Willing to Sell it all to Gain the Pearl

Please pray that a friend will desire to continue reading Scripture with me. She has lately been distracted, perhaps afraid of the direction she is being led as she reads the words of Jesus in Luke. Pray that the difficulties in her life will cause her to be willing to “sell everything in order to gain the pearl of great price.” Pray that she will discover she cannot simply go back to her former life and ways of thinking now that she has understood the gospel. Pray for her fears about leaving Islam to be conquered by the Lover of her soul.

Two Sad Funerals

We recently attended 2 funerals of ladies who had heard the gospel and unexpectedly died. One had accepted prayer for healing in Jesus, recovered, and then gone to Kilwa – an Islamic withchdoctor stronghold – where she died unexpectedly. The other was for Binti O who suddenly collapsed and died. A few days prior to Binti O’s death, I had been prompted by the Holy Spirit to again share the gospel of Jesus Christ and exhort her to respond because I loved her as my mother and no one knows the number of their days. She thanked me, but never personally responded. Pray that God would redeem the hopelessness and darkness of these 2 funerals to drive our dearly loved neighbors to light and hope in Jesus Christ!

Break the Power

Please pray this for the Rendille: “Lord, break the power of Islam threatening to take over the Rendille hearts and minds. Open eyes to the truth of God’s Word.”

Friendship Through Basketball

Through our ministry with a local church we have engaged with some Somali people through basketball. The idea has been to build friendships. By the grace of God, in the last two weeks, we have organised two outings for lunch and a movie with them. They have heard our testimonies and heard the gospel. But please pray that God will intervene and allow us to have more personal conversations about Jesus with these two ladies again. They are very passionate to play basketball but let’s pray that they will become passionate for Jesus Christ before they leave here!

May the people here the true gospel

Pray for the people who call themselves Christian in Karamoja to preach the salvation message of Jesus Christ and not a message of good works to get into heaven. Please join us in interceding that this false gospel will lose power here and the true gospel of grace would be known and received.

Leader needed

Recently one of our leaders David went to be with the Lord. He was a wonderful Godly man serving in a very dark spiritual area. At his funeral we had several witchdoctors and prophets. David was a shining light in that darkness. Pray with us for a God chosen leader to take his place.

The Spirit’s Conviction

Please pray this prayer for the Rangi people: “And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgement” (John 16:8). Lord, may you reveal to the Rangi-Muslims of Kondoa that they are sinners in need of a Savior – Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of God speak with them in a way that they can understand and believe. Amen!

Pray for those translating the Word

Pray for the local translators on Clove Island. Both are believers married to unbelievers, and both of their spouses not only know what they’re doing but also add in their own ideas! Recently E’s husband said “If people actually believed all of this then the world would be totally different!” Pray that these translators would be living examples of God’s word, and that God would remove the stumbling blocks that are keeping their spouses from running to their Father.

Pray also for a local translator on Vanilla Island who has expressed a desire to find out things for herself – despite discouragement from family and a religious leader. She is recently married and her husband hasn’t discouraged her from working on translation. Her father also seems disillusioned with the majority faith and is talking to workers about what they believe. Pray that God would lead this whole family into his kingdom.

Tragic Rites

Little 11 year old A, who plays with our daughter after school from time to time, has her ‘ngoma’ this weekend – the coming of age 2-day ceremony which culminates in her being removed from the home where she has been sequestered for teaching in the feminine arts and paraded, on shoulders, naked with just a cloth draped over her waist. Then she must dance to display her comeliness for all eyes to see (threatened with shame & a beating if she doesn’t). After this her family is free to receive marriage proposals from the highest bidder. Ironically A will don her headscarf and go back to school on Monday. I weep for the children here that lose their childhood, their innocence far too young. Pray for them to know the Savior who said, “Let the little children come unto me…” Pray that when they come to know the Savior these rites of passage would be redeemed to glorify God in their celebration of Biblical manhood and womanhood!

Healing needs

A close friend is being brought to the mission hospital to try and diagnose why she is losing weight and having other dangerous looking symptoms. She knows the Gospel message well, but has so far chosen to reject it in order to keep her family and community happy. She has refused to come to Jesus for healing prayer. Pray that God will reveal Jesus to her and her family as Healer of her heart from the ‘sickness of sin’, and also her physical sickness to be Healed by Jesus power and grace!


Pray for the six believers who were baptized last week to stand strong despite the scorn of the majority. May they follow the example of the older traveling Fulani believer who faithfully disciples all he meets from village to village!

New Sunday School

A Sunday school program has begun in one of the churches on the Ik ridge. Praise God for this blessing for the Ik children! Pray that the program continues and that the children receive sound biblical doctrine beginning at a young age.

Portions of Scripture

A number of S. Asian friends have received portions of Scripture, devotionals or Bibles. Please pray that they and others in their homes will read and be drawn to Christ through the powerful Word of God. Pray that as they have questions, they will feel free to ask their Christian friends to explain and teach them more. Pray for a deep hunger for relationship with God and eternal life.

