Spiritual Forces

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.” Eph 6: 12 Please pray against the unseen spiritual forces of evil which hold many in bondage and inhibit them through fear and deception. May the Spirit of Lord bring freedom! May many Alagwa step out and follow Jesus.

Outreach report

Jesus film outreach in Ruhatwe and Kikole went amazing. Both villages have no witness of the Gospel. Both villages very strongly Islamic. Both villages openly received us and over a dozen prayed to receive Christ. Both AICT and myself were blown away by the unexpected response. Both village leaders invited us to start ministry. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers. The harvest is there. PTL

Jesus Film

On November 12 the M version of the Jesus Film will be shown publicly for the first time in a Muslim village. Please pray for protection from the Lord for all the logistics. Pray that many people will come see the life of Jesus, and hear the invitation to receive Him by faith. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work powerfully to overcome any obstacles, and that many people will come to Christ this night.

Writing a Christmas song

One of our team members is working with her village chairperson to write a Zigua Christmas song for our Christmas celebration with our neighbors. Pray for wisdom for the song writers. Pray that this song would sink deep into the hearts of the Zigua and glorify God.

No Movement Toward Christ Yet

We are still praying for our Muslim students at school. The interested ones have made no movement and in some ways have begun showing less interest. We keep praying that God will use the word planted in their minds and draw them to Himself. Please pray for a breakthrough soon.

Desparate opportunities

Report from Obo, CAR: “There are now two separate Peuhl/Mbororo communities who have arrived during the past six months or so.They left their respective homes (Bambari region) to escape the inter- community conflicts that we read and hear about on a regular basis. I have visited both of their camps and they appear to be in a desperate way, lacking everything, yet ‘externally’ they seem happy and content. To me they represent a tremendous challenge for Christian witness.”

This challenge is particularly difficult because a branch of the Mbororo is involved in the violence and fighting that has caused so much suffering to the local population, especially in the Zemio region. Pray for Christians to forgive and reach out with the gospel.

Stories finished and being distributed!

Praise Jesus! We finished recording all 18 of our stories last week with our crafting team. This week we will be distributing the 50 memory cards and 12 solar players that we have. This was a project we started in 2015 with our team and it is exciting to see it through to this phase of distribution. Please pray with us that these stories would be listened to by many and spread far and wide among the M Hills. Pray that the leaders of the discipleship groups would be able to use the stories as they learn from the Bible together in their groups.


Prayer For Healing

A S. Asian woman held hands with two others as her Christian friend prayed that God would lift the veil that lies over her heart and that of her family members so they can see His light. Pray that God will answer that prayer and this Muslim family will see the light of the glory of God in the face of Christ.


Please pray that the Lord will break the barriers that exist amongst Kenyans towards Somalis. They are the unwilling hosts for the Somalis who have come to Kenya. We pray this for the staff members at our hospital. The Somalis need to experience the love of Christ from His people.

2nd generation DBS?

Maria has answered the call from another family compound to come and tell the stories she has been learning. When she arrived on Friday, the women, youth and children were assembled and eagerly sang some songs. When it was time for the story, Maria told the creation story by memory. The women had comments of the story even as it was being told. They demanded a return ‘every week to tell us another story’.
We believe Maria has the potential to be a strong female leader in this faith community. Pray for her protection from the Evil One and for the Lord’s hand to be upon her.

Diaspora in Canada

We thank the Lord for the opportunity we had to share the gospel with the Imam and about 100 Muslims in the grand hall of one of Toronto’s largest mosques on October 27th. Addresses and phone numbers were shared with many Christians from across the city who joined in this day of dialogue. Pray that true friendships and clear personal gospel witness will follow in coming weeks.

Friday meetings

On Friday evenings we are working through stories from the book of Acts with our group of Shibushi believers and seekers. Pray for them all to move forward in their journey and to know and follow Jesus.

New partnerships

We’re thankful for a new partnership with a Gospel-centered community center in Dallas, Texas. Foreign-born residents make up 42.3 % of this community with 22 different languages being spoken.
Pray also for conversations we are having to explore possibilities for partnership in Columbus, Ohio. There are 60,000 Somali people here!

Follow up to music workshop

For the Karimojong and all who attended the music workshops, give thanks for all who continue to sing and hear these new songs. There has been a wonderful response to the new songs – several participants confessed that they felt they had really grown in their faith over the workshop. One of our church teachers has shown himself to be a gifted musician and was woken up one morning by other young guys wanting to be taught these new songs they heard him singing the evening before. And last Sunday several men walked the 10km to the main church in town to present the new songs to the church there. We have found many have felt liberated to praise God using the tunes of their hearts. Please pray with us that this will be the start of a great movement among the Karimojong.

New Life!

Pray for Zula, a young Zigua girl who has chosen to put her faith in Christ. Pray for her faith to grow strong. Pray that she would be discipled well. And pray for Zula’s family. One of our teammates was able to share the Gospel with Zula’s parents. Pray that they would see and know Truth as well. Pray with us that Zula’s whole family would hear Jesus say, “Follow Me” and that they would obey.

