Psalm 33:18-19 says “But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” Pray that the Nyang’atom learn to fear the LORD and see that He watches over them.
Good Friday
On this Good Friday, pray for many opportunities to share the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection; most people here believe that God rescued Jesus from the cross by substituting Judas in his place. Pray that God would open blind eyes to the truth and as people hear the good news they would not only believe that Jesus died, but that he died for them. Pray that many islanders’ hearts would be broken as they discover a God who came to seek and save the lost.
Not So Secret
Praise God for the ladies’ Bible study group in one area, which came out of the desire of a “secret” believer that many other neighbours would hear God’s word. Pray for this believer, that she would grow in Jesus and would seek to run this group completely on her own.
Hope at Easter
As Easter comes, pray that the Kachipo will come to know the One who died for their sins and wants to give them new, full life (John 14:6). Pray that they would place their hope in Christ alone.
Parents sharing with children
Ask for courage for the new believing parents to share the truth with their children despite the risk of them speaking with other relatives.
Easter Guest
Pray for a Rangi Muslim woman who will be with an evangelist at Easter. Pray that she may hear the gospel and put her faith in the Saviour, with her family.
Working Together as Christians
Praise God that a group of churches in Kilwa Masoko have recognised that it is time for them to be reaching out and sharing the gospel in villages of the area that are entirely unreached. Please pray for wisdom in how to do this, open doors, and much progress in an area that has been mostly Islamic for hundreds of years. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will produce a movement to faith in Christ.
Accept by faith
Ask for humility and a willingness to receive by faith the clear truth of the gospel along with the mysteries of God that in our finiteness can never be fully understood.
Reading the Bible
Please pray for a young M woman who received a Bible and has been reading it. Now she is asking her Christian friend to meet with her so that they can discuss it together. Pray for other women to join them and for the entrance of God’s Word to bring light.
Desperate for a Job
Please pray for a S. Asian family who are in desperate need of a job for the husband. They are believers in Christ who came out of Hinduism. Pray that the Lord will provide a job for him that is not only a means of supporting his family but also an avenue for ministry and leading people to Christ .
A Church Moves
Pray for the church in one Digo village as we plan to move on Easter Sunday. Pray for unity and for strength for M and his wife as they will without doubt receive much pressure for hosting the church in their home from now on.
Seeing the Light
Ask God to open the eyes of the Nyang’atom to see the Light of the World (John 8:12), that they may never walk in darkness but have the light of life.
Samburu Women Eager For Baptism
Praise God that 20 Samburu women, or more, are attending our Sunday services. There has been talk of baptism. At least two of the women are eager to be baptized. There has also been talk of building a church building. However, the funds for that are lacking as the women strive to get enough money to buy the food they need. Pray that God will lead and give us wisdom as to how to go forward.
Finding new believers!
About a month ago I heard about a small group of Kanembu believers gathering here in the capital. Previously we had been told there were only around five believers amongst the whole UPG (750,000). We are encouraged to hear about this other small group (about five) that have come to faith through the testimonies of other Chadian believers.
Diaspora in SA
Please ask God to open the eyes of the Church in South America and to see the great opportunity they have to reach out to the refugees and migrants from African-UPG’s right on their doorstep.
We want to see God opening more doors for our Unit to minister to refugee groups all over South America. We want to be creative in reaching out to them. Please pray for us.
Sunday school teachers’ training
On this Saturday, delegates from all 4 churches on the ridge will be meeting together to be trained as Sunday school teachers. Pray that all the churches participate and learn much. Pray that they understand and find the resources they are given to be helpful. Pray they are able to put them to good use. Pray also that those attending have a deep desire to train the next generation in Christian living.
Equipping Pastors
Pray for pastors who are sent by their denominations to minster in Nyamwezi areas, but who often are not Nyamwezi themselves. Pray for courage and adaptability that they would reach beyond their own tribal familiarity and grow in their love for those who don’t know the one true God. Pray they would live out the Gospel in all they do and say. Many pastors don’t have opportunities for ongoing training as they lead their congregations. Pray for good collaboration over the next year in efforts to offer ongoing training, support, and encouragement for national pastors.
200 believers!
We have heard news that there is a large community –close to 200 Chadian Arabs that are following Christ and have undergone much persecution. A fellow worker I just talked to was recently up in the area of this group and he confirmed that they estimate around 200 believers! This is a praise!
A Hungry Couple
Pray for an Alagwa couple who are beginning to listen to the Alagwaisa Bible stories and seem to have a real hunger to understand the ways of Jesus. The husband is taking a lot of ownership in the process, facilitating and encouraging his wife’s learning. Pray for them to come to Jesus together as a family and for them to live a courageous and clear witness in the community.
Community of Believers
Pray for the day there would be a community of Lokwa believers who know the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25), and are able to spread the Gospel among their own tribe and among neighbouring tribes.
Growing but still hiding
Pray for a young Nyamwezi couple who have become secret followers of Jesus. They are studying the Bible and growing in their faith, but he comes from a very strict Muslim family of religious leaders, and until now they have not confessed their faith in Christ to any family members. Pray for the Lord to fill this couple with courage and deep love for Jesus that is willing to suffer persecution for His sake.
“Sewing” Seeds of the Gospel
In our village, one missionary had noticed the skills of many Sakalava women in sewing and hand stitching. She helped them to get together, work together, and sell their products together. Those women felt helped and valued and are able to earn money to help their households. Recently they got an order for about 300 of their products. It was very exciting that last Sunday they came to church. Pray that through their skills they would come to know that this is a gift from God and they would see Him as a caring and loving Father who wants the best for them: their salvation.
This weekend a young couple got married in the church. As Christianity is still new for them, they know this is the right way to do it. Our prayer for them and other young couples getting married is that they will put God into their relationship and not cling to traditions.
