Praise God for the Passo Fundo team of 10 from 8 churches. Pray for God ordained conversations with the Diaspora in Brazil. Pray for open and receptive hearts to hear the Gospel message and to break down barriers that keep Diaspora people from choosing the Truth.
Broken People
A Muslim S. Asian family is broken and unhappy, living lives of discouraged trouble. Recently the mother received a Gospel of John and some reading glasses. Please pray that as she reads the gospel, she will find the Lord Jesus inviting her to come to Him in faith, and that the whole family will feast on the bread of life.
Movement growing!
Just in the last few months there has been some incredible growth! There are 3 new discipleship groups that have been started in 3 new villages! There are a total of at least 40 new believers in all 3 groups combined! Other exciting news is that the original 7 groups that were started last year have been growing as well. There are growing numbers of believers in all groups and there are 8 new leaders being trained! Pray for these new believers and leaders to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and to abide in Jesus daily.
Pray for Sophie, who came to faith during Ramadan 2 years ago. Pray for her as she continues to grow in her faith and seek the will of Jesus. Pray that she may stand strong in His Word and that she will not feel all alone as she is the only believer in her village. Pray for many more to be saved!
Jie is one of the most unreached people that share similar culture and language dialect with Toposa. We had a survey trip in April for Jie Lopeat and we found one of the greatest needs is water.
John, one of the Kenyan missionaries working among the Toposa, got information that Jie of Lopeat have sought refuge among the Toposa of Mogos, 35km away, in order to get water. The dam that was helping them has since dried up.
Pray for them and that peace will prevail between them and Toposa. Historically they used to fight and steal cattle but peace was made some time last year. However, they still they get their animals stolen.
Bara Jesus Film
We showed the Jesus film and the number of non-Christians who watched was great. I think that more than 200 came to watch the film in Bara language. Our prayer request is that God envisions His church here in Bara areas and makes the Christians bold to share about Christ, especially with those who watched the film.
Diaspora in Portland
Please pray for the upcoming trips to J and M’s farm this summer. We have lots of Muslim friends who are excited to come. Please pray for a good team of volunteers to help out and build intentional relationships with those who come.
Fighting again
There has been fighting again between the Arabs (who started it this time) and the Neem. Houses and grazing land were burned and 23 died. The government finally has things under control but there is no doubt that ill will remains. Arabs here think surely the Neem started it as they hear little reliable news. Pray that the truth will come out and more importantly pray that this violence will bring people to think about the One Way to God.
Diaspora in USA
Praise for the many opportunities M and I have had recently to share the gospel with several International Students. Pray the seeds will grow and produce much fruit. Several of our students will be graduating in May and returning to their home countries.
More than a prophet!
Please pray that the Nyamwezi who are drawn to Jesus will come closer and trust Him fully. They need to see Jesus more than a historical prophet, pray they will know Jesus is God Incarnate, God in the flesh! “I and my Father, We are One.” (John 10:30)
Effective outreach
Pray for the Nyang’atom community. There are 3 churches in this UPG! These churches are going on well and each church strives to fulfill the great commission. Nyangatoms are so receptive and they are the right community to impact the Toposa and Jie since they share similar language and culture. Pray for effective outreach among their own people and among the Toposa and Jie.
Pray for Joseph, a Nyang’atom believer, who we’ve assigned to help the church in Lotimor and to make more disciples in targeting to reach the Toposa. Pray for him for God’s guidance, support provisions, and the churches to grow and reach out to their neighborhoods the Toposa.
Diaspora in Detroit
Please pray for opportunities during Ramadan to share about the Kingdom of God.
Pray for the preparation and recruitment for teams for the summer and beyond.
On June 1, we will train our teams to better equip them to share the Gospel. Pray for proper preparation and good response from teams.
Praise God for a new believer who got really excited when he studied about why Christians fast: I’ve never heard this before! Pray for him and other seekers and believers who are under pressure to fast for Ramadan. May they draw close to Jesus and know their salvation is only in Him.
In Order to Go Forward in Mangasta
The village leaders are very welcoming, but one village elder who used to own the land that was given to the church has said he wants 2 acres back. Pray for wisdom for the church to graciously resolve this issue. The village leaders want there to be peace and resolution between the church and this particular person before an outreach is done. Pray that the way we handle this will be used by the Lord to show His love and compassion. Pray also for Pastor Musa. Because Pastor Musa worked many years in a town near to Mangasta, he would love to be part of the church-planting outreach because many people from that area know him. Pray for all the outreach team’s schedules to come together well.
