lies, pray that the truth of God’s Word would find fertile soil and that the fruit would be strong and resilient against the wiles of the evil one.
May She Long for the Pure Milk of the Word
Please continue to pray for the Lord to work in the heart of a S. Asian woman who prayed to receive the gift of eternal life and have her sins washed by Jesus’ blood. Pray for the Spirit to confirm to her that the Way of Jesus is the Truth, and that she may long for the pure milk of the Word like a newborn baby, and grow through it.
Potential relocation
The Ik have recently been threatened to be relocated out of the homes they have made near a protected forest. Please pray for wisdom and guidance in knowing how to handle the situation and how best to support the Ik people. Pray that the Ik can stay and live in this place they call home. Finally, pray for peace and partnership for all involved.
Close to the kingdom!
‘I want to read for myself and decide what to believe,’ she said and then read the Word for about two hours asking questions like: “Did Jesus really die?” Or “Is Mary Aaron’s sister?” And then she declared, “The Koran is wrong. It is not written by God. Moh. is not the last prophet.” Then later, “We are not saved by works but by believing.” Please pray that she and many other Berbers would learn of the truth of Scripture and the cross and grace!
May God open hearts
Pray for wisdom on how to engage the people with Christ during literacy lessons, farming together, and medical help. Ask the Lord to open hearts to hear and believe the gospel.
Witchdoctor’s Cries
In the middle of the night team members have been regularly woken up by the drunken cries of a witchdoctor outside their bedroom window. They’ve asked their neighbors what it’s all about and all they get is a giggle and off handed response that it is nothing at all. But it is disturbing and disruptive. Our team members have been told that the witchdoctor’s brother died from a ritual gone wrong on the beach recently. The Swahili have seamlessly syncretized Islam with their traditional witchcraft. Pray that this witchdoctor will one day soon be walking the streets proclaiming his salvation in Jesus & his freedom from witchcraft & alcohol. Pray for the protection, peace and rest for this team family and for all the believers here who are surrounded by a constant onslaught of spiritual warfare as God establishes His Kingdom in this historically Christ- resistant, churchless village.
It Has Slowed Down
One of our Somali students in the English school has not returned, please pray that she will come back and that we will get some more new ladies. The school has slowed down since the start to Ramadan. Lets pray that this project will be blessed with many students.
Come to the Well
Pray for continued efforts for clean water procurement among the Nyamwezi. A number of wells dry up at this time of year during the six month long dry season, May-October, when rains are nil or scarce. Pray for efforts to restore water availablity to dry or broken wells and in findng locations for new wells. Pray over these locations of water to not only be places for physical refreshment but also for eternal living water to be available at these water sites in the sharing of God’s Word.
Vulnerable Young Lady
Selina (a new believer who was baptised at Easter) is growing in her identity in Christ. A few months ago she timidly asked to learn to read & write. What we discovered together is that she already has some ability to do that, she just needed someone to come alongside to help her grow. She is in a discipleship process growing in those skills as she studies and memorizes the Word of God! It is a joy to watch her slowly bloom in confidence of who she is in Christ! Pray for her continued spiritual growth and protection as a young lady quite vulnerable in this lost culture.
The Ndau are living in a spiritually dark world controlled by many witchdoctors. Pray for those that have converted to stand strong in the Lord as they face many challenges. Some might lose their homes or be cast out the community. Pray for the witchdoctors themselves to see God’s mercy and grace.
Sins Forgiven
The S. Asian widow listened carefully to the gospel, and then prayed with her Christian friend to ask Jesus to wash her sins clean with His blood and give her eternal life. She was thrilled to receive a Bible with the date written in it. There is still so much confusion in her head about Islam and the Bible, the things each one teaches. Pray for her to be protected in her faith in Christ, and that she will continue to meet regularly with her friend to read the Scriptures and pray. Pray that she will share her faith with others, and grow in her conviction that this is true. Pray that she feels great freedom as she rejoices that her sins have been forgiven! Pray she will sense that her Father in heaven loves her and has a plan for her life. Pray that her faith will not be shaken.
A Special Campaign
Praise the Lord for two new godly evangelists who are providing leadership to the Ndengereko believers. Praise Him that our Nigerian teammates, who still work on the coast, have been active in a campaign that saw every household in the village receive a Swahili/Arabic New Testament. Praise the Lord that the believers are not discouraged, that they have not returned to their old lives now that they have found Jesus! Pray that the church wouldn’t lose their saltiness. That their light would shine before the community, so that they may see their good works and give glory to the Father who is in heaven.
