For many years we have looked at the Makwe and sensed God’s leading to get involved. They are lost and in desperate need of a Savior! With a “new beginning” in Northern Mozambique, AIM is looking to find workers for this harvest field. Pray that God would raise up passionate, dedicated, loving workers. And that He would prepare hearts to receive Him!
Islanders Transformed
Pray for the Islanders hailing from the islands of the Indian Ocean, with sizeable communities also found in France and Madagascar. Nearly all Islanders are Muslims. Those who have chosen to follow Jesus tend to live isolated lives and many experience pressure and persecution from their families, villages and government. 2 Thess 3:1 “Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you.” Pray that God would move in power and reveal Himself to Islanders- young and old, male and female. Pray that He would draw families and communities to Himself that they might support each other on the journey. Pray that believers would be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and that they would be strong and courageous.
Light of Life
Pray that Nyang’atom come to know the Light of life, and that via His light shining through them, they will become lights to the world that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:13)
Jan 8-13 Community Health seminar
Pray for the community health seminar going on this week at a university. A similar seminar several months ago resulted in positive interaction between Muslim and Christian students. Pray for friendships to develop and opportunities for spiritual conversations and life-giving interactions.
Hearts of God’s Love
Pray that the Lord would direct the Kachipo’s hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5) and that they would bow their knees before Him and worship.
A Pastors’ Training School
A number of Christian pastors and missionaries have a vision to begin a pastors’ training school for northern Kenya. Please pray that the Lord will provide the needed teachers and finances to begin training pastors this year. This school would serve churches in at least 5 area tribes, including the Samburu.
Delivered by Christ
Please pray that the M will no longer seek the help of witch doctors to relieve them from tormenting evil spirits, but will instead come to Christ for complete freedom and protection, deliverance and power.
Translating film
Pray for those who are currently involved in translating the Jesus Film into Kanembou – a project that has seen several false starts over the years but now seems to have some real momentum.
Healing through prayer
A missionary recently met Mbororo chief Mama Tchad in Ango, DRCongo. The chief told him that the two people he had prayed for when he saw him at Banda on their last trip were healed and are fine. That was encouraging and a testament to the power of praying in Jesus’ name. He has heard and seen the power of the gospel.
Every Single Teacher
Tirrim Schools have begun another school year this week. Pray that every single teacher will catch the vision of the schools being a light house for Jesus. Praise God that the leadership of Tirrim truly want Christ to be the centre of the work. Pray that students will commit their lives to Jesus this year.
Love Growing
Please pray that as more and more Digo are coming to faith in Christ, they will learn to love one another truly from the heart, even those who might not normally be friends.
The Poorest Neighborhood in the City
Northern Mozambique holds 9 unreached people groups–that we know about. One of them, the Mwani, live in the northern-most port city and provincial capital. God has been raising up workers for the past few decades now, to reach out to the Mwani. Most recently, he has strategically placed two new families into Mwani areas in the city. The Mwani populate two of the poorest, most congested, areas of the town. So bad are the conditions that all supplies are hand carried–there are no roads! When it rains, many lose their belongings in the torrents which rush down the mountain-slope into their valley. Pray that these Mwani would turn to the only true anchor of souls–Jesus!
Depending on Jesus
Ask that each new believer would continually turn to Jesus and hear His Words and then speak what He gives with great clarity and compassion wherever they are. One is right now reading the Word with his not-yet-saved mom. A family of believers is in a refugee camp looking for fellowship. A young man is writing daily to answer questions of Jesus on FB. May each depend on Jesus.
Soft hearts, responsive hearts
Ask God to soften the hearts of the Toposa to hear the Gospel and respond to it. Pray that they become passionate for the Word of God and are eager to share it with others.
Drawn in Faith
Please pray that as the team of Christians among the Zaramo celebrates Christmas with their friends and neighbours, that those who are hearing the gospel for the first time will not fear persecution or suffering but will be drawn in faith to the Saviour.
The Family of God
Please pray that the Zigua will recognise that the unity of the Christians among them is very different from the ways of the world, and that they will see the love of God for His Son, and of the Son for His people. Pray that the Zigua will enter into the love and joy of being born again into the family of God.
Translation work
Pray for those working on translation of the Word, that the sweet, rich truth would continue to transform their hearts even as they make it clear and available to others.
New light among the Laarim
K keenly wanted the Jesus film brought to his home, which was done last week. Early this week K came to tell us he wants to follow Jesus. As we talked and prayed together, he reported a changed heart, away from quarreling and drinking alcohol (a common past-time) towards wanting to have a clear mind to hear and follow God’s word. He has asked that we bring God’s word to his compound for him and his family (one wife and multiple children). Praise God for a new life and light among the Laarim!
“What must I do to be saved?”
Praise God for a man coming like Nicodemus to meet and ask, “What must I do to be saved?” That day the angels rejoiced as he placed his trust in Jesus. Pray for regular follow-up and nurturing in his new found faith. Pray for further opportunities to share the Gospel Message within Nyamwezi villages throughout the month of December. Pray that they may be in awe of the signs related to the birth of Jesus. Pray especially that people will understand the truth that Jesus is the Promised Savior about whom the prophets foretold who came to save all.
Keep Praying for the Five
We are swiftly approaching the end of December and the end of 2017. Since January we have been praying that five Samburu men would follow Jesus by the end of this year. Thank you to all who have been praying with us and asking God for these men. We have had a lot of contact with men this year. A number of men have received a “Treasure” (solar-powered MP3 player with Bible stories, scripture, and Christian songs). We cannot measure how much God’s spirit has been working in hearts of men we know. Until now, we have not seen those five men make a commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray with us for those Samburu men as this year ends and 2018 begins. God is sovereign and He will answer our prayers in His time.
