In Beono village the king has been waiting for more than 1.5 years to hear the Bible stories! I started going there last December and am already discussing the implication of accepting Jesus. The king, Iaban’i Velotia (father of Velotia), said last Thursday that he believes in Jesus now! He is accompanied almost every week by the president of the Fokontany (deputy mayor), Iaban’i Dimby. Both men constantly discuss the implications in between the stories. They see it as their responsibility to take note of the Bible and possibly forwarding the message to rest of the village.
Diaspora in Canada
• Pray for our Thursday evening barber shop and men’s club visits – warmly received most of the time, hotly occasionally. Pray for open hearts and souls.
• Please pray specifically for I who is a Som. Christian spiraling ever deeper into addictions, that God would grab him and deliver him.
• Pray for N who was close to confessing Jesus, but has since backed away. Pray for her to come to really know Jesus.
• Pray again for F family whose Som M dad wants to take his kids to Africa against their will. Their mother who died was a Christian, and the kids do not want to go back.
School Children, Church Plots, and Rain
From a Rangi evangelist: “I thank the Lord that in His mercy we were able to teach 57 school children this year. Please pray for those families that have a hard time paying school fees. Please also pray about this: there is a Methodist church that wants to give us property so we can use it for outreach ministry. Of course we’ll need funds to build a building. Lastly, please pray for rain. The farms here are very dry and people are hungry. Thank you for your prayers.”
50 watch JF!
Saturday night a group of about 50 people gathered to watch the Jesus film in the Antakarana dialect. For most of them this was their first time to listen to the complete story. Pray that the Gospel story will open their desire to hear more and to choose the freedom that comes in Christ Jesus.
More Workers Needed
Pray for more workers to come among the Toposa; one missionary said, “come quickly the time is now.” Pray that God would guide the right people, whether expats or nationals, to reach out to the lost Toposa.
Update on healing story
There is a stirring of God’s Spirit among the Mbororo around Namagana as a result of the young man who had been brought to the Health Center at Doruma dying. He was prayed over in Jesus’ name by the indigenous missionary team and was healed! As a result both the father and Zacharias, the son, declared belief in Jesus. Muka gave them one of the MP3 players with Fulfulde. They returned to Namagana telling their story and sharing the contents on the MP3 player with others. Muka went to Narpaka a week later and met the local Mbororo chief who was asking if he was the ‘pastor’ who prayed for Zacharias. The chief and whole Mbororo community knew that the boy was as good as dead when he was taken to Doruma and wanted to know more about Jesus. They are wanting, and are willing to buy, more MP3 players. Pray for many to believe!
Diaspora in Wisconsin
• We were told that there is a new MBB in our little town. Praise the Lord with us for this. Pray he would grow strong in the Lord and be a courageous witness.
• Recently on a trip to France, I had the privilege to meet up with a Som. MBB who came to know the Lord there. I was able to get him into a local fellowship and gave him a Bible. His excitement for God’s Word and fellowship with other believers was so refreshing. Pray for this brother that his papers would come through and as he learns French he would settle as a strong witness for the Lord.
Light to shine
After showing the JESUS video in an outlying village, the people gave an invitation to begin a Discovery Bible Study on their compound. Praise God for this opportunity, and pray for the Light to illuminate the multigenerational darkness enshrouding this village.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
Pray for Y, an Algerian gentleman who has been meeting with various team members and who is open to learning about following Jesus. May God grant him faith!
Please continue to pray for our ESL ministry and that there would be clear chances for our students to hear and respond to the gospel.
Good goodbyes
Several team members are preparing to leave the islands. Please pray for many opportunities to sit with people and share Father’s faithfulness, and the hope and assurance that can be found in Him alone. Please pray that Dad would prepare hearts and open the way for these discussions. Pray for the right words and for open eyes and hearts to truly hear. Pray especially for ‘mum’- Mama Mark and Baba S to believe the truth they’ve heard.
Pray also for the cyclone that is due to hit the islands today! Pray for mercy and protection.
Listening to the Word
Odilo continues to do listening group seminars throughout the area in which he trains people how to ask questions as they listen to scripture on the solar mega voice players. Please ask the LORD to keep him safe as he travels by motorcycle and ask that hearts will be receptive toward God’s Word as the Sandawe people listen in their heart language.
Under Stress
Please pray for a number of seekers whose family units and also relationships within the family are under attack. Pray for protection for the families and for God’s spirit to bring peace. Please also pray that those seeking Jesus would not be distracted but continue to seek him and give him their whole lives.
The king knows the King!
Tsiombivohitra village has a young king (Germain). He and his wife believe in Jesus now. The practical side of things is a bit harder for them as they are expected to teach the traditions of the ancestors to the people. Aspects of these traditions are just plain wrong. They realise this and are thinking how to go about this. Pray for the Lord’s discernment for them.
New Church!
