Celebrating Christmas

A young woman (who is studying the Holy Spirit but who hasn’t yet believed) just wrote to say she’s planning on celebrating Christmas with believers there! Ask that she and her two sisters recognize the love and grace of God coming to earth … to die and rise…to satisfy the wrath of God.

You prayed…He answered

On August 1 you prayed for this request: “Please pray for young people who have started coming to church with us. A mix of boys and girls ranging from 10-15 years old. Pray they will be changed by the Word that they hear. Pray that Jesus would be their Savior. Pray they would find truth.” Now, praise the Lord! “Two of these kids have put their faith in Jesus and one of the girl’s parents are showing interest as well, which is exciting!” Thank you for praying.

Diaspora in Portland

Today RH has the opportunity to story a portion of Luke for an Iraqi Christmas banquet. Pray for God’s Word to stick in their hearts and for conversational wisdom for all of us followers of Jesus at this event.

You prayed…God is answering

On Jan 16, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Please pray for the 5 believers who were baptised Christmas Eve, for their discipleship and strengthening. Pray especially for one of them who had been possessed and oppressed by serious demonic forces for many years. In the last few months, she finally accepted her need for Jesus and decided to follow him. This is a huge step for her. Please pray for her protection, and that the Holy Spirit will teach, strengthen and protect her over the coming weeks and months.” And God is answering: ” This lady is continuing to walk with Jesus! It has not been an easy path, but if feels like God is teaching her deep things along the way.”

May the kings bow to the King

The kings of the villages are having a hard time with the Gospel. They know that it means a different way of living. Many of the ancestor aspects of their culture cannot be reconciled with the Gospel. Yet the kings are vital when it comes to making decisions. Pray the Lord will speak powerfully to the kings and they will bow their knees to the King of kings.

You prayed…He answered

On Sep 25, 2018 you prayed for this request: “We are in the testing phase of our stories. Last month I was able to meet with groups in 3 different locations and get feedback for our stories. In November we are hoping to have the stories available on memory cards. Pray for us as we make the changes we need and final recordings over the next two months. May God’s Word move with power among the M people!” And God answered: “Praise Jesus! We finished recording all 18 of our stories last week with our crafting team. This week we will be distributing the 50 memory cards and 12 solar players that we have. This was a project we started in 2015 with our team and it is exciting to see it through to this phase of distribution.”

Christmas opportunities

Christmas always gives us opportunities to share. Pray for the Christmas English Club party and for other opportunities as they come. The brothers and sisters also hope to get together to celebrate, most likely on the weekend before Christmas (22nd or 23rd).

You prayed…He answered

On Aug 2, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Just a quick note to ask for your prayers for all the details of our planned Kids’ Club – starting this afternoon, and hopefully finishing next Friday. Pray for lots of lasting fruit from all the seeds that are being planted, and pray that God will keep the clinic load down, and especially no ‘on-call’ stuff during those important afternoon hours.  And God answered: “A great turn out for the 5 afternoons of Kids’ Club (with no ‘on-call’ emergencies during those days). There were MANY seeds sown and many positive interactions – however not any open and lasting response, that we know of.” Please pray the seeds would sprout!

Determined Families

Two families who have been separately listening to the recorded Bible stories have almost finished and were encouraged to start meeting all together. They immediately set a plan for themselves for every Thursday late afternoon. This is such an answer to prayer! The first week, there were many obstructions and obstacles it was unbelievable. It felt like an attack on many levels. Some gossip has started about them too, that they’re becoming Christians, but they say they’re still committed to making it happen again this Thursday. Please pray for them, and pray against Satan.

You prayed…He answered

On Jun 10, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Please pray for a principal for the school. Our acting principal David has done a wonderful job. Please pray God would call a man like David to replace him.” And God answered: “A Christian young man has come to be our principal. He has shown a heart for missions and a serious love for God and desire to have a solid Christian environment for the students. This is truly an answer to prayer.”

New vision for reaching out

The holes and rocks in the dirt road made the trip a bit longer, but the truck full of eager followers of Jesus hardly noticed as they shared stories of their personal journeys and talked of the gathering they’d come together to experience. With new insights and encouragement from others who had chosen to follow Jesus from a sister tribe, they discussed new approaches and creative ideas of how to more effectively reach out to their family and neighbors. Pray for courage for Mwani believers who reach out with the love of Christ as they often face ridicule and rejection.


Just like the rest of the world, Christmas here in the Lopit Mountains is a pretty big deal. People go from house to house receiving yummy food treats, children get new clothes, and there is a general feeling of celebration. Pray that at this time people may come to celebrate the gift of salvation through Christ and not get hung up on worldly celebrations. Ask the Lord to speak through His word during church services and community meetings.

