Baba M

Praise God for the opportunities we have had to talk about Jesus among the Zigua. Pray specifically for Baba M. He has been reading through the Bible. Pray God speaks to his heart. Pray he will find the Truth undeniable. Pray we will have the words to say to point him to Jesus.

Encouraging one another

Pray that the believers will encourage one another and build one another up. Ndau culture, like many African cultures, is community based, but there is an underlying jealousy. No one is allowed to ‘get ahead’. Please pray for a genuine love to be portrayed amongst the believers and that others would be drawn to the Lord by their testimony.

Great Shepherd

Praise the Lord that the Datooga are beginning to hear more and more of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Please pray that they will come to Him in faith as the Shepherd and Guardian of their souls.


Please continue to pray that during Ramadan the Spirit of God will be at work in the hearts of South Asian Muslim friends, reminding them of things that they have heard and learned about from their Christian friends. May He make them dissatisfied with their own efforts and religion, and give them a yearning to enter into a relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ.

Salt and Light, Fragrance

Please pray that the Borana believers will be “salt and light” in the communities where they live, bringing people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and King. Pray that they will be the fragrance of Christ to those who are perishing and those who are being saved.

Discipleship training

Please pray for a discipleship training and outreach program that is happening May 28-July 10 along the south coast of Tanzania. 16 young men and women from a cluster of six churches are learning to lead their fellowships in discipleship outreach. Pray for the multiplication of disciples and the birth of a movement.

Provision for all

Pray that the Toposa would know their Lord and Savior is the ultimate provider. Pray for rain and provision of food and health for the animals.

thankful for grace

Ask for new believers who are facing their first Ramadan to know how to interact with Muslim family members. Pray especially for children who watch believing parents eat…and then visit Muslim grandparents… to know when to speak and when to be quiet. Pray for a renewed thankfulness for grace over this month.

pray for more courage

Pray for those who have confessed their faith to others online, but are afraid to meet brothers and sisters face to face. Ask for courage for them to speak the truth among their families. Pray that they will discern who to speak with and how. Ask that fear not control any follower of Christ.

Believers and Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is a particularly challenging month for local believers as they come under extra scrutiny and pressure to conform. The vast majority of them are isolated and walk a lonely path. Pray today for their encouragement. Pray that the additional pressure would only serve to press them closer to Jesus. Pray they would remember the hope that they have. Ask for boldness and wisdom in sharing this hope with others.

Discipleship groups

Praise God for the group of boys/young men and group of girls/young women who meet regularly to hear a Bible story, learn a symbol to represent the story, and memorize a verse. This week they learned about the sprit world and memorized John 10;10- The thief comes to steal the sheep and kill them. Praise God for the salvation of Bakita this week! Pray each one would grow in understanding and those who are saved would walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord.

Acts of kindness

Pray for David Gargule, the directing manager of the Tirrim schools in Korr, and elder in the church. He has gained the respect of the Muslim community by his acts of kindness. Pray against the attacks of the Evil One and evil men and for His light to continue to shine.


Pray for a survey going on all this week to find out what can be done to strengthen the ministry among the Antakarana. Pray for safety in travel and wisdom as the team visits and talks with people. May the Lord guide them clearly.

People group to people group

May the churches in Nyang’atom believe the Great Commission and take the message to the Toposa and other surrounding tribes as they obey.

More Pastors and Evangelists

Pray for the Lord to continue to raise up Borana pastors and evangelists who can carry the message of Christ to remote villages. Pray for the power of Islam to be broken and that the Borana people will be set free to follow Christ Jesus. Pray for protection for those who live in dangerous situations.

The fragrance of Christ

Praise God for the missionary zeal He has given to a young S. Asian university student. Wherever she goes, she shares the gospel with people who need Christ. Pray for her this summer as she spends time with her family in Kenya, that their fellowship will be sweet and that together they will have opportunities to share Christ with their Hindu friends and relatives.


Give thanks for improvements in the health resources available to the people and opportunities to share the gospel with them as we transport them to the larger clinic. Praise the Lord for healing and pray those who have received His grace in this way may give thanks in heart and soul.

Back to School

The Ik children have been on school holiday for a few weeks, and the second term will begin soon. Please pray for the many school activities. Pray that through the Christian Religious Education classes, Icetod literacy classes, and the after school program put on by the missionary team, that the Ik would begin to have a deeper understanding of God through the Bible stories shared. Pray that they can know the deep love of Jesus and that it would transform the lives of the children. Pray that they bring bible stories and songs home to their families and in doing so, share the gospel with them too.

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the Lord of peace himself give the Toposa and the missionaries working amongst them peace at all times in every way: both physical peace with their neighbours and spiritual peace with God. The Lord be with them all, drawing them into His presence (2 Thessalonians 3:16)

Children of Karamoja

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13

Please pray for the next generation of Karamoja. There is such great need for the gospel and for discipleship, but not enough laborers to reach the children. Please pray for the Lord Himself to teach these children and that they will find the peace of repentance and becoming His very own kids. Please pray for His anointing on children ministry here in Karamoja.

set their hearts on Jesus

‘Do you believe Jesus died and rose again?’ ‘Yes’ …. ‘Would you say you are a Christian?’ ‘You could say that.’ Ask that this man who has heard and confessed much would yield his life completely to the Lord Jesus. Pray for His wife to also believe and follow. Both are eager to study the Word and to receive prayer. Ask for courage for this family and those like them to set their hearts on Jesus above all else.