Gospel outreach

Today we start the Jesus film outreach in Kilwa Masoko district for 1 week in two remote villages that have no church presence. Please be praying for wisdom and an open door for fruitful ministry as we desire to share the gospel with as many as possible. To our knowledge neither of these villages have had a Gospel witness. Praise God there are 7 of us working together from 3 churches.

Discipleship opportunities

There is a good group of new believers who need discipling and church leaders who need training. Pray for wisdom in knowing who to invest in, and that those people would be faithful and passionate to pass on to others what they are learning.

Students Still Learning

I have two Somali students in my English class who are interested in learning massage skills and who want to do exercise together. I need to find a suitable place for doing the massage class, please pray for that. Also, please pray that they will come to do exercise together when there is no English class during Nov and Dec. Pray that we will have conversations about Jesus and eternal life.

Pray of forgiveness

Prayer of confession for the Laarim: Forgive us, Lord, for the sins of our society—the cattle idolatry which causes us to raid and kill our neighbors, the hunger for things which causes us to fight and steal from one another, and the thirst for alcohol that distorts our thinking and actions. Father, we have sinned against You, and each other. Forgive us, and heal us, and cleanse our land. Amen.

Sandawe evangelist

We are thankful that Kristoffer, a young Sandawe evangelist, just completed the first three months of a six month Bible course. He did very well and will be taking over the preaching in a village called Tumbelo where there is a small seedling church. A recent outreach to Tumbelo resulted in 12 new believers, including Kristoffer’s parents and sister. Please pray that these new believers will come to mid-week meetings for discipleship. So far, only two of them have come.

Lord, Send More Laborers to the South Asians

Please pray for more laborers to work with South Asians. There are whole communities of South Asian families who have no Christian friends and never hear the gospel from birth to death. Please pray for God to send western workers who would live in their neighborhoods and share Christ with them. Pray also for African believers from other tribes who have grown up in churches and have had the gospel for generations to have the courage and concern to cross cultures and reach out to this unreached people group.

Fourteen Baptisms

This Sunday (Nov 4) there will be a baptism among the Samburu! In October we completed our Saturday Bible classes in preparation for baptism. Now 11 Samburu women, one Samburu man, and two teenage Samburu school boys have decided to make this commitment to Jesus. Praise God! Pray that the baptism will be a testimony to many, and that Jesus will be glorified. Pray for the participants to stand strong in their faith and grow in their love for Jesus.

We have long been praying for Samburu men to follow Jesus. We particularly rejoice that one Samburu man desires to follow Jesus in baptism. Pray with us that more Samburu men will be drawn to Jesus and follow this man’s example.

This Far The Lord Has Helped Us

From a Rangi evangelist: “Please join me in thanking the Lord for His help to us here. He helped us build bathrooms for our school. Now please pray for His provision for the completion of the classroom, especially the wiring and windows. Besides that, please pray for the kindergarten graduation party on November 30. Pray for the Muslim families who will attend, that they will hear the gospel.” Pray that the school will be a tool in God’s hand for many Rangi families to come to faith in Christ.

More presenters needed

Radio Nuru has started looking for three new presenters / journalists who will be needed if the time on air is to be doubled. Please pray for God to lead three people to fill this need. Ask Him to continue to bless this strategic radio ministry. May many hear the Gospel and believe!

Called together

Praise Jesus for a courageous older believer calling the fearful ones together! Praise Jesus for renewed courage and for a deep desire to display faith through obedience! Ask for perseverance and faithfulness!

The Dorobo Reach Out To the Boni People

Pray for a planned visit this Saturday November 3rd to an area on the north coast of Kenya where a group of Boni people have been temporarily resettled by the Kenya Defense Forces. Pray that we can find the camp with the help of some AIC pastors. Pray that God would lead us to a ‘person of peace’ among the Boni Internally Displaced Peoples. And pray that God would raise up some Dorobo believers from central Kenya to reach out to this group of fellow hunter-gatherers, who follow the Islamic faith. Praise the Lord that the Dorobo, who twenty five years ago were unreached, now have a reproducing church that is interested in sending missionaries to reach other unreached tribes in Kenya!

Ministry during planting season

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to encourage Sadi and the believers in his village during this planting time. Pray their love for one another and their unity in the Spirit would continue to grow during this farming season. Pray for Masi as he continues to lead his groups during this season as many are not able to meet regularly. Overall please pray for the Presence of God to increase among the M and that many will turn to the Lord.

Bud waiting to blossom

Pray for my friend. She’s from a very strong Muslim family. I see in her a small bud that is longing to blossom. Ask the Lord to free her heart from fear and her spirit from oppression that she might see the beauty of the Lord and put her trust in Him.