You prayed…He answered

On Sep 26, 2018 you prayed for this request: “The radio ministry is doing well, but so far we only broadcast for 5 hours a day. We’ve had a great response and the biggest request at this time is more hours. So please pray for us as we try to install two wind turbines next month to increase our broadcast time and scope- we hope to boost the signal from 350w to 1000w.
And God answered: “We have put in the foundations for the wind turbines last week and next week by God’s grace we hope to get the turbines hooked up!”

You prayed…He answered

On Sep 23, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Thank God we have two peace-makers who are willing to work with us in the community. Pray for Far’sa and Far’ya, who want to help their people with English classes, workshops, children programs etc. Pray for their salvation and our partnership. May God use all these activities to show Somali people His love, grace and salvation.” And God answered: “We thank God one of the Peace-makers, Far’sa, is still willing to work with us. Please pray for her salvation.  Besides English classes and children activities, I have two students who are interested in learning massage skills and some students want to do exercise together.” Praise the Lord.

Grow daily in faith

Praise God for the 30 new believers who have followed the Lord’s instructions to be baptized as an outward symbol of their inner commitment to Jesus this year here in Laarim. Pray for them to grow in their faith daily, and to recognize the devil’s snares which so easily can entangle them. Amen.

Diaspora in Florida

We want to have Kutchi friends come to a Christmas program on December 16th. Pray the Lord will draw them to Himself.
Some of our Muslim friends want to come to church. Pray for them to see through culture to the life giving message.

We have a Christmas program for a mosque planned on December 24th. Pray for sensitive witness and open hearts.


Listening to Christmas truth

A young woman who doesn’t yet believe said that on Christmas, she lights candles, listens to Luke 2 and Christmas hymns in Arabic (from Egypt and Lebanon)… and then listens to Hark the Herald. Ask that she would believe the truths she hears: ‘God and sinners reconciled.’ ‘Veiled in flesh the Godhead see…’ ‘Jesus our Emmanuel’

You prayed…He answered

On Oct 17, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Please pray for our Islamic outreach training for Kilwa Masoko pastors on 22- 24 October 2018. Pray for passionate vision casting and effective training in Muslim outreach. Ask the Lord to send many Tanzanian workers into His Muslim harvest field!”
And God answered: “The training went well. 11 local pastors and wives came for at least part of the 2-day training. The teacher, Cecil S. had many good insights on Islam, being sure of the Christian faith, and unity as believers. Plans are being made for him to return next year for a longer course open to lay leaders of the different churches.” Praise the Lord.

Sharing Jesus

One of the disciples who attended the discipleship training last month is traveling to share Jesus today with several other villages. He’s been invited to pray with a family whose child is 4 years old yet unable to walk. Please pray with us for traveling mercies, open doors, and open hearts on his journey. May Jesus be praised!

You prayed…He answered

On Apr 25, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Please pray that the Borana believers will continue to share the gospel in villages where Christ is not yet known. Pray for this wonderful movement of the Spirit that is causing more and more churches to spring up among the Borana. Pray that even the Islamic leaders who are trying to squelch the work of evangelism will be saved.” And God answered: “In March 2018 one young man graduated from Bible School and is now Pastoring 1 church + two outreach points about 40 kilometers from Moyale town. A second Borana man will graduate in March 2019 and become the associate pastor of AIC Moyale Town with a lot of local responsibility as Pastor Bonaya is the Assistant Bishop of Marsabit.” Praise the Lord.

We Did Not Expect This

Our team and partner church recently did a JESUS film outreach to two villages. It was met with unexpected welcome, open doors, and opportunities for the Gospel. Praise God! God moved in the hearts of the people and even drew some to Himself as several became believers. However, with this unexpected open door to work in these villages, came a realization: What do we do with the believers in these villages? It was decided to have a rotation of men from the church go out to the villages on Sundays to begin doing Sunday services with the believers there, to get them meeting together and in God’s word together. We are seeking the Lord’s wisdom and guidance as we begin to move forward and start working with the people in these villages! Prayer is very needed!

You prayed…He is answering

On Jul 20, 2018 you prayed for this request: “This past week a Mzee was seen exiting a local mosque, it was suprising because for the past 20 years this Digo man has been following Jesus. He said he is going because he knows what the Bible teaches about Jesus but he never learned what the Quran says. Even with the little time he’s spent at the mosque, it’s evident how quickly Satan works to turn people’s minds against God. Please pray that through conversations with missionaries and encounters with other Digo Christians this man would recognize the lies he is being told, and return to Jesus.” And God is answering: “While this Mzee has not returned to Christ yet, he has had several spiritual conversations with a local missionary and other Digo Christians. He’s also come seeking prayer in Jesus’ name. We continue to pray that the truth would be made known to him.”