Houses needed

In a strategic town where the Mwani live, a team is getting ready to launch. Pray for wisdom as we seek to find the best places to drop our Kingdom workers into. We want to have Mwani neighbors who will be drawn to the Light of the World.

the beauty of full surrender

‘I believe all that you are saying; just give me time.’ Pray for Robin to not only hear and understand but fully believe and follow Jesus. As she meets with another local sister, may she see the beauty of full surrender to Him and may they experience the sweetness of Spirit fellowship.

Future open doors

Pray for future engagements – that God would be preparing men and women of peace among the Lokwa to welcome and host Gospel proclamation in their communities.

Vanilla Island, the ‘Least of These’

In the past year or so there are signs that this quiet little island is being awakened after a long sleep. The mix of workers living there have seen a whole family, married couples and a married woman come to faith. However, the fruit of these new lives and the translation work that is carried on in plain sight have not come without opposition from local religious teachers and certain government officials.

Pray that the Spirit would continue to blow through Vanilla island, that the ‘least’ of these islands would lead the way into the kingdom and that workers would remember that as long as God holds open the door no one can close it!

Wisdom and Guidance

Pray for wisdom and guidance as AIM seeks to be put into service to foster a reproducing, indigenous, Christ centered church among the Kachipo of South Sudan. This task faces many impossible obstacles, but we believe in a God who specializes in the impossible.

People of Peace

The Gujarati are called “Karana” by the Malagasy people. It has been difficult for the Malagasy to gain entrance into their communities, finding little common ground. Please pray for a pre-Venture trip being proposed with business professionals from South Africa, going to Madagascar in September. Pray for People of Peace among the business community and other marketplace sectors, and the softening of hearts among the Karana of Madagascar. Pray for an open door for fruitful ministry.

Youth and Young Adults

Alcohol, fighting and idleness is a large issue among youth in these communities. Pray for transformed hearts of forgiveness, compassion and love among the young Lopit men. Pray for godly men to minister to their hearts and needs. Pray that they may be the future leaders that the Lopit church needs.

Strong and Courageous

Pray that the Didinga believers will be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9), believing that God is always with them. Pray they will be bold in living out their faith and sharing it with their friends and family.

No Witness

Recently I did a survey trip into a couple of Makwe villages where there is literally no gospel witness whatsoever. We found white, gorgeous beaches, palm trees galore, and plenty of friendly people in these places. But underneath, there are people whose lives are being lived without Jesus, without truth, without salvation. Pray that God would send workers to these villages!

Conviction of sin leads to seeking God

In praying for the Central Africans who have lost so much and been displaced from their homes, I identified with the Psalmist in Psalm 83 who prayed for God to stop their enemies from destroying them, and to render justice. Then I saw the purpose of this prayer in verse 16: “Cover their faces with shame, so that men will seek your name, O Lord.” I realized this should be my prayer for the Mbororo who have gotten involved in the bloodshed and destruction, as well as the other militants in CAR—that they be convicted of their sin, and seek God. Please pray with me.

Communications to share the Gospel

Pray for phone network to return to the area and believers in Kapoeta to continue to share the Gospel to each village. There is a strong group of youth focused on this currently.

Seeking healing seeking Jesus!

There is a man by the name of Mo who is very well educated and knows the Koran well, unfortunately he’d been unhealthy for quite some time. He started going to a local Digo church because he was noticing the Muslim people doing one thing even though the Koran said something else.
Many locals said he would stop going to the church when he got the medicine he needed, but that hasn’t been the case! He’s been at the church regurlarly and asked for a Bible so he could start studying it. His wife is also coming to the church now!! Please pray for this couple, that they would become strong in their relationship with Jesus both seperately and together.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

May the Nyang’atom believer continue steadfast in the Word. ‘Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.’ (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)

counting the cost

‘Will you send me verses every day, lots of them?’ Praise Jesus for the desire He has placed in Joy’s heart to read his Word. Ask for courage for her as she fears those who have killed others for speaking unacceptably. May she and her sister see the worthiness of Jesus, count the cost and follow Him. Ask for them and the many young people like them who are searching to believe.

Florida Diaspora

Pray for the Muslim community that prays at the Masjid Al-Hayy (“Ever Living Mosque”) in Sanford, Florida. Most of the 1,300 attendees come from East Africa’s Kutchi community. The 43,000 sq. ft. mosque is one of the most elaborate in North America and reflects the growth of the Muslim community in central Florida.

South Sudanese evangelist presses on

Pray for Benjamin, a young South Sudanese evangelist who has been working to establish a church on the border with the Lokwa people. Benjamin has had many challenges and temptations and he needs a lot of prayer. He has maintained his faith despite the many attacks of the evil one.

New believer!

An Arab woman just chose to follow Jesus last week. Ask for growing hunger and for consistent discipleship. Ask that she and each new believer courageously identify with Jesus and boldly discern how to testify of grace to their community. Ask also for fellowship with local believers.

To Meet Jesus

SALAMA is her name. She is a Sakalava woman seriously practicing her mu$lim faith from childhood. It happens that she is a helper in a Christian home for the last couple of months. She openly talks about her faith and respects the Christian faith her boss has. She has heard about Jesus but is not excited about it. As the month of fasting is getting closer she is so excited and has prepared herself for the event in a big way. She has asked she would be given a break every Friday from next week so she could go to mosque, which her employer agreed to. Please pray for Salama that she would meet Jesus in her dreams during this time.

Young church near the Lokwa

Pray for the church plant that has started on the edge of the Lokwa people’s border. Pray that this young church plant will act as a spring board for reaching the Lokwa. Pray for the 33 young people who were baptised last year in this church plant. Pray for discipleship and mobilization for these new believers to reach out to their community and to the neighbouring Lokwa.