Local Seekers Join in Bible Study
Praise God for growing opportunities to share the hope we have in Christ with our neighbors! Not only are the Christian Admin, supervisors & staff attending & sharing in leading the twice weekly prayer & gospel- immersed devotions during the farm tea break, but local seekers are joining in as well … listening, observing & asking for prayer! Pray for the salvation of these seekers!
Amongst the Ndau, children are not a priority whilst young. There is an emotional disconnection between parents and children. Please pray with us for the new Christian families for love to be demonstrated to the children and for the cycle to be broken.
Catalysing a Movement
Please pray this overarching breakthrough prayer for the M people: “Father, we ask You to raise up M disciple makers who will catalyze a movement throughout the M hills and beyond.”
Learning to read
Pray for the plans to do a Teacher Training from 25-27 July for those who will use the new Lopit learning-to-read books and materials. The hope is that 1000 copies of the last two primer books will be finished and printed soon. Pray for many to learn to read.
A Soothing Balm
We know of several men interested in following Jesus. One of them has actually told us that he knows that Jesus is the one true God and that Islam has people caught in lies. But they are afraid. They are afraid of losing what little they have- wives, children, community. Please pray that perfect love would drive out fear. Pray for their wives to come also and stand with them. Pray for a community of believers to form as a soothing balm against alienation and rejection.
They Had To Leave
Unfortunately, two Somali ladies left a Christian safehouse on Thursday, because they were not helping out in the house as they had agreed to do. One of the ladies is my teacher at the school. Please pray for her as she stays in places unknown to us, and that she will not be swayed to go back into Islam. She believes in Christ, and was baptized in December 2016; lets pray that she will remain faithful to the word of God.
The Power of Prayer
Praise God for the power of prayer! The local church women’s prayer group is flourishing! They recently visited Bibi Chai (an elderly homebound lady who is a new believer) to pray for her. Bibi lives with her daughter, who used to leave the house when we began to pray or share God’s story with Bibi, but now lingers doing “necessary chores” during our visits … listening & observing. That day her daughter was bed ridden with malaria and actually asked for prayer for her healing! And Jesus heard and answered those prayers! In subsequent visits, the daughter has given praise to God for answering our prayers & is asking for more prayer for God’s blessing on her life. Pray that she may come to know her Healer as her Savior too!
Encouragement to keep going.
Please pray for encouragement. The evangelists from the Lutheran Church that we work with are afraid of coming back to their own villages because of the insecurity. We have heard many cases of Malasos (Cattle thieves) killing people and causing fear in the villages surrounding Betroka. May God bless the work of those who went out in the Name of Jesus and bring many Malaso ( the very Bara people we want to reach out with the Gospel) to Christ.
Marriage bonds
The Ndau are a polygamous group and as this is an unreached group many of those converting have several wives. Please pray for the whole marriage relationship. Pray that:(1) the husband will love his wife (wives) as Jesus loves the church, (2) that the wife (wives) will submit to her husband as the Church submits to Christ, (3) that the children will be God fearing and obedient to their parents.
Asking for Prayer and Bible Reading
A S. Asian Muslim woman is beginning to ask for prayer and Bible reading every time she and her Christian friend meet. Please pray for a regular scheduled meeting between the two of them and that through consistent study of the Scriptures she will put her faith in Christ
Response of Receiving!
My new Ako, who God allowed us to participate in the miracle of saving her life and sharing the Good News after severe delivery complications has completed her 40 days of seclusion. She brought her healthy baby boy for his first round of immunizations. She came with an invitation from her husband, “come and celebrate with us…we’ll provide the goat, you bring the rice and sugar.” ***Pray that this follow up with the larger extended family may bring the response of many of them not only hearing, but God’s drawing them to RECEIVE His grace through the Messiah – and be on fire to pass it on to many more!
As they discussed the Night of Power and visions, an Arab woman described how her mother had seen a dove come from heaven and touch her head. A blind woman was walking with her and when told about it said, ‘You should have let me know! I would have asked for my sight.’ Yet right after the story when they heard of Jesus…they rejected him. ‘We ask for visions, but not of the Messiah.’ Ask that in their longing to see, they would not reject the only One who gives sight!
New believer keen to share
Niki, an Antakarana believer, recently lead another woman to the Lord and now they both want to come to Nosy Mitsio for a month in December and help minister and share the gospel. This will be an amazing witness to the people on Nosy Mitsio, who are bound in the ways of Islam and ancestor worship. Pray for there to be an open house and open hearts to receive them. Pray for Niki and her friend as they grow in Christ and prepare to witness to their fellow Antakarana. Pray for protection from spiritual attack as they and the team there bring the gospel message to the Antakarana people. Pray that other Malagasy believers would follow the calling to missions among the unreached in Madagascar.