Pray for the book of Jonah’s release into the community through a phone app and audio resource in two languages in the coming weeks. Pray for many people to come across this, the first splash in making the Word available here. This is a big deal. High risk. High impact. Please pray!
Changed hearts
Pray the Toposa would have their hearts changed and they would become connected to the vine (John 15). Pray that they would become a people group that bears great fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Laarim praise!
Rejoice that the children and youth and women are all singing the Laarim Bible songs, which have been created for and by them. This has been a powerful tool in these communities. Even those who have never attended a story session or gathering, have learned the songs and sing along with the children. A local believer is working on more songs, one for each of the 25 key stories in our story set for this people group.
It’s Better To Go To a House Of Mourning Than Feasting
A South Asian woman recently attended the funeral of a Christian child. There she and several other Muslim friends heard clearly the gospel and observed the love and hope of the family and friends. Please pray that she and her friends will find the courage to leave their religion and decide to become followers of Jesus. Pray they will realise their religion gives them no confidence of acceptance in the day of judgment.
Ongoing Unrest
Reports flooded in yesterday of yet another attack on a village in Northern Mozambique, where over 50 houses were burned and one person beheaded. The Mwani from this area are upset that those claiming their same faith could do such things. This has led to a questioning of their core beliefs. Pray that God would raise up the usually-timid believers to speak boldly about Jesus. Pray that seed would fall on good soil hearts, that the Mwani might know the one who truly is the “Way, the Truth, and the Life!”
Attacks and Revenge
Pray for the villages here! For the last few weeks we had one village attacking their neighboring village as they were taking cows to drink water. Four people were killed and several cattle were taken. The history of the Lopit seems to be that revenge is the solution to their problems. Pray that the government will intervene justly and that people will not take revenge again by attacking. O pray they will find their significance in knowing their Savior and not in owning cattle or taking revenge.
Seriously Injured in an Attack
This past week a dear friend of ours was attacked and seriously injured in a robbery. People are accustomed to violence from the “outside,” but many are quite fearful because this has come from inside of their people group. The woman who was attacked was a local young mother and the man who allegedly did it was a respected older man. Please pray that this incident would point many to the comfort and healing found in Jesus and the great mercy and great justice that is found in our Father.
In a core Makwe village, where previously there had only been reports of one lonely believer, news is coming in of a gathering of Makwe believers–seven new followers of Jesus! Praise God for this turn! Pray for this church, that it might grow strong. Pray that hearts would be protected from falling back. Pray that the leader (the first Makwe believer) would have courage, wisdom, and strength from God to lead his little flock!
Somalis in Cardiff
Somali people have been in Cardiff for over 150 years, having originally entered as Seamen & then settled & formed a community. On the whole, there hasn’t been much engagement with them over the years and so pray for wisdom on how best to engage with them and partner with likeminded organizations seeking to reach them. Pray that the local churches will be envisioned to intentionally engage with them & recognize the mission field right at their doorsteps. Pray for fruitful engagement efforts over the next 12 months.
Sisters seeking salvation
Two sisters in a large family hungrily listened to the gospel and marveled at the resurrection of Jesus. Later one met up with a Berber believer and said sometimes it was difficult to talk about Jesus in front of the neices. Pray that their hunger for righteousness will be greater than their fear. Ask that this Berber believer would read the Word with the Arab sisters. Pray that these sisters would receive salvation and for increased boldness for new believers.
Fortress and Refuge
Pray for the Lokwa; that they would be able to sing of God’s strength and of His love as He becomes their fortress and refuge in times of trouble (Psalm 59:16).
The Good Shepherd
Please pray that the Datooga will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. Pray that many will hear the recordings of His stories and that it will become part of Datooga culture to tell them over and over at night as these nomadic shepherds rest.
Deep Commitment
Please pray for the Lord to deepen the commitment of disciples all throughout the M villages, commitment to Jesus Christ, commitment to making disciples, commitment to planting Christ-centered churches. Pray for the Lord to greatly bless and increase the spread of the gospel among them.
Increasing Attacks
“Invisible Children”, an organization that seeks to help victims of LRA attacks in Central Africa, reports an increase in attacks in Jan-Feb 2018 from members of the “Peuhl” minority on civilians in northeast Congo and southeast CAR and much fewer from the LRA. The Peul nomads, including the Mbororo, are very diverse, composed of myriad sub-groups. Most reports of violence in CAR include the “Mbororo” as either the perpetrators or victims. This only further complicates reaching them with the Gospel. Pray for them to leave their violent mission and somehow hear the message of Salvation.
One Boy With Questions, One with Answers
This is an update on Hassan, a Rendille student in our school who is now in his final year of study. He continues to show extreme interest in Bible class. His mother died recently and this has saddened him. He has not seen his father since he was a small child and has been raised by his Muslim grandparents. Recently we found out that he’s been asking a lot of questions to our head prefect. Our head prefect is a boy who seriously wants to follow God. His name is Chulayo. We praise God that Hassan is asking questions and we praise God that Chulayo is seen as someone who might have the answers! Please continue praying for these two boys – that Hassan will find the peace he’s looking for in Jesus and that Chulayo will see God’s power working through him and giving him great wisdom.
A Great Encouragement
Praise God that a Borana Christian has been appointed the Assistant Bishop for his large district. Pray that all over north Kenya Borana people will hear the message of the gospel, learn the Word of God, and grow into Christ-centered churches.
Zeal and Gladness
Pray for the Digo people to be saved. Many of them are coming to Christ in faith, and the enemy is fighting hard to discourage, divide and discredit the believers. Pray for great unity, boldness, and spiritual power among all the Christians. Pray for the Digo to follow Christ with zeal and gladness.