Reading Aloud
Please pray that Borana Christians will spend more time reading their Bibles aloud to friends and relatives who can’t read for themselves, and that faith will come from hearing the word of Christ.
Boldly Proclaim
Please pray that the Alagwa Christians will boldly proclaim their faith in Christ during the Christmas season, and that others will take courage from their example.
Earthly and Heavenly Clothes
Pray that as people seek to buy new clothes for Christmas that they would look inside themselves and seek to know the Savior that can wash their sins away and clothe them in righteousness. Pray for hearts and lives to be changed as the Jesus film is shown out in communities each week.
Peace among the neighbors
Pray for peace between the Nyang’atom and their neighbours. Due to years of cattle raiding between tribes, tensions are high, but peace can reign.
Christmas opportunities for the Ik
As Christmas quickly approaches, there are many opportunities for conversation about Jesus, and his birth. Some team members have been organizing the Ik in a Christmas drama which has provided a great way to disciple the actors when they practice. Others have invited people to their home to share the Christmas story. The Ik tend to view Christmas solely as the time they get new clothes and eat meat so please pray that God opens the eyes of the Ik to see Christmas in a new way. That as they hear the Christmas story, the Ik may see their sin in a new light, realize their need for a Savior, and turn and repent to follow Jesus.
A young woman (who came to Jesus in January) is planning to share her testimony on Dec 24 at a Christmas celebration. Pray for courage for her and that each will see how mighty Jesus is to save!
Crops bring food and troubles
With a good crop of maize people have much to eat. They also have plenty of maize to brew and there is much drunkenness. Please pray that people would see the damage being done and cease brewing and selling their brew. Pray that they would seek fulfillment in their Savior and not the things of the earth.
A Strategic Party
Please pray for two S. Asian families who have been invited to attend a Christmas party. May the Lord bring those whose hearts have already been prepared to respond to the gospel. May He protect the evening from any attacks of the enemy, and remove the veil of blindness that lies over their hearts. May they also be so full of joy and courage that they confess openly that they believe in Christ.
Filled with the Spirit
Please pray that the old men among the Dorobo will be protected and strengthened to resist the temptation to be drunk during the Christmas season. Instead, pray they will be filled with the Holy Spirit to lead others to faith in Christ.
Traditional Christmas Feast
Our Christian nonprofit will be hosting a Christmas party to thank God for His awesome enablement and provision throughout this past year. We will have a traditional feast followed by the Jesus film. Some of our local crew have come to faith directly and indirectly in the past 2 years through the ministry of our nonprofit and others are searching. We see this party as another opportunity to openly celebrate and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all their families. Please pray the Lord will miraculously move to glorify Himself in and through this celebration. Before this, the only attempt to ever show the Jesus film in our village resulted in the stoning of the equipment and the missionaries being chased out of the village. Never before have Christians been able to serve long term in this village and we are thankful for the open door God has given us the past 3 years! Please pray!
New witness and new opportunities
As we enter a new year pray that the Lord will grow the Church among the Lopit. Pray for open hearts to receive His word and faithful witness of church leaders. Also pray for new ministry opportunities among the Lopit so that more people will be exposed to the Gospel.
Steadily Abiding
Please pray that the people who attended the seminar for M disciple-makers will continue to spend time reading God’s Word and praying each day, deepening their own relationship with Christ.
Culturally appropriate songs which share God’s Word and Good News are being composed and worked on by a few O people. Pray that God’s Word will spread with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction – bringing RESPONSE from many O to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord! Pray that 5 O ‘Men of Peace’ will receive God’s grace in all of it’s truth – and become committed disciples of Jesus who are enthusiastic and willing to give their all to spread the Gospel to their loved ones and communities!
Drinking and Living Water
Water is often a challenge for the Nyang’atom, they have few wells for the dry season and no way to preserve water during rainy season. Pray that more wells will be dug and that they will turn to the Living Water.
Leaders and Multiplication
Pray for God to call more Toposa Christian leaders to strengthen and cause growth in churches in villages that will result in multiplication. Pray for unity among Toposa church leaders in unreached villages in remote areas.
Displaying Bold Unity and Confidence
Praise God that the body of Christ boldly displayed their generous unity in committing all the funds needed to send Ndugu S, a fairly new Swahili believer, to a carpentry & discipleship training school. He desires to grow in his faith and be trained in this skill so he can return to our village able to support himself and bear Christ’s witness to his neighbors through this vocation. Pray the Lord would continue to meet Ndugu S’ needs.
Proclaiming the truth of His gift
Pray for the Lopit communities during this Christmas season that the Word of the the Lord and the truth of His gift to us might be boldly proclaimed and accepted. Pray that the usual distractions of food, new clothes and alcohol will not interfere with the Truth taught at the church services.
Free Indeed
Several S. Asian women seem to want to trust both the Quran and the Bible for their salvation and daily living. They are terrified to consider leaving their religion or its doctrines. Yet they keep wanting to read and hear the Bible, and to pray with their Christian friends. Please pray for a breakthrough, that they will be set free indeed by the Son of God as they put all their trust in Him.
Rapid Progress
Pray for the Bible translation among the Alagwa to progress. That the word of God may spread rapidly and be glorified.
Pray for good shepherds
Ezekiel 34 speaks about shepherds and verse 8 talks about the shepherds neglecting the sheep- they were taking care of themselves and not the sheep. In v. 11 the Lord says He Himself will look for His sheep and take care of them.
Evangelism happens here and people raise their hands to accept Jesus, and then the people holding the crusades leave, and leave the baby sheep to fend for themselves. Please pray for the few Christ-followers among the Kjong to have the Father’s heart for their fellow sheep.