Pray for discernment for those in the Diaspora who are receiving Bibles in Arabic that include the apocrypha. Several are very new believers and have little opportunity to be discipled in person by believers in their own language.
Ask that the new believers in the Diaspora will receive discipleship in their own language and would abide with Jesus and understand the Word by His Spirit as they read.
A Breakthrough, Please
Please pray for a breakthrough in a number of Muslim S. Asian households where the gospel and much Scripture has been shared for many months. Although people have sometimes seemed to be drawing close to receiving Christ as their Saviour, so far none have (as far as we know). Pray for a breakthrough, and that whole households will come to faith and stand firm in Him.
San believers
Pray for all the believers in the Tsumkwe area. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them to grow spiritually and to stand strong in the Lord. Pray for the gift of discernment so that they will accept and obey the pure, living Word. Some are being led astray by people teaching the health and wealth gospel. Pray that believers will answer the call of the Lord to become involved in His service. Pray for the adult group being taught by Pastor Gerrie. May the Lord really open their hearts to Him.
Easter Service
Pray that the Muslim friends who attended and accepted the invitation to the Easter Service will still be impacted by the Good News of the resurrection of Jesus that they heard. That the Holy Spirit bring those truths to mind.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Praise God for Napir’s baptism last Sunday! Pray that in her early steps of faith she would be protected from the enemy’s attack and we would continue to be able to teach and encourage her. Pray that this would be a great witness of personal faith and acceptance of Jesus to those around her.
Someone to go
Pray that Christians will go to the Kachipo and share the Gospel with them so they have the opportunity to hear of and call upon Jesus to be their Saviour (Romans 10)
Flow river flow!
The seasonal riverbed in O-land is flowing bigger than it has since the 1997 Elnin~o. Pray that the Holy Spirit will flood O land with conviction of sin, and drawing many people to Jesus as Savior, Healer and Deliverer. May they realize God’s loving grace as He desires to rescue them from the dominion of darkness and bring them into the Kingdom of Jesus!
Jonah distribution
Continue to pray for the newly translated book of Jonah, that God’s word would speed through this land. Pray that it would be passed from phone to phone and that as people read and listen they would recognise the voice of God speaking to them in their language. Pray that the Spirit would convict, challenge and comfort, and the people would repent like the Ninevites!
New believer!
Praise Jesus for a new sister who heard the gospel first through a new Berber believer. Praise Jesus that He speaks across people groups! Ask that this Arab woman would continue to read with her Berber sister and that each would grow in the knowledge of Jesus.
After 5 Years He’s Softening
Praise God for an elderly Alagwa man who, after 5 years of hearing and understanding the gospel yet refusing Jesus, is finally turning towards Jesus. Please pray that he would continue to open his heart up to God. Please also pray that he would share more with his wife, so that they can follow Jesus together.
May they long for fellowship
Ask that believers would be welcomed to study the Word in the home of a believing couple. May the brothers and sisters long for fellowship and have courage to encourage one another.
A S. Asian widow wanted to show how broadminded she was and tolerant of all religions. “I will even come to church with you at Easter.” But at the last minute she was pressured by her niece to attend a prayer ceremony for the soul of her aunt who passed away last month. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work in her heart and mind to realise there is no hope in Islam and that Christ is the only true way to God.
We Helped the Baby Get Medicine
The wife of one of the believers we have been discipling came to our Bible study last week for the first time. She is not a believer and hasn’t been open but recently their newborn got sick and our small group of believers helped the baby get medicine. She came to say thank you as she was really touched by the love she saw through the body of Christ. She heard the full gospel as we studied the death and resurrection of Jesus and said she wants to come back next week! Pray the Holy Spirit will work in her heart throughout this week and that she would come to know Jesus as her Savior.
Bringing the Jesus film to memory
Pray for the many Mbororo who saw the Jesus Film and were very moved by it back at Zemio before the war broke out last year. Many Mbororo have now aligned themselves with the Muslim militants that have taken over much of CAR. Pray that God would bring scenes from that film and words they heard from our Team back to their memories and may they realize Christ died to save them. May He turn them from the evil path that they have chosen.
Conference update
Last night 210 people participated in the conference! Praise God for the interest and enthusiasm of the participants for cross cultural missions. Pray we finish well and strong. Our goal is to equip and empower those the Lord has placed in strategic locations among the UPGs of the coast.
A Miraculous Baby
The young Nyamwezi woman is now 36 weeks pregnant- a month to go before delivery and she is still well. This is her third pregnancy- the first baby died at 7 months, the second died in utero at 22 weeks. There are a lot of hopes placed on this little one! She watched the Easter story on TV, and today we read from Mark and prayed together. Please be praying that the Lord would deepen her faith and that the new baby will be healthy. Pray she and her husband will give all the praise to God, as well as openly confessing their new faith in Christ and living as Christians before their Muslim family.
Please pray for the communities of Ibahure and Lohutok. These communities are caught in a cycle of revenge killings and cattle raiding and the people are living in much fear. Pray for the Lord to soften hearts to receive Him and the freedom of forgiveness in Him that these issues may be resolved.
Growing interest
On Friday morning, our DBS started with the usual small group from Paulo and Mary’s compound. However minutes later another mother came with 4 of her children and then a group of 4 women joined us. It turns out Mary has been taking our challenge and sharing the Bible Stories with them. These ladies from two nearby compounds wanted to come and see for themselves if what Mary is saying is true. Pray that these families would welcome a DBS in their compounds.
