Join husband in faith

Ma Fiona is the wife of ‘Aiden’, a brother on the plateau. She has never shown an
interest in learning more about Jesus. She is a quiet lady but keen for friendship, and
recently we’ve been able to have more spiritual conversations with her. Please ask that her heart would be open to studying the word with us, and that she would see the reason for Aiden’s hope and join him!

Adult literacy class

Pray for a three day Seminar on how to teach adult literacy in our Dorobo churches. This is an excellent way to draw the older generation to the church. And as they learn to read, they are introduced to the Gospel. Pray as Rev Jonathan Nang’ari sets up this important seminar from August 5-8, 2024.

Being deployed

We aim to see a sustainable disciple-making movement among all the peoples and places of the Nuba Mountains. We want to recruit and train 150 Nuba Christians to be local missionaries at the National Missionary Training Center (NMTC).
We want to deploy these local missionaries to the remaining 52 UUPGs found in the Nuba Mountains to evangelize, make disciples and plant first-generation churches through DMM process.
Pray for the current cohort of 14 men and women being trained at the NTMC who will be deployed this month to 6 UUPGs in the Nuba Mountains. Pray for fruitful ministry and many people to accept Christ.


Pray for the prisoners, that the God of hope fill them with all joy and peace as they trust in Him, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom 15:13). Pray for their families. And pray for the captors- that God would trouble them until they let His people go.

Pass on the message

Please pray for Mama F., who is a Catholic and runs a preschool for kids in the community. Pray that she would truly understand the Gospel of Jesus and pass on the message to her students.

Gospel seeds

Please pray for a 9 yr old Saharawi boy who is staying in my home for 2 months this summer. Pray that gospel seeds would bear much fruit for him and his family.

Church growing

The local church is growing more and more in taking ownership of the growth of the church, and of the children and youth ministries that our missionaries had launched. Praise God! Pray for His blessing on the church.


Pray for Toposa/Nyang’atom/Jiye round table collaboration meeting to take place soon at Kapoeta for all local churches and ministries reaching the TNJ. Pray for sweet fellowship, unity of vision, and resources such as bibles, audio Bibles and Jesus film for some leaders who need them.

Camp Rhino

Diaspora in Canada: July 21 – 26 we have Camp Rhino – a kids camp for newcomer children to Canada. Some will likely hear the gospel for the first time. Please pray for the camp logistics, but most importantly, that children will give their lives to Christ.

Pulled back

On the plateau, medical team member J had been having encouraging meetings with
two seekers, but both have pulled back recently. Pray the Lord will stir their hearts and give them courage to continue seeking after Truth.

Bread and Water

The drinking water situation in our area has been restored. This is a huge relief for the people who struggled for years to get proper drinking water. PTL. Pray people would seek Living Water and have their spiritual thirst quenched as well.
Pray also for details to be worked out for shipping the translated scripture material to Madagascar. Pray many will read about the Bread of Life and have their hunger satisfied.

Theology classes

The basic theology classes for Ndau church leaders are going very well! Praise the Lord with us we have 4 more months! Please continue to pray for our students, professors and those serving!

Great joy!

What a great Joy. In the last two months, SLM sent 4 trained refugees to reach out to 4 refugee camps in South Sudan to reach out to Sudanese and Darfurians. It’s our joy that brother Attaib baptized 15 Muslims who came to Christ at Wid refugee camp in Aweil.

Translation update

The oral translation project with Spoken International is advancing at a steady pace. The book of Ruth and Mark is being broadcast on the radio and shared on phones. They are currently recording the book of Genesis, while also translating the book of Acts. Please pray for the translation team and all those who hear the Word of God in their heart language.

Planned outreach

Pray for a planned outreach to Dorobo/Okiek hunters on the Kenya/Tanzania border. The group has moved east from their last location, so it has been hard to find where they are. But we recently had word that they are closer to Lake Magadi. Pray for a good contact and passable roads to show the Jesus film in the near future. Pray many would watch the film and be drawn to Jesus.

Young people

Pray for the Nuba young people to return to the church and follow our Lord Jesus Christ. Many of them have left the church for the pleasure of this world.

Pray for the men

Several of the younger married men have shared that they are happy their wives are able to come to the Bible study and worship every Sunday. The men have been invited as well but do not come. They are still interested in the audio Bible. Pray for them and their families and that an alternative can be found to Sunday to gather the men to learn the Bible stories and discuss the truth in them.

Reading the Bible

Noblesse is encouraged to see Khalifah eagerly wanting to read and share a biblical passage in their different weekly gatherings. We thank God that the dream Khalifah had for several years of learning to read so that he can read the Word of God for himself and for his people has truly come to pass! Now pray that the newly printed Laarim bibles that recently arrived in Juba will soon be delivered to those eager to know God’s message of love and salvation. Pray for Natiote, Loriang, and Yepote who are faithfully applying themselves to learning to read so that they can read the bible and share it with others.