Prayer for unity

Please pray for unity among the Digo church in Kwale. We know that Satan will take advantage of any opportunity to sneak in and cause problems, but we also know that Jesus’s power is greater!

Excitement over learning to read

Praise God for the progress our literacy students are making. They are so excited about learning to read. Several of them are also excited to read God’s word. Pray God will open their hearts to believe the Bible stories are true and they would put their trust in Jesus.


The past few months we have been focusing on what the Bible says about marriage. Pray that the husbands will love their wives as Jesus loves the Church, that the wives will submit to her husband as the Church submits to Christ. The Ndau are polygamists which leads to disharmony within the family. Our prayer is that they will make God their centre.

Keep Asking God for the Five Men

Please continue to pray with us that five Samburu men will decide to follow Jesus by the end of 2017. Pray for many opportunities to proclaim the gospel. Pray for conviction, that they will recognize their need for a Savior. Pray that they will seek after God.

Pray also for the women who attend church that they will understand the Word that they hear and the songs that they sing. Pray that they also will truly seek after God. Pray especially for the four women who try to meet on Friday afternoons for praise and prayer.

Jesus answered my prayer!

Mary, now a six month-old new believer, meets for prayers with some ladies whom she has led to the Lord. The DBS story this week was Jesus raising Jarius’s daughter. When the group was asked what they learned from the story, they spoke of the life-bringing power of Jesus in a hopeless situation. Laguwe shared that her 3 year old had gotten very sick, and “since you were not here, I decided not to go to the witchdoctor, but to do what I had seen and heard you do. I prayed like you do to Jesus to heal…and HE DID IT, even for me!” Praise God for maturing faith in new believers!

Women worshipping together

Praise God for a recent women’s retreat where nine local women gathered to worship and pray together. Some of these women came to faith through locals rather than workers and now some of these newer believers are sharing with others! Pray for strong third and fourth generation believers and that these women would continue to meet together and build one another up in unity.

Is there anyone alive in Betroka?

“Is there anyone still living in Betroka?” This was the question that Pastor Emanoela was asked last Friday while in a town far from Betroka.
The cattle thieves are continuing to steal. Could you please pray that the fear of ‘Zañahary’ ( the LORD) come over their hearts? Could you please pray for their conversion? May God have mercy on them! They are the very Bara people we want to reach out with the Gospel.


Healing For a Young Somali Woman of Influence

Please pray for a young Somali believer to be healed. The doctors have given up on her because she has a swelling on her leg that cannot be fixed…according to them. I can see how this has caused her to be discouraged with God. Let’s pray that God will heal this young lady’s leg so that she will continue to be strong in her faith and see God’s glory through this healing. I claim her healing in the name of Jesus. She is a woman of peace and has a huge influence to many Somali people.

People are seeing the Light

The communities that we live among only have a few believers, but we see that God is at work, and we are so encouraged by the believers’ joy and boldness. Last week S said that she wanted to be baptised like Jesus, because then, just as Jesus did, she would start her ministry! Yet, she has already begun it in the past months, sharing the good news boldly with many of her friends and neighbours. We are beginning to see ripples in the communities where we live and even in other communities as we see and hear of others who are drawn to the light. Pray for us and the believers in our community and for T (the Fulani elder), that God will sustain us in our faith in Him, that we will live wholeheartedly for Him, and that nothing will hinder us from being above reproach. Pray that our lives and witness will be such a bright light, such a sweet aroma, that others will be drawn to the truth. May we not seek the praise of men, but rather to be esteemed in God’s eyes.

Walking With Jesus…Alone

An update on Saidi. Thank you all for praying for this man. The evangelist who had been discipling Saidi was able to go to his village to visit him. The evangelist was very encouraged. The good news is that Saidi is strong in his faith and is walking with Jesus. The lapse in communication had something to do with an issue with his phone. The discouraging news is that Saidi’s wife wants nothing to do with Jesus and has left Saidi. Their three children are away at school. Not sure to whom they go during school breaks. Continue to lift this family to the Father. Nothing is impossible with God!

A Tutoring Centre

From a Rangi evangelist: “I would like to share needs for Rangi ministry. First of all I thank God for the way he continues to call me in his work here. Today I met two teachers from Busi Secondary School (the local high school) and we talked about registering entering students for tutoring here at our Christian community library. We want more than 70 students. And the ministry will be called Mwikalo Muuja tuitions (tutoring) centre. Please pray for the roofing work, funds for the windows and doors, floors and plaster.” Pray for God’s blessing and for the salvation of many Muslim students who will go there for tutoring.

Peace and Calm to the Child

Praise God that Mama F accepted prayer for healing in Jesus name for her little 4 year old daughter who was convulsing and foaming at the mouth one night. Praise God that He answered immediately by bringing peace & calm over the child. Another seeker who was there, Mama S, confessed afterward she believed all that she heard spoken & prayed & is a Christian now! Another woman who was there, Mama N, now wants to join in on the weekly prayer and storying time with the other ladies! Praise God! Pray for faith in Jesus that endures for the Swahili!

