Diaspora in Florida

Please pray for the opportunity to develop a relationship with a new local Imam with D. Pray that the Imam will be welcoming and willing to work with him. Pray also that the other relationships with other Imams will be fruitful with conversations concerning the Gospel.

Jesus Film showing

Pray for the showing of the Jesus Film Thursday night with a family/neighborhood group about 10 km away. Pray that they will understand and respond to the message by receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Diaspora in Canada

Praise report: at the end of our last camp chapel, one 13-year-old lad asked Christ to be his Saviour, and another 15-year-old boy rededicated his life to the Lord.
On our last morning 2/3 of our campers accepted Bibles, donated by the Canadian Bible Society, and most of those asked us to send them follow-up discipleship booklets. So we believe there will be fruit from camp for a long time to come. Pray for the campers to share their decisions with their families and friends.

Longing for believers

Please continue to pray for the village of Mangasta, Tanzania. We long to see a community of Believers there and why not ask God to change this village of 99% Muslims to 100% Christian!

Diaspora in Detroit

Pray that the Kids’ Camp that was focused on ESL for refugee kids this month met felt needs and will strenghten relationships for the future.
Praise for a good picnic where 200 came including 8 new families from the target neighborhood.

“We don’t have to be afraid!”

A local sister shared recently that their group was tipped off that the police would be visiting their Sunday gathering. They prayed together, chose 2 spokespeople and prayed some more, then began worshipping. Sure enough, a little later came a “hodi” at the door and in walked 4 policemen. They were duly welcomed and when they’d sat down, they asked “What are you all doing here?”. The spokeswoman said “We’re reading this Bible, see?” And she showed them what they were reading. “And we’re singing-do you want to hear a song?” And they all sang a song. Then the spokesman said, “And we’re praying. Nothing bad is happening; we’re not drinking, we’re not doing anything immoral. Do you want to pray with us?” They didn’t (yet), but they were satisfied nothing wrong was happening and they said their goodbyes. The sister sharing this story said, “See! We don’t have to be afraid!” Ask for more faith against fear and more bold worship among islanders.

Diaspora in Minnesota

There are two new tutors starting this month with Somali families. These tutors have the unique opportunity to go into homes to teach English. It could be one or more family members being taught. Pray for good relationships and opportunities to plant seeds for the Gospel.

10 years later

Marino, the now retired police chief, has been the welcoming host for a weekly Discipleship Bible Study in his compound; the group is predominately young males between the ages of 6 and 12 years. Recently he asked if he could come for regular Bible study with one of our team members, which he has faithfully been doing. Now he is inquiring about baptism, so a special teaching time has been arranged for him and some of the youth from this compound group. Pray for the Holy Spirit to baptize them also with His presence and power, so that the Spirit can teach them all that they need to know in applying the gospel to their lives in this culture, and remind them of what they have heard. Marino was the outspoken leader who said to the AIM surveying team ten years ago, “Come and teach us the Word of God. That is exactly what our young people need!”

Diaspora in Wisconsin

A homework club is being revamped and renamed to start up this Fall in Wisconsin. Please pray for a good turnout among the Somali youth and wisdom for the volunteers. Pray that the volunteers would be Christ-like and relational in all their dealings with the Somali community and that the Lord would open many Somali hearts.

Obedience and fear

A young new believer just asked to be baptized and wanted a believer of 1 year to be there with her. Jesus came to her in a dream a few weeks ago and told her to tell others of Him. She is afraid. She dreamt last night that she saw unbelievers in fire, and she was in a room alone but was being beaten and had the scars of Jesus. She said it hurt physically. She asked her family for help and no one would. Pray for courage for new believers.

Diaspora in SA

Ask God to help us with wisdom and guidance and divine appointments during our 2 week (from 08/24 to 09/10) research trip. We have added information that African immigrants are living in South of Brazil. Pray also for a safe trip, good health, and stamina.

God revealing Himself

Pray that as God continues to reveal Himself to the Lokwa through everyday events, He will be found by those who do not yet seek Him (Isaiah 65:1).

