
Recently the church leaders told a story of the village elders visiting and threatening to close the church because the church leaders refuse to take part in cultural ceremonies which contradict their faith. We are thankful that the issue seems to have died down for now, but please pray for the church and the leaders. Pray for discernment and strength to say no and how to do this in a way which points people to Christ. Give thanks for their boldness and courage as they face these pressures on a daily basis.

Persecuted Brothers

And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:36‬ ‭
Please keep praying for two brothers. One of them has left the village. His father and other village elders have their minds fixed to bring him harm. Pray that this young believer will surround himself with Godly people who will continually point him to Jesus. May this time out of the village be God-ordained and part of the overall plan for the Alagwa to come into the Kingdom.

Watching TV

Pray that we will be able to implement more authentic Christian programs on hospital TV (patients have a lot of time on their hands!) in local languages, and that the Holy Spirit would catch their attention. Pray for Somalis to be saved as they and their families come for treatment to this Christian hospital.

God’s intervention needed

Pray for O, one of a few Neem believers, who is increasingly severely sick with heart failure despite every medicine possible. Pray that the peace which passes all understanding will fill his heart and will be a witness to his family, friends, and neighbours. Pray that God would intervene and heal him.
In December you prayed that the checking of the Genesis translation into Neem might restart. It had been apparently “forever blocked”. O has been the Neem person who used to work on it. This last week, another man, Ib was finally found to help. A few hours of work were possible before the person leading the translation had to leave for other responsibilities. She returns early April. Praise God the translation did restart, pray that it will continue when she returns in April and that O will be fit enough to take part. There is something very strange in the way the translation hasn’t moved forward, but it is difficult to get to the bottom of it. Pray against the forces of evil working against progress amongst these people.

New leadership

Pray for the group of believers in the capital as they look for a new leader. Pray they would be united as they seek the Father’s will together and that He would provide the person of His choosing. Pray the Lord would bless them and fill them with His Spirit and give them boldness to share His love and truth with others.

Pray for Esther

Just saw Evangelist Ndaki today from Wairo. He told me they recently had a Muslim Sandawe woman from Madandaa (where the new church plant is) come running to the Wairo church one week ago to ask for help to be delivered from demons. They prayed for her, the Lord drove out the demons and she was delivered, and accepted Christ as her Savior and Lord, praise Jesus! She stayed with Ndaki’s family for discipleship and was baptized yesterday along with 10 other new believers. Her new name is Esther. Pray for Esther as she returns home to her husband who is not saved, but thrilled that his wife has recovered. Pray this would be huge witness for the gospel in Madandaa. Pray for protection from the Muslim leaders who are not happy that she left Islam. Pray for her growth as she studies God’s word via both a Swahili Bible and Megavoice player with six books of the Bible translated in to Kisandawe.

Heart of stone

Most weeks Saa. M comes to our teammates’ house to debate about our different religions. He is against seeing Jesus as anything but a servant of God. Many weeks he stays for hours trying to convince us of our being mistaken. Pray for God to take his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh. Pray Jesus would make Himself undeniable to Saa M.

One Young Believer Sharing

Continue to pray that the Datooga Christians who are cooperating to craft and record Bible stories will not only complete the set they are working on, but will also continue to teach Scripture this way. Pray that the recordings will be widely spread throughout this nomadic tribe, and that many will put their faith in the Good Shepherd as they listen to them while herding their sheep. We now have one young believer who has already shared the stories amongst his family and neighbours and has had some positive response to their content.

A New Believer

Praise the Lord one of our brand new Tanzanian interns led a local man to Jesus as they were farming together in the field this week! Today the man joined us at church and confessed his faith in Jesus Christ before us all, to our great joy! Pray for his spiritual & physical protection & for the body of Christ to know how to best enfold him into our family of God!


Praise the Lord for seven Rangi baptized in the past year, especially those from Muslim backgrounds. Please pray for their growth in the Lord and that many others will follow their faith and example. Pray for many Rangi to come to faith in Christ through a Christian school in Pahi.