God’s plans for her good

She was imprisoned for 23 days when she was expecting her son, the gift she had prayed for. There she saw a foreign believer forced to put on the veil and say the words required by her captors. When she stood up for the woman, she was punched and a tooth was chipped… but she was not afraid. She said, “I knew that if God had plans for me out of prison, he would set me free.” He did have plans! He drew her to himself. Pray that she would live full of courageous faith. Pray for others being persecuted to stand firm and exalt Christ.

Local Believers

Many of the San will say that they are believers, but few are truly following the Way. Pray for the believers to be bold in their faith both in their walks and talks. Pray that they would be united in their love for Jesus and that there would be no strife over doctrinal differences. Pray for the church leaders to lead the sheep.

Refugees being shunned

There are 1028 Mbororo refugees at DIGBA, DRC who fled there from the Anti – Balaka who attacked their camp in Zemio. They are being shunned by the local population so will find survival extremely difficult. Pray for not only humanitarian aid to reach them, but that local believers will not distrust and refuse to help them.

Praise for rain and language

Praise God for a great rainy season in the Didinga hills, people are enjoying an abundant maize crop, they will slowly harvest their maize during the coming months. Pray for open hearts for the gospel as the Jesus film is shown in communities, pray for small bible studies to form as a result. Praise God that the New Testament in the Didinga language has been found and added to the recorders!

New Mahafaly Church Leaders

God has faithfully started many new churches among the Mahafaly. New leaders face temptation, persecution and suffering. Many of their families pressure them to return to the ways of the ancestors. The intense famine and drought the Mahafaly have experienced the last few years cause leaders to fear for their families and communities. Pray that leaders and new believers will stand strong in their new faith, empowered with His Spirit (Ephesians 1:15-23).

Understanding Forgiveness

Forgiveness seems to be a concept that the Ik don’t fully understand and embrace. Even after paying back debts for theft, the Ik tend to hold the term “thief” over others, seemingly unwilling to fully forgive them. Please pray that the Ik begin to have a better understanding of what forgiveness is. And that they can begin to see themselves as sinners in need of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

Progress! Now Ask For More

We had two days of amazing meetings. We all met to discuss and find voice actors for the Jesus Film that is almost ready for recording in M as well as the Luke text in M that is almost ready to print! It was very encouraging to see the progress being made. God’s timing is so good! We are now planning a discipleship making movement training to happen here in our village in November to encourage and equip M believers. We will share more details about this in the near future but for this week please be praying for all the logistics of this training to come together and for God to raise up these M believers to be disciple makers who will catalyze a movement that will spread through the M hills and beyond.

Sitting Around the Fire at Night

Traditionally at the end of the day Datooga families will gather in their homesteads and share the news of the day or tell stories before retiring for the night. Currently a small group of believers are working on a Chronological Bible Story set, crafting Bible stories in the Datooga language. This project aims to have the stories accessible to the Datooga in their heart language. Pray for those involved in the project – for those involved in crafting of the stories – that they reflect God’s message of salvation in a way that engages with the Datooga people. Also pray for a desire in the hearts of the Datooga people to be willing to listen to the stories and to respond to the gospel message- may they know God’s love for them.

Prayers for the women in church

Pray for women in the church to understand the Word more deeply. Pray they will seek hard after God and mature in their faith. Lift up the four women who try to meet regularly on Fridays for prayer and praise.

Children for Christ

“Jana, I will tell this story in my village,” said a little Bara girl named Izaiah, when she heard the story of Creation. Could you please pray for the 160 children we have in the Coworkers Children Ministry Program? May God save them and change their hearts so that they become a light in their own families and villages.

Famine Relief Among the Gabbra

Please keep praying for the drought and famine program and supplies, as well as support for ongoing relief as the need has not diminished yet! Some people have lost almost all their animals, which is their whole livelihood.

Healer and Provider

The hospital in our town has been plagued with strikes, staffing issues, and a lack of resources for months. Currently the nurses are on strike which tremendously hinders the amount and quality of care that people can receive. Please be praying for the Swahili people that this would be a time when the power and authority of Jesus to heal would be demonstrated to those who cannot receive needed medical treatment. Pray for the believers here to be bold and courageous in proclaiming Christ as healer and provider.

God is speaking in dreams

Pray for one woman who has had many dreams from God – she has seen both her prophet and Jesus in the dreams. She said ‘Mohamed was nothing like Jesus, he was all dressed in black and wizened, but Jesus was all in white and shining’. Pray that she would be freshly amazed that God is speaking to her! Pray that she would begin to pursue him wholeheartedly.

Cholera update

When we helped to open the Cholera Treatment Ward at Kimatong Health Center last Sunday, I anticipated it being flooded with up to 50 or 60 cholera victims. However, our maximum number of cholera patients in the ward this week was six. One severely afflicted patient arrived during the night in our absence and it was so gratifying to hear the nurse exclaim with joy the next morning, “We followed the protocol and we saved him!” Indeed he and several other lives were saved by the implementation of the treatment ward. AIM is getting more credit in the community than we deserve for the ebbing of the cholera epidemic. We try to turn the credit back to God and indeed the prayers of many have had an unseen impact. Pray God’s mercy would be recognized by the Laarim.