A Good Outcome

Please pray for the father of a girl who was treated at the hospital, had a wonderful outcome, and made friends with some missionaries at the hospital. He returned shortly afterwards to have an eye surgery himself. A smile was on his face, he was willing to interact with the missionary, and one could see an openness on his contenance. Pray that the Lord finds his heart. They came all the way from Somalia.

You prayed…He answered

The following request you prayed for about a certain Rangi man named Yusuph: ” Jan 17, 2018 Please pray for Yusuph. He needs a job that will support him till God opens the way to attend Bible school.”
Sep 17, 2018 “We praise God for one Rangi student and four from other Muslim UPGs who have joined Majahida Bible college for Bible Training. Yusuph from the Rangi people is zealous to reach his own as soon as he finishes school.”
And God answered: “We praise God for Yusuph, he’s now in school and he is doing very well in his studies. God has also provided supporters for his school fees. Thank you.” Praise the Lord.

Generation to Generation

Praise God for an adult grandson of an elderly believer to come to know the Lord as his Savior. Now both grandfather and his adult grandson want to share Jesus with others in their family. The grandson has given an invitation to meet with three other family members in order to share the Good News with them. Pray old and young alike will desire to make a decision for Christ in this family. Pray for other whole families, from one generation to another to embrace the Lord.

You prayed…He answered

On Jan 16, 2018 you prayed for this request: “We are sending off another new Rendille high school graduate to university and it feels a bit like sending sheep to the wolves. Pray for Somo. Pray for Dibo and Andrew, two other graduates who continue with university studies – both are staying close to God and need His protection.” And God answered: “Our university students we mentioned earlier are doing well – so far, they are staying with God and resisting the many temptations to stray. One student was asked by a professor to lie for him at a hearing. When this student hesitated, the professor threatened to lower his marks. Anyway, the student stood firm, the professor was fired, but he’s awaiting the grades and may receive an undeserved D for not doing as the professor asked. Pray for Dibo – he’s earning a reputation for being honest – may God continue to help him be a light and a testimony. How grateful we are for people who pray!”

Standing firm

Please remember a young local brother who has been facing increased persecution in the village he lives in. He was taken in by a local woman, but last week, they preached at the mosque that no one should feed him, so he didn’t get to eat much last week. Praise that he is standing firm, continuing to meet with other believers and seekers and continuing to pray for sick people among his family and friends. Ask for encouragement and for his witness to draw others to Jesus.

You prayed…He answered

On Jul 26, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Pray for the Dorobo church at Songoroi on Mt Eburru that partially collapsed during recent heavy rains. Pray that the rebuilding project will galvanize the believers as they work together, raise funds together and complete their building. Pray they continue to be a light in this area.” And God answered: “Dorobo church is nearing completion!”

Diaspora in Detroit

Christmas parties: December 8: with Arab Refugees, and December 11 with 3 Congolese families. Pray they would feel welcome, hear and accept the truth. Dec. 12: Pray for preparations to welcome refugee families to church for a Christmas meal, activities, and message.

Bible Studies: Please pray for a men’s study, a women’s study, and ESL group study. We have curriculum, but a low desire so far. May God change their hearts.

Pray for deeper connections with Libyan families in their community.

I loved you at your darkest. Rom 5:8

Drunk and beat up, Baba C stumbled up to my house. “Lecho! Lecho! Help me! I’m dying!”, he cried. When we looked closer we saw his head was split open, bleeding onto the tree he was leaning against. “I’m dying!” Help me!” he said again. “Okay, Baba C. We’re going to get you some help.” As we were driving to the hospital, the story was pieced together that they were playing a card game, gambling, and ended up fighting over the money.  While we were waiting for the nurse, I tried to comfort him. “No, Baba C, you’re not dying. Maybe you are receiving a second chance, a new life.” And I shared the gospel with him. This past week Baba C came to visit me and thank me and let me know that he has thought about it and is ready to make a decision to follow Christ. He’s tired of his old life and needs the power of Jesus to change. Praise God! That same day he went to my teammate’s house and they led him in a prayer of repentance and receiving Jesus and he seems eager to study the Bible and grow. He even said he hasn’t had a desire to do drugs since the day he prayed! Please pray with us for Baba C to continue to experience new life in Christ and to grow as a disciple. Pray that he would be bold in sharing what Christ has done for him.