Women Learning to Teach God’s Word

Two women have been coming to learn how to create and lead a Bible study from a missionary. They’ve done this two weeks in a row now. They come to her house on Tuesday and lesson plan together, then they teach Friday. Both times the women say, ” I have never done this before!” But both have done well! Pray for them to persevere and pray for their groups to grow deep in the word and obey what it says.

Making Friends

A Muslim S. Asian family spent Sunday afternoon with a Christian one. They spent time discussing life and getting to know one another. Please pray for the friendship to flourish and that the S. Asian family would come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.


Two very intelligent Somali ladies were witnessed to multiple times, but instead of accepting the Good News threw themselves into Islamic studies. Please pray they will be disappointed by what they find, and their hearts will want Jesus.

Dry Season

As this season of rest comes to the Lopit communities, ask our Father to bless them and protect them from associated distractions such as drinking. Pray that the Spirit would move people to desire Him above all else and to use the extra time to meet together to hear His word. May they enter into true rest in Jesus Christ.

Growing Interest

Please pray that the Datooga will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. Pray that many will hear the recordings of His stories and that it will become part of Datooga culture to tell them over and over at night as these nomadic shepherds rest. Over the last year more Datooga are expressing an interest in hearing more about Jesus and some have made a profession of faith. Pray they continue to grow in their faith and have courage to share what they have heard with others in their communities.

The harvest needs workers!

As always at this time of year, when the rains come, we pray for a good harvest of crops for the Sandawe people. And we continue to pray for more workers for the harvest, especially in terms of pastors and evangelists. We are excited that new churches are being planted but they need mature Believers to give leadership. Let’s give thanks that several evangelists are being trained and sent out!

Doesn’t want to be alone

One of our team members asked a village lady, “Where are you at with Jesus? Do you want to follow Him?” She answered that she wants to follow Jesus, but she doesn’t want to be alone. Pray that her entire family would come to Christ. She also said that other people will come, it will just take time and she will be sharing the good words about Jesus with her family and friends. Pray that many would hear and respond to truth.

Move Mightily

A church has been planted among the Ndengereko, and there is a great need for more. Please pray that the Lord will move mightily by the Holy Spirit to bring the Ndengereko people to faith in Christ and that each village will have a church for Ndengereko believers to attend.

A Passion for Evangelism

There are a number of Borana pastors and evangelists who have a passion to evangelize those villages where people do not yet have a local church. Please pray for the Spirit to use them mightily to bring people to Christ and foster Christ-centered churches.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Pray for the Somali community in Barron, WI. Ask the Lord to open the hearts of many and bring seekers of truth to our WELL ministry center. May many find Christ!

Identified with Christ

Please pray for a couple who are really showing evidence of their faith in Christ in their private lives. In their public lives, they are still behaving and self identifying as Muslims. May God’s Holy Spirit give them the understanding to see that their identity is now in Christ, and the strength to let their lights shine.

Softened by a Crisis

One of our most precious S friends has been a part of all our lives for years. She has been willing to read the Word, had dreams of spiritual truth, has been prayed for by us and has prayed with us. Lately it has been a bit harder to know what she is thinking about spiritual things and we have been asking the Spirit to not give up on pursuing her heart. Her sister just died quite unexpectedly and she is broken-hearted. Please pray with us that this sudden crisis would make a way for her heart to be softened to the truth that through Jesus, death has lost its sting and hope can be found.

Hard Times

Lately, there have been many sad things happening in the Rendille town of Korr. Many deaths, illnesses, hard marriage situations and more. Tonight a momma said,” Are we being punished? Why has 2019 been so hard? When will blessing come?” Please pray for the Rendille. Pray that they cling to Jesus- our Hope. Pray that even through these hard challenges that seem to keep coming, people see Jesus. That people would turn to the church for guidance and help and that the Church would welcome them.

Salvation comes!

Praise God for the healing Z received after believers prayed for him. After being healed, he accepted the Lord! Pray for him and his father as they listen to the Word. The father has asked to be visited. Pray for his salvation as well.

Veil Removed

Please pray the veil will be taken from the Somalis’ eyes, that they will see the truth that is only in Jesus, and will be enabled to break out of the cycle of fear of losing their community.