Praise God the beginning of a church is being planted in our village after generations who once resisted any church presence! A local believer, who has completed studies away at Bible college & is supplementing his income through work at our non profit, has been appointed to begin Sunday worship service in a classroom at the local secondary school with new local believers who are able to stand and join in this way. The majority of us long term outside believers will remain at our neighboring church so the new body can develop naturally it’s own indigenous identify as the body of Christ while receiving love & encouragement from us in the larger body of Christ. Pray for the Lord to build his church, his kingdom on the Swahili coast!
Needing mercy
Several of the elderly people on Nosy Mitsio have reached an age where they are sickly and a few have died. Pray that they will truly listen to the Gospel message being shared with them. May the Lord show them His mercy.
Diaspora in Minnesota
Pray that our Somali friends would have questions, that they would question Islam and become curious about Christianity.
Pray for our son, H, who’s building strong friendships with several Somali boys at school. H has brought them home for meals. One friend has been asking questions about H’s faith, prayer, and messages in his Christian music. Pray that God will draw him to Himself.
Pray for L&G’s relationship with A’s family, who have suffered severe trials and a tragic death in the family. They have been able to walk with them through the crisis- offering God’s love and Word, support, and practical help.
Listening to the Word
Odilo continues to do listening group seminars throughout the area in which he trains people how to ask questions as they listen to scripture on the solar mega voice players. Please ask the LORD to keep him safe as he travels by motorcycle and ask that hearts will be receptive toward God’s Word as the Sandawe people listen in their heart language.
Under Stress
Please pray for a number of seekers whose family units and also relationships within the family are under attack. Pray for protection for the families and for God’s spirit to bring peace. Please also pray that those seeking Jesus would not be distracted but continue to seek him and give him their whole lives.
Friendship with Demons
We asked a Bara believer why is it that the Bara People are so attached to Troba and Doany [two demons that control every aspect of Bara society]. ‘Because they are Friends!’, he answered me. The Bara have a relation of friendship with those demons [they call them “the ancestors”]. Bara people beg them for blessings, and the demons ask for sacrifices to not harm them. In some rituals, the witchdoctor will sing: “Come friends, come friends, stay with us…” What a deep deep spiritual prison! Could you please pray that the Bara will find out how those demons really have deceived them, and how bad they really are instead of being ‘friends’? Pray also that God may shine his Glory in the midst of them, showing that the One True Friend we have is Jesus Christ.
A young girl’s testimony
One 8 year old girl, Nawuyo, who accepted the Lord as her Savior and was baptized 6 months ago, has been sharing her new joy in Jesus, and the Bible stories which she is receiving weekly. Through her witness others in the village have also chosen to follow Jesus. Last week another 11 people from her village were baptized. Pray for continued multiplication of believers in this community which is very open to the gospel.
Operation Christmas Child boxes
Please lift the group of believers from other African countries who live in the islands. Many of them will be involved this week in distributing Operation Christmas Child packages on 2 islands. Ask that real fruit will come from their interactions with families in this way. Ask for each person involved to have a strong desire to give the Message as they give the shoe box. Pray that island families will be touched by the love of Christians and will want to know more about Christ’s love that fills them.
Responses to the Gospel
Many Toposa are responding to the Gospel, missionaries are seeing the Spirit work and many are coming to Christ, previously hostile villages are now asking for the church to come and share. In Kapoeta, local disciples are taking the Gospel to numerous villages and continuing to follow up with the local leaders every week, pray that many will coming to saving faith.
The Chadian pastor involved in the outreach program in a mixed Neem/Chadian Arab village soon after Christmas, asks for prayer as he returns Saturday 20th April to visit the couple who made a commitment to our Saviour during that outreach. Pray also for the teacher in the village school who has been the only believer spending time with the couple up to now because the pastor’s motorbike has needed repair for the last 4 months. Pray that pastor and his church will consider it a priority to get the bike repaired soon so that he can do visits in surrounding villages as he used to do.
Diaspora in Canada
Please pray for the ESL Easter lessons to clearly communicate Jesus today through Wednesday. Two are being held in a public school settings with a Somali audience and another one is being held in a church, mainly an agnostic Chinese audience.
Pray also for SF meeting with I., his aunt, and the public housing management. Unfortunately I. received an eviction notice this week. Please pray that God will get his attention, and that he will be delivered from his addiction and become the ambassador of Jesus he claims he wants to be.
Lastly please pray for connections with the local mosque. A local church is exploring a connection with them via dialogue and SF is approaching the mosque leadership this week when he goes to visit Friday for the afternoon prayer time. Pray for an open door to share our Good Friday Good News with the leadership there.
Diaspora in Portland
• Please pray for meaningful spiritual conversations with diaspora neighbors and students at P House.
• With Easter this month pray for opportunities to share why this is our most important celebration of the year.