You prayed…He answered

On May 3, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Pray that the Church among the Sandawe will grow both in numbers and in maturity. Ask the LORD to give wisdom, perseverance and compassion to church leaders and missionaries.” And God answered: “A young Sandawe evangelist, Kristoffer, has completed half of a six month Bible School course. He will be taking over the preaching for a tiny new seedling church in Tumbelo. As a result of a recent outreach in Tumbelo, there are 12 new believers, including the parents and sister of Kristoffer.” Praise the Lord!

Pray for Bible study leaders

Most of the missionaries living among this unreached people group will be departing this month. Pray for the Discipleship Bible Study leaders as they facilitate the gatherings of believers and pre-believers in the communities of Kerenge, Kuduli, Yei, Kali, and Chawa. Thank God that He has given His Spirit to teach, remind, and counsel them. Ask God to give them wisdom beyond their experience, persistence in face of difficulties, and grace and truth for the task ahead of them.

You prayed…He answered

On October 21, 2018, you prayed for this request: “One potential new extended family group are considering allowing the start/restart of regular Bible studies. One part of a group has invited a worker for Monday night.  And God answered: “Though the date was changed, this meeting went very fruitfully. The elder who invited us had a very sick wife, who he brought us to see shortly after we arrived. After much good discussion, sharing the Gospel of Jesus grace as Saviour and also Healer, as well as a thorough medical exam of his wife, we really didn’t have a solution for his wife’s weakness and pain. They agreed that we could pray for her in Jesus name. We saw a little improvement that night, as she was able to sit up for the first time in a month. More reports each week of improvement, until we just heard that she’s able to stand and walk with a stick slowly to get around her home. We plan to do another followup visit soon, and the family remains very welcoming and open. Continue to pray that they would agree to host a regular Bible study for their extended family, and that God’s Word would convict them of their need for Jesus’ Salvation.” Praise the Lord.

When to Reveal his Faith

Please pray for the new Somali believer who is a language teacher. He became a believer in August. We are praying that he will know how to conduct himself, and when and how to reveal his faith to his family.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

• Please pray for the upcoming Christmas party for Muslim friends- that the Lord would open many hearts to the Christmas story.
• Pray for opportunity to continue the Al-Massira video series with a Muslim family.
• Pray for ESL Living Nativtiy outreach on Dec 8, pray that non-Christians would attend and be open to the message.

You prayed…God is answering

On Feb 3, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Please pray that the Datooga will soon have the Bible story set recorded and complete, and that those recordings will multiply and spread far and wide as shepherds and their families share them with others. Pray that many Datooga will come to know Jesus, the Good Shepherd.” And God answered this way: “A story set of short 4 minutes stories from creation to Ascension was crafted, recorded and in a format that could be listened to in various locations. 7 local radios with memory cards containing the complete set were distributed via the Evangelists to use in their local churches and communities. There is a small team of Datooga believers familiar with the crafting and recording process who have the technology available to record more stories as they are needed.” Praise the Lord!

You prayed…He answered

On Nov 11, 2018 you prayed this request: “On November 12 the M version of the Jesus Film will be shown publicly for the first time in a Muslim village. Please pray for protection from the Lord for all the logistics. Pray that many people will come see the life of Jesus, and hear the invitation to receive Him by faith. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work powerfully to overcome any obstacles, and that many people will come to Christ this night.” And God answered: Over 200 people came to the showing of the Jesus film. Praise the Lord!


As the dry season approaches the rain has slowed to an almost complete halt. There is still Sorghum crops in the fields which need rain to make it through to harvest. Stalk borer destroyed much of the first crop so please pray that the Lord would provide the rains needed at the end of this season to bring in a good harvest for the Lopit community. Pray that as He does this, the eyes of their hearts will be opened to know Him as the bread of life and the living water.

Jesus Film Viewings

The Jesus Film is being shown  regularly in Toposa villages, and  there has been a great turn out in each place to see the film. Pray that those who see the film respond to the Gospel, and that there will be open doors for the Message to spread.

You prayed…He answered

On Mar 29, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Praise God for the ladies’ Bible study group in one area, which came out of the desire of a ‘secret’ believer that many other neighbours would hear God’s Word. Pray for this believer, that she would grow in Jesus and would seek to run this group completely on her own.” God answered this way: “She is quick to pray for salvation and health for those around her. And she is bold and outspoken, as well as being very compassionate. When discussing studying God’s Word with others, she said ‘I will be a teacher’. Since that day, with a couple of groups listening to Bible stories, she has begun owning the role of teacher!”