Grow strong
Mike, One of the very few strong O believers has a wife who still is very young and unsteady in her faith. In the past she’s been easily pulled away by persecution and extended family pressure. Pray that she’ll stand firm and even grow in her faith, relationship and knowledge of Jesus through the extra pressure of Ramadan! Pray that her and Mike’s relationship will grow healthy and strong too.
Preaching Discipleship to Jesus
Pray that an evangelist and other Rangi believers would be encouraged, equipped, and emboldened during the visit of a missionary today and tomorrow (May 25-26). He’ll be preaching about certain aspects of discipleship from Matthew 10. Pray that the Lord will mightily use the ministry of the Word in the lives of these believers from Muslim backgrounds.
Diaspora in Portland
Please pray for an Egyptian girl we have been working with named M. Her mom came to Christ but they had been separated ever since M was 4 years old due to an abusive father. She has also been baptized but doesn’t seem to really know Christ yet and is dealing with a lot of psychological effects from past trauma. She is currently homeless and we are looking for a Christian family who is willing to take her in and provide daily structure, accountability, discipleship and life mentoring through her issues.
Receive Guidance
A S.Asian woman was deeply impressed by a Christian movie she saw, although she argued against the gospel when her friends shared it with her. Pray that during Ramadan she will receive the guidance that she boasts she asks for every time she prays to Allah…and that the guidance will lead her to faith in Jesus the Son of God.
Persecution continues for Neem believers
A was recently asked to keep away from the grave when his stepmother was being buried because he is not a Muslim. His pain as he told us this was very evident. A.J. tries to help young men who have been on the streets and who often are on drugs or taking alcohol excessively. He faces accusations that he is bringing thieves and troublemakers into the area. Sadly some accusations come from a man who has claimed to be a believer but who lives in both camps to avoid persecution in a way that is offensive to those who are persecuted. Pray that Satan will not have his way in continuing this strife. Pray for wisdom for A.J. as he deals with people struggling with addiction who can be very devious. Pray that in hearing the Good News, they will find new life.
Strongholds be broken!
Please ask for deliverance from the evil one. Several families are suffering because of a family member tormented by evil spirits. Most do not deny their presence. Some do. Ask for repentance from sin that gives permission to the evil one to build strongholds. May covenants and curses that bind them be broken by the Name and blood of Jesus. Ask for conviction for those in authority who have so grieviously hurt the ‘least of these.’ Pray for forgiveness and healing and freedom for the wounded. So so much darkness and sorrow. May they see Jesus with open arms ready to receive them, their names on His scarred hands.
Pray that the newly translated Word of God would spread from islander to islander. Pray the Truth would penetrate deeply, bringing conviction that cannot be ignored. Pray for those who listen to the Word this month would find it sweet as honey and long for more!
Diaspora in Florida
We have visits to mosques planned with several groups during Ramadan. Pray for good connections and witness.
Pray for FM, an elderly Muslim man, that we had a significant conversation with about who Jesus is.
Captivated by the Scriptures
Recently we have had 3 Discovery Bible Study groups start and gain traction in our town. Last night we invited another couple who we have known to be people of peace for years and they said yes to reading with us next weekend! They are an influential couple in town who are known for their gift of teaching and their kind hearts. Please pray that this fourth study would truly start in this coming week and that this couple’s hearts would be captivated by the Scriptures.
Missionaries arriving!
Pray for our missionary team who are going to live among the Toposa for a long term mission work together with their families. Their names are Julius and Pasquina Magu, Mark and Lonah Keter, Isaiah and Nida Bwala, and Mary Nachii. Most of them are relocating this week to various places among the Toposa. And they will be reaching the Jie, and other unreached communities. Pray for all missionaries and people involved in reaching out with discipleship among the Toposa.
Eating or fasting in faith
Ask for courage as new believers go through their first Ramadan. Many are afraid to tell their families of their faith. Some willfully choose not to fast Ramadan because it is such a huge part of the Muslim identity… yet they want to ‘appear to be fasting’ because they are afraid. Pray for hearts of truth that know when and how to speak with others. (Four previously secret believers found each other thru not fasting Ramadan!) Ask that any eating will be from true faith (not indulgence while feeling guilty). Ask that any fasting will be from true faith (not hypocritical identification with Islam).
Survey Trip
Pray for a trip to some Dorobo villages near Narosura, a town at the base of the Loita Hills. Dorobo pastor Musanga Omerae heard from a friend about these villages and contacted me about doing a survey trip. We are driving out there today, Monday the 20th and should come back Tuesday evening. Pray for safety on the road and for good contacts with the Dorobo in these villages. Pray for open hearts and for a man or woman of peace to accept us and to be a doorway into these villages.