Story Project

This month will be full of testing stories with 3 groups in different areas of the M hills. My friend and story crafter Mama B is eager to help with this step in the process. Pray for her this month as we again spend many hours in the Word together, that she would see clearly the TRUTH and LIFE found only in Jesus. Pray for the groups that come together to hear the Word—that God would prepare the soil of the hearts of people who will listen.

A Christian wife

Cal’s struggle continues as his father persists in making arrangements for him to marry a Muslim girl. Pray that he will have courage to speak up, and to stand firm against all the schemes of the enemy. Pray that God will provide, and that Cal will insist on waiting to marry a Christian wife.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for enough volunteers to share the load and cover the teaching needs: specifically pray for volunteers who are capable, Christ-like, and relational. Ask the Lord to bring us seeking Muslim students whose hearts the Lord has opened to hear and respond to the Gospel.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Please pray that we would be able to continue/increase our interactions with several Algerian believers we are connected with. We would love to find ways to encourage them in their faith.

Song writing workshop

Please pray for a song writing workshop over the next 4 days, amongst the Karimojong in Kotido, Uganda, that many come and those who come really engage with scripture. Pray we can create songs that speak of the gospel in truly local styles that engage and speak to the heart of the Karimojong. Pray for wisdom for Wendy Atkins who is leading it. Pray it would have an impact on the local church, particularly men who love to sing and dance but are almost completely absent from our small rural congregations.

Diaspora in UK

The Women’s English classes at 2 churches needed helpers for their crèche (ages 0-3) in Cardiff. These classes are attended by 50-100 ladies from places like N. Sudan, the Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Pakistan, Ghana, China, Japan, etc. We agreed to help knowing that crèche is an integral part of these ministries. In December, we were also asked to help in the crèche at a 3rd church location and at a Bible study for immigrant inquirers. Join us in praying that these women will not only learn English but will also come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Praying for believing husbands

Two female youth recently were baptized and are learning the ways of God. Culture here dictates which clans can marry. In their new awareness, they have started to pray for Christian male youth of eligible clans to choose to follow Jesus also, as many of those making decisions thus far have been from their same clan group. Pray with them. Ask for the strength of these believing youth to stand up against the common immoral sexual practices of this people group, and prepare for a Christian marriage.

Needing protection and courage

Pray for Am, another daughter of Ab and Ci. She is the only believer in her community. She has withstood ridicule and hardship. Pray that God will continue to protect her and her daughter Ai and make His light shine through her.

May they be granted faith

Ask that the women who have been reading Scripture will believe. Pray for clear understanding of the truth and a willingness to surrender to the Lord.

Diaspora in SA

Jibrill converted from Islam and is living with us now. We are doing discipleship with him and helping him to start his new life in Christ. He is a Brazilian who was taken by an Imam when he was 6 years old. When he was discovered with the bible, he was persecuted and ended up in a refugee shelter. Our team in São Paulo met him and did not know what to do, so when we saw the situation, we brought him to Londrina. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for this whole situation.

Troubled by demons

Please pray for a woman called Mama Ntoki. She is troubled by demons, and she has now become willing to seek the help of Jesus Christ. I prayed for her, please pray that she will be healed and that she will make the decision to follow Jesus completely. Also please pray for Joria to walk worthy of the Lord and give his life completely to Jesus Christ.

A changed life

An islander called “Farrell” has been asking for just one other person from his village to decide to follow Jesus so he won’t be alone. He attended a CP training recently and tried out some of the fruitful practices he learned. He shared with a young man in his village who struggles with a drug addiction. This young man decided to follow Jesus and Farrell reported that this man’s wife has noticed a difference in him. Recently, after they had an argument, when his old self would have gone off to get high, he instead went to their bedroom to pray. His wife was surprised… And even more so when he told her what he was doing! Ask for this wife and many others in this village to turn to Jesus. Ask that the Lord would send Farrell and this new brother out as a “two by two” pair in their village.

More believers

Angelo walks weekly to his family village of Karamorok for a Discovery Bible Study. He comes back with encouraging reports of how eager the people are to receive him and the Word of God. Yesterday, he returned with 8 boys who have declared they want to follow Jesus. I quizzed them for their testimony. Once their shyness lightened a bit they gave some encouraging answers. One said, “Before I knew Jesus, I had a mean heart. I did not care about others’ misfortunes. Now my heart is soft toward them.” We did the discipleship lesson on baptism and all 8 of them said they are ready!