Reading and Writing

Mama S has started coming every afternoon to learn to read & write Swahili! Not only is she learning in this way, but we have time together to pray & for me to share a Bible story with her. Praise God for providing this way for my sister to grow in her young faith and pray this would lead to her whole family’s salvation. Pray the Lord would protect, enable and equip her in all that she needs in Christ Jesus.

Pray for Peace to come

The Y of East Africa experience a lot of oppression and racism and often feel more unsafe here than in their war-torn home country, causing a lot of distress and distrust. Please ask for the Prince of Peace to come and guard and care for their hearts. May they know security in His presence.

Diaspora in USA

It has been such a joy to spend time with precious West African ladies each week in Memphis. Please pray that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of these ladies and their families, drawing them to Himself.

Diaspora in Portland

We praise God for amazing Christmas get- togethers with friends from Libya, Iraq, Saudi, and Iran. Please pray for God to work in their hearts as we continue to engage these dear people with the Good News. May they be recalling the conversations and asking deeper questions that will draw them to our Lord.

Heavy to bear

One young woman wants to be baptized but is fearful to tell her family because they have threatened to kill her. She is new in her faith. Pray for courage, for discipleship, for deep roots of unshakable truth. She also speaks of leaving… the threats feel so heavy to bear. She is young. Ask for her to respond to Jesus call: come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Diaspora in Detroit

We hosted 2 Christmas events, one for Arabic refugees and another for Swahili refugees. Pray for these efforts to foster a sense of family and community between the refugees and our church volunteers to bear much fruit. Pray for interest in other events.

Asking great questions!

A woman said yesterday: ‘We believe that to get to heaven we must wear the hijab, give to the poor and speak kindly… what do you believe allows you to enter heaven? “ Later she asked, “How do you know which prophets and books are from God?” And then later, “Do we (Mus) sacrifice the sheep in the Eid to get forgiveness of sin? Why do you not sacrifice?” She then listened to Adam and Abraham’s stories… and read from 1John 4, Heb 10. Please pray that Jesus would keep stirring eternal questions in the hearts of Arabs and ask that they receive His Word, believe and follow!

Young disciple

Pray for Lookalong, a young disciple in Nagishot, that his “love would abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that he may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:10-11).

Needing Fellowship

An elderly S. Asian widow just became a believer in Christ out of Hinduism when she visited her family in Kenya. Now she is looking for fellowship with believers in Australia. Please pray for the Lord to connect her with Christians who speak Gujerati and that she can grow in Christ.

children’s book

For the next couple months, the island translators are working on a project to create some Bible storybooks that they can use with their children. They are working with a worker they’ve never worked with before, so pray for good communication and that the project would be a success and a good tool for helping islanders share their hope with their children.

Fierce Opposition

Recently the enemy has brought many trials and hardships to the Christians among the Digo. It is obvious there is a spiritual battle raging, and the intent of the devil is to discourage and defeat those who are trying to share the gospel and foster the church. Please pray that Jesus will win decisive victories that demonstrate His Lordship, and that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, one day they will be known even more for their zeal for Jesus.

One couple choosing Life!

The visit made by the church of southern Chadians led to leaflets with the word of God being distributed to 400 households with team members being welcomed by most. One couple decided to follow the one Saviour. Pray that they will grow in their fledgling faith. They have a new testament in local Arabic. Pray that they will understand it. The husband can read but it is not clear how well.

Diaspora in Florida

• Praise for the December Christmas party organized by an Muslim friend. We were able to clearly share the Good News. Pray that the seeds planted would bear fruit.
• Pray for a proposed get together with 10 East African Muslims and others from our community. Pray for unity and clarity for this get together.

Seeking Calm

A friend writes, “We are receiving Mbororo communities from over 700 km west of Obo who travel to Obo by foot seeking the calm and stability that the town of Obo offers. On the way some of them have lost all their cattle, and they are desperate for help of every kind.” This should provide an opening to share the Gospel. Pray that Zande believers will forget their fears of the Mbororo and reach out to them in their need with help and the gospel.

Diaspora in Portland

• Praise God for great times of talking about our faith with a Saudi neighbor and his daughter. Our granddaughter got to share the Gospel and her testimony with the 28 year old daughter. Pray for the Saudi family as they moved after Christmas. Pray they will keep searching and reading the Scriptures.