Treasures being distributed

“My compound doesn’t have a treasure.” “I want to hear the word of God”. These are frequent requests since we’ve begun distributing our new batch of Treasures. Praise God for the 150 solar players speaking truth, and pray for their continued functioning and testimony to many Laarim, along with prayer for the wise distribution to compounds, as long as the supply lasts.
Pray especially for the women, who are now recipients of these treasures, to share and to understand more of the gospel and its implications! Last week I asked the young ladies in the Tuesday evening group, “Who will you tell this story to?” One said that her brother’s wife has asked that she tell the story to her because her husband will not allow her to come to the gathering anymore, and another said that a lady from another compound had asked her to come and share the story after she got it this week. So there is real interest!

Exalting Jesus, the propitiation for our sins

“The missionary’s message is the limitless importance of Jesus Christ as the propitiation for our sins, and a missionary is someone who is immersed in the truth of that revelation. ”
Oswald Chambers

Our prayer is that we will continue to teach the Ndau who Jesus is and why he came. In this world today there are many promises being made by false prophets and leading people down the wrong paths. We pray that we will be true to the message throughout our race until we are gone from this life…Pray many Ndau will follow!

Meet together

Pray for believers to come together for worship, for them to have deep conviction, boldness and courage to share with friends and family!

Diaspora in Portland

Portland ESL Class—So far we have students from Eritrea, Morocco, Iran, Angola, Iraq, and Libya—just in one class! Our lives are richer through their friendships, but… may their’s be richer for eternity. Please pray for ongoing conversations regarding the Good News.

O Lord, grant ‘R’ faith

This afternoon, “R” came to my house with the Qur’an in hand ready to talk. We started with, “What does the Bible and the Qur’an say about the birth of Jesus?” Interestingly, the Qur’an talks about the birth of Jesus as being miraculous.
Then we discussed, “Why was Jesus’ birth miraculous and no one else’s?” We wanted to see if this means that Jesus is just a prophet or more than a prophet. Please continue to pray for “R”. He has agreed to come back to talk. At the very end I posed a question to “R” which was hard for him to answer. I simply asked him, “If you were to die, where would you go…Heaven or Hell?” His answer was, “I can only follow the teachings of Islam and the five pillars and try to live a good life.” I asked him if it was guaranteed that he would make it to Heaven and he said no.
I explained that I know with certainty that when I die I will go to Heaven. In fact, it is not based on my good works at all but on the blood of Jesus. Pray the Lord would remove the veil and grant him understanding.

Keep praying for peace

There were four more attacks in the north of Mozambique last month, with killings and burning of villages. Much of this doesn’t get any journalistic recognition, but the instability in the north continues. Keep praying for peace! Pray for believers to stand firm and share the reason for the hope they have.

Diaspora in Canada

PLEASE PRAY 10:00-2:00 Saturday, Oct 27th



Diaspora in Canada

Please be in prayer for us to build bridges & share the Good News.
Only God can do this! We have a wide open door to share the Good News of Jesus in the grand sanctuary of one of Toronto’s largest mosques. But for miracles to happen we NEED your prayers…

Beautiful believes!

This past week I received a phone call from Moussa, national missionary with whom we partner. He excitedly shared with me how a woman whom we had previously named, “Beautiful”, showed up at his house and talked for hours about the gospel with him and his wife. This woman is the older sister of two other believers in that town and she has heard the gospel many times, but never truly responded to it.  Moussa shared with us how Beautiful had come to truly understand and accept her need for Jesus and then went on to explain how she wanted Moussa to go and speak with her husband about the gospel when he returned from his trip. Moussa couldn’t believe her joy and enthusiasm for the gospel.
This very same day, a group of five Chadian Arab believers showed up in this same town, having fled from eastern Chad seeking a place of refuge. They were headed towards southern Chad when someone stopped them and told them they should go to this town and find Moussa. These five newer believers are now staying in the same town as Moussa and are hungry to be discipled and grow in their faith. Praise God for what is happening in this location!

Closing the mosque?!

In one of the communities where fellowship takes place, there are a few Muslims who are questioning why most of the people are claiming to be Christians and they have even been thinking about closing the mosque. Pray that the Christians show them love as they witness to their Muslim neighbors. Pray that those who are seeking for answers will see God revealing Himself to them, and they will believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

A Pastor and His Wife

Pray for a Rangi pastor who came from a Muslim background. Last year he was married. He and his wife began to have problems, and she left him to return to her family. His Muslim father is mocking him for this failure. Now his health is deteriorating. Please pray for this man of God to settle his heart in God. Pray that God will help his wife remember her marriage vows and repent in obedience to God’s Word. Pray that this pastor will have courage, and perseverance as well as mercy and grace as he stays in ministry on his own. Will you also pray for his wife? He doesn’t know what is currently happening with her. He desperately needs God’s direction in this situation. Thank you for your prayers.

Needing Direction

A missionary has returned to her place of service, and is seeking the Lord’s direction and open doors for renewing ministry to her South Asian friends. Pray that she will be guided to those who need her–and the Savior–most.