Walking in darkness
The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine. Isaiah 9:2
Many here are walking in darkness. Please pray that the light of the Good News would shine into communities, homes and hearts. Praise God that the darkness cannot overcome his light! (John 1:5)
Answers to Prayer for the Sick
Our team has several friends that have dealt with, or currently are dealing with, sicknesses in their families. As individual teammates have prayed for these dear friends who have yet to know Jesus, let’s be praying that they come to see the power and love of Jesus through these prayers! May they see that Jesus is a God who cares for them personally, hears our prayers to Him, and answers! May God open their eyes to see His gracious answers to prayers in Jesus name so that they may know the power of the name of Jesus and believe that He truly is God.
Diaspora in USA
Praise: The International Student dinner on March 22 went well with a simple presentation of the gospel as we told about St Patrick. Also a good time learning Celtic folk dances! Pray for seeds to continue to germinate.
April 5 – 7 We took several International Students to Yosemite. Please pray for the good spiritual conversations to be remembered. There was lots of time to openly share our faith with these young people.
MP3 Treasure Players
MP3 Treasure players have been loaded with Fulfulde Trauma Healing audio programs along with the God’s story and the NT. Pray that as they are distributed among the Mbororo, the treasures will be received with open hearts and open minds.
Diaspora in Detroit
As we get settled in Detroit, we want to start meeting other families. Pray for open doors and open hearts in meeting families among the diaspora community. Ask Jesus to use us to glorify His name. Also pray I can find a job working along side our cousins (Muslims). Pray the Lord will go before us and prepare many hearts to hear the gospel.
Now They are Open
From a Rangi evangelist: “Pray for ministry in the town of Busi- people are now open to receive the gospel. I need a team so we can expand the work of evangelism. Thank you and God bless you.” Pray for God to send workers to this harvest field.
Diaspora in Portland
This Sunday evening, RH will story the thief on the cross for the international prayer gathering in Salem. Pray for the Lord to strongly work through him and speak to all who are gathered.
Pray for wisdom how to observe Resurrection Day with our Ms friends. Ask Jesus to draw many to meet together and hear the glorious story!
Translation progress
Pray for J, a man from the Suri (Kacipo) tribe. He and his Bible translation team in Ethiopia are hoping to complete the book of Matthew this month. In February the team went for outreach and to test their draft of the book of Mark. Praise God for His Word going forth in every tongue! Pray for this translation to make good progress and to be well received by the Suri (Kacipo).
Covenant with the enemy
When girls are about 12 or 13, a ritual is often completed over them to ensure protection until marriage. Often a demonic spirit is invited. Please ask for these covenants with the enemy to be broken and for these women to be set free. Many had very little understanding of what was going on at the time. Please ask that this ritual will be abandoned, that those in authority will be convicted of sin and will trust in Jesus.
Diaspora in UK
LS is involved in a weekly home work club for children from migrant families, which meets every Thursday. Pray for openness in these families today to hear the gospel message. There is an urgent need for at least one more person in the local area to join the team to make it viable in the long term.
We would appreciate prayers for the presentations on Easter in the next 2 weeks at all 4 international groups among whom we serve here in Cardiff.
Diaspora in France
Pray for a vacation kid’s club today at the center where I’ve been involved with homework club. Pray for many children (islanders, other M country children) to come with hearts ready to hear truth.
Healing Prayers
A Mbororo father from the Namangana/Narparka (DRC) area brought his dying son Zacharia to the hospital in Doruma a few weeks back. The indigenous mission team in Doruma visited and prayed with the father and over the son and he was healed! Both father and son recognized that it was the team’s prayers that brought the healing and gave testimony to the fact that Jesus healed him. As a result Mukanirwa was able to sit with them and give a Treasure in Fulfulde to the father to take back to the bush to share with their family/clan. Pray for an open door of opportunity among the Mbororo as a result.
May the wind of Grace blow!
Please pray for an awakening and revival among the Christians that live around Bara lands. Pray that God would blow the wind of grace and the Holy Spirit would change hearts, minds and behaviors. (We have a widespread and dangerous nominalism among those who go to the church, and this is a barrier to Bara coming to Christ as well.)
Bringing glory to God
One of the Laarim believers, Logwe, has been blind since an infection attacked his eyes when he was a child. Recently a Christian doctor offered him hope that perhaps his vision could be restored to give him “navigational vision” by laser surgery. However, upon arrival the ophthalmologist’s further studies revealed that there was nothing available to restore sight. Although disappointed, Logwe still steadfastly clings to his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has already witnessed to many in his village, composed multiple songs in the local traditional style, organized believers to meet regularly, and recently assisted in baptizing a group of new believers. Pray that his limitation of physical blindness will actually be redeemed by Jesus to enhance his spiritual vision and bring glory to God.
Seminar training in DBS
Please pray for Odilo as he leads a Bible Listening Group Seminar to train people in DBS using the audio players with Kisandawe Scriptures. He’s leading a seminar in Farkwa tomorrow and another in Takwa on Friday.