Justice and Mercy

Pray the Kachipo would one day have a culture that administers true justice and shows mercy and compassion to others (Zechariah 7:9-10) because their hearts have been change by the Gospel.

Faith to face the cost

Pray for protection and perseverance for the new believers and leaders of the groups. We know from early church history as well as current movements around the world that persecution and suffering are a reality as Christ is building His church. The believers here face a great cost of causing division in their families and in their communities. Pray that whole families would come to faith together! Pray that these believers would be able to say, “But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.” (Heb. 10:39)

Rains have come

The rains have started again after a short dry season. Pray that God blesses the gardens and that people will have enough food for the rest of this year. Pray that they would know God provides all their needs and that they would give their thankfulness to him for the rains.

Diaspora in Minnesota

The Minnesota Vikings’ Stadium seats 65,000 people and the state’s imams were hoping to fill those seats with 50,000-plus Muslims chanting “Allahu Akbar!” yesterday, in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Ahda.
Dr Waleed Idris al-Maneese, who invited all the imams and Muslims, says it’s an effort to unite all the Muslims that live in Minnesota and the United States, and  is going to be an amazing outlet for dawah- an amazing way to spread the word of Allah in the United States.

Pray that God’s will be done and the church awaken to the opportunities around them!

needing unity

There have been some major divisions among the brothers. Please ask for a spirit of unity and trust.

The beauty of Jesus’ sacrifice.

A new sister just asked if the Eid l-Adha (celebration where Muslims sacrifice a sheep to remember the ram provided for Abraham’s almost-sacrifice of ‘Ishmael’) was wrong to celebrate. Please pray for new believers as family members sacrifice. Ask that they know the beauty of Jesus’ final sacrifice and have opportunities to share the truth of Heb 10.

Training update

The two weeks of training for village church leaders went very well with 113 leaders attending the first week! We were particularly encouraged to see many of those who have been involved in the training for the last 7 years, bringing other potential leaders from their churches. 45 of the 113 attending have signed up for the next 6-year round of residential training due to start in October this year. Pray for these leaders as they return home and serve their churches.

God is moving many hearts

Praise God that He is moving in the hearts and lives of the Didinga around Nagishot, and that He is calling missionaries to serve there even as He is preparing people to hear the Gospel.

Engaging the Word

Please pray for Odilo and his wife as they lead listening group seminars in which they are training people to ask specific questions when they listen to the solar players with scripture. The idea is for people to engage with God’s word, not merely listen to it. It is essentially training people in inductive Bible Study but the interesting thing is that most of the people who have the players are not Christians. Please ask the Lord to keep Odilo and Mama Happy safe as they travel long distances on a motorcycle and for these seminars to have a far reaching impact for the Kingdom.

May ones and twos become 100s!

We have seen a scattered number of Nyamwezi come to Christ and are excited that God is doing something amongst them. Pray that these believers will meet together and encourage one another. Pray many more will be saved!


Pray for islanders making the pilgrimage to Mecca this week. Ask that they would see the underside of Islam there and would be filled with questions that Islam can’t answer. May they have courage to seek Truth, wherever it is found.

Worshiping God not man

In Sakalava culture, having a funeral or building a grave always involves ancestral worship. This weekend a Christian family, having finished the grave of their mum, will have a party, inviting all their families and friends to worship God. Please pray that it would have a great impact on the attendees, helping them to see who should be worshipped!

Pray against resistance

This week two O neighbor ladies listened eagerly to the Gospel and responded by praying to receive Jesus as their Savior. We arranged for them to meet for discipleship training. Before the follow up could happen, they both announced that they had gone home and eagerly shared with their families. Their husbands and extended families refused them to become followers of Jesus or to come for any more teaching. They told us they were sorry, but they would have to obey their families. Pray against this resistance and that people would choose to do what God wants rather than what man wants!

Soccer and friends

Praise God for the great soccer tournament outcome in Wisconsin. There were 5 teams that signed up with 3 of those being Somali teams. Pray that our Somali friends will respond to the love of Christ and will be open to friendship with us.