Missions conference
Pray for the Madavu Fellowship conference starting today in Mombasa. They are expecting over 100 workers to attend! Pray for grace and strength for Peter and Esther, who are hosting. Ask the Holy Spirit to minister to his people as they gather together.
Diaspora in SA
Pray for the refugees that have resettled in São Paulo. We want to see God touch them as they seek to learn the language, get jobs, and adjust to a new culture. We pray that they will come to know Jesus. And pray for the two workers that are ministering among them there.
A Friend Led A Friend to Christ
Praising God for the new Zigua believer who joined us for worship yesterday morning! The best part? He was brought to faith through the sharing of the first indigenous believer among our community! We are currently working through a plan for discipleship. Please pray for that.
Outreach to the Alagwa
A team of students from two Bible schools will be visiting for outreach ministry the Alagwa people in the town of Kondoa on the 25th to the 29th April 2018. We want God to use all of us for the ministry of encouragement, prayers, presence, as well as doing all that will benefit the body of Christ there (the Christian team living among this people group). Pray for good results by the Holy Spirit, good health and the unity of the team. Thanks!
May her family know The Truth
Pray for one island sister that has been under increased negative scrutiny from family members because of her leadership role in the body here. Pray for courage and wisdom for her and softened hearts for her family.
Following His Call
Praise God for answered prayers! Upon his request, J has been released from his role in the government. This frees him up to follow what he believes is God’s call on his life: to translate the Bible into his people’s heart language: Suri (also known as Kachipo).
Pray for him and the team as they plan and start translating the Bible. Pray for unity, grace to learn together, and the necessary preparations needed.
Needing courage
Continue to ask for courage for new believers. Each one who has told family and friends has received threats. Pray against a spirit of fear. Ask that each recognize that nothing can separate them from the love of Christ. Ask that they would not fear him who harms only the body. Pray for peaceful hearts that choose to be anxious about nothing but in everything give thanks and turn to Jesus in prayer.
Highly Offensive
While our people believe that Jesus ascended into heaven and is alive and with God today, they were taught that He never actually died, making our Good Friday and Easter celebrations highly offensive. Especially when we proclaim that someone they see as a perfect prophet not only died but was crucified on a cross. Please pray that this Easter season many would hear and understand the beauty of a Savior who was willing to be humiliated and put to shame on our behalf. Pray they would understand that He did it as an act of Love for us.
Guests Came
Praise God that even though one invited guest did not attend the Easter service, four others came and watched the Jesus film with the Rangi evangelist’s family. Please pray for their salvation.
To see and hear
Pray that the Nyang’atom would see the sacrifice that Jesus made for them on the cross, and they would hear His voice calling to them.
Pray for those involved in translation to treasure the Word as they study and to clearly and accurately translate.
Physical and Spiritual Hunger
As food becomes more and more scarce, pray that their physical hunger will remind the Lokwa of their spiritual hunger, and that they will turn to the Bread of Life to satisfy them (John 6:35).
Reading His Word During the Week
Please pray that God would put a deep desire in the hearts of the M believers to really know Jesus and to read His word during the week.
The Spirit Drawing Men
Please continue to pray with us for Samburu men to seek to know Jesus. Pray especially that some men will dare to attend church. Several men have said that they will come, but we are still waiting to see them on Sunday. We have considered a meeting just for the men. Pray for wisdom as to how we can reach out to the Samburu men. Pray for God’s Spirit to work in the men and draw them to Jesus.
A New Group That May Become A Church
Pray for the new Digo fellowship group that we are meeting with on Saturday. Pray that they continue to grow and that this will develop into a church gathering. Praise God for this group of people who are studying God’s Word together.
Evangelism forum
Please pray for a 2-day evangelism training forum we are hosting in April in partnership with Operation Mobilization, to train African -Canadian believers how to reach out to Muslim and other Canadians.
Food Insecurity
Food insecurity rises as the dry season continues and many are worried their loved ones, especially the children and elderly, will perish from starvation. Pray that those who need food the most will get it, and that the Toposa will see and give the credit to God’s grace and love for them.
Indigenous Leaders
Pray that God touches the hearts of Nyamwezi church members to be leaders in the church and convicts them to reach out to their communities.
Can We Watch It Together?
A S. Asian widow brought with her the DVD of Jesus’ life. “You gave this to me but I don’t have a way to watch it, so I want to watch it with you today.” Before we watched, we read the account of Jesus’ death and resurrection from Luke 22-24. Then we began the video. Two other Muslim neighbour women arrived and watched it with us. Why was Jesus the Messiah, and how can someone have eternal life through Him? They listened intently and stayed to the end. Please pray that these women, each of whom has now heard the gospel numerous times, will decide to become a follower of the Saviour and receive eternal life.
Boldly sharing!
Several weeks ago we ‘dunked’ a brother. He is boldly sharing his faith and has men studying with him. He is also distributing micro-SD cards with portions of scripture and the Jesus Film on them to those who have been eagerly asking for them. Pray for many to believe!
Disciples are making disciples!
In Fort Dauphin, Madagascar, and the surrounding bush villages, much thought, discussion and planning has gone into the process of making disciples. There is continuing discussion on best practices and consideration of what needs to change. Two years ago a group consisting of the six leaders over Antandroy and Antanosy work met together. Recently, another group of leaders over these same two regions met. This time there were 30 leaders! The gospel is spreading! Disciples are making disciples! Workers and leaders alike are being raised up! Pray for God’s continued guidance and blessing.