Twice monthly meetings

The local lady believers are planning to study together on the 1st and the 15th of
every month. Also, the ladies have been paired off by our island sister, ‘Rachel’, with the hope that each pair will connect throughout the month. Pray for this new endeavor to go well. May the ladies be excited and motivated to meet together. May they begin to thrive through more regular fellowship.


Pray that heads of families, clans, and villages will be open to the changes brought by the Gospel. Pray for key men to open doors to the gospel. Pray that God will raise up leaders in His church!

4 new believers!

Praise God with us for four former Muslims who decided to follow Jesus. Tomorrow will be their baptism in Namiteka! Pray for them.

Reaching teens

Please pray with us about a ministry specifically focused on our adolescents ages 10-17. Pray that the Ndau church would have a heart for reaching this age group. The cultural realities and temptations of the world devour these precious children. Please pray with us how to reach this age group.

Needing rain and PoPs!

The Toposa community haven’t received any rains and this has adversely affected them. People are suffering and hungry especially in Kauto where they have not seen rain up to this time. Pray for rains.

Pray also for the church planters who are now starting their one month out to a new area looking for person of peace. Ask God to go before them and soften many hearts to the gospel.

The Chosen

One team member will start studying the Word with a family (a man, his brother and
his wife). They have watched The Chosen show with French subtitles and want to
know more about the man in the show! Pray Jesus will reveal Himself to them.

Pray for peace

Pray for restoration of peace in the nation of Sudan. Pray that God will bring peace and raise up a God-fearing leader capable to lead the nation of Sudan in Godly wisdom. So much blood is being shed in various parts of Sudan in a way that the world seems not to see- such horrific and barbaric human rights violations. God have mercy!


Pray for our Coworkers in Bara land that work in all the projects. May God bless the projects and provide sponsors for the work of the Coworker Project.

Pray for welcome

We are making good progress in connecting an MBB to a group of believers in a church that will enable her to study God’s Word with a group. Pray that she will find friendly and faithful friends who will welcome her and make her feel at home.

Children forced to Madrassa

Pray for sister L, her husband is a Muslim and he has divorced her and is forcing her children to attend Madrassa (Islamic school). Pray for God’s protection and provision for L and her children.

God, bring peace!

Please continue to pray for the situation in northern Mozambique. The terrorist group continues to be active. Only God can turn this situation around and bring peace.

Wycliffe team

Pray for the health of the team and their families. Ask the Lord to heal my chronic lung problems.
Pray for the Wycliffe Ethiopia Association leaders and the team of Suri Kachipo Bible translators for an upcoming trip to Juba South Sudan.

Grow deep!

This week another young man came into the light! PTL! He has a childhood history of being one of the hardest and naughtiest kids. We pray that his and all of the other newly believing hearts are genuine and will be soft to grow and be strong disciples for Jesus! May they have freedom and courage to gather together as a group to worship and study and learn more! May they all grow deep in relationship with Jesus!


Pray for Toliara, one of the biggest populations of Karana bora in Madagascar. They are also one of the most open Karana communities anywhere in Madagascar.
Pray for open doors and opportunities to reach this community with the Gospel.

Bible club

Diaspora in Michigan: Pray for the backyard Bible club I am leading at our Welcome House July 8th-12th. A handful of Muslim families are signed up to come, many who have been asking good spiritual questions. May God use this to draw them into His Kingdom.

Summer classes

Diaspora in Alberta: Pray for the ESL Bible study and summer conversation classes that will be starting on July 8. Pray God will open students’ hearts and many will put their faith in Him.

DBS starting

Peter Lotao is settling well into life and ministry on the Laarim team. Pray for him as he plans to start a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in Ngarahac, the village where he is from. Please pray that this DBS will bear much fruit for God’s Kingdom. “And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the one who hears the Word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty” (Matthew 13:23).

Sue’s salvation

Diaspora in Georgia: Please pray for the salvation of my neighbor “Sue” and her family. She’s been coming to my house to read English. We also read a little of the gospel of John each time.

Needing a brother

Please pray for A.N. an MBB for many years. He needs someone to walk with him and do life together with, especially in Bible study. He is currently receiving many messages on his phone which he forwards to others. Pray that he will get someone with whom they can study the messages together. They are all sermonettes/mini-devotions.

Small business

Joy’s candy floss cart is now up and running and she’s been able to finally earn some money to support her family. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to get a job as a believer (she was fired from her last job for talking about Jesus), so this little bit of financial independence has been a real blessing. Pray for the Lord’s blessing on her business and encouragement of her faith.

Summer activities

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for the upcoming children’s biblical-based summer activities with Muslim children at church. May the children meet Jesus.
Pray for Muslim women to join our Bible study group.

Hunger for God

Diaspora in Washington DC: Praise God for new brothers and sisters! Please pray for roots that grow deep and abundant fruit for Jesus! Please pray with us that God would draw students, who have spent months learning English and have scripture in their hands and heads, to understand more deeply and hunger for God.