Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for volunteers that will commit to helping with summer ESL classes to North Africans (starting June 25). Pray for God directed coversations between volunteers and students and that the hearts of the students will be open to hearing the Truth. “What must we do to be doing the works of God? Jesus answered them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom He has sent.'” (John 6:29)

Embrace the Call

Pray for Tanzanians and the Tanzanian Church to embrace the call of the Great Commission to reach all peoples. Pray especially for God to raise up Tanzanians to reach out to the Nyamwezi and live among them. Pray for those who are sensing God’s calling to make this commitment, for enablement, coordination, and research into where to place new teams.

Tirrim schools

Pray for the government to help fund the school in Tirrim. It is the best school in the district, but has need of funding and committed Christian teachers. Pray for God to provide for these needs.


Praise God for 8 family members who were baptised! They each shared a powerful testimony of leaving the darkness and walking in the light. Pray for them to continue to grow strong in the Lord and share their faith with others.

Resources for believers

Pray for Halilu and Zachariah who both made decisions to follow Jesus over a year ago after watching the Jesus Film in CAR. Though we aren’t sure where they now live, God has His eyes on them. Pray that God would send them resources so that they can continue to grow.


This season of Ramadan has brought a lot of opportunities to have spiritual conversations as we break the fast with friends and neighbors in the evenings. Recently we enjoyed iftar with a family who are certainly people of peace. We spent over an hour talking about our respective beliefs and were able to share that while we could see that the people in this community are very good and kind people, they still had not been transformed by the love of Jesus. The father of the family listened intently to what was shared and even agreed that he should be willing to read the Bible. Please pray for families like these to realize that their striving for their own righteousness is not enough to be reconciled to God and that total transformation is available to them through Jesus.

Source of salvation

As islanders seek to earn their salvation through fasting and extra ritual prayers, pray they would feel the hopelessness of their efforts. Ask God to reveal His grace and mercy to them- that He came to seek and save the lost.

Dream teams Europe

Dream teams are starting next week- June 21. There are about 50 people going to Spain & Malta to proclaim the gospel, do sports camps, build a playground and a myriad of other things. Pray that we will find people of peace with whom we can share the good news. Ask God to go before us and prepare hearts to respond to the Gospel.

Centre for the church

Pray for Magas to be a centre for the church, to be established by E. L., and believers to take the Gospel to the villages surrounding that area.

Camps for kids

Two different local churches are hosting kids camps over the next two weeks. Please pray that the teachers would be full of joy and have wisdom as they teach these precious children. Pray that the children would learn more about Jesus and if they are already Believers, that they would know Him better and love Him more through the camp ministry. And for those that don’t yet know Him, ask that the children would be so drawn to Christ, that He would be irresistible to them.

Diaspora in Portland

Praise God for great attendance and good conversations about fasting at the last potluck at Pamoja House. It is the first time they had a potluck during Ramadan. Please pray that God will use the seeds that were planted.

sharing with diaspora

Praise Jesus for Hannah in the Diaspora declaring the gospel to a young Muslim from Saudi. Ask for this young woman to believe and follow. Pray that each believing Berber in the diaspora would be bold to share the truth.

A Sudden Jump

Praise God that a Christian Somali website that normally gets 2000 visits in a month had over 15,000 visits last month! People are responding to a song about Jesus that had been advertised on Facebook. Please pray that many more Somalis will listen to the song and that the Lord will speak to them. Pray many will put their faith in Jesus Christ.

God is sovereign and in control

The Ik are in the midst of the current growing season, but their fields are being destroyed by rodents, pests, and an overabundance of rain. They plan to replant this month with hopes to get a sustaining harvest. Please pray that God provides for them the growing conditions necessary for an adequate harvest to sustain them until next year. Pray that they know that God alone is their provider and sustainer, and that in hard times as well as good, that God is sovereign and in control.

Spiritual Emphasis week

Tirrim Secondary School just completed its annual Spiritual Emphasis weekend. It was a great time. Here are two highlights for which we praise God.
1. The first meeting, a student asked to accept Jesus into his life. One lost sheep brought into the fold! Then, at our closing, 8 more stood to say they wanted Jesus to be their shepherd. Please pray for these 9 – that God will truly change their hearts and give them new life – that they will see His power at work.
2. Another student gave a testimony on how he never knew what it meant to be a Christian until he came to Tirrim Secondary School. This is where he got saved and he’s so thankful.

Please pray for a principal for the school. Our acting principal David has done a wonderful job. Please pray God would call a man like David to replace him.

The Spirit’s Filling

Please pray that the Holy Spirit will fill and control the Dorobo believers, enabling them to continue taking the gospel from village to village, hiking from one mountain ridge to another with the good news of Jesus Christ.

love may abound

Please keep praying for the new believers among the Laarim. There continues to be new professions of faith, baptisms, and ongoing bible study and discipleship. Pray that their “love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so they may be able to discern what is best, and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

His Gospel is True

Please pray that the Gabbra will recognize that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and will turn from Islam and from spiritism to worship and serve the Living God from generation to generation.