Women’s conference
Please pray for a women’s conference for S. believers meeting this week. Pray for protection, for the Lord’s anointing of the speakers, for encouragement and fellowship for the women.
Ramadan seeking
Pray for the Antakarana as they seek God during the month of Ramadan. May Jesus reveal Himself and His truth.
Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
Pray for the various Christians who have learned to share the gospel with Somali people using a method called “Any 3.” Pray that as they share the story of the first and last sacrifices, the Holy Spirit will call many Somalis to Jesus Christ.
Evangelistic Outreach At A Business
Please pray for evangelistic outreach among the Zaramo through a coffee shop and photography. Pray specifically for the salvation of two men: Mzee Mbondo, and Katundu. Pray that their hearts will be prepared and that they will receive Christ as their Savior.
100 audio players
Praise God for 100 audio players loaded with our Bible story set in the M language. These players can be a great resource for those that can’t read and for groups to listen to God’s Word together. Pray for the distribution of these player and teaching people how to use them for Bible study. Pray for many to believe God’s word and be saved!
Lord, Open The Town Of Mangasta
Thank you for praying for the disciple-making training seminar among Sandawe Christians! I’ve been in touch with Pastor Musa and Seseja, and they said the seminar itself finished really well. We still haven’t gotten permission yet from Mangasta village leadership to do an evangelistic outreach in this key, strategic town. Pray that we’d be able to build good relationships with the Mangasta leadership. Pray that a land issue would be resolved amiably. Keep praying for the Lord’s timing, and for Him to remove barriers for the outreach so that we can take the good news of God’s love and salvation in Christ to the people of Mangasta.
Time of testing
This is a particularly testing month for local believers as they come under extra scrutiny and pressure to conform. The vast majority are isolated from one another and walk a lonely path. Pray today for their encouragement; pray that the additional pressure would only serve to press them ever closer to Jesus. Pray that they would remember the hope that they have; ask for wisdom and boldness in sharing this hope.
Needing unity
The Amazigh are struggling to retain their identity and language and are often more open to the gospel because of their history. As new Amazigh believers gather, there are those who want to only speak Tamazight… and others who grew up in a time it was forbidden to learn it… and know only Arabic and some basics. Pray that above any cultural identity will be their identity as those who love and follow Jesus. Pray for growing love and deeper community that extends grace and understanding. Ask that Tamazight not be an issue of division.
Final decision
We have shared about C before- he appreciates our prayers and he has experienced our prayers work! He wants us to keep praying for him. He has read the Bible verses that we send to him, he still remembers them.
Three days ago, we had an opportunity to share the gospel with him again.
This time he was more open to us and we told him that only Jesus is the way to God. We invited him to pray to Jesus and accept Him to be his saviour. He knew that Jesus is saviour although he hasn’t made the final decision!!
Please continue to pray for him especially this Ramadan, pray that Jesus speaks to him directly and he can make the final decision!
New Life!
Praise God that M and his wife and 3 kids have made a decision to receive God’s gift and follow Jesus! Pray for wise and intentional discipleship and enveloping them into the loving, though small, community of the body of Christ in their village. Pray for God’s protection – M’s father had threatened then relented from the decision to burn his son’s house.
May friendships grow
The Karana (Gujarati) are known as being astute business people. Not all Karana are mega-rich, though. Many of them are smaller business owners just making a living. The Karana started coming to Madagascar in the 17th Century, so have deep roots here and a tight community. Pray for friendships to develop among Christian colleagues. Pray for Malagasy believers to reach out and continue to build relationships with the Karana in their communities.
Kids listening too.
The intern kids arrive for afternoon Bible story & play time at our home each weekday. Slowly more neighborhood kids (of our new or secret believers) have begun to join the intern kids in listening to the Chronological Gospel story from creation to Christ. Please pray the Lord would keep sending them to hear the beautiful story of the Gospel and that they would have a firm foundation established in the truth for all their lives unto salvation. Pray for us as we prepare for the upcoming seminar on Chronological Bible Storying for the intern families as well.
Poor harvest
Please pray for the Sandawe people as most are anticipating a poor harvest this year. The rains were sporadic and not enough to produce well. Ask that provision will be made for their physical needs and that this will be an opportunity for them to see God at work, the One True God who is LORD over all things.
Hungry for Forgiveness
A S. Asian Hindu man seemed hungry for forgiveness of sins. He was told, “There is a Savior, who loves you very much. Seek Him! His name is Jesus.” Please pray that he will seek the Savior and come to faith in Him.