Lift the veil Lord

2 Corinthians 4:3-4: If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. Thy are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

2 Corinthians 3:16-18a: But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord.

Praise God that He brings freedom from bondage to sin and the devil. Ask God to remove the veil that blinds people to the truth, so that many Karimojong may see the glorious light of the Good News and come to know Him. Pray that God’s children here in Karamoja will reflect His glory to others.

Meeting Regularly

Please pray that the M believers meet regularly with seekers, who want to know Christ, in their homes to read, hear and discuss the Bible. Pray that the Jesus video will be widely distributed and seen. Pray that there will be great unity and love between Christians of various denominations.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Please pray for the Somali community in Wisconsin. They are grieving the loss of one of their imams, who passed away on the first night of Ramadan. Pray that the Lord uses this sad situation to bring people to Himself. Pray He will send believers to grieve with them and shine the light of Christ into the darkness.

More Needed

Please pray that God will raise up more Christians to go live among the Ndengereko and share the gospel with them. Praise the Lord for several recent baptisms, and for a faithful Tanzanian evangelist who has stayed with the Ndengereko for several years although the western missionaries left. Praise God for the small church that has begun and is continuing on.

A Sent Team

Please pray for a team of believers who will move into a Rangi town in 2019. Pray that God will prepare many Rangi hearts to hear and believe the gospel. Pray that the local churches, made up of people from other tribes, will work side by side with the team. Pray that more and more Rangi people will come to faith in Christ.

Safety of Children

Seven young Mbororo children were abducted by the LRA June 1 near Banda in Congo. Pray for their release and safe return to their families.

Seeking Satisfaction

Mid-way through Ramadhan, people here on the coast are finding life hard. This is the month they are trying to appease Allah, and hopefully feel satisfied in that. Of course from scripture we know it is an endless trail. Pray that the people of Kilwa Masoko and the South Coast would be drawn to Jesus, the only one that truly satisfies.

Many opportunities to share

Workers this month will have more opportunities to share than the rest of the year combined! Pray they would share boldly and with passion and wisdom. Pray islanders would walk away from conversations unsettled, thinking deeply, and unable to forget what they heard.


Please pray that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, they will turn and be known for their zeal for Christ. Pray that their churches will grow and multiply as believers commit their lives entirely to Jesus.

Baba M

Praise God for the opportunities we have had to talk about Jesus among the Zigua. Pray specifically for Baba M. He has been reading through the Bible. Pray God speaks to his heart. Pray he will find the Truth undeniable. Pray we will have the words to say to point him to Jesus.

Encouraging one another

Pray that the believers will encourage one another and build one another up. Ndau culture, like many African cultures, is community based, but there is an underlying jealousy. No one is allowed to ‘get ahead’. Please pray for a genuine love to be portrayed amongst the believers and that others would be drawn to the Lord by their testimony.

Great Shepherd

Praise the Lord that the Datooga are beginning to hear more and more of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Please pray that they will come to Him in faith as the Shepherd and Guardian of their souls.


Please continue to pray that during Ramadan the Spirit of God will be at work in the hearts of South Asian Muslim friends, reminding them of things that they have heard and learned about from their Christian friends. May He make them dissatisfied with their own efforts and religion, and give them a yearning to enter into a relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ.

Salt and Light, Fragrance

Please pray that the Borana believers will be “salt and light” in the communities where they live, bringing people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and King. Pray that they will be the fragrance of Christ to those who are perishing and those who are being saved.

Discipleship training

Please pray for a discipleship training and outreach program that is happening May 28-July 10 along the south coast of Tanzania. 16 young men and women from a cluster of six churches are learning to lead their fellowships in discipleship outreach. Pray for the multiplication of disciples and the birth of a movement.

Provision for all

Pray that the Toposa would know their Lord and Savior is the ultimate provider. Pray for rain and provision of food and health for the animals.

thankful for grace

Ask for new believers who are facing their first Ramadan to know how to interact with Muslim family members. Pray especially for children who watch believing parents eat…and then visit Muslim grandparents… to know when to speak and when to be quiet. Pray for a renewed thankfulness for grace over this month.

pray for more courage

Pray for those who have confessed their faith to others online, but are afraid to meet brothers and sisters face to face. Ask for courage for them to speak the truth among their families. Pray that they will discern who to speak with and how. Ask that fear not control any follower of Christ.

Believers and Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is a particularly challenging month for local believers as they come under extra scrutiny and pressure to conform. The vast majority of them are isolated and walk a lonely path. Pray today for their encouragement. Pray that the additional pressure would only serve to press them closer to Jesus. Pray they would remember the hope that they have. Ask for boldness and wisdom in sharing this hope with others.

Discipleship groups

Praise God for the group of boys/young men and group of girls/young women who meet regularly to hear a Bible story, learn a symbol to represent the story, and memorize a verse. This week they learned about the sprit world and memorized John 10;10- The thief comes to steal the sheep and kill them. Praise God for the salvation of Bakita this week! Pray each one would grow in understanding and those who are saved would walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord.

Acts of kindness

Pray for David Gargule, the directing manager of the Tirrim schools in Korr, and elder in the church. He has gained the respect of the Muslim community by his acts of kindness. Pray against the attacks of the Evil One and evil men and for His light to continue to shine.